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Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • Around 7+ years of full stack development experience in Analysis, Design, Architect, Development, Testing and Deployment of software applications.
  • Good experience in developing rich user interface applications usingHTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, JSON and AJAX.
  • Good knowledge of client - side JavaScript framework Angular 7.x/8.x with NGRX to achieve MVVM design flow.
  • Strong knowledge in using Angular directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, Template, Events and Injectors.
  • Worked on Angular Typescript to build dynamic single page applications (SPA).
  • Developed custom filters and model driven forms in Angular and linked them with HTML.
  • Experienced in AngularJS, Backbone JS, Ext JS for unique and customize front-end development and to achieve MVC design flow.
  • Experienced in AngularJS, Backbone JS, Ext JS for unique and customize front-end app development and to achieve MVC design flow.
  • Strong experience in developing Dynamic Single Page Application (SPA) using MEAN (Mongo, Express Angular, and Node) full-stack development tool kit.
  • Good experience in developing server-side JavaScript frameworks using Node JS (Express JS) to build event-driven web applications.
  • Expertise in using JavaScript build tools and task runners like Webpack for React and Angular 7.0/8.0.
  • Worked on UI testing with Karma, Jasmine, Protractor for AngularJS, Mocha for React JS.
  • Worked extensively with JAVA 8 features like Stream API, Time API, Functional Interfaces Multithreading, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Collection API.
  • Good Knowledge in relational databases like Oracle 12c, PostgreSQL, MySQL, PL/SQL and NOSQL DB (Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB) good experience in writing stored procedures, functions and triggers using PL/SQL in JDBC, ODBC.
  • Expertise in Server-side programming using Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Java Beans, Hibernate, Oracle Struts, Spring and Spring Boot.
  • Have experience using ODM frameworks to connect asynchronous environments with Mongoose Connector and Cassandra Node Driver.
  • Experience in configuration and deployment of multi-tier applications using different web servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, Web Logic.
  • Experience in implementing and integrating various Spring framework modules like Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring ORM, Spring JDBC, Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring Web Services, Spring JMS, Spring AOP and Spring Boot.
  • Good experience in using Spring Data JPA for creating automatic Data Access Objects at the compile time.
  • Proficient in building applications using Spring Community framework projects and managed bean life cycle using Spring and EJB containers.
  • Developed projects with RESTful services (Spring Boot), SOAP (JAX-WS, Apache CXF, Apache Axis2) and automated the documentation using Swagger.
  • Used Junit, Mockito Easy mock, SpringJunitRunner, Spock, Test NG for unit testing web services and hence achieved the goals of Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  • Developed self-contained, black-box projects using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Authenticating Users to provide security to RESTful web services using OAUTH 2.0.
  • Efficient in creating access tokens using JWT (JSON Web Token) to assert claims.
  • Hands-on experience withPython and UNIX Shell Scripting.
  • Experienced in handling message queues using JMS, Rabbit-MQ, IBM-MQ, Active-MQ and Apache Kafka.
  • Experience in integration tools like Spring Integration, Mule ESB, Apache CXF, Apache Kafka and Apache Camel to integrate the enterprise application technologies with existing JVM environments.
  • Building real-time dashboard applications for visualizing, analyzing, and exploring data on Apache Web servers using ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana 4.0 (ELK), Splunk.
  • Good knowledge in employing database caching strategies using Redis, MongoDB Elastic search.
  • Experience on AWSDeploying,managing,andoperating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systemsand managed continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS.
  • Created Server instances on AWS. Tomcat, Swaggerare installed and used for deploying Microservices.
  • A better understanding of using Spring Cloud - Netflix OSS stack for microservices deployment and auto configurations like Ribbon (client-side Load Balancer)
  • Good hands-on experience with build tools like Gradle, Maven and ANT.
  • Experience on AWSDeploying,managing,andoperating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systemsand managed continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS.
  • Experience in Docker Engine and Docker Machine environment, to deploy the micro services-oriented environments for scalable applications.
  • Worked with Jenkins to configure Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
  • Good practical experience with Java -basedloggingutility. i.e., log4J.
  • Used Kubernetes Linux container for deploying and scaling containerized applications.
  • Strong Knowledge on automated java-based integration testing and behavioral testing of the applications using Selenium and Cucumber respectively.
  • Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
  • Used various version control software such as GIT, GIT LAB, CVS, Big Bucket for maintaining code repositories.


