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Sr. Python Developer Resume

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Riverwoods, IL


  • 7+ years’ experience in IT industry with proficiency in Design & Development using, Python, Django and Flask projects
  • Participated in various stages of Software development life cycle(SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and QA methodologies from project definition to post - deployment documentation.
  • Experienced in Object Oriented programming(OOPs), Java/J2EE.
  • Experienced in developing web applications using Django, Flask, Pyramid, Robot, Sanic frameworks.
  • Worked with several python packages like Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, PyQt, wxpython, PyTables.
  • Good experience in developing web applications implementing MVT/MVC architecture using Django and Flask web application frameworks, with good understanding of ORM and SQLAlchemy.
  • Hands-on experience with industry-standard IDE’s like Pycharm, Sublime, Emacs, Eclipse, NetBeans, TOAD.
  • Experience in developing Web-based applications using Django, PHP, C++, XML, CSS, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, RESTful and Ajax.
  • Created applications using Python under Linux OS (Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE Linux, RedHat Linux) environment.
  • Good knowledge of TLS,TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH and SSL protocols.
  • Good working experience in using version control systems CVS, SVN, Git and GitHub.
  • Experienced in requirement gathering, Use case development, Business process flow, Business process Modeling like extensively used UML to develop various use cases, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
  • Proficient in writing SQL Queries, Stored procedures, functions, Packages, tables, views, triggers using relational databases like Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Proficient in creating visually interacting dashboards and generate reports as per the client requirement.
  • Experienced with databases using ORMs/DOMs for integrating with MySQL, PL/SQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Cassandra and SQLite. Also, experienced with writing custom queries through database connectors.
  • Using Django, RESTful, SOAP, web services and SOAP UI gained experience in implementation of MVC/MVW architecture.
  • Deployed project using Heroku/Jenkins and using web services like Amazon web services(AWS).
  • Strong experience in Big data, Bigdata Integration and Analytics technologies including Apache Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, Storm, Hive.
  • Expertise in Hive Query Language and debugging Hive issues.
  • Expertise in HDFS Architecture & Cluster concepts
  • Designed and developed automation scripts using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Worked in an Agile/SCRUM and Waterfall development environment.
  • Used JIRA, Bugzilla, Jasmine, Pyunit, Junit to manage bug tracking and communications for better results.
  • Used Restful and Flask framework and web programming that allow user to utilize the create/read/update/delete (CRUD) functionality on the site.
  • Worked extensively with Unit testing/ Test Driven Development(TDD), and Load Testing.
  • Responsible for Openstackproject core infrastructure including code review, continuous integrationsystems, and developer tools.
  • Good experience in working with web services like Amazon AWS EC2, S3, Lambda, SES, ELB, EBS.
  • Good Experience in UNIX Shell scripting& Windows Batch Scripting for Parsing Files & automation of batch ETLjobs.
  • Skilled in writing and reviewing requirements, architecture documents, test plans, design, documents, quality analysis and audits.
  • Good experience in handling errors/exceptions and debugging the issues in large scale applications.
  • Admirable problem solving and decision-making capabilities which are renowned by associates for quality of work and unconventional solutions.
  • Highly motivated, dedicated, quick learner and have proven ability to build and manage a team and work individually.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, always striving for new Knowledge.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work independently as well as part of an integrated team.


Languages: Python, C, C++, Java, SQL.

IDE’s: PyCharm, Emacs, Eclipse, NetBeans, Sublime, Pystudio, PyScripter.

Web Technologies/Other: Django, Flask, Pyramid, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, XML, Java Script, JQuery, JSON and Bootstrap.

Databases: SQL Server, Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MySQL, Postgre SQL, PL/SQL, SQLiteCassandra.

Frameworks: Django, Flask, Bootstrap, Tornado, Pyramid.

Web Servers: JBoss 4.0.5, BEA Web Logic, Web Sphere, Appache Tomcat 5.5/6.0.

Version Controls: SVN, VSS, CVS, Git, GitHub.

Operating Systems: MS Windows, Linux/Unix, Ubuntu, Sun Solaris.

Building & Design Tools: JIRA, Bugzilla, Jasmine, Pyunit, Junit.

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall.


