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Sr. Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • 7 years of experience involving all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance of Multi - Tier distributed, secure enterprise applications using Java/J2EE technologies in Banking, Retail and Communication.
  • Experience in application development using Software development methodologies such as Agile, Waterfall development and TDD (Test Driven Development) environments.
  • Expertise in Core Java concepts of Java/J2EE like JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, EJB transaction implementation (CMP, BMP, Message-Driven Beans), JMS, Struts, Spring, Swing, Hibernate, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, Web Services, JNDI, Multi-Threading, Data Structures etc.
  • Experience in developing Rich UI applications using Angular 4.x/7.xleveraging Bootstrap and integrating with REST API built on Micro services.
  • Experience in User Interactive (UI) Web Pages and visually appealing User Interface usingHTML5, CSS3, Angular 4.x/7.x, ReactJS, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript and PHP and worked on XMLtechnologiesXML, XSLT, XPATH, XSL, DTD and DOM.
  • Responsible for creating a microservice system using Java 8 with Spring Boot, RESTful API, SOAP API and experience with Java 8 features like Stream, Lambda expressions and Filters.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence frameworks like Hibernate/JPA for mapping Java classes using Hibernate Query Language (HQL),HSQL Named Queries, Criteria, and Projections.
  • Experience in database modelling, design and development of PL/SQL stored procedures, packages in relational databases like Oracle 10g / 11g/12c, SQL Server 2005/2008 andMySQL.
  • Experience with MongoDB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like MongoDB,Cassandra and CouchDB.
  • Experienced in implementing Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services such as SOAP using WSDL, JAX-WS and REST using Spring Boot, Apache CXF, JAX-RS and Jersey Frameworks.
  • Hands-on experience in configuration and deployment of multi-tier applications using servers like Apache Tomcat, WebSphere, JBoss and WebLogic.
  • Knowledge on Spring Framework like Spring Core, Spring DAO, Spring IoC, Spring MVC, Spring ORM, Spring AOP, Spring Boot and Spring Web flow.
  • Involved and developed various phases of security implementation using Spring Security system against all types of authentications like LDAP authentication, Basic authentication and Pre-Authentication.
  • Having knowledge on (JMS) MQ’s like Kafka, RabbitMQ and Active MQ.
  • Experience in using Jenkins for CI/CD processes and creating Docker images and containers.
  • Experience in using Automation tools like Selenium and Cucumber.
  • Hands-on experience with build tools like ANT, Maven and logging tools like Log4j and SLF4J and version control tools like SVN, GIT and CVS.
  • Highly result oriented and proactive, proven abilities to learn new technologies quickly and implementing them successfully in production.
  • Ability to transform complex business requirements into technical specifications.
  • Capable of working independently as well as a part of a dynamic team. Ability to quickly grasp business domain.
  • Excellent analytical, problem solving and communication skills.
  • Hands on experience in Support and maintenance of various applications.


Languages: Java 6/7/8, PHP,NodeJS, Apache Camel, Visual Basic

Web Technologies: HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP,AJAX, jQuery, Angular,ReactJS, Bootstrap

Java/J2EE Technologies: J2EE, Servlets, JDBC, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, SOAP, REST

Application/Web Servers: IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss, GlassFish

Relational Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra

Cloud Environments: AWS, Openshift, Pivotal Cloud Foundry

IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring Tool Suite (STS),Red Hat Development Studio

Operating system: Windows, Linux, Unix

Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Kanban, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum

Build Tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle, Log4J, Hudson, Jenkins

