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Sr. Java/full Stack Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • 7+ years of IT experience in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of Web - based applications.
  • Experienced in the field of information technology inJavaEnterprise systems, J2EE Architecture, SOA(ESB) / REST/ Web Services, CEP(Complex Event Processing) engine, Streaming Analytics andIoTsoftware development.
  • Extensive experience in Amazon Web Services(Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Simple DB, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, AWS Identity and access management, AWS CloudWatch, Amazon EBS and Amazon CloudFront).scala
  • Experience developing withWPF, Silverlight, XAML and MVVM.
  • Good experience in developing web applications implementing Model View Control (MVC) architecture using Django, Flask, Pyramid and Zope Python web application frameworks.
  • Proficient inJava/J2EEtechnologies likeJSP, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Java Servlets, AJAX, Java Beans, JNDI, JMS, XML, web service usingIDEs likeEclipse 3.1/3.5.
  • Experience inPegaImplementation cycle including development, testing, trouble shooting, bug tracking and fixing and deployment of BRE and BPM Applications.
  • Experience in Struts, Spring Framework such as Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC and Spring Cloud.
  • Hands on experience in installing, configuring and using echo system components likeHadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Hbase, Zoo keeper, Hive, Sqoop and Pig .
  • Expertise in working with Flume in configuring and working with Kafka to load thedatafrom multiple sources directly into HDFS.
  • Hands on experience in a Linux environment with Apache Tomcat on Amazon AWS.
  • Involved in CICD process using GIT, Nexus, Jenkins job creation, Maven build Create docker image and deployment in AWS environment.
  • Extensive knowledge in Unit testing methodologies, performance optimization tools, continuous integration tools like, JUnit, DBUnit, HTTP Unit, Mock Objects, JMock, DevPartner, Hudson.
  • Strong front-end UI development skills using scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, Ext Js, Angular Js, DOM, JSP, JQuery Plug-ins.
  • Expertise in Advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as Prototype, Ext Js, Angular Js, and Object oriented programing in JS.
  • Good experience in Designing, Planning, Administering, Installation, Configuring, Troubleshooting, Performance monitoring and Fine-tuning of Cassandra Cluster.
  • Expertise in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that includes Requirements analysis, design, Coding, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance with methodologies like Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and Agile Methodology.
  • Worked inDataWarehouse and Business Intelligence Projects along with the team of Informatica, Talend (ETL), Cognos and Powerplay.
  • Experience in design and developing applications based on Akka using ZeroMQ, written in Scala and running on Linux.
  • Experience in Cloud environment using Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Spring Cloud Netflix.
  • Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG to run parallel testing by creating Groups, and categorizing test cases.
  • Expertise in DB Design, DB normalization and writing SQL queries PL/SQL- Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Sequences, Indexes and Views, etc.
  • Expertise in creating Conceptual Data Models, Process/Data Flow Diagrams,Use Case diagrams, Class Diagrams and State Diagrams.
  • Expertise inBEA Web Logic 11g, Jakarta Tomcat 5.5/6.0.23.
  • Strong knowledge of J2EE design patterns like MVC, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Front Controller, Service Locator,DataTransfer Objects andDataAccess Objects etc.
  • Design and documentation ofAPIs for collection and retrieval of high volume IOT telemetry data.
  • Excellent experience withDatabasessuch asMySQL, Oracle 10g/11g and SQL Server 2005.
  • Experience in dynamic web applications design using open source MVC, Spring and Struts Frameworks.
  • Hands on experience in front-end interface development usingHTML, DHTML, CSS, XSLT, JavaScript, andAJAX.
  • Strong experience of developing data models usingHibernate ORM tools, POJOsand configuring Hibernatepersistence layer.
  • Extensively used Selenium APIs such as Take Screenshot for Capturing Failed test cases, Select for selecting multiple values from list, Action for various key and mouse event, with different Locators (xpath, CSS, id, Link text).
  • Extensively worked ondebuggingusing Eclipse debugger.
  • Installed the application on AWS EC2 AMI, Red hat, Ubuntu Instances also configured the storage on S3 Buckets.
  • Experienced with creating REST endpoints using Spring MVC and the more traditional SOAP based webservices using JAX-WS.
  • Experience in implementing CoreJavaJ2EEdesign patterns like Singleton, Factory Pattern, Business Delegate, DAO, VO, Session Fa ade, Service Locator and etc.
  • Experience in developing end to end automation using Selenium WebDriver/RC/IDE/Grid, Junit/TestNG, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Web Services (REST, SOAP).
  • Experience with using IDEs like Eclipse 3.x, Version Control Systems like CVS, SVN, GIT and continuous Integration tool Jenkins and Configuration management tool Puppet.
  • Experience with using Hibernate (4.x and higher) with JPA annotations for Persistence layer development.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using E2C, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-scaling groups.
  • Worked with BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Apache Tomcat & JBOSS Application server.
  • Good Experience in creating, modifying and enhancing both manual Test cases and Test Scripts created in Selenium Web driver with JUnit frameworks.
  • Expertise inPHPdevelopment underLAMP/MAMP/WAMP Linux/Mac/Windows Apache MySQL/MongoDB PHP 5environment.
  • Good personality, excellent communication skills, efficient developer in a team as well as working individually.
  • Performed unit testing using JUnit test cases, Integration and deployment of applications using build tools like ANT and Maven and debugging through log4j.
  • Willing to learn new technologies and learning fast. Capable of working on multiple projects under tight deadlines.
  • Efficient team member with excellent work/time management skills, excellent leadership, communications and Interpersonal Skills, ability to work under strict deadlines.


