Java Full Stack Developer Resume
Austin, TX
- Senior Java/J2EE Developer with 8 years of experience in Systems Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of Web and Client/Server and Enterprise Application development using Java and J2EE Technologies.
- Experience on J2EE technologies including Core Java, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, JPA, JAX - WS, Struts, EJB, and spring, Hibernate, JMS, XML and JUnit.
- Experience in working with the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX.
- Extensively experienced in using various design patterns such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), such as Multi Threading, Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator, Factory and Business Delegate in the development of Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
- Experience in developing User Interface (UI) Applications and professional web applications using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, RWD, JSON, XHTML and XML.
- Good understanding on latest approaches in HTML5/CSS3 development, JavaScript Frameworks jQuery.
- Good Experience with JavaScript, MVC Framework AngularJS and knowledge on other frameworks like Backbone.js, Node.js.
- Extensive Knowledge in Node.js for Server Side programming.
- Experienced in building cross browser compatibility applications using AngularJS and Node.js.
- Experience with working in java script framework like jQuery, AngularJS and Node.js.
- Experience with Controllers, Views, and Stores in ExtJS.
- Experience in developing ExtJS components like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and Button.
- Good Experience in working with the Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
- Experienced both in working on Designing table-less layouts and table-based layouts.
- Expertise in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML and JavaScript.
- Experience in developing Web applications using RWD, Bootstrap, jQuery and KnockoutJS.
- Good Working Experience and understanding with Firebug for Mozilla and IE Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer, Web Inspector for Safari, Developer Toolbar for Chrome.
- Experience using all popular text-Editors like Eclipse, Brackets, Sublime Text and Notepad++.
- Experience in installing and configuring MySQL, ORACLE and MongoDB servers.
- Deployed this framework for the traditional mobile development which includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Experience in built web services using spring and CXF operating within ESB, offering REST, AWS and SOAP interfaces.
- Good work experience of Web/Application Servers like Tomcat, Web Sphere, JBoss and WebLogic.
- Extensive experience in designing User Interactive (UI) Webpages and visually appealing User Interfaces with the help front-end Technologies like HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, DHTML, XHTML, jQuery, AJAX, JSON.
- Expert level knowledge in using spring modules like Spring Core, Spring DAO, Spring ORM and Spring AOP.
- Proficient in using RDBMS concepts with Oracle 9i/10g, DB2, MySQL andPostgreSQL.
- Proficient in programming by using the IDE’s such as Eclipse, My Eclipse, RAD, Net Beans.
- Hands on experience with Multi-Threading and Collections Frameworks.
- Experience in Oracle 10g/11g/12c, PL/SQL Developer, SQL and UNIX Shell Scripting.
- Experience in implementing projects utilizing various methodologies as Waterfall, Agile SDM’s.
- Excellent skills in programming using wide variety of languages and ability to adapt new latest technologies & work in Multi-Platform Environment.
- Has the motivation to take independent responsibility and be a productive team member, accompanying a strong programming and analytical background.
Languages: Java, J2EE, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL.
Java Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JMS, EJB, RMI, Web Services, SOAP, Log4j
Distributed Technologies: Web Services, JMS, WebSphere MQ
IDE: WSAD, Eclipse, RAD, Spring STS, NetBeans
Framework: Struts, Spring MVC, Spring, Hibernate, Apache axis for Web Services
Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss
Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, AJAX, CSS, BootStrap, AngularJS, XML, DOM, GWT, XPath, DOM, DTD
Methodologies: SDLC, UML, Design Patterns, SOA
Version Control Systems: CVS, Clear Case, SVN, GIT
Operating System: All Versions of Microsoft Windows, UNIX and LINUX
Database: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g/12C, MySQL,DB2, SQL Server
Confidential, Austin, TX
Java Full Stack Developer
- Involved in Analysis, Design, and Development Production phases of the application.
- Designed application using UML. Elaborated on the Use Cases based on business requirements and was responsible for creation of Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
- Involved and interacted with users, customers and Business users for the requirements and training with new features.
- Involved in the development using Java/J2EE Technologies, Web Services and Hibernate ORM Framework.
- Functionalities include writing code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, AngularJS and Bootstrap with MySQL Database as the backend.
- Developed responsive web application for backend system using AngularJS with HTML5 and CSS3.
- Built reporting module for analytic services using custom AngularJS MVC Framework Components.
- Controllers and Services that are bind using Dependency Injection to enable loose coupling between application components.
- Used Bootstrap and AngularJS in effective web design.
- Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons usingReactJS, jQuery, CSS and HTML5.
- Constructed web pages for application using MVC3, JavaScript, jQuery,ReactJS, and Node.js.
- Developed user interface using JSP with JavaBeans, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries, JS, CSS, jQuery, Node.js, HTML, SASSand Ajax to speed the application.
- Integrated theJava Code (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. Developed HTML views with HTML5, CSS3/SASS, Bootstrap, Node.js and AngularJS.
- UsedD3 js and High charts plugin for visualizations.
- Build SOAP Web Services based onAWS(Amazon Web Services).
