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Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Irving, TX


  • Overall 7.5 years of experience in Java/ J2EE Professional with proficiency in Analysis, Design, Development, Architecture, Coding, Testing and implementation of Client/Server, Internet and Legacy Applications.
  • Hands - on experience in creating Angular factories for using angular services like $http and $resource to make RESTful API calls to the Java based backend.
  • Extensive experience in mission critical IT applications encompassing Java, J2EE, XML, Enterprise Java Beans, Java Server Pages (JSP1.2), Servlets2.0, XSD, XSL.
  • Expertise in designing, developing and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including Servlets, JSP, EJB 2.x/3.x, JSTL, Struts, Spring 3.5, JMS, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Java Beans Hibernate and Web Services.
  • Experience in developing web applications with various open source frameworks: Spring (MVC), Spring (AOP), Spring Scheduler, Web Flow, Hibernate2.0/3.0 ORM, JPA, Struts 1.1/1.2.
  • Experience in creating Docker Containers leveraging existing Linux Containers and AMI's in addition to creating Docker Containers from scratch.
  • Experience in working with Agile and Waterfall methodologies, Scrum and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  • Strong skills in Object Oriented design and development (OOAD) using Rational Unified Process and Unified Modeling Language.
  • Closely worked with Kafka Admin team to set up Kafka cluster setup on the QA and Production environments.
  • Performed code updates and releases using Git and Jenkins Deploy tools to send out updates to various pieces of software.
  • Experience in working with MongoDB, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL databases and writing SQL and PL/SQL queries.
  • Worked and learned a great deal from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud services like EC2, S3 And good exposure to RESTful and SOAP based web services
  • Expertise in MicroServices to communicate through HTTP protocol for implementing SOA approach.
  • Expertise in creating web applications using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3 (SASS, LESS), Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES5), JQuery, AngularJS (1.0&6.0), AJAX, and JSON, Node.js, and ReactJS.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining automation acceptance test suite using Selenium. Also, responsible for converting automation scripts to new framework using Selenium Web Driver, Java and TestNG.
  • Expertise in Functional Testing, GUI testing, System Testing, End-End Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing, Data Driven Testing, browser compatibility testing, Load and Performance Testing of client/Server and Web-based applications
  • Expertise in using Behavior Data Driven (BDD), Cucumber framework.
  • Expert in working in Agile environment, Test Driven Development and Scrum.
  • Experience in SOA and implementing Web Services using SOAP, WSDL.
  • Developed applications using J-Boss, ATG Dynamo, Web Sphere, Tomcat and various IDE's like NET Beans, IntelliJ Idea and Eclipse.
  • Experience with JUnit, ANT, Jasmine and Maven scripts.
  • Expertise in working with Collections API, Multithreading and OOPs technologies.


Programming Languages: C, C++, Java1.8/1.7, J2EE, PL/SQL, Python3.6.0

Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular2.0/4.0/6.0, ReactJS with Flux, Redux, Ember JS, Knockout JS, AngularJS, Back Bone JS, Handlebar JS, NodeJS, Express JS

Frameworks: Servlets, EJB, JSP, JSF, JDBC, SOAP, WSDL, REST, XML, JAXP, JAXB, JPAJMS, Spring3.x/4.x/5.x, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring cloud, Dump Analysis.

Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11i, DB2, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 , MYSQL, MongoDB, Raven DB, Cassandra

Application/Web Servers: Oracle Web logic, Confidential Web Sphere, JBoss, Glassfish, Apache Tomcat

Messaging Services: JMS, Active MQ, Rabbit MQ, Confidential MQ, Apache kafka, JAXRS, JAX:WS, Apache CXF, Axis, Jersey

Software Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, TDD, Waterfall

Build Configuration Tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle, Bamboo Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, NPM, Bower

Testing Tools: Junit, TestNG, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Spock, Protractor

Version Control Tools: GIT, SVN, CVS, Bitbucket, TFS

Project Management Tools: JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project, Cloud Technologies

AWS/DevOps Tools: PCF, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS, RDS, S3, Glacier, Lambda, Kubernetes, Jenkins

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX, MAC, MSDOS

IDE s: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Intellij, Spring Tool Suite, Sublime Text, WinSCP, Putty


Confidential, Irving, TX

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Used J2EE patterns such as Controller, Singleton, factory, façade, Value Object. Spring MVC architecture is used in this application.
  • Primarily developing using components which includes: Core Java, spring, Multithreading, Spring JDBC.
  • Strong experience with MongoDB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Responsible for migrating existing modules in IBM MQ to Apache Kafka and worked on creating kafka adaptors for decoupling the application dependency.
  • Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and create snapshots for the data that must be stored in AWS S3.
  • Design and develop the REST based MicroServices using the Spring Boot for the application to seamlessly integrate with supporting sub systems.
  • Involved in development of User Interface using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, AJAX, JSON, ReactJS and Angular4.
  • Used Hibernate 3.0 tool to deal with database. Used Hibernate extensively to have Database access mechanism with complex queries through Hibernate Query, Criteria interfaces.
  • Participated in development of a well responsive Single page application CCA using AngularJS framework, JavaScript in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3 Standards.
  • Used CORE and HTML5 tag libraries for expressing Java Server Faces within a view template.
  • Developed UI modifications for this portal using XSLT, DHTML, XML, JavaScript and J-Query.
  • Used Bootstrap for responsive design which allows users to access it from any device.
  • Developed Micro Service to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Dockers, Jenkins through GitHub.
  • Used Maven to build the project, Enterprise GitHub as repositories.
  • Spring ORM module is used along with Hibernate to deal with database operations.
  • Automated test cases using Selenium TestNG Framework and Cucumber.
  • Created Tables, Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, Views and Triggers for different data operation on the database using SQL server.

