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Sr. Full Stack Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • Around 8+ Years of experience in delivering enterprise solutions in Client /Server and Web - based environments. Expertise in conceptualizing, designing and coding technical solutions using Java/J2EE technologies.
  • Expertise in Core Java Such as OOPs, Collections, Exceptions Handling, Input/output (me/O) System, Swing, Annotations, Concurrency, Multi-Threading, Lambda and Generics.
  • Experience in understanding and using Design Patterns Singleton, Prototype, Façade, Factory and Observer.
  • Experience in Designing and developing interactive Front- end applications using HTML5, CSS3 and AJAX.
  • Experience in Designing and building dynamic and user interactive websites using JavaScript, React JS, Node.js and jQuery.
  • Experience in developing Web and Enterprise applications using technologies Java Applets, JDBC, Servlets, Web Sockets, JSP, EJB, Java Server Faces (JSF), Java Persistence API (JPA), JNDI and JMS.
  • Experience in Producing and consuming Web Services Technologies like Restful (JAX-RS), SOAP (JAX-WS), JAX-RPC and JAXR (Java API for XML Registries).
  • Experience in Installing, Configuring, Deploying and maintaining Application and web Servers such as Oracle Web Logic, Apache Tomcat Server, IBM Web Sphere and Glassfish Application Server.
  • Experience in Integrating and deploying applications using Apache Camel, Apache CXF, Apache Karaf, Service Mix and JBoss Fuse Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
  • Experience in Developing Application using frameworks Spring Dependency Injection (DI), IOC, Aspect oriented Programming (AOP), Instrumentation, Integration, Security, Boot, Struts and Hibernate.
  • Experience in building flexible, reliable, efficient and secured Enterprise and Web based applications using Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow frameworks and spring boot.
  • Worked on day to day support of clusters me.e., Couchbase, Cassandra, coherence clusters performance issues.
  • Experience in using Docker for installing, testing, upgrading, removing and running software applications.
  • Expertise in understanding and hands-on using various extensible Markup Languages (XML) technologies like XPath, XQuery, XSLT, XSD, SAX, DOM and JAXB.
  • Good experience in using GIT HUB, SVN, BIT Bucket as source control for the projects.
  • Experience in using Testing frameworks in Test Driven Development (TDD) such as JUnit, Mockito, Power Mock.
  • Expertise in developing, Testing, Debugging, Integrating and Deploying Enterprise applications using Integrated Development Environments (IDE) IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse and Rational Application Developer (RAD).
  • Experience in Continuous Integration (CI) like Jenkins, Circle CI and Continuous Deployment (CD) tools like Electric Cloud.
  • Experience in writing SQL queries in PL/SQL, Triggers, and Stored Procedures in Relational Database management systems like Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL and DB2.
  • Experience in using various Amazon Web Services (AWS) Components like EC2 for virtual servers, S3 and Glacier for storing objects, EBS, ELB, Auto-Scaling, IAM and API Integration, Cloud Front, Elastic cache and Dynamo DB for storing data.
  • Good noledge withCassandra NoSQLDatabase.
  • Having very strong inter-personal skills and ability to work independently and within the group, can learn quickly and easily adaptable to the working environment.


Domain: Technologies Used:

Programming Languages: JDK 1.6,1.7,1.8, C, C++

JAVA Enterprise Technologies: JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Spring-core, Spring-AOP, Spring-JDBC, Spring -Mail, SOAP and RESTful Web Services, JMS, JPA, JNDI.

ORM Tools: JDBC, JPA, Hibernate

Front End (Web): HTML, XML, JSON, CSS, JSP, JSTL Tags, Angular JS, Node JS

Build Tools: Maven, Ant, Gradle

Frameworks: Struts 2.0, JSF 3.0, Spring MVC, Spring-boot

Application Servers: JBOSS, WebLogic, Tomcat

Message Oriented Middleware: ActiveMQ

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL DB MongoDB, HBase

SCM: Confidential, Subversion, GitHub, Tortoise SVN

Platforms: Windows (10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000), Red Hat Linux, Unix

Web service Specifications: JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS(Restful)

Design Patterns: Session Façade, Business Delegate, Front Controller, Service Locator, Singleton, Observer, DTO, DAO, MVC, Iterator, Factory, Abstract Factory