Confidential, Riverwoods, IL

Sr. Python Developer


  • Exposed to various phases of Software Development Life Cycle using Agile - Scrum Software development methodology.
  • Worked on Restful web services which enforced a stateless client server and support JSON few changes from SOAP to RESTFUL Technology Involved in detailed analysis based on the requirement documents.
  • Designed and maintained databases using Pythonand developed Pythonbased API (RESTful Web Service) using Flask, SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL.
  • Provided Database Administration support for high volume production Oracle11g, 12c Databases.
  • Designed and created backend data access modules using PL/SQL stored procedures and Oracle.
  • Designed and developed components using Pythonwith Django framework. Implemented code in Pythonto retrieve and manipulate data.
  • Developed views and templates with Pythonand Django's view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly website interface.
  • Developed API endpoints in Scala. Used functional programming, data aggregation with pagination, and parsing using Jackson library.
  • Used Django Database API's to access database objects.
  • Designed and managed build and release methodologies using Witbe Tool.
  • Created dataframes in particular schema from raw data stored at Amazon S3, lambda using PySpark.
  • Used PySpark Data frame for creation of table and performing analytics over it.
  • Participated in developing view pages using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Angular Js and Tag Libraries.
  • Experienced the server-side Java Script like Node.js, The creation of Web servers and Package manager like (Node Package Manager) NPM.
  • Involved in creating responsive web pages using Bootstrap tables and grids for displaying data and styling using CSS3 for enhancing the look and feel of WebPages.
  • Used PythonIDE's such as Pycharm, sublime text for developing the code and performing unit test and SIT.
  • Decent experience in UNIX in developing the application and familiar with all of its commands.
  • Developed the back-end web services using Pythonand Django REST framework.
  • Performing Functional testing, regression testing, integration testing, and communication testing.
  • Worked on design and implementation of an audit log system, major API design improvements, and Openstackcloud management.
  • Established Openstack project Infrastructure Program.
  • Controlled and automated workflows using Qdirect.
  • By using Qdirect, Managed outputs.
  • Wrote Qdirect code using python.
  • Wrote Perlscripts to Progress DB procedure.
  • Wrote Perlscripts and Sybase procedures.
  • Have expertise with an in depth understanding of the wide range of AWS services like EC2.
  • Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application.
  • Used Design patterns efficiently to improve the code reusability.
  • Knowledge of Chef/Puppetas Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, and proactively manage change.
  • Experience working with PuppetEnterprise and PuppetOpen Source.
  • Integrated data from multiple applications using ETL tools like SSIS, Informatica .
  • Migration of Test Content to Automation Tool using Pythonand XML.
  • Worked in developing the screens for delete, Edit, Enable, Disable and Impersonate Users in web application.
  • Involved in start to end process of Hadoopcluster installation, configuration and monitoring.
  • Responsible for building scalable distributed data solutions using Hadoop.
  • Managed and reviewed Hadoop log file and also worked in analyzing SQL scripts and designed the solution for the process using PySpark.
  • Built reusable Hive UDF libraries for business requirements which enabled users to use these UDF's in Hive Querying.
  • Developed a data pipeline using Flume for real-time data ingestion and Sqoop to transfer data into HDFS on regular basis.
  • Experienced in migrating Hive QL into Impala to minimize query response time.
  • Creating database schema for MySQL Database and helped to draw ER-Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
  • Managed code versioning with Github and deployment to staging and production servers.
  • Used D3.js for generation of charts that gives a big picture of income and expenditure.
  • Configured Maven for dependency management used Log4J for maintaining application running logs and got good trouble-shooting feedbacks and Used Git for version control.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit test using JUnit 4.11 in Test Driven Development (TDD) approach and for bug tacking used JIRA 7.x.
  • Involved in deployment using Docker Container on AWS.