Languages: Java JDK 1.1, Python 2.6,J2SE 1.3/1.4/5.0, Java SE 6, Java SE 7, Scala, SQL, PL/SQL, NoSQLC, PHP, C,PHP.

J2EE Technologies: J2EE-Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Struts Tag Libraries, JDBC, JRuby, JDBC, EJB, RMI, Log4j, XML, SOAP, JTA, WSDL, JMS, Java mail, JAAS, JCA.

Design Patterns: J2EE Design Patterns, MVC, Strategy Pattern, Factory Pattern, Abstract Factory Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, Session Facade, Cross Grained Pattern and Singleton Pattern, Command Pattern, Adapter Pattern and Template Method Pattern.

Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, Spring, JSF.

CI Tools: Jenkins.

Debugging and logging tools: JUnit, Log4j

XML Technologies: XML, XSD, XSLT, DTD, DOM parser, SAX parser, XPath, Xquery

Scripting/GUI Tools: HTML, DHTML,DOJO, JSON, JavaScript, CSS, Shell Script, Dreamweaver

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat 5/6/7, Apache HTTP Server 2.x, JBoss 5.x, Express Node.js.

IDE: Eclipse 3.x, RAD 6.0, WebSphere Studio Application Developer WSAD, NetBeans 5.x/6.0, JBuilder 5/6/7/8

Build and Test Tools: Ant, Maven, Junit 3.8/4.0, JwebUnit, Http Unit for Junit

Databases: Oracle 9i/10g, MySQL 3.x/4.1/5.0, SQL Server 2000/2005,Cassandra.

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux.

Cloud Computing: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Lambda,AWS Cloud Watch,AWS Identity and access management, Amazon EBS, Amazon Cloud Front.


