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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Indianapolis, IN


  • Over 8+ years of IT industry experience in design, development, implementation, coding and testing on Java/J2EE based applications.
  • Working knowledge and experienced in OOPS and OOAD concepts, good understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Agile Methodologies.
  • Solid experience in designing and developing web based applications with n - tier architecture using technologies Java/J2ee (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JSTL, JSON, POJO, JMS, JSF, Prime Faces, JPA), Struts, Spring Core, MVC, Spring Boot, Hibernate, SQL, Apache Tomcat, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, ReactJS, Bootstrap, NodeJS and Git.
  • Experience in building web applications using Spring Framework features like MVC (Model View Controller), AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), IOC (Inversion of Control), DAO (Data Access Object) and template classes.
  • Expert knowledge over J2EE Design Patterns like MVC Architecture, Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate and Data Access Object for building J2EE Applications.
  • Expertise in implementing UI Design using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, ReactJS, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, DHTML, JSF and JSP.
  • Experience in implementing Restful services using JAX-RS and SOAP services using JAX-WS.
  • Experience in Application Servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, JBOSS and Tomcat.
  • Implemented Encryption of data between browser and server using SSL protocol.
  • Strong experience in XML related technologies including XSD, DTD, XSLT, XPATH, DOM, SAX, JAXP, JAXB, XML-RPCand XMLBeans.
  • Good knowledge in developing single page applications (SPA) using the JavaScript libraries like AngularJS.
  • Excellent understanding of Object Oriented Design methodology and Core Java concepts such as multi-threading, exception handling, generics, annotations, Collections and I/O.
  • Good experience in databases such as SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle, DB2, NoSQL and MySQL.
  • Experience in using NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Expertise in Data Modeling, Designing and Creating Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers using SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle (8i, 9i and 10g), DB2 and SQL Server environments.
  • Used Amazon Elastic search service for full text search and application monitoring.
  • Proven experience in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse, Net Beans, RAD and IntelliJ.
  • Developed web applications using Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology.
  • Experienced in writing test cases using Junit and Selenium.
  • Experienced in testing the JavaScript code using Jasmine and Karma.
  • Experience in using cloud based services like Amazon Web Services(AWS).
  • Experience in using Maven, Gradle and Ant building tools for the application.
  • Knowledge of using version control tools like GIT, SVN and CVS.
  • Knowledge of using Issue tracking tool like JIRA.
  • Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing.
  • Ability to understand the project requirements and deliver it with proper estimation and quality.
  • Experience in working with small and large groups and successful in meeting new technical challenges and finding solutions to meet the needs of the customer.


Java Technology: J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JSTL, JSON, POJO, JMS, JSF, JPA), Struts, Spring Core and MVC, Hibernate, Web services.

Web Technology: HTML5, CSS3, XHTML, XML, XSLT, RHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, MySQL, Bootstrap, MV* Frameworks like AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS.

Scripting languages: Unix shell script, JavaScript.

App/Web Servers: Web logic, Tomcat, Web Sphere, JBOSS, SSL, Glassfish

Databases: Oracle 12c/11g/10g/9i/8i, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, DB2, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB.

Testing Tools: Junit, Selenium, Jasmine and karma.

IDEs: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD and IntelliJ.

Messaging Technologies: JMS and IBM MQ

Version control Tool: GIT, SVN and CVS.

Build Tools: ANT, Maven, Gradle.

Operating System: Windows(98/2000/XP/7/8), Linux, Ubuntu.