Version Control: CVS, SVN, GIT, JIRA, Subversion



Confidential, NE

Sr. Full Stack developer


  • Involved in gathering requirements, design, implementation, deployment, testing and maintaining of the applications to meet the organization’s needs using SCRUM methodology.
  • Participated in scrum meetings and sprint ceremonies and coordinated with Business Analysts to understand the business needs and implement the same into a functional design
  • Defined and developed the application’s presentation layer in UI development with technologies like HTML 5, CSS4, JavaScript, Saas, Bootstrap and React Js.
  • Used most of the new features of Java 8 like lambda expressions for communicating between business layer and database, stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections using both streams and parallel streams.
  • Used Micro service architecture and developed the services based using the Spring Boot and Spring Framework through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
  • Implemented Microservice Architecture by developing and consuming RESTful web services and used Microservices to communicate using synchronous protocols HTTP and REST.
  • Developed Microservices using Spring Boot, implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor all the registered Microservices.
  • Implemented Microservices for distributing different responsibilities of the system into different services for enhancing cohesion and for reducing coupling.
  • Implemented spring Eureka along with feign client and ribbon from spring cloud to handle Load Balancing, service discovery and communication between different micro services.
  • Used React JS and Node JS to structure JavaScript code in an MVC model (Model-View-Controller).
  • Experience in building isomorphic applications using React.js and Redux with GraphQL on the server side.
  • Implemented pre-authentication and database security using Spring Security and securing application access.
  • Used Spring Batch reusable functions for scheduling and maintaining batch jobs.
  • Designed GraphQL to build client applications by providing an intuitive and flexible syntax and system for describing their data requirements and interactions.
  • Implemented Spring ORM with Hibernate taking advantage of features like Annotation metadata, Auto wiring, and Collections to implement DAO layer with Hibernate Session Factory, HQL, and SQL.
  • Used Apache Kafka for reliable and asynchronous exchange of information between multiple business applications.
  • Involved in AWS deployment services to quickly set up a dynamic website and configured virtual servers using AWS EC2 and responsible for maintaining and expanding our AWS infrastructure using AWS EC2/EBS.
  • Experience in developing Docker Images from the obtained Java Application. Use Docker to implement a high-level API to provide lightweight containers which is helpful to migrate code to different environments.
  • Used Jenkins as an AWS code deployment plug-in to deploy to AWS. Experience with DevOps methodologies, implementing CI/CD Pipelines using tool sets like GIT and Internal Cloud.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes environment, utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, Test and Deploy.
  • Developed SQL Queries and PL/SQL stored procedures to satisfy various business requirements of the application and also optimized queries in the Mongo DB to increase the performance of the application.
  • Used Maven and Gradle as build tools and dependency management tools for creating.
  • Developed unit tests for the services using JUnit, TestNG and Mockito. Used Karma, Cucumber and Jasmine for the development UI unit testing and functional testing.
  • Worked closely with the QA team and fixed QA bugs as well as production issues with a quick turnaround time.

Environment: Java 8, Spring Boot, Hibernate, XML, Oracle 11g, Docker, jQuery, React, JavaScript, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Kafka, MongoDB, GraphQL, Multi-threading, Agile, Design Patterns, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Gradle, Tomcat, HTML 5, CSS4, XSLT, RESTful Services, IntelliJ.

Confidential; Phoenix, AZ

Full Stack Developer


  • Followed Agile methodology and involved in daily SCRUM meetings, sprint planning, showcases and retrospective and used JIRA as a tracking tool for the sprints.
  • Experience in developing React components, used Axios With React JS for making AJAX Calls, worked on Web pack for build and webpack-dev-server.
  • Created Automatic update for deployment status update using Vert.x Framework.
  • Created SSI authorization using Vert.x Framework.
  • Used React JS to implement rich functions in various pagesform validation, crud, grid list, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced/custom directives, authentication, unit tests, etc.
  • Extensively made use ofJava8features like Predicates, Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions, Method References and Stream API.
  • Designed and developed Microservice using synchronous protocols like HTTP, REST (JAX-RS) and SOAP (JAXB) and implemented Swagger Configuration inJavaSpringBootfor auto generating swagger JSON for API.
  • Implemented Spring Framework including Spring Core/IOC, Spring AOP, Spring ORM and Spring Batch and implemented the authentication, authorization, and access-control features by making use of Spring Security.
  • Written shell scripts to copy output files to a different location fromSpringBatch.
  • Implemented exception handling inJavaSpringBootfor REST API, by making use of Exception Handler and Controller Advice annotations.
  • Used SparkAPIover Hadoop YARNS to perform analytics on data in Hive.
  • Used Apache Camel for processing different files, creating routes, using routers for communication and integration with other microservice.
  • Scripted Ansible playbook to deploySpring Boot applications inOpenshift clusters and used AWS as IAAS.
  • Added security layer by using Oauth2, Sami integration, SHA-256 authentication and Basic Authentication.
  • Used ActiveMQ for asynchronous messaging and integrated Oracle Field Service Cloud for SMS service.
  • Developed the Application Module using several design patterns like Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO, Business Delegate, Façade, prototype and Composite View.
  • Integrated Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) technique for mapping data from MVC model to MySQL Relational data model with an SQL-based schema.
  • Developed session, entity beans and message driven beans, mapping of Java objects to database tables using Hibernate. Extensively used Hibernate Transaction Management and Hibernate Batch Transactions.
  • Used PostgreSQL as a customer database then migrated to MongoDB, using both databases in Spring Boot.
  • Created Docker images and ran the Docker containers in various environments.
  • UsedGUIDas Unique Identifier for Log4j logs collected by Elasticsearch, FluentDand Kibana as Log Database for applications and Prometheus as system monitoring tool and Grafanagraphical dashboard.
  • Used Git as version control, Mavenfor build and builtCI/CD pipeline in Jenkins.
  • Developed unit and integration tests for existingmicroserviceusing Junit,Mockito, SOAPUI and Cucumber.

Environment: Java 8, J2EE, Spring Boot, AJAX, jQuery, ReactJS, Microservice, Openshift, JBOSS, Hibernate, Apache Camel, OAuth, Basic Authentication, Swagger, RESTful web services, SOAP web service, PostgreSQL, ELK,Docker, Maven, Jenkins, ActiveMQ, Kafka, Shell Scripts, Git,Googs, JUnit, Mockito, Cucumber,Log4j.