Confidential - Chicago, IL

Sr. Java/Full stack Developer


  • Involved in analyzingdatato extract targeted customers required for specific campaigns using Hive based on transactions, user events like clicks/opens, browse information.
  • Installed and configured Pig and also writtenPigLatin scripts and Involved in managing and reviewingHadoop log files.
  • Understanding the client requirement and developing application usingWPFand Prism Framework.
  • DesignedAPIs that allow sophisticated, effective and low cost application integration.
  • Involved inCore Javacoding by usingJava APIssuch asCollections, Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration,andJava I/Oto fulfill the implementation of business logic.
  • Involved inTest Driven Developmentby writingJUnit test casein the coding part of Java methods like mortgage calculating as well as I designed and implemented business logic withSpring MVCframework withRESTful Web Servicesfor applications.
  • Controlling the DIT UAT environment for the application to eliminate the application downtime using client specified monitoring process.
  • Developed Spring Boot based Restful services using Maven.
  • Developed various Spring starter POMs for Spring Boot based Rest services
  • Implemented the application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring security
  • Configured the xml files forHibernate 3and applied itsObject Relational Mapping ORMto enable the data transactions betweenPOJOandOracle Databaseusingcaching on SessionFactoryas well ascaching on query.
  • Provided cloud environment for micro services using Spring Cloud Netflix (Config Server, Eureka Server, Hystirx, Discovery Client, Ribbon, Zull Proxy).
  • Understanding the client requirement and developing application usingWPF
  • Configured the xml files forSpring Securityinjection to ensure the back-end security by discriminating the role of users as well as access authority for the URIs and Server side assets.
  • Responsible for designing the User Interface by coding inHTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, Bootstrapto build thisSPA Single Page Application .
  • Designed and developed transformers classes, Preprocessors and the DAO layer of the Check-in application in Java using Spring framework and MyBatis.
  • IntegratedAkkaactors with Play framework..
  • Developed a reference application using play framework.
  • Generating Scala, Play Framework and java classes from the respective APIs so that they can be incorporated in the overall application.
  • Writing entities in Scala, Play Framework and Java along with named queries to interact with database.
  • DevelopingIoTprototype solutions storing sensor data on AWS/Azure.
  • WrittenHive queriesfor data analysis to meet the business requirements and currently Creating Hive tables and working on them using Hive QL.
  • Worked within an Agile workflow also Debuged Legacy Code in VBA.
  • Implemented Java based POJO access to the application's Oracle 11g database using myBatis (formerly iBatis) mappers and typical data access and transfer design patterns
  • Used Amazon IAM to grant fine access of AWS resources to users. Also managed roles and permissions of users to AWS account through IAM while doing it I created detailedAWSSecurity Groups which behaved as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or moreAWSEC2 instances.Web Analystics/ Adobe Analytics
  • Configuring of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with networking of subnets containing servers.
  • Built S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and used S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup onAWS.
  • Configured an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Data Base subnet group for isolation of resources within AWS RDS.
  • Worked on reading multiple data formats on HDFS using Scala.
  • Responsible for software component delivery includes Detailed Software Requirements Specification, the functional design, and the technical design document and source code.
  • Extensively involved in coding withAngularJS,jQuery UIandjQuery Mobileto add functionalities and effects likeAccordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar.
  • Developed front-end code withAjax callinAngularJSandjQueryto retrieve data asJSON Objectfrom controllers in back-endRESTfulServer, then display the well organized result in web pages by writingAngularJS controller, directives, services,androute providers.
  • Experienced in developing theUNIXShell Scripts andPERLScripts to execute the scripts and manipulate files and directory.
  • Developed Micro-services using Spring Mvc and Netflix stack (Hystrix, Archaius, Eureka, Zuul and Ribbon)
  • UsedAngular.js filterto make the datasearchableandsortable.
  • DevelopedJavaScriptcode to feed data-tables ofGoogle Charts APIwith data, then draw charts withanimation effect.
  • Working with MyBatis to fetch or storing information from/to backend
  • WrotePL/SQL,stored procedures,triggersto manipulate data in the database and performedJUnittest for the new Java source code and participated inintegration testing.
  • Involved in preparing test cases using Selenium Web driver to validate all UI components, Popups, Browser navigations, Mouse Movements.
  • Used Struts as MVC Framework for the applications also get involved in AXN Core application implementation using Spring 3.2.3 and Hibernate 4.1 with MySQL database and Cassandra.
  • Deep focussed for the Use ofSparkfor batch processing and ad-hoc analytics.
  • Performed importing data from various sources to the Cassandra cluster using Java APIs and Sqoop.
  • Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, MySQL and custom tools developed in Python and Bash.
  • Spring Data was used for persistence to Mongo DB based application data stores.
  • Coded Java Scripts for performing client side validations.
  • Implemented advanced procedures like text analytics and processing using the in-memory computing capabilities like Apache Spark written in Scala.
  • Integrated Testing with Selenium using Eclipse to generate test execution result.
  • Developed REST Web Services using Jersey API.
  • Establish CI / CD for trunk and branches to support parallel development.
  • Involved in work with thePegateam to build, deliver and maintain product deployment stacks for various teams and internal customers.
  • Helped a team in performing Cactus tests using JUnit and automation scripts for UI and followedAgilemethodology in delivering the work..