Programming languages: C, Java, Python, Shell scripting, SQL, PL/SQL

Java/ J2EE: Core Java, J2EE, Web Services (REST), Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Angular.

Frameworks: Spring, Spring boot, Struts, Hibernate.

Database: MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Postgre SQL, Cassandra

ORM: Hibernate, Spring Data, JPA.

Web Servers: Web sphere, Web logic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss

Web Services: SOAP - WSDL, JAX-WS, RESTful - JAX-RS, Microservices

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall Model

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Bamboo

IDE & Build Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Toad, SQL Navigator.

Cloud Environments: AWS, Azure

Testing Tools: Junit, Jasmine, TestNG, Mockito, Selenium, Cucumber

Project Management Tools: GitHub, Bitbucket, Confluence, JIRA, Rally

Operating Systems: Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OS

Version control: GIT, SVN, CVS

Built tools: Maven, Gradle, Ant

IDE/Editors: IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Eclipse, WebStorm.


Confidential, VA

Full Stack Developer


  • Worked on Angular 8 framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs.
  • Used Angular 8.0 framework along with HTML5, CSS3 and Typescript in developing a login portal for single-page applications.
  • Extensively worked with angular routes and created child modules to lay load them and integrated with angular route guards and used PrimeNG as an angular library for all the components.
  • Experience in java 8 features like Parallel Streams, Lambdas, functional interfaces, and filters.
  • Implemented a Microservice architecture, designed and developed RESTFUL web services using Spring Boot and Apache CXF framework.
  • Experience in integrating the internal security model into new projects with Spring Batch, Spring Microservices, Spring Boot, and Netflix Eureka.
  • Developed and deployed Microservices based applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and implemented Zuul to enable routing and load balancing the requests to back-end web services.
  • Created Logging aspects for auditing using Spring AOP and implemented security for the application using Spring Security.
  • We used Swagger in the project, for better understanding about end points developed by back-end developers which helps frontend developers to view end points and their documentation.
  • Deployed Spring Boot based microservices Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services.
  • Handled Http Requests using Axios which supports Promise API functionality native to JZ oracle.
  • Developed responsive applications using Bootstrap.js, Node.js, D3.js which allowed the same application to be optimized for both mobile and desktop resolutions.
  • Created and consumed RESTful API using Express.js to provide centralized logic and reusable data retrieval build on top of Node.js.
  • Implemented Node.js router to make cross-domain requests to API services like GitHub API, MongoDB.
  • Worked with build tools like NPM, Bower and Grunt.
  • ImplementedLog4jfor logging and debugging purpose.
  • Worked with Jenkins to configure Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
  • Performed configuration, deployment and support of cloud services including Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Launched various AWS EC2 instances to deploy the application.
  • Performed queuing services for the cloud data processing for certain tasks like file upload, data processing, notice to the On-Premises application using the AWS service SQS (AWS Queuing System).
  • Implemented OAuth 2.0, Basic AUTH and API Key policies for API Security.
  • Gradle build tool is used to deploy the application on the web server.
  • Designed, Developed, and maintained PostgreSQL Database architecture.
  • Developed back-end interfaces using SQL packages, stored procedures, Functions, Procedure, Anonymous SQL programs, Exception Handling in PL/SQL programs.
  • Developed unit test cases using Mocha and Chai as unit test runners to test various React JS components.
  • Worked on the Splunk architecture and various components (indexer, forwarder, search head, deployment server).