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Test Driven, Waterfall

Loggers Framework: Log4J, SLF4J


Confidential, Chicago, IL

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Responsible for requirement analysis and solution development in agile approach using micro services architechture with spring boot.
  • Developed several REST APIs interacting with Dynamo DB, Messaging Systems and invoke other Rest,internally.
  • Used Java 1.8 with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Microservice Patterns like Netflix Eureka for Service Discovery, Hystrix as Circuit Breaker, Spring Cloud Config and SVN for externalized configuration, Spring Cloud Security and Circle Ci for Continous deployment in AWS Ec2.
  • Involved in Building RESTful API's to communicate over internet via JSON to get the required information based on the requirement with help of Spring Core container to implement IOC concept to avoid tight coupling.
  • Developed the REST based Microservices using spring Boot and to process multiple Store Level notifications parallely and generate the Outbound files to Just Enough using Spring Batch Framework.
  • Created the data model and stored the data in the Amazon dynamo dB after processing the Inbound Information Using High Level API or Object Persistence API (DynamoDbMapper)
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login authentication.
  • Used Amazon IAM to maintain the user credentials and involved in creating custom IAM policies to various groups defined within the organization.
  • Created a retry logic to call back URL's if they fail coz of network and connection failure issues.
  • Developed the unit test to each module and classes using MOKITO and JUNIT
  • Implemented the JWT Token Security to internal and external calls
  • For File Based Processing, developed the framework by adopting the Netflix API, Karyon.
  • Used the Asgard, Eureka for connecting to EC2 Instance of Amazon and handling the Instances to be created while deploying to AWS SDK
  • Created configuration and property files for connecting to Asgard using IAM Policy Roles of AWS.
  • Created the AMI Images using YAML file which created pipe lines to Circle CI builds
  • Implemented the Netflix Hystrix for Caching.
  • Used the Guice Dependency Injection while using Netflix Framework
  • Used GIT as repository and GRADLE as Dependency Management.

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE using Spring MVC, Spring Boot Framework, Spring Batch Frame work, IOC Dependency Injection, Netflix OSS like Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, Guice Dependency Injection, AWS S3, AWS SQS, AWS Dynamo DB, AWS Lambda, Aws Kinesis, Asgard, Gradle, Junit, IntelliJ Idea, Jetty Server, GIT Repo, CD / CI using Circle CI, Rest Services, Stash, Dynamo DB, Version One.

Confidential, Tampa FL

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Experienced in working on Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management)
  • Implemented Micro Services based Cloud Architecture on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  • Implemented the XML configuration and declared business classes wired up with front end application using Spring IOC and Managed beans,Spring MVCFramework, Spring Batch and handled the security using Spring Security.
  • Exposed Micro services based on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot.
  • Designed and developed DAO layer with Hibernate standards, to access data from SQL Server.
  • Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate annotations and Transaction Management
  • Supported Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS (MQ series) for sending and receiving messages while creating web services developed on Apache Axis.
  • Achieved the continuous Integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) in Jenkins brew master instance, which reduces the time for the deployment of Micro Services.
  • Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility class.
  • Integrated REST web services to register and authenticate user devices for login, and SOAP web services dat send authentication codes to the user’s email and phone.
  • Handled Java multi-threading part in back-end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves dat user.
  • XSLT to transform the XML files to the presentation layer for the enrich design.
  • Performed deployment of applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server and also Glass Fish for some Web Applicaions.
  • Jenkins is used as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process.
  • Used MAVEN as a build tool and JUNIT for creating unit test cases.
  • Supported Angular JS Controllers to maintain each view data and Angular Service calls using Angular Factory, Created custom directives and filters using AngularJS built-in $http service from controller through dependency injection.
  • Built communication logic withwebsockets, REST API over HTTPS, and webRTC.
  • Began transition of all modules toWebSocketcommunication to improve application responsiveness. Reconfigured Nginx and Tomcat supportWebSocketconnections.
  • Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management.
  • Created SQL Server logins and assigning roles and Authentication models as a part of Security.
  • Implemented service methods and SQL queries, PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle DBMS.
  • Used Selenium Web Driver to run test cases in multiple browsers and Platforms.
  • Log4Jwas used to monitor the error logs and used GIT as a Version Control system.

