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Full Stack Developer Resume

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Sunnyvale, CA


  • Over 7+ years of experience in delivering enterprise solutions in e - commerce, m-commerce, workflow, and web-based arena. Expertise in conceptualizing, designing, and coding technical solutions using Java/J2EE technology stacks.
  • Expert in Various Agile methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven Development (TTD), and Iteration methodology, Pair Programming, Agile Development & Testing using Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Experience in designing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications usingHTML5, CSS3, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, Angular, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap.
  • Experience in usingReduxto manage the application state and applying middleware such asredux-promise, redux-thunkandredux-saga.
  • Expert inCoreJava with strong understanding ofOOPS Concepts, Collections, Multithreading, Thread Pool, Executor Services, Event handling and Exception handling.
  • Extensive experience with Microservices architecture using Spring Boot and Rest APIs.
  • Hands-on experience in different modules of Spring Framework -Spring MVC, Spring ORM, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring boot. Extensive experience in Struts tag Libraries and Custom-tag implementations inJSPto embedded business logic.
  • Experience in writing applications using Java/J2EE & related technologies such asHibernate, EJB3, Struts Servlets, Java Beans, XML, XSL, SQL, PL/SQL middleware technologies such as Web Services, SOAP and WSD.
  • Good Knowledge on working withOAUTH2.0to provide authentication and authorization to Rest services by exchanging Access tokens.
  • Experience in working with Message Queues services likeRabbit MQ,Apache Kafka,JMS for communication between sender and listener.
  • Proficient in NoSQL and SQL DB such as Oracle, IBM DB-2, Apache Cassandra DB, MongoDB, and Couch DB.
  • Experience in deploying enterprise applications in Apache-Tomcat, WebLogic, and WebSphere, JBoss.
  • Experience in writing testcases with JUnit Framework using Mockito, Power Mock, Spring Junit Runner, JMeter.
  • Extensive experience on Web ServicesAPI TestingusingSOAP UI, Swagger and POSTMANtools and validatingtheXML, JSONrequest and responses.
  • Hands on experience in Apache Tomcat 8 and NodeJS servers to deploy and configure Java API’s and frontend modules.
  • Experienced in build tools such as ANT, Maven, and Gradle.
  • Experienced with version controller like SVN and GIT (Bitbucket, GitHub).
  • Experience on configuring Docker using Docker toolbox, Environment provisioning solutions using Docker.
  • Proficient in using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, RDS, Elastic cache, SNS, SQS, AMI.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSP, DOM, Responsive Web Design, DHTML, XHTML, JSON, XML, SASS, SCSS.

Java Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Servlets, JDBC, JSTL, Swing, Java, J2EE, JDK 1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8 , JSP 1.2/2, Servlets, AJAX, Struts 1.1/1.2/2.0, JSF, Hibernate 3.0, Spring 2.x, XML, Web Services, SOAP, JPA, JMS, EJB, Spring Form Tags.

JavaScript Technologies: React, Redux, AngularJS, Angular, EXT.js, Backbone.js, Require.js, NodeJS, VueJS, ES6, Babel, jQuery, Babel, Ext.js, Backbone.js

Database: Oracle, PL/SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, XAMPP

Web Services: RESTful, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI

Testing frameworks: JUnit, Jasmine, Karma, Jest, Log4j, Apache CXF., JAX-WS, WSDL

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, LINUX, Mac OS.

Web Servers: WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, Tomcat, Nginx, IIS, SOAP, WSDL