Confidential, Des Moines, IA

Java Developer


  • Involved in requirement analysis, design, development, testing of applications using Agile methodology.
  • Developed various helper classes necessary using Multi-Threading.
  • Developed Interactive web pages using Angular 2, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
  • Developed Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular Framework and injected generic services using Angular2 and used NodeJS (Express) to create API.
  • Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) for application deployment using Shell script, Git as version control, Maven for artifact build, Log4j as logging framework and Jenkins as CI/CD tool.
  • Integrated the IoC container of Spring Framework to handle the creation of beans, dependency injection and transaction management.
  • Designed, developed and maintained data extraction and transformation processes and ensured that data is properly loaded and extracted in and out of the system.
  • Worked with enterprise application integration personnel to anticipate and resolve data integration issues across applications and technical infrastructures.
  • Oversee the data load production process and the implementation of new data load files in accordance with the management process.
  • Developed and consumed SOAP Web Services with Spring JAXB and developed and deployed applications on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Developed the themes and skins in new WebSphere Portal, involved in development of portlets for WebSphere portal.
  • Used Hibernate ORM to integrate with business applications with Oracle Database where Hibernate template is used to implement business logic. Created XML configuration file for Hibernate Database connectivity.
  • Developed test cases using JUnit and JMock for unit testing as well as integration testing as part of Test-Driven Development (TDD).

Environment: Java 7, J2EE, Spring MVC 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, JSP, AngularJS, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AWS(VPC, EC2, IAM, Route53, Lambda, ELB, S3), RESTful web services, Rabbit MQ, ESB, Shell Scripts, Git, Maven, Log4j, Cassandra, Oracle 11g, Docker, JUnit, jMock.


Java Developer


  • Worked on Agile methodology including team-based design and code reviews and used Jira as tracker.
  • Developed the web interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, and Bootstrap.
  • Implemented navigation using Spring MVC controllers, configured controllers using Spring MVC annotations and configuration files.
  • Enhance and modify the presentation layer and GUI framework that are written using JSP and client-side validations done using JavaScript and work on Common UI layout for defining the Header, Footer and Menu using JSF Facelets.
  • Implemented spring framework BeanFactory&ApplicationContext for bean initialization and configurations.
  • SpringAOP is used for logging, auditing, and security and transaction management to distinguish business logic from the crosscutting concerns.
  • Implemented the back-end functionality of the modules using Singleton and Session Facade design patterns.
  • Configured Hibernate configuration files to persist the data to the Oracle 10g Database and configured Hibernate objects as Spring Beans in Spring Configuration File.
  • Involved in development of POJO classes and writing Hibernate Query Language (HQL) queries.
  • Asynchronous messaging is done using JMS and created Queue for point to point messaging.
  • Developed REST web services using Spring MVC to extract client related data.Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) by developing and consuming RESTful web services based on JAX-RS and Jersey.
  • Designed and implemented Java Classes to use JAXP parser to create Java objects to be able to modify the data received in the response.
  • Implemented Core Java Concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling and Collections when needed.
  • Worked with DB2 and wrote SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, triggers, views and integrated SQL Queries.
  • Used Tomcatas Application Server, Log4j logging framework, SVNfor version control and Mavenfor builds.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration/continuous deployment.
  • Automated regression test cases using Selenium and Coordinated with the testing team.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, JMS, SOAP, Axis2, Maven, Jenkins, DB2, Selenium, Log4j, SVN, JIRA, Tomcat 6.0.


Java Developer


  • Participated in all phases of the project like design, development, testing, enhancements and production support and used Rational Rose for the Use Case Diagrams, Object Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams to represent the detailed design phase.
  • Developed front end using JSP, HTML, CSS and client-side validations using JavaScript and Implemented MVC architecture and developed form classes, action classes for the entire application using Struts Framework.
  • Implemented Singleton, Service Locator design patterns in MVC framework and developed command, delegate, model action script classes to interact with the backend.
  • Involved in writing the exception and validation classes using Struts validation rules.
  • DevelopedEnterprise Java Beans like Entity Beans, Session Beans (both Stateless and StateFul beans).
  • Designed and developed reusableJavautility classes for the business logic functionality using services like JDBC and JNDI.
  • Deployed the application on WebLogic application server, used Log4jas loggerand Ant scripts for builds.
  • Designed database Tables, View, Indexes and created triggers for optimized data access.
  • Written JUnit test cases for unit testing of the application and involved unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing and Code reviews and provided support in multiple projects.

Environment: Java 6, J2EE, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Struts 2.0, EJB 2.1, JDBC, JNDI, JUnit, Log4j,WebLogic 7.0, Rational Rose.

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