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Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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New Orleans, LA


  • Over 8 Years of experience in analysis design developing Web based Client/Server Distributed and testing of applications using Java/J2EE Full Stack Technologies.
  • Experience in analysis design development testing and deployment of applications.
  • Good Experience in SOA architecture and Microservices Architecture usingREST and SOAP WebServices.
  • Extensive experience wif server - side programming using Java technologies such as J2EE Servlets JSP JavaBeans JDBC JMS.
  • Expertise in Webpage Development using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery,Bootstrap, AngularJS (1.x and 2).
  • Strong Experience in working wif various modules of spring framework like Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring ORM,Spring Security, Spring Web Flow, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
  • Proficient in using IDE like IntelliJ, Eclipse and Net beans. Strong Development and deployment experience in Tomcat 5.1, WebLogic 8.1, WebSphere 6.1, JBoss.
  • Expertise in developing JPA Hibernate Entities for the persistence layer.
  • Knowledge on AWS deployment, Cloud Migration and Database Migration.
  • Experience wif unit testing using JUnit and writing build scripts using Maven Ant.
  • Expertise in testing and debugging new programs using Firebug, Fiddler and Developer tools and writing build scripts using gulp and grunt.
  • Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome.
  • Experience in working wif RESTful Web Services and implementing RESTful API's.
  • Encouraging and quality environment motivates me to learn new technologies to improve noledge and to produce good quality results wif patience.
  • Has strong experience in Analysis, Development, Implementation and Scripting.
  • Experience in using version controls such as Star Team, GIT and SVN.
  • Highly motivated and innovative problem solver wif excellent communication skills.


Java/JEE Technologies: Java,J2EE, EJB, JSTL, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, LDAP, Junit, ANT, Struts JSF, JDK8, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, Java Beans, JMS, LDAP, Java Mail, JAXB, Struts Framework, Spring Framework, SOAP SOA and Design Patterns.

Languages: Java, C, C++, C#, .Net Technologies, Java Script, Type Script, PL/SQL

Build & Release Tools: Maven, Ant, Gradle, Gulp, Grunt.

ORM Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring DOA

Web Technologies: Angular2, AngularJS 1.x,Bootstrap,React JS, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, GWT(Google Web Tool Kit), Tag Libraries, Custom Tags, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax.


Database: Oracle,MySQL,MS Access, Mongo DB

Web / Application /Portal Servers: IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat,IBM HTTP Server, Pivotal Cloud Foundry,BEA Web logic,JBOSS,IBM Web Sphere Portal Server, IIS, Node.

Cloud Platforms: AWS(Amazon Web Services)

OOAD Modeling Tools: Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio

Version Control Tools: Rational Clear Case, VSS, SVN,GIT hub

IDE Development Tools: Rational Application Developer, Eclipse, My Eclipse, Brackets

DB Tools: TOAD, SQL developer,Erwin,Mongo Chef

Quality Control: Quality Center

Operating systems: Windows, UNIX, LINUX, Ubuntu, Sun Solaris.

Document Management: Lotus Domino, Microsoft SharePoint

Creative Design Tools: Adobe Creative Suite (PhotoShop, DreamWeaver, Flash, After Effects, Acrobat, Illustrator)


Confidential, New Orleans, lA

Sr. Java Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in the review of the BRD, HLD, LLD, Use Cases, Functional specifications, Test design of the application.
  • Used SpringBOOT to create stand-alone spring applications.
  • Used Angular2.0 as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data wif server.
  • Designed and developed RESTFUL Microservices using Spring Boot for the application to seamlessly integrate wif supporting sub systems.
  • Involved in designing and deploying a multitude application utilizing almost all the AWS stack (Including EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB,) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
  • All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot and Hibernate ORM. Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules.
  • Create RFP (Request for Proposal) microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing SpringBoot wif Spring MVC.
  • Developed Java/J2EE code, business logic using Spring, Hibernate framework and OOP concepts, involved in Peer code reviews.
  • Deployed the Microservices on Pivotal Cloud Foundry for scalability of the applications in future. Used Docker as a container tool to deploy the Microservices.
  • Extensively worked on the Angular UI Routing to handle navigation to access different pages in the application.
  • Worked wif the Architecture teams to implement upgrade of Angular 1.5 to Angular 2.0. Implemented new recommendations from Architecture team.
  • Unit tested all the classes using JUNIT at various class level and methods level.
  • Worked on Swagger, REST wif JSON to test data, and Postman for testing the Web Services.

