Senior Full Stack Java Developer Resume
- Over 8 plus years of experience in application software development with emphasizes on Object Oriented Concepts, Multi - tier, Client/Server and Web based Systems using Java/J2EE technologies.
- Good experience in entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of software applications.
- Good knowledge of transforming business requirements into comprehensive solutions using various software methodologies such as Agile (Scrum, TDD) and RUP.
- Implemented the Project structure based onSpring MVCpattern usingSpring boot.
- Highly proficient in developing Enterprise application by using design patterns like MVC2, Singleton, Session Façade, Service Locator, Abstract Factory and Business Delegate patterns.
- Strong experience in developing web applications using Ajax, Swing, CSS, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Servlets, JSF, web designing and REST/ SOAP Web services.
- Used Web Services like SOAP and RESTful web services using Ajax, HTML, XML, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery.
- Experience writing AngularJS code for developing Single page applications, used several in built language core directives, expressions and modules.
- Extensive experience on modern front-end template frameworks for JavaScript including Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS etc.
- Well experienced in developing applications using open source frameworks such as Spring, Struts and Hibernate.
- Strong exposure to SOAP and XML Schema’s including XML, XSL, XSD, XSLT, WSDL, DTD, JAXP and JAXB.
- Good knowledge on Sprint Boot and Micro Services.
- Experience in using parsers like SAX, DOM, XML Beans and Data binding frameworks like Castor.
- Experience in customizing and deploying the applications using different application servers such as WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, Web logic and JBoss.
- Expertise in using and developing environment tools of Java including Eclipse, RAD, Net Beans.
- Good exposure on relational database management system which includes Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server, DB2.
- Designed and coded stored procedures, Triggers and Functions using SQL, PL/SQL.
- Hands on experience in building Java applications using Maven, Ant and Hudson scripts.
- Strong experience with source control tools like GIT, CVS, Clear case and Subversion.
- Developed continues integrated deployments using Jenkins.
- Well experienced with developing test cases using JUnit, Easy mock and Spring test
- Experience in development of logging standards and mechanism based on Log4J.
- Experience in developing Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams using UML for designing Object Oriented Design for large scale applications using Rational Rose and Visio.
- Dedicated work ethics, self-motivated, self-initiative and good team communicator. Exceptional ability to learn and master new technologies.
Programming Languages: Java, C, C++.
Design Patterns: MVC (Model-View-Controller), Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator, Business Delegate
Methodologies: Agile (Scrum, TDD), RUP.
Web/J2EE Technologies: Angular.js, Node.js, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, XML, CSS3, EJB, JDBC, JNDI.
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, DB2.
Application/Web Servers: WebSphere 7.0, Apache Tomcat, Weblogic, Jboss.
Web Services: CXF, Apache Axis, Xfire.
IDE: Eclipse, RAD7.5, Netbeans, WSAD
Build Deployment Tools: Ant, Maven, Hudson
Frameworks/Tools.: Struts, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Apache Commons Util.
Version Control Systems: GitHub, Serena Dimensions, CVS, SVN
Testing/Logging tools: Selenium, JUnit, Soup UI, Easymock, Springtest, Log4j.
Cloud Technologies: Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF)
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Linux.
Confidential, TX
Senior Full Stack Java Developer
- Involved in implementing the Rating Service and client for ASO, EHB and Dental Group Size Project and Automated Medical Underwriter Service and client for ASO Project.
- Developed Web Applications using Angular JS and Rest Service.
- Developed client-server business application software and managed full life-cycle of project.
- Designed and implemented robust, flexible, and scalable web services for companywide applications.
- Created a RESTful API endpoints.
- Created procedures and functions to interact with SQL Server database.
- Experienced inRESTfulWeb Services usingJSONobjects andSOAPWeb Services usingXMLfile.
- Designed rich web pages usingHTMLandCSS.
- Integrated theJSONobjects, DB objects and business logic through faster xml JacksonObject Mapper.
- Created design and Implemented Micro Services using Sprint Boot.
- Involved in the frontend design usingHTML5,CSS,JavaScriptandJQuery.
- Involved in the implementation of front end services throughAngularJSand connecting them to the backend services.
- Developed automated Test suite to verify web and service applications.
- Automated web application Testing using Selenium WebDriver.
- Implemented Page Objects, Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid automation frameworks using JAVA and Selenium WebDriver.
- Created continuous build process to various environments using Jenkins.
- Hands on experience deploying applications to the cloud - Pivotal cloud Foundry.
- Troubleshooted and fixed issues affecting production, development and Test environments as requested.
- Created systems to ensure easy data access between systems.
- Tested all applications to ensure optimal performance.
- Involved in in the code review process and updating the best practices document.
- Performed scrum Master role when required and Participated indaily standups, Sprint planning, Backlog grooming and review/retrospectivemeetings.
- Environment: Java/J2EE, Spring, Spring Web MVC, Sprint Boot, Struts, AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML, REST, SOAP, Micro Services, WSDL, Selenium, Apache CXF, WAS, GitHub, Jenkins, JIRA, HP ALM, SQL Server, Maven, Java Script, Eclipse, Sonarcube, Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF), JUnit, ANT, Log4j, Hibernate.