Environment: Python2.7, Django 1.6, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, MYSQL, Linux, Docker, Openstack, AWS, GIT.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Python/Django Developer


  • Exposed to Software Development Life Cycle (Scrum) following Agile methodology.
  • Used Django Framework for developing web applications using model view control architecture.
  • Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Django, Oracle DB and VMWare API calls.
  • Worked on various applications using Pythonintegrated IDEs Eclipse, Pycharm, NetBeans and Geany.
  • Automated the existing scripts for performance calculations using Numpy and SQL alchemy.
  • Extensively used pythonmodules such as requests, urllib and urllib2 for web crawling
  • Used Numpy for Numerical analysis for Insurance premium.
  • Implemented configuration changes for data models.
  • Developed and implemented R and Shiny application which showcases machine learning for business forecasting.
  • Used packages like dplyr, tidyr & ggplot2 in R Studio for data visualization.
  • Maintained and updated existing automated solutions.
  • Handled potential points of failure through error handling and communication of failure.
  • Performed efficient delivery of code based on principles of Test Driven Development (TDD) and continuous integration to keep in line with Agile Software Methodology principles.
  • Different testing methodologies like unit testing, Integration testing, web application testing Selenium testing performed.
  • Worked on loading CSV/TXT/DAT files using Scalalanguage in Spark Framework to process the data by creating Spark Data frame and RDD and save the file in parquet format in HDFS to load into fact table using ORC Reader.
  • Implemented SSISpackages for data sourcing from Heterogeneous data systems using SSISETL Tool to support daily incremental data refresh, full loads.
  • Preparation of technical specification document for the development of Informatica Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) mappings to load data into various tables in Data Marts and defining ETLstandards.
  • Lock mechanisms were implemented and the functionality of multithreading has been used.
  • Python/Django based web application, PostgreSQL DB, and integrations with 3rd party email, messaging, storage services.
  • Worked on Openstack Swift for moving large data files using Keystone and Horizon and integratedthem into the web services and client server application.
  • Automation database programming through PerlDBI module.
  • Wrote PerlModules and subroutine packages to facilitate code reuse, portability and modularity.
  • Extracting data from the database using SAS/Access, SASSQL procedures and create SAS datasets.
  • Used Multi-Threading factory model to distribute learning process back-testing into various worker processes.
  • Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, MySQL and custom tools developed in Pythonand Bash.
  • Designed a workflow that will help the Cloud-transition management decide the correct queries to by run for GooleBig Query. (For each and every query executed in GooleBig Query cost is applied).
  • Designed and Implemented MongoDB CloudManger fo Google cloud.
  • Design and implemented custom scripts. Extensive use of version controller Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Test and validated the custom scripts.
  • Delivered automated solutions for science models.
  • Anticipated potential parts of failure (database, communication points, file system errors).
  • Troubleshoot the process execution and worked with other team members to correct them.
  • Actively worked as a part of team with managers and other staff to meet the goals of the project in the stipulated time.
  • Performed troubleshooting, fixed and deployed many Pythonbug fixes of the two main applications that were a main source of data for both customers and internal customer service team.
  • Used Pandas library for statistics Analysis.
  • Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL.
  • Used advanced packages in AON PATHWISE for performing unit test and deploying data models.
  • Developed GUI using webapp2 for dynamically displaying the test block documentation and other features of pythoncode using a web browser.
  • Developed the required XML Schema documents and implemented the framework for parsing XML documents.
  • Responsible for user validations on client side as well as server side.
  • Interacted with QA to develop test plans from high-level design documentation.

Environment: Python2.7, Django, HTML5/CSS, MS SQL Server 2013, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, Eclipse, Linux, Shell Scripting, Openstack, jQuery, GitHub, Jira.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Python Developer