Confidential, Indianapolis, IN

Sr. Java Developer


  • Being part of IT team, I was in charge to work closely, provide application support and contributed to develop and maintain the global assembly line control system.
  • Implemented services using Struts for the administration screens for the application.
  • Developed on the modules of the application using Spring 4.2 and Spring Boot Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Developed various UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS 2.0, AJAX and Bootstrap.
  • Used Spring JDBC template for querying the oracle database
  • Used Maven as build tool and WebLogic, JBOSS webserver for testing and deployment in the development and production environment.
  • Use of JSP for creation/modification of some screens to provide custom functionality.
  • Used Servlets to attend specific requests at system level, defined by Business analysts.
  • Use of EJB 3.0 following the predefined architecture to work in a transactional mode.
  • Creation of Restful WS for the monitoring application, such application was deployed into Glassfish.
  • Experience in using OAuth with Google and Facebook.
  • Used Nodejs for communicating between the mobile devices and backend.
  • Used NoSQL databases like MongoDB and AWS Dynamo DB handle to large volumes of data flow.
  • Used the AWS mobile hub for quick storing and retrieval of app data in AWS Dynamo DB.
  • Extensively used Amazon messaging services (SQS and SNS).
  • Developed and deployed the project using AWS EC2, S3, Data pipeline, Elastic Beanstalk, cloud watch, Elastic search, AWS server migration service.
  • Use of IBM MQ for data exchange via JMS API with other entities or systems.
  • Use of XML (SAX, DOM) for creation of xml files to be published over the network.
  • Use of Java Threads for performance purposes to avoid high latency against the DB.
  • Refactor of the existing Application for data visualization in the assembly line departments to visualize production progress to tackle down performance issues.
  • Developed a monitoring application to prevent data loss on production schedule to show a kind of dashboard and send alerts to stakeholders using AngularJS 2.0 framework.
  • Extensively used Components, Pipelines and Generics in AngularJS 2.
  • Extensively used Jasmine and Karma for creating test suites and running the tests.
  • Also used complex SQL, joins for database queries to fetch data.
  • Fixed defects and help testing team writing JUnit test cases in data modification based on business rules.
  • Also supported the current version of application which was a strut based application for day to day support issues.
  • Most of the support issues would involve analysis and implementation in java code, identifying issues with stored procedures, data issues and legacy systems.
  • Continuously integrated features/fixes and self-managed work environment.

Environment: Eclipse, J2EE (JSP, Servlets, Spring MVC), Spring Boot, JDBC, Maven, EJB 3.0, Restful Services, OAuth, Glassfish server, JPA, Web logic Server, JBOSS, Elastic search, AWS EC2, DynamoDB, Oracle, PL/SQL, MS SQL Server, JavaScript, AngularJS 2.0, NoSQL, NodeJS, AJAX, JSON, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Jasmine, Karma, AWS, IBM MQ, Junit, Agile, Jira, Git.

Confidential, Chicago, IL.

Sr. Java Developer


  • Participated in the discussion with business experts to understand the business requirements and mold them into technical requirements toward development.
  • Designed UML diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Used Spring 4.0 MVC framework to develop the application based on a MVC design pattern.
  • Used Hibernate to interact with the database through ORM and wrote queries using Hibernate Query Language(HQL).
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, Ajax, Bootstrap and JSON.
  • Extensively used OAuth technology for an in-house project using Google.
  • Hands-on experience with JSF Java Server Faces.
  • Created and consumed SOAP/Restful Web Services.
  • Implemented Restful services using JAX-RS.
  • Built the functionality for the front end JSPs to take the data from the model as an XML and using XSLT to convert the XSL to HTML.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in SQL server database and used Stored Procedures and Triggers in the application.
  • Extensively used Selenium framework for testing the application.
  • Developed scripts and test cases using Python.
  • Implemented database using MongoDB.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) API’s for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information, such as Loan and Teller application
  • Designed and developed Message driven beans that consumed the messages from the Java message queue.
  • Created the JDBC based DAO layer.
  • Worked on HTML tags for forms, multimedia, graphics and geo-location.
  • Responsible for deployment of Java Servlet environment platform using IBM's Web Sphere Application Server product (IBM WAS).
  • Build and deployed WAR files.
  • Developed application that utilized Windows Azure Cloud Service and Windows Azure Virtual Machines.
  • Configured and scheduled jobs for multiple projects on Hudson.
  • Extensively used Log4j for logging and debugging.
  • Developed automatic build scripts using ANT for the application to deploy and test.
  • Maven is used as a build tool and continuous integration is done using Jenkins.
  • Used GIT for the version control of the application.
  • Extensively used JIRA for issue tracking and managing the application.

Environment: Java/J2ee, Spring 4.0, Hibernate, HQL, JDBC, DAO, SOAP/Restful Web Services, OAuth, JAX-RS, HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, Ajax, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, MongoDB, Web Sphere, Azure, Hudson, Selenium, GIT and Eclipse.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA.