Environment: React.js, Express.js, Node.js, Babel, Redux, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, EC2, S3, MongoDB 3.2, Mongoose Connector, Chai, Mocha, Log4j, MAVEN 3.0

Confidential, PA

Full Stack Developer


  • Developed a Micro Service Oriented application with React JS in the front end and Spring Boot services for back-end.
  • Involved in development, design and implementation of the front-end part using HTML5, CSS3-LESS, AJAX, Bootstrap 4.0.
  • For client-side view rendering services, React JS typically used various predefined Redux libraries.
  • Configured React-Redux for state management and React-Router for programmatic navigation.
  • Implemented Store-Redux for holding the whole state tree of application and Reducer-Redux for describing actions.
  • UsedAxios AJAX request to data from back-end based on user interface input and post updated data back to backend.
  • For testing React JS components, Mocha test runner and Chai test framework are used.
  • Web pack module bundler and Babel JavaScript compiler are used accompanying React JS.
  • Implemented Spring Boot to create aCRUD backend for our React-frontend application.
  • Bottle micro-framework implemented with RESTful service and used WADL (Web Application Description Language) for modelling the resources provided by the services and relationships between them.
  • Integrated Spring Boot to modularized code and implemented Rest API’s using Spring Rest and integrated Swagger API for documentation.
  • Configured Spring Hibernate transaction manager and used Spring declarative transaction management with various propagation levels.
  • Server-side validations are achieved using Spring Validation framework.
  • Used Spring Transactions to handle transaction management, logging and profiling.
  • Junit is implemented along with Mokito to perform unit testing on our RESTful web application.
  • Implemented JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for creating tokens to assert claims in the application and thus providing authentication of RESTful services.
  • Modules for the Front- end are integrated to the Back end using the Hibernate framework.
  • Implemented Spring Batch for processing large volumes of records, including logging/tracing, transaction management, job processing statistics, job restart, skip, and resource management in the application.
  • Published message services using Spring AMQP’sRabbit Template and subscribes to the messages on aPOJOusing the Message Listener Adapter.
  • Worked with Cassandra Node Connector for database persistence to interact with Cassandra NOSQL DB with Spring Data to unify and ease the access to Cassandra persistence stores.
  • MySQL database used to load the application data and written PL/SQL procedures, complex queries to perform various data operations.
  • Splunk is implemented in the application for log errors, exceptions, business logic and log analytics.
  • Gradle build tool is used to deploy the application on the web servers i.e., JBoss.
  • Worked with Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
  • Implemented Spring Cloud-Netflix OSS Stack along with using Ribbon for client-side load balancing, Netflix Zuul Api Gateway with Eureka service registry for reverse proxy infrastructure and Hystrix Circuit Breaker for fault tolerance.
  • Deployed the Dockerized Spring Boot application that is intended to be run on a dev local machine using PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry).
  • Behavioral and Integration testing is done using Cucumber and Selenium respectively.

Environment: JavaScript, React JS-Redux, HTML5, CSS3-LESS, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Quartz Scheduler, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Restful services, Spring Cloud-Netflix, Splunk, MongoDB, MySQL, Docker, Apache tomcat, Jenkins, Netflix Zuul Api, Mocha, Chai, Selenium, Cucumber, Cassandra DB.