- Developed JUnit Test Cases for Unit testing & for Continuous Integration we used Jenkins.
- UsedJenkins which is an open source continuous integration tool written injava which provides Integration services for software development.
- Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using Ajax, JQuery, DHTML, Web Service Call and JSON.
- Responsible to manipulate HTML5, CSS3 in jQuery as well as making the pages dynamic using AJAX, JSON and XML.
- Created Call flow diagrams for IVR applications using VISIO.
- Used STRUTS Framework in designing the IVR application.
- Wrote JAVA Servlets that generates dynamic VXML.
- Mainly involved in support, Maintenance and enhancement of the application.
- Played a significant role in design and development of the VUI.
- Responsibilities included development of new modules of the application such as Web using J2EE Technologies, Struts and Spring Framework.
- Developed MVC Controllers and deployed flow of Execution in the Servlet Environment using Spring MVC.
- Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injection of components.
- Implemented Web Services using Spring RESTful.
- Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database.
- UsedANTScripts to fetch, build and deploy the application to development environment.
- Used Hibernate for mapping java classes with database and created queries with Hibernate Query language (HQL)
- Developed model objects using Hibernate.
- Application developed using RAD.
- Maintained version control using GIT.
- Used Log4j utility to log error, info and debug messages.
- Worked extensively on AngularJS in creating Controllers.
- Implemented backend process for sending the data through FTP.
- Worked with JMS as messaging service and JTA for Transaction management and having knowledge with JPA for Java persistence.
- Using JMS to send email or notify companies or users who have subscribed particular services in our product.
- Developed customer facing software for managing advertisements to grow the business using JavaScript/jQuery, HTML 5 and CSS.
- Deployed application using WebSphere Application Server.
- Implemented client side Java-beans for DAO Pattern.
- Evaluated Prototype JavaScript Framework.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, RESTful Web Service, Hibernate, JMS, AJAX, JSP, MySQL, Servlets, Web Sphere Application Server, AngularJS, MS Visio, CSS, JavaScript, HTML 5, ANT, Windows, RAD, GIT, Log4j, FTP, DAO, XML, JavaScript, Struts Framework, Spring Frame work, JavaBeans, Node.js, JSTL, Bootstrap, ReactJS, D3 js, Jenkins, SASS.
Confidential, Columbus, GA Duration:
Full Stack Developer
- Involved in System Requirements study and conceptual design.
- Followed Scrum concepts of the Agile Methodology to produce high Quality Software.
- Client Side code were written in ReactJS, jQuery and Server Side Code were developed using MVC4.
- Implement the application MVC,ReactJS.
- Used CSS PreprocessorSASS to make CSS more efficient.
- Worked on CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and preprocessors like SASS.
- Maintaining separate build in Maven for the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.
- Used Jenkinsto build and deploy the application.
- Developed web UI screens using Spring MVC, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and CSS.
- Conducted gap analysis and developed data migration and integration plans.
- Developed RESTful Web Service using REST Jersey API.
- Used AWS to build Java applications that work with Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB, and more.
- Developed Spring Services, DAO’s and defined routes using Apache Camel.
- Developed messaging module using Spring JMS, Apache Camel and ActiveMQ.
- Integrated Hibernate with Spring for Handling Transactions.
- Developed applications with SQL Server.
- Developed restful web services using Jersey and spring and developed rest services using Node.js and other node modules.
- Developed stored procedures, Triggers and functions to process the data using SQL and mapped it to Hibernate Configuration File and also established data integrity among all tables.
- Consumed RESTful WebServices.
- Implemented Hibernates’ Lazy default fetch plans for generating proxies and collection wrappers and also created fetching strategies for minimizing the number of SQL Statements.
- Involved in unit testing, integration testing, SIT and UAT phases. Performed defect tracking, bug fixing and enhancements.
- Created quality working J2EE code to design, schedule, and cost to implement use cases. Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) SNS to send messages to email and http endpoint.
- Used Hibernate annotations for mapping objects to the relational database and Implemented persistence using Hibernate, managed Hibernate.cfg.xml file.
- Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server.
- Have done debugging to fix issues.
- Deployed application using Tomcat application Server.
- Used Maven for dependency and build management.
- Used SVN as version control.
- Application developed using NetBeans.
- Testing the java services by using JUnit.
Environment: Java, Agile, Spring MVC, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, NetBeans, XML, Hibernate, RESTful Web Service, Tomcat, SVN, Ajax, JUnit, SQL Server, AWS, ActiveMQ, Node.js, Maven, Spring JMS, ReactJS, D3 js, Jenkins, SASS.
Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA
Java/J2EE Developer
- Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML, XHTML and CSS based on the W3C Standards.
- Implemented the MVC architecture using the Struts Framework.
- Designed Dynamic and Multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript.
- Developed the User Interface using HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX.
- Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, ExtJS, Bootstrap, jQuery and JSP for interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface.
- Designed Web Application User Interface, interaction scenarios and navigation based on analysts, interpretations of requirement and use cases.
- There is a configuration widget written in CSS3, Java Script and jQuery Framework in UI Layer with Tag library, application deployed and tested on Linux.