Repositories: Git, Bitbucket, SVN, CVS, MS TFS


Confidential - Sunnyvale, CA

Full Stack Developer


  • Worked withAgile Software Development methodologiesto enable efficient and effective high-quality software development.
  • Worked on system analysis, design, development, and implementation of web-based application usingHTML5,CSS3,JavaScript/ECMAScript/JScript,Angular 9,Node JS,React JS,AJAX,jQuery and in React JS and React Flux architecture.
  • Improved the UI logging of suggest edits interface with Flux and React.js.
  • Involved in creating navigation bar using React.JS for menus and using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used the Middleware, Redux-saga, Redux-promise in application to retrieve the data from the external API's and perform the RESTful Services.
  • Used Redux SAGA to view and action creators as pure functions and it allows to model state transitions using familiar JavaScript constructs.
  • Developed custom drag and drop tree view, web application to transfer and arrange HL7 data using Angular, html, Vue.js and Built web application using Vue.js and Firebase.
  • Extensively usedJAVA 11features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections, multithreading and for effective sorting mechanisms.
  • Developed test application modules and Pivotal Cloud Foundry into Microservices.
  • ImplementedMicroservicesusingSpring BootandMicronautframeworks.
  • Designed and developed RESTFUL web services for both external and internal users.
  • Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.
  • Developed Web Services using - SOAP/RESTFUL WS and programming skills in designing and implementation of applications using Java/J2EE.
  • Developed Spring Boot based web applications and REST API that takes web requests and respond with JSON data.
  • Used Spring Boot for developing Customer loyalty application.
  • Removed all the XML based configurations required to build the MVC application and maintained in the classes using Spring Boot.
  • Developed database operations using Spring JPA and hibernate to interact with Sql server database tables and views.
  • Implemented and developedRestfulweb services withJAX-RSusing jersey as provider and implemented security using OAUTH.
  • Developed a data pipeline usingKafkato store data and involved in designing Kafka messaging queues.
  • Performed CRUD operations like Update, Insert and Delete data in MongoDB and Oracle database management system and handled database access and data transmission based on RESTful web service.
  • Developed application as Enterprise JavaScript using - NodeJs, Websockets, Jasmine, Karma, NPM, Gulp, Protractor etc.
  • Worked on Swagger API and auto-generated documentation for all REST calls.
  • Wrote test cases using JUnit testing framework and configured applications on WebLogic Server.
  • Developed unit test cases usingMockitoframeworkfor testing accuracy of code andloggingis done usingSLF4j + Log4j.
  • Worked ondeployment of the applicationand helped build team to providedeployment scripts using Ant, Maven.
  • UsedGITto check-in and check-out and co-ordinate among team members for Version Controlling.
  • Actively involved in theDevOpsstreamlining process throughJenkins CI/CDRelease Automation.
  • Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
  • Used Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to deploy, update, or delete all the resources for your solution in a single, coordinated operation.
  • Configured and managed inHadoopClusters forSparkstreaming jobs using MicrosoftAzureand along withSQL.
  • Used JSON for data exchange between application modules along with XML.
  • Tested JSON output usingAdvanced REST Client and POSTMAN.

Environment: JAVA 11, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Angular 2, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, Node.js, Spring Data, Protractor, Mongo DB, Oracle 11g, IntelliJ IDEA, Junit 4.4, Mockito, Git, ARM, Docker, Spring Cloud, RESTful web services, Apache Tomcat, Apache Kafka, Camel, Maven, Jenkins, Karma, Jasmine, SLF4j, Agile methodology, GIT, Postman.