Environment: Java, Agile Methodology, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Batch, Spring Security, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, AngularJS, JSTL, JQuery, AJAX, AWS EC2, S3, Micro Services, Hibernate, RESTful API, SOA, JAX-RS, JSON, SQL, Oracle, CRUD, CI, CD, Jenkins, JIRA, RabbitMQ, MAVEN, JUnit, UNIX, STS, IBM Web Sphere, Log4J,GIT

Confidential, Pasadena California

Sr. Java Developer


  • Involved in all phases of project from analysis and requirement phase to delivering the project.
  • Created System Requirement Specifications (SRS) report of the project by collecting all the requirements from client.
  • Developed the functionalities using Agile Methodology.
  • Designed front-end presentation logic using JSP, CSS3 and Strut tags.
  • Implemented client-side validations using JavaScript. Developed various generic JavaScript functions for validations.
  • Developed internal coding using J2EE technologies based on the MVC Architecture.
  • Implemented Business Logic using Java 1.6, Spring 3.1, Struts 2.0 and Hibernate 3.0.
  • Developed Business objects using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework.
  • Achieved Dependency injection by creating Spring services, Spring controllers and DAOs to wire objects of business classes.
  • Implemented exception handling in Java Spring boot for REST API, by making use of Exception Handler and Controller Advice annotations.
  • Implemented DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database operations and avoid redundant database access statements
  • Involved in configuring XML mapping files and POJO objects.
  • Used AngularJS and Handlebars.js framework where data from the backend is stored in the model and populated it to UI.
  • Converted the pages from XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) to AngularJS and in dis process had to deal with converting the XMI request and response on the front end to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
  • Created session EJBs dat retrieved information from the Oracle database using Spring-Hibernate.
  • Implemented react-navigation and nested views to enhance navigation and create the click-able prototype.
  • Used AJAX extensively to implement front end /user interface features in the application.
  • Implemented REST Web services to retrieve data from client side. Exposed the Web Services to the client applications by sharing the WSDL’s.
  • Created DDL and DML SQL scripts for creation of database objects in Oracle 11g db.
  • Created new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
  • Focused on Test Driven Development; theirby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the functionality.
  • Used Jenkins to load JAR files from Database required for running the application.
  • Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file to be deployed in application servers. It is also used for dependency management of code in application.
  • Used Eclipse IDE to develop and debug application code.
  • Used SVN for project management and software version management.
  • Deployed the application on Web Sphere application server for Staging and as well as for Production.

Environment: J2EE, Java 1.6, Spring framework, Spring MVC 3.5, Hibernate 3.x, JSP 2.0, CSS3, Servlets 2.3, JDBC, AJAX, Web services, REST, XML, Java Beans, Ext JS, JQuery, JavaScript, Oracle 11g, Eclipse, Web Sphere, Agile Methodology, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, WinSCP.


Java Developer


  • Developed use cases, drawn sequence diagrams and class diagrams for the application and responsible for writing program and functional specifications.
  • Involved in total Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Designing Applets for applications and developing application using HTML, CSS.
  • Involved in development of the server-side business logic using Action Classes, Action Forms, Helper classes and DAO access layer classes.
  • Involved in development of data access layer, which are java classes to encapsulate all database specific calls using JDBC API.
  • Designed and implemented Struts (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch Action class, Action Form, Dyna Action Form, Validation Framework, Struts Tiles and Struts Tag Libraries.
  • Implemented different design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Data Access Objects and Front controller.
  • Prepared EJB deployment descriptors using XML and Used JAXB components for transferring the objects between the application and the database.
  • Worked on Consuming Service Oriented Architecture based Front Office Pricing Web service for accessing pricing data along with Volatility.
  • Used Ant for building scripts process and wrote test cases using JUnit as a testing framework and SVN as a source version control to save the code.
  • Used Confidential for version control across common source code used bydevelopers and Developed J-Unit test cases for all the developed modules.
  • Developed SOAP Web Services using Top-Down and Bottom-up approach.
  • Developed SOA Web services above the data access layer and Developed applications using Ant as a build tool.
  • Written Test cases and tested the application using JUnit testing framework and prepared the documentation.
  • Development of the complex SQL queries, stored procedures, and modifications to the existing database structure as required per addition of new features.
  • Involved in XML parsing by using SAX and Written Stored Procedures using Oracle.

Environment: Java 1.6, HTML, Java Script, Servlets, JSP, JDBC 3.1, JNDI, Struts 2.2, Web services, RAD, Oracle10g, SQL, PL/SQL, UML, XML, ANT, JUnit, Log4j and Linux.

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