Sr. Java Developer Resume
Milpitas, CA
- Around 7+ years of IT experience in analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of Java/J2EE web applications
- Experience in reviewing Design documents, Requirement Specifications, Preparing Technical document.
- Experience in using Struts, Spring & Hibernate framework for various web - based application developments.
- Developed Web applications using Java, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, Java Script, Ajax, JQuery, Angular JS, XML and HTML.
- Proficient in RDBMS using Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL database.
- Proficient in XML technologies like XSL/XSLT, SAX, DOM, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, Schema, SOA, JAXB, JAXP.
- Good hands on experience in developing web applications such as MVC Architecture using Struts & Spring MVC.
- Experienced in writing EJB stateless, Stateful and Message Driven Beans
- Good experience in Unit Testing using Junit and Mockito.
- Good Experience in using Version control system software like CVS, SVN.
- Experienced in configuring of build files wif ANT, Maven.
- Good Experience in Using Logging frameworks like Log4J and Apache Commons Logging.
- Developed front end components using DOJO involving data binding, working wif custom CSS components.
- Hands On Experience in Using UML tool like Rational Rose
- Involved in Data Integration using Java Web Services (JAX-WS, JAX-RS).
- Developed and Consumed SOAP Based and Restful Web services.
- Hands on experience in VPN, Putty, win SCP, VNC viewer, etc.
- Extensively used various internet technologies like JavaScript, HTML, DHTML and XML.
- Having good noledge in J2EE Design patterns
- Hands-on experience wif UNIX and Linux environments.
- Used Apache MQ wif MDB for asynchronous calls.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Experience in Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Agile Scrum methodologies
- Experience in understanding & documenting Business process &CMMI Level 5 process
- Very well experience in the design and development of data architectures.
- Experience in writing shell scripts.
- Experience wif BEA Web logic, IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat & JBoss Application server.
- Worked in different methodologies such as Waterfall and Agile.
- A quick learner and a team player wif excellent communication, good management skills for analyzing user requirements and ensuring excellent functionality and maximum contribution to attain the team goal.
Enterprise Java and Java Standard Edition: JSP, Servlets, JMS, Logging API, Ajax, JDBC, Swing, JDBC, JNDI, JSON, JSTL, RMI, JMS, EJB, JSF, JQuery, Internationalization & Localization.
Tools: & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, JUnit, Ant, Maven
Languages: C, Java, J2EE, Java Script, SQLJ, Python, PL/SQL, Unix shell scripts
Operating Systems: UNIX and Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Web/Application servers: Apache Tomcat, Web Logic, JBoss, ANT
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Mongo DB
Tools: and IDE: Eclipse, My Eclipse, RAD, NetBeans, Toad
Version control: SVN, CVS, GitHub, SourceTree
Network Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DNS, SMTP
Confidential, Milpitas, CA
Sr. Java developer
- Understanding the business requirements and preparing the design document by analyzing the feasibility of the requirements.
- Involve in creation of web services, WSDL and web methods wif Annotation in hibernate.
- Used the spring container for data source and to load the Hibernate specific classes.
- Produce and Consumed Restful webservices using spring framework.
- TEMPEffectively developed Action classes, Action forms, JSP, JSF and other configuration files likeweb.xml.
- Integrated spring framework wif Hibernate that is used for Database operations.
- Implemented Spring Security for the Rest services.
- Developed end to end application using Spring Boot framework.
- Involved in loading and storing objects using Hibernate.
- Used Apache Tomcat as application server to build the web applications.
- Created RESTful Web Services for external clients and resellers by reusing existing components.
- Developed ANT scripts for deploying the application using Apache ANT.
- Using Spring DAO to connect to the database.
- Create web services on legacy SQLJ code to increase performance of the web application.
- Used CRON job to schedule daily tasks to call API for populating DB.
- Used Bamboo for continuous Integration and continuous deployment of project.
- Form classes of Spring Framework to write the routing logic and to call different services.
- Used SOAPUI for the functional testing and inspection and invocation of spring based webservices.
- Worked on batch process development using Akka wif Camel.
- Designed and implemented logging framework using Logback.
- Debugged, reported, tracked and verified bugs in JIRA.
- Worked on implemented bots in HipChat.
- Used Junit for unit testing & Bamboo for automated build and deploy process.
- Used Maven for application build.
- Develop build scripts using ANT for the build and deployment.
- Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures, modifications to existing database structure as required for addition of new features using Oracle database.
Environment: - Java 1.7, SQLJ, Oracle 12c, Spring frameworks, micro services, Restful web Services, Agile Methodology, JSP, Apache ANT, Maven, Apache Tomcat Server, HTML, Angular JS, Java Script, JIRA, Bitbucket, Sourcetree, Bamboo, Docker.
Confidential, San Ramon, CA
Sr. Java developer
- Understanding the business requirements and preparing the design document.
- Prepared business process models used MS Visio to create use case diagrams.
- Drew sequence diagrams and Class diagrams using Star UML.
- Created new tables, Sequences and written SQL queries and PL/SQL in Oracle.
- Developed service layer by using Spring MVC.
- Developed User interface using Angular JS, JSF, JSP, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, Ajax and JQuery and JSON.
- Developed and executed software systems utilizing JavaScript and Groovy.
- Used JSF framework in developing user interfaces using JSF UI components, validator, Events and listeners.
- Developing in java web application using JSF and RICHFACES.
- Produced and Consumed Restful web services using Apache CXF and spring.
- Developed DAO objects and Hibernate mappings.
- Attending the daily Standup Meetings
- Write the Unit test cases by using Junit framework and Mockito framework.
- Involved in Bug Fixing
- Involved in unit testing and Integration testing
- Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XML parsers for data retrieval.
- Tasks primarily involved Swing, JDBC wif Oracle and UNIX scripting.
- Worked closely wif team and make sure that team followed the Java coding guidelines and reviewed the code.
- Utilized Agile Methodologies to manage full life-cycle development of the project.
- Implemented MVC design pattern using Spring Framework.
- Configured and managed AWS Glacier, to move old data to archives based on the retention policy of databases / applications (AWS Glacier Vaults).
- Worked on setting up and configuring AWS EMR Clusters and Used Amazon IAM to grant permissions on AWS resources to users.
Environment: - JavaJDK1.8, Oracle 11g, Eclipse Luna, JBoss 5.0.1, Spring MVC, Junit, JMockit, Web services, Agile Methodology, JSP, EJB, WebLogic 8.0, HTML, Angular JS, Java Script, Groovy, log4j, Star UML, SVN and Maven, AWS services like EC2, S3, Glacier, EMR, RDS
Confidential, Pittsburg, PA
Sr. Java Developer
- Understanding the business requirements and preparing the design document.
- Participated in all the phases of the system including designing, coding, testing, building, deployment and supporting the production environment.
- Drew sequence diagrams and Class diagrams using Microsoft Visio and Star UML.
- Created new tables, Sequences and written SQL queries and PL/SQL in Oracle and MySQL.
- Introduced new user/actor called Dealer in the application and developed using struts2 and spring framework.
- Developed User interface using JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax and JQuery.
- Consumed RESTful Web services provided by different vendors to submit the TRAFFIC STOP data.
- Developed DAO’s for retrieving the data from the database.
- Developed event and event handlers and object initializing using spring IOC framework
- Developed MVC framework by writing action classes and light-weight business logic classes using Spring framework.
- Used Spring MVC wif SpringRestfulTemplate to Produce and consumeRestfulWeb Services.
- Developed database access mechanism by using by Hibernate ORM framework.
- Configured WebLogic JMS Servers, JDBC Data Sources, JDBC Connection Pools, and Bridge to provide interoperability between WebLogic JMS and IBM MQ Series.
- Developed asynchronous data retrieval using AJAX.
- Used Tomcat as web server to store the static contents and JBoss as application server.
Environment: -JavaJDK1.7, MySQL, Oracle, Eclipse, JBoss 5.0.1 Spring3.0, Windows, JUnit, Web services, Hibernate, Agile Methodology, Perforce, Star UML Microsoft vision, MQ series, Servlet, AltovaXMLSpy, Apache Tomcat Webserver, Maven.
Confidential, Dallas, TX
Java/J2EE Developer
- Responsible for understanding requirement, analyzing the impact and developing components and integrating and testing following process of reverse engineering.
- Responsible for implementing MVC2 architecture using Struts
- Involved in Exception handling and showing proper message to user, using struts Action Errors.
- Involved in creating Ajax request for searching, creating search criteria, parsing Ajax response.
- Created UI components using JQuery which encapsulates interface logic & utility classes which intern communicate wif model.