- Developed different GUI Screens using JSP and user validations using JavaScript.
- Effectively implemented AJAX in developing dynamic web pages
- Used jQuery to traverse through a DOM tree and manipulated the nodes in the tree.
- Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using jQuery Framework.
- Brief experience on implementing the AngularJS and MVC Framework for data access.
- Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the nodes using DOM and DOM Functions.
- Involved in developing XUL, HTML, and JavaScript for client side presentation and data validation on the client side within the forms.
- Implemented Web Services (SOAP) for transmission of large blocks of JSON data over HTTP.
- Developed Action controller, Action Forms, Tiles Structure, Validation Structure (for data validation), JSP, Form Beans, AJAX Code, JavaScript and worked on integration.
- Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON.
- Worked with Cross-Browser Compatible issues.
- Developed application using STS.
- Wrote application level code to perform client side validation using jQuery and JavaScript.
- Designed and developed intranet web applications using JavaScript and CSS.
- Created and Modified DAO’s to communicate with DB2.
- Worked on project build-script by using ANT.
- Used Log4j for tracking the applications.
- Maintained the application modules in version control using Clear Case.
Environment: HTML 4/5, XHTML, Struts Framework, CSS, ExtJS, Bootstrap, Linux, DOM, XUL, JavaScript, AJAX, Log4j, JSON, JAVA, SOAP Web Services, JSP, API, DAO, BD2, jQuery, AngularJS, JSON, JSTL, STS, DB2, Clear Case, MS Office, ANT.
Confidential, Louisville, KY
Java Front End Developer
- Involved in the design and development of the entire application.
- Involved in Analysis, Design, and Implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, XML and XSLT and WebServices (REST, WSDL).
- Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, Ext JS, JQuery, and JSP for interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface.
- Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML5 and CSS3.
- Proficiency in implementing the design to meet web standards (W3C), SEO and worked on various browsers for cross-browser implementation.
- Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Angular.js, Node.js, Ext JS and JQuery UI.
- Involved in implementation of Spring MVC framework and developed DAO and Service layers. Configured the controllers, and different beans such as Handler Mapping, View Resolver etc.
- Developed web based presentation using JSP, AJAX using YUI components and Servlet technologies and implemented using Struts framework.
- Developed the User Interface using spring, logic, bean, JSP, Java Script, HTML5 and CSS3.
- Involved in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
- Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, Servlets, EJB, Form Bean and Action classes.
- Used the Node.js and Angular.js MVC Frameworks in the development of the web applications.
- Designed Responsive Web Design websites optimized for different displays.
- Involved in several web application development projects that required Responsive Web Design.
- Created UML diagrams (use case, class, sequence, and collaboration) based on the business requirements
- Involved in designing and developing dynamic web pages using HTML and JSP with Struts tag libraries.
- Developed Web services to allow communication between the applications using Rest Web Services.
- Designed, Developed and analyzed the front-end and back-end using JSP, Servlets and Spring.
- Designed JSP layout using Struts Tiles Framework.
- Used JavaScript for client-side validation and Struts Validator Framework for form validations
- Implemented SQL queries and used stored procedures, and built-in functions to retrieve and update data from the databases.
- Also wrote complex queries in SQL involving joins to obtain required data from the persistent layer.
- Used JavaScript validation in JSP pages.
- Used Hibernate Framework for object relational mapping and persistence.
- Interfaced with the Oracle back-end using Hibernate Framework and XML config files.
- Used Eclipse for the development environment.
- Wrote JUnit test cases to test the functionality of each method in the DAO layer.
- Configured and deployed the web application using Weblogic Application Server.
- Used Rational ClearQuest for tracking errors and bugs in the project source code.
- Prepared technical reports and documentation manuals for efficient program development.
Environment: J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts Framework, Struts Tiles Framework, HTML5, CSS3, EJB 3.0, Jquery, Ajax, Struts Validator Framework, JavaScript, XML, SQL, WebLogic application server, Eclipse, JUnit, CVS, Unix, Adobe Flex 3.6.
Java Developer
- Participated in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the application.
- Developed high level design documents, Use case documents, detailed design documents and Unit Test Plan documents and created Use Cases, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams using UML.
- Development of GUI for HTML and JSP Versions. Java Servlets were used as the common gateway interface between the client and server.
- Servlets are used to service requests from UI to manipulate Business Objects and invoke respective EJBs for making database updates.
- Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several Java/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate, MVC, Session Façade, Factory Method, Service Locator, Singleton and Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
- Configured Web Application Context as a Context Listener in the web.xml file to Integrating Spring with JSF.
- Designed and Developed Web Services using technologies WSDL, SOAP to communicate to the other modules.
- Wrote various Hibernate Queries using Hibernate Query Language(HQL) and hibernate criterion queries to execute queries against database.
- Developed complex service components for Data Access Layer, DAO classes to interact with backend using Java and Hibernate Framework.
Environment: HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, W3C Standards, AJAX, JSON, JSTL Taglibs, Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate, SOAP, WSDL