Confidential - New York City, NY

Sr. Java Developer


  • Involved in the design, development, and testing phases of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) usingAgilemethodology.
  • Implemented building Cross browser responsive mobile first web application usingHTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, CSSpreprocessor Less, animation library green sock and custom media queries.
  • CreatedTypescriptreusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 6.
  • UsedAngular 6Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both on server and client side.
  • UsedDecoratorsto optimize the code reusability and worked with services, providers in Angular 6 and Customized components for each of the web page inAngular 6.
  • Designed and developedAngular 6Components - Directives, Controller, Services and implemented Two Way binding.
  • Created custom, general use modules and components which extend the elements and modules of core Angular and Implemented Jasmine testing methodology.
  • Designed J2EE framework, which generates different screens, based on access level using stateful session beans, JSP XML. Developed HTML forms client-side validation using JavaScript.
  • Used JAVA 8 functional expressions to manipulate the complex user defined data type of Cassandra and developed Microservices.
  • Developed Microservices using Spring MVC and Netflix stack (Hystrix, Archaius, Eureka, Zuul and Ribbon).
  • Implemented client-server business applications using MVC, SOA architecture andMicro Services.
  • ImplementedRESTFULWeb Service usingJAX-RSand Jersey framework and tested the webservices by usingRestfultool in the application which supported different format liketext, JSONandXML.
  • Developed RESTful web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts using the Spring Boot.
  • Implemented Restful Web Services using spring and used Spring Boot for microservices & consumed services using Spring REST template.
  • Designed and developed business components using Spring Boot, Spring Dependency Injection (Core), Spring AOP and Spring Annotations.
  • Implemented Spring MVC, AOP Validation Framework (spring and spring modules) Util packages ORM and DAO layers in most of the modules.
  • Worked with Hibernate association mappings like one-one, many-one, many to many and lazy loading of the objects.
  • Involved in usingHibernateandSQLto retrieve the data from database and Interfaced with the Oracle back-end using Hibernate Framework and XML config files.
  • Involved in development of java components by usingHibernate and springto persist the data in DB.
  • Improvedperformance of thetablesthroughload testingusingCassandra stresstool.
  • Implemented automated local user provisioning VMs created inOpen stack and AWScloud through Chef Recipes.
  • Involved in Log4j, JUnit, JMeter, Selenium, Maven and Jenkins.
  • Worked withIDEasEclipse Indigoand deployed intoApache Tomcat Web Server& usedMaven build toolto achieve more functionality for build process.
  • Worked on setting upMavenscripts to build, package, and deploy application code to the target WebLogic Application Servers and worked on continuous integration servers likeJenkins.
  • Worked with OpenShift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
  • Setting upAWS Oracle RDSdatabases for new project, use data pump to migrate data to Relational Database Services (RDS). Solid understanding ofMicro Services, Spring boot, Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

ENVIRONMENT: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, CSS, Angular 6, J2EE, JSP, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Jasmine, JAVA 8, Cassandra, OOPS, Multithreading, MVC, SOA, Microservices, AWS, RDS, RESTFUL, JAR-RS, JSON, Spring Boot, Spring AOP, ORM, DAO, SQL, Agile, OpenShift, RabbitMQ, Lof4j, Junit, JMeter, Selenium, Docker, Maven, Jenkins, JBoss, Tomcat.

Confidential - Scottsdale, AZ

Java Developer


  • Involved in the implementation of design using vital phases of the Software development life cycle(SDLC) that includesDevelopment, Testing, ImplementationandMaintenanceSupport inWATERFALLmethodology.
  • Involved in creative and effectivefront-end developmentusing JSP, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JQuery,Ajaxand CSS.
  • Worked with AJAX framework and single page web applications using AngularJS.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular.
  • Used Angular and JQuery library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
  • Involved in the development of the UI for the front plane runtime component using Oracle ADF and wrote the client-side validations using JavaScript.
  • Integrated the applications withsoapweb services.
  • Created the Application using React.JS and Node.js libraries NPM, gulp directories to generate desired view and flux to root the URLs properly.
  • UsedJava 8 Method Referencesfeature to point to methods by their names and usedfunctional Interfaces.
  • DevelopedRESTful andSOAPbasedWeb Servicesto consume and produce data inXMLandJSON.
  • Worked to produce SOAP web-services (WSDL, XML, XSD, JAXB) using Apache CXF in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Also worked in consuming the SOAP web services. Azure Cloud Development.
  • Experienced in working with Service Oriented ArchitectureSOAandSOAP.
  • Worked on Reference Implementation for Point Solution using Restful Web Services Jersey Framework which is a perfect technical replica of BPM with Resource URIs to serve as Processes, Uniform Interface serves as tasks, Representation serves as Control Flow and Hypermedia serve as Data Flow.
  • Developed end to end application on spring boot framework (Rest API Application/Spring JPA using Crud repository).
  • UsedSpring Boot, Spring Batchfor building cloud Microservices quickly and develop spring-based applications with very less manual configuration.
  • Developed the web layer usingSpring MVCframework and worked with Hibernate association mappings like one-one, many-one, many to many and lazy loading of the objects.
  • Used Test driven methods to improve the code and find defects in the code.
  • Involved in implementing theJMS(Java messaging service) for asynchronous communication.
  • Involved in using JMSQueuesand JMSTopicsfor one-to-one and one-to-many communication in the application.
  • Implemented in Data migration from DB2 to ApacheCassandra DBand involved in major and minor up gradation of Couch base andCassandra cluster.
  • Used SPRING framework that handles application logic and makes calls to business objects and services mainly SOAP Web services.
  • Used Gradle tools for building and deploying the Web applications, implemented the Junit testing.
  • Worked with GIT Version control system to track various aspects of the project.
  • Deployed the Application inWebLogic App Server.
  • Managed connectivity usingJDBCandDB2for querying/inserting and data management and designed stored procedures.
  • Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.

