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Senior Software Engineer Resume

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Pittsburgh, PA


Dynamic, competent and client focused Software Professional, with around 14 years of experience in Software Development, Optimizing Solutions and Enhancements of web based, multi - tier distributed architecture applications using Java/JEE technologies, Microservices architecture, API Gateway, Containerization using Docker, private cloud, iOS native and hybrid app Development using swift, Android App development. A team player open for new challenges, learning new skills and implementing it in the projects and contributes towards project objectives.


  • Full Stack Senior Java/JEE Lead with around 16 years of Software Analysis, Design, Development, customizations and implementation of web application, content management and other JEE applications using technologies like Spring, springboot, MicroServices, API Gateway, Docker, iOS swift programming, Android native programming using Android JAVA API, Angular+, 8.5/7.0, Ext-JS, HTML 5, Bootstrap CSS, Apache WebServer, Siteminder, LDAP server, TeamSite, CrownPeak and testing experience in client-server, internet/intranet web and distributed enterprise applications using Java/JEE technologies.
  • Working experience in developing Rest API, Microservices design patter, implementing oAuth2 Security
  • Multi Cloud experience in AWS, Azure and GCP.
  • Good exposure to Spring Framework - Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection, AOP, Spring MVC.
  • Good exposure to Spring Cloud OSS - Spring Eureka, Spring Cloud Config Server, Spring Zuul, Spring Ribbon, Spring Hysterix
  • Strong experience in Core Java and JEE stack of technologies
  • Good knowledge in client web technologies using ExtJS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, Flex 3.2/4.6, AngularJS 1, Angular 2/4.
  • Good exposure and knowledge in cloud technologies. Around 5 years of experience in BXP (BNYMellon Extreme Platform), in house cloud solution of BNYMellon.
  • Working experience in container based private Cloud built using Docker.
  • Implemented Complex architecture like Camunda and Kafka in money transfer application.
  • Worked on ELK (Elastic Search, Log Stash and Kibana)
  • Experience in Version Control Management tools like VSS, SVN, CVS and GIT work flow.
  • Working experience in CI/CD using Jenkins,GitLab, Maven
  • Played role of Buildmaster
  • Development experience using Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ, RAD, Android Studio, Visual Studio Code.
  • Proven skills in post deployment and production support in mission critical systems and performance tuning of java and web applications.
  • Excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal skills and ability to learn technologies rapidly.
  • Experience in Waterfall and Agile methodology/Scrum participation of sprint-based development.
  • SAFE4 certified practitioner.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, and the flexibility to adapt in an ever-changing business environment, extremely quick learner with very less ramp up time for a new technology.


Java Technologies: Java 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, JMS, Java Applets, JNDI and RMI

Frameworks: Spring 3.0 / 4.0, Spring Cloud OSS, Struts MVC, Web Services

Web Service: RESTful Web Services, API Gateway, JAX-RS, apache CXF, SOAP Web Service, JAX RPC, RMI

Web Technologies: ExtJS, Bootstrap 3.2, Angular+, Node JS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX and JQuery

Application Servers: IBM WebSphere 6.1/ 7.0, Apache Tomcat 5.x, 6.x, 7.x

Portal Servers: WebSphere Portal Server 6.1/6.0/5.1, Liferay Portal Server 6.1

Databases: Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11c, SQL Server

Database Tools: SQL*Plus, TOAD, SQL Developer

UML tools: MS Visio

Reporting tools: Business Objects 3.1/4.1, Informatica

IDE: Eclipse, IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), IntelliJ, RAD 6/7.0/7.5, Android Studio, Adobe Flash Builder, Visual Studio Code

Source Control Systems: GIT/BitBucket, SVN, CVS, VSS, MKS and Clear case

Operating Systems: Red hat Linux 5.x, 6.x and Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.x, UNIX with Bash shell script and Windows

Tools: and Enterprise Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Junit, JMeter, Harvest Workbench, Dynatrace, SonarQube, IBM uBuild/uDeploy, BMC Bladelogic, Splunk.

Application Integration: SoapUI, Postman, JIRA, BI CMC, BI LaunchPad, BI QueryBuilder, TextPad

Technologies: Beyond Compare, HttpWatch, Fiddler, KeyStore Explorer, Putty, FileZilla, BMC Remedy, Crystal Reports 10/2013, Business Views, Quartz Schdeuler

Design Patterns: MVC, MVC2, Session Façade, Business Delegate, DAO, DTO Singleton, Factory, Front Controller and Service Locator

Libraries: Apache Cordova

Methodology: Excellent Experience in Agile Development and Test-Driven Development Project LeadTechnical lead for Java and Oracle, Multiple projects Lead, Cross functional /Management skills project participation, Communication handling with stakeholders, Project Planning, Project WBS creation and sequencing of activities, mentoring technical skills Project risk management and mitigation.


Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Senior Software Engineer

Technologies/Environments used: iOS App- Swift4.0, Angular+, Xcode/Application Loader.


  • Architected entire solution for iOS and Android app.
  • Worked on binary creation, provisioning profile creation, app publishing enterprise level and in Test Flight, app publishing in iTunes for iOS
  • Worked on apk creation for Android, hosting in google playstore for alpha/beta testing and releasing app to actual roll out.

Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Senior Architect


  • Clear and intuitive navigation
  • Customizable views of your entire relationship
  • Access to a searchable archive of your statements
  • View current market value and change in investment value
  • Stay current with the latest intraday pricing information
  • Set and view account alerts
  • Access Tax Documents
  • Personalize user configuration
  • Data Aggregation
  • Connectivity with Private Banking
  • Quicken Integration:
  • Architected entire solution for UI and API both.
  • Created UI prototype using angular2 and handed over to UI team to take it forward.
  • Built API archetype for rest application and converted monolithic application into REST based solution.
  • Implemented API security, registration in API gateway.
  • Implemented CI/CD for API and UI deployment in Confidential private cloud.
  • Created cloud infrastructure for hosting API and UI project.
  • Implemented Siteminder Authorization in entire application.
  • Implemented RSA based authentication in new portal.
  • Implemented OIDC+Oauth2 for APIs
  • Managed a team of 20 people for the project, created the estimations for efforts required to produce end-to-end solution and led the technical solution development. Responsible for the code reviews and code optimization in order to deliver the code as per the company quality standards.
  • Imparted technical direction and guidance to the development team to create designs, develop systems, resolve issues and manage development schedule.

Confidential, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Technologies/Environments used in: WebSphere Portal 6.1, WebSphere Application Server 7.0, JSF Portlets, JSR 168 Portlets, Tomcat 7, JEE, RAD 7.0, SQL developer, Harvest Deployment tool, Apache Cordova, Business Objects SDK, Flex 4.6, Angular JS, Spring MVC, Java 6, Java 7, JSP, Servlets, Maven, GIT, Jenkins, Crystal Reports 2013, Business Objects 4.1, Oracle 11g, Spring 3.1/4.1, Restful web services, Junit, JMeter, Quartz Scheduler, myBatis.


  • Responsible for design, construction and implementation of the enterprise applications using Confidential Private cloud, IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, JAVA 6/7, JEE, Spring, Ext-JS, HTML 5 Angular JS, Bootstrap CSS, Flex SDK, BO SDKs, Apache WebServer, Siteminder, LDAP server.
  • Understanding requirements provided by the customer, envisioning the solution architecture, mapping of functional requirements to technical design, preparing the detailed technical design, assigning and monitoring tasks to the team members and closely guiding the team on the technical approach
  • Developed and enhanced frontend applications written using JSP, HTML, CSS, Java scripts.
  • Developed reactive frontend code using Ajax, Angular.js, Node.js, Flex 3.2/4.6..
  • Developed MVC architecture and the design for the Middle Tier Development using Spring and REST web services.
  • Unit testing the application using JUnit. Unit tested, regression tested, load tested the changes and performed the code review.
  • Business Logic analysis to produce Business Workflow Diagram, Use Cases, Architecture, Functional/Design specifications, sequence diagrams;
  • Responsible for reviewing and signing off on all architecture and design documents making final presentations to the BNY Mellon technical team.
  • Perform coding in Core Java Threads, Multithreading, Synchronization, Collection API
  • Responsible for performance analysis of web applications using JMeter.
  • Worked on Unix scripting for fixing/workaround issues and server logging and scheduling.
  • Code management through GIT and SVN.
  • Involved in the requirement analysis, design, and development and testing the application.
  • Extensively used OOD (Object Oriented Design) and JEE Design Patterns during the tool’s design.
  • Used Crystal Reports 2013 for report creation, compilation and running.
  • Implemented BO SDKs for reporting application.
  • Involved in architectural change in the application.
  • Implemented Java in between Reporting and Database environment.
  • Done the development work in Waterfall and agile methodology for different projects.
  • Lead team before stakeholders during communication, meetings, application design, and project plan.
  • Work with business analysts, stakeholders and clarify the design, requirements and implementation.
  • Executed and controlled the planned tasks through thorough monitoring of projects.
  • Senior management and Director level monthly update about the project progress.
  • Creating and managing project documents in SharePoint.
  • Involved in translation of Business User requirements into functional and technical details and vice versa.
  • Developing project team for technical skills and mentoring new team members.
  • Working with BNY Mellon project management to plan for releases by performing impact and technical feasibility analyses for the releases.


Senior Software Engineer

Technologies used: BEA web logic 8.1, spring, Struts, JAVA, XML


  • Worked on Confidential ’s legacy Spring enabler framework with WebLogic portal.
  • Worked on business implementation for entire solution
  • Created portlets, portal theme, custom skins
  • Worked on excel/csv export, implemented custom pagination logic on portlet pages.


Team Member

Technologies used: WebSphere Portal Server v5.1, Oracle 8i,, RAD 6.0, Portal Document Manager, JSR 168 portlets, JSTL, JAVA/J2EE, struts, Web Services.


  • Joined as a junior developer, got trained in WebSphere portal 5.1
  • Design and development of custom portlets
  • Worked on Portal Theme Creation, custom skin creation for portlets
  • Implemented XML Access, Inter portlet communication
  • Implemented struts and JSF portlets

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