  • Used Python scripts to generate various reports like transaction history, OATS, user privileges, limit rules and commission schedule reports.
  • Built and maintained code libraries to support analytics using Numpy and Scipy. Used Pygal and plot.ly for visualization of the data retrieved using Scrapy.
  • Managed cloud infrastructure using Openstack software to create Virtual machines.
  • Created Jenkins cluster for managing software build process through different nodes.
  • Integrated Openstack API with Jenkins to do auto deployment of VM's.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using BOTTLE for creating Restful API’s, and used Bottle plugin system to connect to the backend database SQLite and Mangodb.
  • Worked on parsing of JSON data to be used in the project received by API calls using Python Request library.
  • Used Blaze ecosystem, SQLAlchemy to operate across databases.
  • Worked with Scrapy for webscraping to extract structured data from website to analyze the specific data of a website and work on it.
  • Used ansible for automated package deployment and server configuration.
  • Performed data manipulation /Storage for incoming test data using lxml/etree libraries.
  • Designed the front end of the application using HTML, CSS, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON, Angular JS and jQuery. Worked on backend of the application using Python, mainly using active records. Used Python and Django to interface with the jQuery UI and manage the storage and deletion of content.
  • Used Java Script for Dynamic Popup in the Webpages.
  • Embedded Ajax in UI to update small portions of the webpage avoiding the need to reload the entire page.
  • Used SVN as version control for existing system.
  • Creating and modifying webservices and stored procedures to implement new requirements using Python. Exposing services as RESTful service in JSON format for Admin UI which is developed using Django.
  • Installation, configuration and administration of Virtual box and VMware virtual machine for RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux servers. proprietary product very similar to SSRS, however, it handled PostScriptlayout for very detailed document.
  • Developing PostScript templates for charts in Reports for Financial Industry.
  • Extensively used XML and RESTful Web services to retrieve and send data from different applications.
  • Created SQL loader Scripts to load data into the temporary staging tables.
  • Created SSRSreports using BIDS that includes activities such as Extract Query Design, Reports format design and development; Verification/Rendering to PDF/Excel formats deployment to Report Server and create subscriptions.
  • Implemented SSISpackages for data sourcing from Heterogeneous data systems using SSISETL Tool to support daily incremental data refresh, full loads.
  • Preparation of technical specification document for the development of Informatica Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) mappings to load data into various tables in Data Marts and defining ETLstandards.
  • Developed DOM-based interactive directory structure diagram with dynamically expandable directory trees.
  • Used Robot framework for test Automation integrated with Jenkins.
  • Used JIRA to maintain system protocols by writing and updating procedures and business case requirements, functional requirement specifications documents.
  • Implemented unit testing using PyUnit, and tested several RESTful services using SOAP UI.
  • Experienced in Agile Methodologies and SCRUM Process.
  • Worked in development of applications especially in LINUX environment and familiar with all commands.

Environment: Python 2.7, Django 1.3, BOTTLE, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, AJAX, JSON, Blaze, JQuery, Angular JS, JavaScript, Oracle 11g/10i, MySQL, RESTful API’s, Linux, ROBOT framework, Soap UI.


Java/Python Developer


  • Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Pythonon Django Web Framework.
  • Designed and implemented several drag and drop functionalities for various elements using Swing, Java AWT.
  • Wrote several PL/SQL procedures and SQL queries to retrieve data from database. Designed and developed several complex SQL queries. Used explain plan for slow running queries and made necessary changes to code to expedite the query execution.
  • Experience with Core javawith strong understanding and working knowledge of Object Oriented Concepts(OOPS) like Collections, Multi-threading, Exception Handling, Reflection.
  • Established JDBC connections for data retrieval and update.
  • Involved in making GUI (JSP, HTML, and JS) and java classes using Struts Framework.
  • Used Struts framework to implement J2EE design pattern (MVC).
  • Worked with millions of database records on a daily basis, finding common errors and bad data patterns and fixing them.
  • Exported/Imported data between different data sources using SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Maintained program libraries, users' manuals and technical documentation.
  • Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL.
  • Wrote and executed various MYSQL database queries from Pythonusing Python -MySQL connector and MySQL package.
  • Involved in writing complex SQL queries to filter the data and fetch data to Tableau desktop in order to generate reports.
  • Carried out various mathematical operations for calculation purpose using Pythonlibraries.
  • Built various graphs for business decision making usingPythonmatplotlib library.
  • Fetched twitter feeds for certain important keyword using Python -twitter library.
  • Performed troubleshooting, fixed and deployed many Pythonbug fixes of the two main applications that were a main source of data for both customers and internal customer service team.
  • Implement code in Pythonto retrieve and manipulate data.
  • Used Django configuration to manage URLs and application parameters.
  • Also used Bootstrap as a mechanism to manage and organize the html page layout.

Environment: Python, Java/J2EE, Django, Flex, PyUnit, Angular.js, Node.js, XML, MS Visio, MS Project, JIRA, Apache, Git, UML, SQL, Tableau PL/SQL Windows and Linux.

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