- Showing the data in tabular format using EXT JS wif functionality of showing records in option list, date format.+
- Involved in UI level coding using JSP, JavaScript, JQuery and JSTL.
- Responsible in designing UI using HTML, CSS wif reference to .Net application.
- Responsible for implementing the functionality involving designing, writing action class, VO, DAO’s.
- Delivered iterations every two week cycle followed extensively Agile Scrum Methodology.
- Used JSP for presentation layer, developed high performance object/relational persistence and query service forentire applicationutilizingHibernate.
- Developed the application using Java Beans, Servlets.
- Used WebSphere Application Server and RAD to develop and deploy the application.
- Worked wif various Style Sheets like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
- Designed database and created tables, written the complex SQL Queries and stored procedures as per the requirements.
- Developed ANT scripts for deploying the application using Apache ANT.
Environment: - JAVA 1.6, JSP, EJB (J2EE Platform), Servlets, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Ext JS, JQuery, Struts 2.0, Web Services, UNIX and Shell Scripting, Oracle 11g, XML, SQL Server, Eclipse, Apache ANT, Apache Tomcat Webserver, Oracle reports.
Confidential, Charlotte, NC
Java/J2EE Application Developer
- Involved in Java, J2EE, struts, web services and Hibernate in a fast paced development environment.
- Followed agile methodology, interacted directly wif the client provide/take feedback on the features, suggest/implement optimal solutions, and tailor application to customer needs.
- Rich experiences of database design and hands on experience of large database systems: Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i.
- Deployed production site using Apache 2.0 wif mod python.
- Upgraded Python 2.3 to Python 2.5 on a RHEL 4 server, dis required recompiling mod python to use Python 2.5. dis upgrade was necessary because inclined models wif UTF-8 characters were causing unexpected errors.
- Involved in design and implementation of web tier using Servlets and JSP.
- Used Apache POI for Excel files reading.
- Written build scripts wif Ant for deploying war and ear applications.
- Developed the user interface using JSP and Java Script to view all online trading transactions.
- Designed and developed Data Access Objects (DAO) to access the database.
- Used DAO Factory and value object design patterns to organize and integrate the JAVA Objects
- Coded Java Server Pages for the Dynamic front end content that use Servlets and EJBs.
- Coded HTML pages using CSS for static content generation wif JavaScript for validations.
- Used JDBC API to connect to the database and carry out database operations.
- Used JSP and JSTL Tag Libraries for developing User Interface components.
- Performed unit testing, system testing and integration testing.
- Involved in building and deployment of application in Linux environment.
- Deploying application in Development and Production servers.
Environment: - Java, J2EE, JDBC, Struts, Oracle, Hibernate, Eclipse, Python, Apache POI, CSS, HTML, JSP, JavaScript, Linux, Apache Tomcat Webserver.
Confidential, Herndon, VA
Java Developer
- Implemented the Spring Acegi Security for authenticating the customers.
- Used security framework wif ACL in declarative manner.
- Implemented the web tier using Spring MVC and all components their in Simple Form Controller, Parametrizable View Controller, and so on.
- AJAX was used to perform simple XML, Http Request callbacks for retrieving data dynamically into the client pages.
- Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XML parsers for data retrieval.
- Used pre interceptor and post interceptor for writing aspects to manage business and state rules to isolate the logic in a central place to reduce code duplication.
- Designed the data model from scratch capturing best practices for ORM as it applied to the problem at hand.
- Interfaced wif the data architect and provided direction to the approach and the solution.
- Persistence mechanism implemented using Hibernate utilizing Table per subclass inheritance based mapping, component mapping and other association mapping.
- Oracle used as the relational backend.
- Designed and developed several SQL Scripts, Stored Procedures and Triggers for Oracle10gDatabase.
- Involved in Tuning of WebSphere Application Server for performance improvements.
- Designed user interface layout using CSS, HTML, and JSP
- Tested Service and data access tier using JUnit in TDD methodology
- Organized Spring Beans and Java packages to separate business services, persistence, and presentation layers, and to ease maintenance and promote database flexibility
- Involved in developing UML Diagrams like Use Case, Class, Sequence diagrams.
Environment: - Java, J2EE, Spring 2.5, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, XML, Spring MVC, WSDL, SOAP, Web Service, AJAX, PL/SQL, Eclipse 3.x, Oracle10g, WebLogic Application Server 9.0.