Confidential -Jacksonville, Florida

Sr. Java Full stack Developer


  • Fully involved in development of user stories and the web based applications that were planned and designed for each sprint inJavausing Restful web services using Jersey Architecture with spring and Hibernate frameworks.
  • Done various projects in Web development with JavaScript, Dojo, JQuery, JSP, XML, and HTML.
  • Involved in designing, coding, testing and supporting the project, and developing middleware hub usingJava/J2EE.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and JavaScript andAngular.JS.
  • Developed the application TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology.
  • Developed applications in AngularJS and deployed into development, test and production environment successfully.
  • Was Responsible for writingHibernate XML MappingandDAOimplementation for most applications in back-end.
  • Worked on automating data loading, extraction, reports generated usingUNIXShellscripting.
  • Developed JSP pages for presentation layer (UI) using Struts with client side validations using Struts Validator framework/ JavaScript.
  • Developed code to call the web service/APIs to fetch the data and populate on the UI using JQUERY.
  • Extensively usedAngularJSby consuming Restful web services.
  • Worked on JavaScript frame work (AngularJS, Backbone, Bootstrap) to augment browser based applications with MVC capability.
  • Created test scripts using Selenium Web driver using Page Object Model.
  • Used Maven to create build file and does Unit testing by creating Test Suites using JUnit Framework.
  • Performed Data driven testing using Selenium Web Driver, TestNG functions and JDBC Connections which reads data from scripts using property and XML files.
  • Used log4j to monitor the Error Logs.
  • Involved in designing and deploying a multitude applications utilizing almost all of theAWSstack (Including EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling inAWSCloud formation.
  • Build servers using AWS, Importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
  • Deployed JAVA/J2EE applications through Tomcat Application servers.
  • Created S3 buckets and also managed policies for S3 buckets and Utilized S3 bucket and glacier for storage and backup onAWS.
  • Designed, automated the process of installation and configuration of secure DataStax Enterprise Cassandra using puppet.
  • Have created highly fault tolerant, highly scalable Java application using AWS Elastic Load Balancing, Ec2 VPC and S3 as part of process improvements and along with it I used AWS SDK for connection to Amazon S3 buckets as it is used as the object storage service to store and retrieve the media files related to the applications.
  • Used AWS Cloud Watch performed Monitoring, customized metrics and file logging.
  • Utilized Cloud Watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon RDS services, EBS volumes, to set alarms for notification or automated actions and to monitor logs for a better understanding and operation of the system.
  • Used AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS.
  • Generated UI mockups from paper-and-pencil concepts to high-fidelity prototypes that convey the interaction model using HTML5, CSS and Angular JS.
  • Used Front End Developing UI Interface using JSP/Tiles, JSTL, HTML5.0 CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery.
  • Developed UNIX shell (Bash) scripts to automate most of the tasks.
  • Developed Spring Based Web services SOAP through XSD and WSDL.
  • Developed JSPs to provide dynamic content to the HTML pages.
  • Used JDBC and Spring JDBC Template for creating the Data Access layer.
  • Used Spring Tool Suite (STS) as the IDE and Jenkins for continuous integration.
  • Created PL/SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions and triggers for the Oracle 11g database.
  • Used Maven for application life cycle management and JIRA Agile (Scrum) for defect tracking.
  • Developed WebServices to communicate to other modules using XML based SOAP and WSDL protocols.
  • Involved in re-skinning of website developed in Drupal 7 and developed custom modules.
  • Configured Apache Server and PHP Scripting Engine and MYSQL Database Server.
  • Worked with deployments on Ant, Maven and Deployment script.
  • Used WebServicesfor creating rate summary and used WSDLand SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and usedXMLparsersfor data retrieval.
  • Used Vtune performance analyzer for testing performance of algorithms.
  • Implement scripting with Ajax, JQuery and Javascript to dynamically refresh the page contents.
  • Analyzed theNode.JSserver structure in legacy project, then mimicked theREST serviceby using JavaJAX-WSAPI, and did the corresponding configurations.
  • Migrated the Servlets to the Spring Controllers and developed Spring Interceptors, worked on JSPs, JSTL, and JSP Custom Tags.
  • Developed and flexible, scalable, utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM and Spring Framework.

Confidential - San Ramon, CA

Java/Python Developer


  • Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML, XHTML, AJAX, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Configured the Web Sphere application server and WSAD IDE.
  • Responsible forcode compressionfor CSS file, JS file, and Java file to improve the system performance as well as reduce system response time.
  • Integrated external functionality using web services.
  • Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
  • Developed internal auxiliary web apps using Python Flask framework with CSS / HTML framework.
  • Pythonprogramming language used to implement algorithms, data processing, and various automation tasks.
  • Created WSDL for the web services to be deployed using bottom-up approach.
  • Implemented SQL queries and stored proceduresto save user profile, order information to database and retrieve information from database. WroteCallable Statementto call stored procedures and Prepared Statement to block SQL injection.
  • Designed SOAP and restful web services for those methods.
  • Was Responsible for writing Spring Application for data base manipulation in context of core, MVC, AOP and annotation modules.
  • Generated property list for every application dynamically using python.
  • Designed and developed data management system using MySQL.
  • Used Django APIs for database access.
  • Provided GUI utilizing PyQt for the end user to create, modify and view reports based on client data.
  • Worked onMongodbdatabase design and indexing techniques. Good knowledge onMongoDBwrite concern majority.
  • Worked onMongoDBdatabase concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, Sharding, replication, schema design, etc.
  • Responsible for validation of Client Interface HTML pages using JavaScript and Jquery.
  • Developed front-end screens and server side scripts using HTML, DHTML, CSS and JSP.
  • Angular.js is used to build efficient backend for client web application.
  • Coded assigned modules using leading Java frameworks Struts and using industry standard tools Eclipse.
  • Handled creation and parsing of XML Documents using SAX Parser.
  • Designed and implemented APIs to support mobile applications.
  • Designed and development of UML diagrams like Use Case, Class and Sequence using tool Visio.
  • Development of XMLs for several components which maintains data for several registers.
  • Designed and developed SQL procedures and Linux shell scripts for data import/export and data conversions.
  • Developed Java code base on RAD and deployed on WebSphere Application Server 6.
  • Used Asynchronous JavaScript Technology and XML AJAX for critical front-end validations to reduce the burden on the server side.
  • Used Maven as a build and deployment tool.

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