Sr. Java Developer Resume
Dallas, TX
- Around 8+ years of progressive experience working as Java/J2EE Developer in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of Enterprise Applications in the Client/Server environment using Java/J2EE, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Maven, REST/SOAP Web services
- Good exposure to all phases of SDLC process, including system use case, functional & technical specification documentation based on business requirements.
- Extensive experience in designing professional UI web applications using front - end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Require.js, Node.js, Ext.js and Flash.
- Experience with various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Command, Factory, Observer, Front Controller, DTO, DAO, MVC, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, transfer Object and view Object in the development of enterprise applications.
- Experience in configuring and deploying Web Applications using Web Logic, JBoss, and Apache Tomcat.
- Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, JSP, Servlets, Applets, JavaBeans, JSTL.
- Extensive experience in Java/Java EE technologies using Core Java-Collections, Exception Handling, Swing, Serialization & Multi-threading.
- Excellent technical knowledge in back-end RDBMS tools like Oracle 9i/10G and MySQL.
- Experience in developing SQL, Stored Procedures, functions, triggers using Oracle and comfortable working with databases like SQL Server, DB2, No-SQL and MySQL.
- Experienced in handling Linux Operating systems, Writing Shell scripts, Initializing and executing Shell scripts.
- Experience in implementing the MVC architecture in backend applications using Node.js along with Express.JS that interacts with MongoDB and performed CRUD operation on MongoDB.
- Strong experience in implementing MVC framework like Struts 2.0, Spring 2.x and ORM tools like Hibernate in J2EE architecture.
- Strong in design and development of SOAP & Restful Web Services using WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS, CXF, AXIS, JAX-RS, JERSEY, and WS-Security.
- Strong experience in database design using SQL, PL/SQL-Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Sequences, Packages, and Views.
- Configured and maintained multiple web/application servers like Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic.
- Proficient in persistence frameworks Hibernate, JPA, to map POJOs to a relational database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
- Proficient in Java/J2EE Design Patterns including singleton, command, object pool, session facade, Model View Controller (MVC), Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object (DTO) and Business Delegate in the development of Multi-Tier Distributed Applications
- Experienced in use of build tools like Apache Ant, Maven, camel, Gradle, Jenkins and logging tools like log4J, project tracking tools by JIRA and QC.
- Experience in Version Control tools like CVS, Clear Case, SVN, GIT for Source Code version management and merging Source code after intermittent Project releases.
- Experience in working with the Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase, Cassandra to manage extremely large data sets.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills, Analytical, Problem Solving skills, strict attention to detail and ability to work independently within a team environment.
Languages: Java, J2SE, C++, C,C#, Python,JCL, CICS, Groovy, J2EE (JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JNDI)and PL/SQLTechnologies: JNDI, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Advanced JavaScript, JPA, JMS, Web Services Data structures,IBM FileNet Capture Professional 5.2.1, IBM FileNet Capture ADR
Internet: XML/XSL, AWS, HTML5, Angular JS, JavaScript
Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, DB2, Mongo DB, MS SQL, Dynamo DB, MySQL, MS Access
J2EE API: Jdk1.5/1.6,1.7/1.8, JSP 2.2, JSTL, Servlets 3.0, Java Beans, Jdbc 4.2, Struts 2.3, Hibernate 5.0.2, Rich Faces, Spring 4.2.1/4.3, JSF 2.2, Web Services (Soap, Wsdl, Axis), Xml1.0, Xhtml, Xml Schema, JSON Xsd, XSLT, Xpath, XQuery, JAXB, SAX, DOM & Tiles.
Web servers: Apache /Tomcat Web Server, JBOSS server, IBM WebSphere 8.5/9.0, Web logic,Java Web server, Jetty, Microsoft IIS, Rational Rose
Web Development: HTML5, DHTML, JQUERY CSS3, AJAX and Tiles.
IDE/Tools: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ and RAD
BPM: Lombardi Teamworks 6.0/6.2.2,7.0 WLE 7.2, IBM BPM V7.5
Source Code Controllers: CVS, SVN, PVCS, GIT, Clear Case and MS Source Safe.
Operating System: Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista/7/10, UNIX, Sun Solaris, Linux
Protocols: HTTP, Networking - LAN/WAN, SOAP, TCP/IP
Cloud Computing: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Route53, Amazon RDS.
Confidential, Dallas TX
Sr. Java Developer
- Involved in System Analysis, Design cases with Object Oriented Design Development and used OOAD methodology to capture model business requirements.
- Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery AJAX, Bootstrap and JSON
- Used CSS preprocessors like LESS and SASS. Thorough understanding of application development life cycle methodologies.
- Worked closely with back end team to implement AJAX call to REST APIs and update dynamic functionality of HTML in jQuery.
- Developed mobile cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing Angular JS, JavaScript API. Developing templates in AngularJS for multiple screens.
- Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2 and NodeJS.
- Designed and developed intranet web applications using JSP, JavaScript and CSS.
- Developed and implemented web applications into Sitecore systems using SCRUM Agile methods.
- Implemented the data archive to store the real-time transaction data into MongoDB.
- Implemented Spring MVC Architecture, enabling multiple developers to work on separate modules simultaneously, reducing effort time for the project.
- Extensively worked on JSP/Struts MVC integrated with jQuery Data grids, Data Tables, Data Readers and Datasets for data retrieval and manipulation
- Used JSP, Servlets, and HTML to create web interfaces. Developed Java Beans and used custom tag libraries for embedding dynamic into JSP pages.
- Implemented the search functionality for Internal Application using AngularJS.
- Managed GIT repository to commit the changes in the code.
- Enforced SQL injection techniques to avoid unauthorized breaks to the data access.
- Wrote data Components for Plan Setup using Java, SQL, JDBC, Javadoc and participated in design frameworks of data base and created tables in ORACLE.
- Developed web application using Sencha Ext-JS framework using JavaScript, JSON and DOM scripting, deployment of Web Components in JBoss Application Server.
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 3.3, Hibernate,, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon EC2, Aqua Studio, Autosys, Maven, Gradle, Dynamo DB, SVN, CVS, JIRA, Team City, IntelliJ 15, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, Unix
Confidential, Irvine, CA
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Responsible for designing and developing Web based Enterprise applications using Java/J2EE frameworks such as Spring & Servlets.
- Worked extensively in front end technologies like Angular JS1.x and Angular2, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX for developing Web based applications.
- Participated in Agile Development Team, and having daily SCRUM meeting for progress reporting as well -as task distributing.
- Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate annotations and Transaction Management.
- Configured applications using Spring Boot and used Spring Security for authentication and authorization purposes.
- Implemented RESTful Web services in Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from AngularJS and parsed the data to client and handled the security and authorization using Spring Security and OAuth2authentication protocol respectively.
- Worked on Web Services using Java API for XML Services (JAX-WS) and supporting, building, deploying Web APIs Services.
- Developed the Spring bean components through bean factory offering instances for delegates, Hibernate DAOs, and Business Objects.
- Involved in Core Java coding by using Java APIs such as Collections, swing, Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration, and Java I/O to fulfill the implementation of business logic.
- Used Hibernate to store the persistence data into Oracle database and written HQL to access the data from the database and wrote some complex SQL queries.
- Designed and implemented application using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Spring JDBC.
- Used DAO (Data Access Object) layer to isolate the persistent data from rest of the application.
- Installed and configured JBoss EAP 6.4 and Apache HTTP Server in the local environment to perform end-to-end testing of the application.
- Worked with java EJB on server side to encapsulate the business logic of the application.
- Also performed the data migration from RDBMS to NoSQL database MongoDB.
- Developed various Database interaction objects by implementing the DAO patterns and used JDBC 4.2 as Model Component.
- Used MAVEN for build framework and Jenkins for continuous build system. Used GIT for repository the Project. Used HP Quality center for Bug tracking in the Project.
Environment: Java (JDK1.7&1.8), Spring, Hibernate, RESTful & Soap Based Web Services, Eclipse, Oracle 11g, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, JavaScript, Maven, SVN, Tomcat 7.0, SOAP,SVN, Scrum Methodology, Unix, XML, WSDL, Putty
Full Stack Developer
- Responsible for gathering and understanding the system requirements by interacting with clients.
- Generated the Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams extensity for all the entire process flow using RAD
- Good in configuring WebLogic Application Server administration for activities involves creating clusters, database connection configurations and performance monitoring etc.
- Designed and Developed Solutions using Agile Methodology (Breaking into Story Points, Daily Scrum, Kanban Board)
- Implemented Web based pages and site design using HTML, XHTML, CSS, Master Pages, Site Map, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS.
- Configured hibernate session Factory, referred data Source bean to connection with database. Set up bean mapping, SQL queries, stored procedure through hibernate mapping XML file.
- Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Developed Web Services for Payment Transaction and Payment Release. Created WSDL and the SOAP envelope
- Implemented Maven Script to create JAR, WAR, EAR & dependency JARS and deploy the entire project onto the WebSphere Application Server.