Confidential, NY

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in all stages of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Design and Implementation in Agile Methodology.
  • Developed UI- interface using HTML5, CSS3, and Angular4 router to build single page applications to navigate through the different status and multiple modals.
  • For providing dynamic user validations on the client side, Angular 4 is used to associate HTML elements to models.
  • Worked on UI components using Angular2 Dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
  • Worked on Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Streams, filters, optional classes and default methods.
  • Used Executor Service Interfaces, multi-threading & thread resource pooling.
  • Worked on Spring MVC Transaction Management, Spring/Hibernate Batch Transactions and Hibernate cache, Spring Boot components to implement business layer and navigation part of application.
  • Implemented Microservices architecture with Netflix, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon using Spring Boot to provide client-side load balancing in calls to other Micro services making applications into smaller chunks and also the Spring Hystrix as circuit breaker and for the fail-safe.
  • Involved in developingRestful service API’s endpoints in microservice architecture.
  • Developed MongoDB Data Access Layer implementing Mongo Repository interface from Spring Data.
  • Implemented a distributed messaging queue to integrate with MongoDB using Kafka and Zookeeper.
  • Worked on UNIX/Bash environments across EC2 servers with Docker hosts & Kubernetes to manage docker images.
  • Developed various SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures in Oracle DB for the application.
  • Involved in Designing and deploying AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups. Supporting Systems Infrastructure comprises Linux OS, AWS, EC2 clusters.
  • Worked on instantiating multiple AWS EC2 servers by using YAML Script in Ansible playbook.
  • Experienced DevOps methodologies by implementing CI/CD Pipelines using tool sets like GIT, Jenkins, and AWS.
  • UtilizedAWSLambdaplatform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger anotherLambda functions.
  • Worked with API Management product ofAPIGEEin consuming the API’s in implementing customer use cases.
  • UNIX Shell scripts for Bash shell to automate deployments and environment configurations on the EC2 Clusters.
  • Developed Apache Spark jobs using Java in a test environment for faster data processing and used Spark SQL.
  • Designed and Developed the Automation Testing Framework using Java, Selenium Web Driver and TestNG.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular2, Node.js, Java8, Java/J2EE, Spring MVC, Restful Web Services, Microservices, Netflix, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, Spring Boot, Spring Hystrix, AWS, EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, Chef, Linux OS, Selenium, TestNG, DROOLS, APIGEE, MongoDB, Design Patterns, Maven.


Java Full Stack Developer


  • Designed the user interface screen and its functionality as per user requirements and developed RESTful Web services in MuleESBbased on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Developed dynamic web pages using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and AJAX.
  • Effectively migrated the Angular 2.0 application to Angular 4.0 to use the enhanced features of typescript, Angular Routers and Angular Components.
  • Used Angular 4.0 to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with the server as Single Page Applications.
  • Effectively used Angular Directives, filters, declarative templates, service providers and context aware communication.
  • Performed Angular end to end testing using Protractor framework.
  • Worked on using Grunt used for concatenation, minification and running of unit test cases.
  • Legacy Web Services Systems using SOAP (AXIS-2) are migrated and implemented using REST (Jersey extending the JAX-RS) with data representation in different formats such as XML and JSON.
  • Implemented WADL configuration and API documentation for the understanding of Rest based Web services.
  • Wrote a custom marshaller for webservices in the application for converting in-memory objects into persisting or transportable format.
  • JAX-RS API generic and pluggable interface calledMessageBodyWriterfor doing the custom marshalling.
  • Hibernate ORM framework is used to interact with databases through Hibernate query language (HQL).
  • DB2 database used to load the application data and written PL/SQL procedures, complex queries to perform various data operations.
  • Message broker services are achieved in the application using Active MQ with JMS framework
  • Used Maven build tool to deploy the application on web servers i.e., JBoss.
  • Deployed and monitored services using Open Shiftand managed Domains and Routes.
  • Configured Jenkins to handle application deployment and to integrate with GitHub version control.
  • TestNg framework is used for Unit, functional, end-to-end testing.
  • Integration testing methods and Behavioral driven testing in the application are implemented by using Selenium and Cucumber respectively.

Environment: Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Active MQ, JMS, Hibernate, DB2, SOAP-AXIS2, Restful services, JAX-RS SOA, Jenkins, Git, Log4j, DB2, Grunt, Jasmine, Maven, TestNg, Protractor, Grunt, Selenium, Cucumber, WADL.

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