Environment: WATERFALL methodology, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JQuery, Ajax, CSS, AngularJS, REST API’s, AngularJS, ADF, JavaScript, SOAP, XML, JSON, WSDL, XSD, JAXB, CXF, SOA, Spring MVC, JMS, DB2, SOAP UI, GIT, WebLogic, BPM, Node.js, Curd Repository, IOC, XML, JDBC.


Software Developer


  • Developed Embedded Object for the calibration statuses using HTML5, JQuery, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap and JQuery.
  • Developed an environment where a JSP file is requested which in turn uses a Java bean that generates and sends a form associated to XML Schema.
  • Designed components for company's object framework using best practices and J2EE design patterns such as Model-View-Controller MVC, Data Access Object, Value Object, and Business Delegate.
  • Used Web Services thruSOAPprotocol for interacting with the Credit Check module.
  • Established Database Connectivity usingJDBCforMySQL.
  • ImplementedJDBCfor mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database.
  • UsedSQLqueries using Joins and Stored Procedures to fetch / write required information to database tables.
  • Developed in writingSQL Queries, Stored Procedures, functions, packages, tables, views, triggers and data connectivity and data integration ofOracle.
  • Loaded spilling data using Kafka, Flume and real time Using Spark and Storm.
  • Importing and sending out information into HDFS and Hive utilizing Sqoop and Kafka.
  • Used Apache JMeter for load testing.
  • WrittenSQL queries,PL/SQLstore procedures andTriggersto fetch and store data from the database.
  • Used Gradle tools for building and deploying the Web applications, implemented the Junit testing.
  • UsedSVNas the Version and Process Control tool for branching, merging, and tagging Java source code.

Environment: HTML5, JQuery, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSP, XML, J2EE, MVC, SOAP, JDBC, MySQL, SQL, PL/SQL, Gradle, Junit, SVN.


Java Developer


  • Worked as a J2EE developer for developing a web-based interface called Loan Origination System.
  • Developed web Components using JSP, Servlets and Server-side components using EJB under J2EE Environment.
  • Used JAVAJDKfeatures to implement the functionalities.
  • Worked on various UI technologies like JSF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP tag libraries.
  • Developed applications using Core Java concepts like OOPS, Multithreading, Garbage Collection.
  • UsedJDBC Prepared callable statement Stored Proceduresto connect update and delete from database.
  • Implemented MVC design pattern using struts framework.
  • Involved in installing and configuringMavenfor application builds and deployment
  • Hibernateis used for one web service implementation which is invoked from IBES application.
  • Generated build script usingAntto build EAR file and deploy the application on the server.
  • Extensively worked onSQLfor writing complex queries in the business logic layer.
  • Configured and maintained code in CVS.
  • UsedJBoss and Tomcatas application deployment servers.

Environment: JSP, Servlets, EJB, J2EE, JSF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, OOPS, JIRA, JAVA, MVC, Structs, IBES, Ant, EAR, SQL, CVS, JBoss, Tomcat, JDBC.

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