Java Developer


  • Responsible in writing JavaScript, HTML and CSS for front end.
  • Developed the Presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, JSP, AJAX and Bootstrap.
  • Used AngularJS to create single page applications.
  • Written lot of JSP pages and servlets.
  • Involved in developing codes using Spring 3.1 Framework which involves Dependency Injection.
  • Developed design patterns like DAO (Data Access Object) and MVC (Model View Controller) using Spring Framework and integrated Hibernate for the persistence of data.
  • Developed Hibernate (Object Relational Mapping) code using Annotations, Criteria and HQL and performed CRUD operations on databases.
  • Involved in writing SPEL (Spring Expression Language), JQuery and JSTL (Java Script Tag Library) as and when required.
  • Handled spring validation for form input.
  • Used Apache Tiles for implementing Composite View pattern and used Spring Web Flow for improvising the Web application.
  • Used Apache Maven build tool and added dependencies in pom.xml file. Used Apache Maven for building the project and deployed on Web Sphere server.
  • Involved in writing PL/SQL queries for Oracle.
  • Published and consumed Restful web services for order entry, inventory lookup. Have good knowledge on REST.
  • Developed code using Eclipse IDE.
  • Logged messages using Log4j logging framework.
  • Performed test cases using Junit and Selenium.
  • Involved in writing test case plan and final document.
  • Used Git for the source code management.

Environment: Java/J2ee, Spring 3.1, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, AJAX, Bootstrap, Restful Services, Apache Tiles, Web Sphere server, Spring Web Flow, Design Patterns, Apache Maven, Selenium, Junit, Log4j, Eclipse.


Java/J2ee Developer


  • Involved in total Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases of the project which was modeled using Rational Unified Process (RUP).
  • Used Spring 3.0 Framework to implement Model View Controller (MVC) architecture to promote loose coupling and make the application more scalable in future.
  • Designed Services using Spring MVC and Spring Web flow.
  • Worked on Tivoli ticket management system between county workers and state for root causing issues.
  • Handled all the client-side validation using JavaScript.
  • Used Spring framework and interacted with backend database using Hibernate framework.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information from the Oracle database.
  • Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing the queries.
  • Developed the Hibernate mapping files to retrieve & update customer information from/to Oracle database, building UNIX shell scripts for data migration & batch processing.
  • Performance tuning of the JSF page.
  • Used Web Sphere Application Server for deploying various components of application.
  • Extensively used Eclipse and RAD for IDE and Ant script to build the project.
  • Extract data from TSM (Tivoli Service Manager) Server using SQL (Structure Query Language)
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging.
  • Developed user interface using JSP,JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS.
  • Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Session Façade, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
  • Developed custom tags, JSTL to support custom User Interfaces.
  • Implemented Web Services using WSDL.
  • Used SAX and DOM parser to parse the XML documents and XSLT for transformations.
  • Used TOAD and Putty extension in IDE.
  • Experienced in build and release processes and configuration management.

Environment: Java/J2ee, Spring 3.0, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JSTL, Web Services, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JMS, JSF, Oracle, Web Sphere Server, SAX, DOM, Log4j, Ant, RAD and Eclipse.


Java Developer


  • Actively involved in design and development of Web Application in J2EE using Spring Framework.
  • Mapping the Java classes to the database using Hibernate framework.
  • Developed server-side programs using JSP and Servlets. Designed web pages using JavaScript to validate forms.
  • Application and user level configurations have been maintained by using XML Files.
  • Experience with JIRA, Confluence and Jenkins.
  • Developed Business components using Objects in Java and produced the client requirements.
  • Utilized Servlets to handle various requests from the client browser and send responses.
  • Used Rational Rose for UML diagrams.
  • Applied experience on Apache Web server to provide quick user response.
  • Developed Test classes using Junit for Unit Testing, Integration for functional requirements and Validation testing.
  • Extensively used connectors for web services to integrate easily with external systems.

Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, XML, JavaScript, Struts 1.1, Apache Server, Rational Rose, Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Junit, Eclipse, Windows.

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