- Created shell scripts and updated the scripts as per the requirement.
- Developed the web tier using Spring MVC framework. Used spring for dependency injection and integrated spring with Hibernate ORM framework
- Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue.
- Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
- Involved in J2EE Design Patterns such as Data Transfer Object (DTO), DAO, Value Object, and Template.
- Used JDBC to invoke Stored Procedures and database connectivity to ORACLE 9i
- Developed various REST controllers for different HTTP methods to serve the data in JSON for the UI and created Exception handlers to send Http codes with various Failure responses with Spring REST.
- Experience with RDBMS systems including MySQL and SQL.
- Extracted data into DataStax Cassandra cluster from Oracle (RDBMS) using Java Driver tools. worked with different Spring modules (Spring MVC, Spring Core, AOP, Spring Batching and Messaging, Spring Web)
- Developed application that can be accessible by mobile.
- Used Camel to integrate different applications using required pattern.
- Involved in 24x7 support, Maintenance and enhancement of the application.
Environment: JDK 1.6, Eclipse, ASP.NET, Rational Application Developer 6.x/7.x/8.x, Spring Tool Suite(STS),WebSphere Application server 7.x/8.x, JBPM, Rational Team Concert(RTC), JSP 2.0, Servlets, JDBC, Hibernate 3.3.x, Spring 3.0 XML, XSLT, CSS, DOM, DHTML, Junit 4.4,MongoDB, MKS, Log4j, Oracle10g,SQL, TOAD, UNIX, Ant 1.8,Ajax, JQuery, Dojo.
Full Stack Developer
- Developed the User Interactive web pages in a professional manner with using web technologies like HTML5/HTML, XHTML, and CSS3/CSS as per company's standards.
- Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of and tags as per W3C standards.
- Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation using jQuery and JavaScript.
- Gathered data from API/web services via AJAX-JSON calls and updating the DOM within the result sets
- Implemented AJAX 2.0 methodologies for partial page update for improving the efficiency of the application Created and Consumed Web Services.
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement Gathering, Design frameworks and Analysis and code development.
- Worked extensively on Angular JS in creating Controllers, Making AJAX calls using http and JSON parse. Worked on server cross platform issues. Used JSONP.
- Developed jQuery code using XML Http Request Adapter to send an AJAX request to the server side and implemented a call back function for handling results.
- Developed Spring3 MVC driven modules using annotations and Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) to render web tier presentation layer.
- Automatic generation of Javadoc are creating by using IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans.
- Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE.
- Worked closely with SQA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility
- Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to transfer application that is remote and global to different financial institutions.
- Involved in writing various SQL Queries and PL/SQL stored procedures to satisfy various business requirements of the application.
JAVA/J2EE Developer
- Designed on Object Oriented principles and developed the product using Java/J2EE technologies on SDLC and SCRUM, Agile Methodology, Iterative Development, TDD.
- Developed the application using JSPs, Servlets where any Policy Enquiry is based on user criteria and the results of the SQL query populate a location Bean.
- Provided production support to a loans servicing system using Groovy and PL/SQL.
- Involved partially in Implementation and coding of front end screens using JavaScript, JSP and Custom tags.
- Used Generics from java 1.5 to retrieve collection objects without type casting into respective data types.
- Created Stored Procedures, Cursors, and Triggers in PL/SQL with DB2 in order to update Extended User Information table and Audit Log tables.
- Developed different Controller classes for mapping a particular request.
- Wrote PL/SQL queries and stored procedures for data manipulation with the Oracle database.
- Implemented Log4j for logging and appended to a log file for debugging and wrote some scripts to update code in Clear Case Version Controller tool.
- Used Eclipse IDE with MyEclipse plug-in in order to develop and deploy the application code.
- Updating source code to Clear Case version Controller in Linux environment and merging any updates to existing code.
- Implemented and deployed using DNS infrastructure.
- Implemented Struts validation frame work and Struts tag libraries depending on requirements.
- Used DB2 as database in order to access customers Data based on SSOiD using Hibernate as Data Access Object
- Involved in JUnit Testing, User Acceptance Testing and Bug Fixing.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JUnit Testing, Struts, Ant, Servlets, Groovy, SOA,Webservices, JDBC, HIBERNATE 3, JSP, JSF,HTML, JavaScript, XML, PL/SQL, TOAD, DB2, Web logic, Weblogic WorkShop, DNS, Iterative Development, Clear Case, Unix.