Confidential, Rancho Cordova, CA
Senior J2EE Developer
- Involved in the complete software life cycle of the development of this Application, i.e. through design to testing and implementation.
- Maintenance of a large-scale system using Java, J2EE, UNIX platform (AIX, SunOS, Solaris, Ultrix and Linux) including UNIX scripting languages (Korn shell, C shell)
- Developed the application of Java related classes and components using RAD as IDE.
- Involved in design and development of Presentation layer using Struts framework
- Java Server Pages, JQuery, HTML, Javascript and CSS were used to develop the web pages of the application.
- Designed and developed Middle Layer using EJBs and XML
- Involved in configuring Struts, Tiles and developing the configuration files.
- Developed JSP’s strictly using Struts tags and JSTL tags.
- Worked on web-based thin client architecture, website design, implementation and management.
- Involved in using Message-oriented middleware and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for different application to exchange data for business process.
- Implemented web services using SOAP UI tool with Quick (Query Interstate Cases for Kids) interface to electronically exchange inter-state CSE case information between the OCSE host and the state CSE computer systems.
- Deployed the product on the IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0.
- Developed Hibernate mapping file and the hql queries for retrieving data from the database DB2.
- Developing PDF documents/correspondences using iText, an Open Source API.
- Fixed application issues and helped to mitigate defect damages.
- Used Rational Clear Case as version control tool and Rational Clear Quest for defect logging.
- Used ANT tool to build and deploy the application on IBM Web Sphere Server.
- Log4J was used as the logging framework.
- Test driven development approach was implemented by developing test cases using JUnit.
- Involved in code reviews and verification of the standards.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Javascript, HTML5, CSS 3, JQuery, JavaScript, Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, EJB3.0, XML, SOA, SOAP, JDBC, HQL, DB2, RAD7.5, WebSphere 7.0, UNIX, Ant, JUnit, Log4j, Clear Case, Web Sphere.
Confidential, Minneapolis, MN
J2EE Developer
- Involved in gathering requirements and built technical specifications from the requirements.
- Agile methodology was used to develop the application. Daily Scrum was conducted as a part of this methodology.
- Used Struts framework for building the application based on MVC-II design paradigm.
- Developed User Interface using JSP standard tags and Java script.
- Used JSTL, JQuery and Spring tags in the JSP pages.
- Used Spring AOP for Transaction Management and security.
- Developed the configuration files for Struts and Spring.
- Developed Business logic with the help of Spring and Data Access was implemented using Hibernate.
- Developed SQL queries and executed them by using JDBC Template provided by Spring
- Configured and build Asynchronous communication with JMS services with MQ Series.
- Developed Message Driven Beans (MDB) components to manage backend transactions.
- Developed HQL queries to retrieve data using Hibernate. The Data Manipulation operations were implemented using Hibernate Template provided by Spring.
- Developed various advices for logging, versioning and caching aspects of the application.
- Used caching mechanism of database connection object for faster retrieval of data.
- Implemented caching by using ehCache for second level caching.
- Used Castor to parse the XML output given by MDBs and transferred data back to controller.
- Consumed Web Services (REST) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers and implemented them using CXF.
- Did Packaging and Deployment of builds through Ant script.
- Test Driven Development (TDD) approach was utilized and the test coverage was always maintained and validated using Clover and Cruise Control.
- Used Log4j for tracking the applications and Clearcase was used for version control.
- Involved in the code review process and updating the best practices document.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Node.js, JQuery, Agile, CSS3, Spring 2.5.6, Hibernate 3.0, HTML5, XML, Java Script, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, Web Sphere, JSTL, SQL, HQL, Castor, CXF, Ant.
J2EE Developer
- Involved in gathering and analyzing system requirements and converting them into technical specifications using UML.
- Involved in the Analysis of the front-end and middle tier using JSP and the Struts Framework.
- Developed Action classes and Dyna Action Forms & performed validations using commons, custom validator and Struts client side JavaScript validation.
- For a better UI, Struts libraries have been used in JSP pages.
- Developed the user Interface Presentation screens using Struts Tiles, HTML and JSP
- Struts internationalization has also been done for various clients all around the world.
- Worked with Ajax at the client side for asynchronous communication with the server.
- Eclipse is used as Java IDE tool for creating JSPs, Servlets, and Struts Action Classes.
- Business logic is handled by EJB in service layer.
- Used Hibernate to create the persistence layer and to make the transactions to the backend.
- Used SQL Navigator to work on the database tables and queries.
- Also written Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures to extract data from flat file to database checking for records that have not been exported successfully.
- Developed Web Services in Java with Apache Axis.
- Used SAX parsing methodology for serializing and parsing the XML request and response.
- Written and debugged the Maven Scripts for building the entire web application.
- Used Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs.
- Test Driven Development (TDD) approach was used for the development of the modules.
- Developed various test cases such as unit tests, mock tests and integration tests using this approach.
- UsedCVSas a documentation repository and version controlling tool.
- Involved in designing several modules of the application and validating the designs developed by other developers.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Tiles, Struts2.0, Hibernate 2.1, JavaScript, EJB, Weblogic10.0, Apache Axis, Ajax, UML, XML, Maven, SQL, Oracle10g, log4j, TDD, CVS.