Environment: Java,Spring Boot, Angular 2, Spring, Hibernate, XML, CSS, Ajax, Log4j, JSON, Web services, AWS(Amazon Web Services),Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Confidential, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Module Lead Java Full Stack Developer


  • Build wif Java J2EE, Apache Tomcat 8.0, WebLogic 10, Maven 3.0, Spring Wicket, Junit, Oracle 12c, Spring 4.0, RESTFUL, SOAP web services, JSON, Selenium and Cucumber.
  • Involved in developing application using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS.
  • Agile/SCRUM was used as the project management methodology and JIRA & Confluence werethe tools used to keep things in check.
  • Developed Java application which is an integration of technology Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Data, Hibernate, REST and SOAP web services.
  • Created maven archetypes for generating fully functional REST web services supporting both XML and JSON message transformation. Archetypes built on Spring 3.2 technology.
  • Written Junit test for whole projects and calculated the mutation coverage for all the files.
  • Created Mock service to all request and response and developed the business layer using Spring beans using Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control principles.
  • Developed Custom Directives in Angular JS wif spring framework, SOAP and Restful Web Services.
  • Handling cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Safari) on both Windows and Mac.
  • Developed RESTful services using Jersey, JAX-RS and Restlet to call third party vendors
  • Coordinated in all testing phases and worked closely wif Performance testing team to create a baseline for the new application.
  • Developed User Interface using Angular JS, jQuery, Html5.
  • Designed Mock ups in Adobe Creative Suite using Photoshop, Illustrator according to the business requirements.
  • Used Ajax to consume the web services and tan represent the data to the user wifout the necessity to reload the complete web page.

Environment: Angular JS, Bootstrap, Java, jQuery, JSON, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, Log4j, JSON, Web services, Selenium, Ant Build, WebLogic, PL/SQL, REST WebServices, Spring.

Confidential, El Segundo, CA


  • Developed a shell script about the back-end process for storing the server logs in a rotational base.
  • Automated the report generation in Excel Spreadsheet.
  • Design and developed Front End User interface using Html, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Developed Web based (JSP, Servlets, java beans, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML) console for reporting and life cycle management.
  • Responsible for using Java Persistence API annotations and Entity Manager to develop Hibernate persistence layer modules.
  • Used hibernate as ORM mapping tool and worked wif Hibernate Query Language.
  • Involved wif project manager in creating detailed project plans.
  • Designed technical documents using UML.
  • Responsible for writing complex Sql queries using joins, views, stored procedures.
  • Involved in developing presentation layer using JSP, AJAX, and JavaScript.
  • Created Junit Test cases by following Test Driven development.
  • Implemented Restful web service which can be used by the other components of the system.
  • Used jQuery, CSS2.0 and other Design into the Front end and validating requirements in each step of the project cycle. Developed UML based USE CASEs for different sub component of the system.
  • Developed Ant(build.xml) targets for build and deployments on Web Sphere Application Server 5.0.

Environment: Struts Framework 1.2, Web Logic 8.1 App. Server, IBM WebSphere, EJB 2.0, Java 1.4, XML, Servlets, JSP, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL and Various File Transfer protocals(FTP, UDP …etc), PHP.


Java Developer


  • DevelopingBusiness Logic using EJB.
  • Involved in full life cycle development of system requirements and the implementation of the project.
  • Extensively used SOAP based Web Services (JAX-WS, JAXP-RPC, and JAXB) to communicate between Systems (Credit Card and address verification).
  • Created build/compile/deploy scripts and components.
  • Responsible for code changes for all migration issues found during the porting process.
  • Involved in testing, debugging, bugs fixing and documentation of the products.
  • Responsible to tracking the issues and to give the updates.
  • From database technology to Supply Chain Management and from Event Management to Network Technologies, theteam at e-Centric is as diversified in skill sets and experienced.
  • This System TEMPhas control and implementation of Admin, Asset, Devices Tag and Dashboard.
  • Controller Implementation can control the Login.
  • Admin is Used to control the administration by user creation, role creation, assign rights to the user, modify the roledeactivate the user rights.
  • In the Asset Module asset details asset search, modify the asset detail and asset location are maintained and processed.

Environment: JSP, Servlet, Struts, Pl/Sql, Oracle9i, Java script, Eclipse, CSV, Core Java, Apache tomcat.


Jr. Java Developer


  • Part of design and development of hierarchy of the various categories.
  • Developed the business domain layer using Java, J2EE, JDBC and used DAO, Transfer Objects, Singleton, Abstract Factory, Factory, State, Command and Front Controller design patterns
  • Implemented Struts framework in the presentation tier for all the essential control flow, business level validations and for communicating wif the business layer.
  • Developed Struts Framework Action Servlets classes for Controller and developed Form Beans for transferring data between Action class and the View Layer
  • Developed and Implemented Enterprise java Beans(Session).
  • Implemented module such as sessions using Tracking API of java Servlets.
  • Creation of Data Access layer using IBatis framework.
  • Designing of UI using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.Created deployment descriptors using XML.
  • Designed the dynamic web pages using JSP.

Environment: J2EE, Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts 2, JDBC, Java script, HTML, XML, Weblogic 8.1 and Oracle 10g, PL/SQL, UNIX, Ibatis 2.0.

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