Environment: Java/Jdk1.8, Hibernate, Spring, Spring boot, Kafka, AngularJS, Angular4, RESTful, MicroServices, JMS(MQ), ckEditor Tool, JQuery, HTML, CSS, AWS, Jenkins, MongoDB, Docker, Cucumber and Selenium, React JS, Scala, MySQL 4.1, Android SDK, XML, PL/SQL, Web Services, J-unit.

Confidential, McLean, VA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in defining the critical application design elements and implement them using propriety script, which is based on JavaScript basics.
  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery with Jenkins. Building pipeline, test jobs and deploying.
  • Used REST API, HTTP requests and implemented JSON format for data exchange for communication of MicroServices with one another.
  • Unstructured data was handled using MongoDB and used Mongoose Connector for connecting to database.
  • Developed micro-services using of Spring Boot and exposed REST web services. Packaged the API’s as Docker images and deployed on Kubernetes platform.
  • Used Apache Kafka (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of vital information between multiple business applications.
  • Used Hibernate for connecting to the database and mapping the entities by using hibernate annotations.
  • Designed and implemented application using spring, JNDI, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, JDBC, SQL, JMS, Oracle, and Web-Logic.
  • Integrate spring with database using spring JDBC DAO support.
  • Interacted with Project management team/product owner to gather the requirements and provide estimates with resourcing.
  • Enhanced current module of web application as per business requirement using XML based configuration of spring MVC framework. Used Maven to build the project, Enterprise GitHub as repositories.
  • Creating custom, general use modules and components which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS.
  • Developed Automation framework both Data driven and Hybrid using Selenium WebDriver in Java and performing unit testing by using TestNG.
  • Assist developers in detecting performance problems using MMS and Mongo Profiler.
  • Developed application using spring, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and RESTFUL).
  • Used core spring for order linking of the orders, and store order and execution details into order link tables for oats reporting.
  • Involved in developing DAOs to connect backend Database.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for code development along with SVN for managing the code.
  • Wrote service methods and SQL queries, PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle DBMS.
  • Create dynamic partition of table to improve data fetch from database and wrote Oracle Queries, functions and stored procedure.
  • Log4j is used for logging different types of messages to write on to the proprietary log model.

Environment: Java/Jdk1.7,J2EE, Spring 3.0, Rest Web Services, Hibernate SOAP, Kubernetes, MongoDB, MicroServices, Kafka, EJB, Jasper Reports, JSP, JDBC, HTML, AJAX, CSS, Oracle,, GIT, Jenkins, BEA WebLogic 9.0, Windows, Unix, AngularJS, Apache maven, Tomcat, BPMN Activity.

Confidential, New York, NY

Java Developer


  • Used Spring for bean instantiation, annotations, controllers, request mapping to handle the Webservice request and response
  • Used JAXB for marshalling and unmarshalling of work order, billing XML documents, and JAXP for processing.
  • Developed REST Web services to make web service calls simple and easy for the client to access it with the help of standard HTTP URIs.
  • Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud MicroServices and develop spring based application with very less configuration.
  • Developing Intranet Web Application using J2EE architecture, using JSP to design the user interfaces and Hibernate for database connectivity.
  • Developed DAOs using JPA, Hibernate persistence API for the database operations to interact with Oracle Database.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and JSON.
  • Used AngularJS as the development framework to build a single-page application and reusable AngularJS applications.
  • Design and developed request and response XML Schema (XSD) documents for Webservice operations such as Retrieve History.
  • Extensive use of Docker for developing test cases and performed unit and integration, tested by using JUnit.
  • Involved in developing Webservice operations in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Followed agile methodology during complete SDLC process. Participated Agile/Scrum development and deployment teams
  • Used Spring Framework 4.1 for the application development. Involved in front end development using Struts, JSP's, JSF and JSTL...
  • Implemented the application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring Security.
  • Implementing JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL) along with Expression Language (EL).
  • Extracted data in UI for different clients using JSON. Integrated with third party Sale point API to make restful Webservice call.
  • Used Maven for the project management like build, install. Deployed application on Apache Tomcat server.
  • Have Experience in using GitHub repository to run the Jenkins job for Continues Integration while developing the applications and posting them in GIT.
  • Developed Groovy scripts to test Report application output. Used Selenium for UI automation and used log4j for logging errors, info, exceptions.

Environment: JDK 1.5, Eclipse 3.6, Agile, Spring FW 3.1.0, MicroServices, Cache Abstraction, REST Webservice, tomcat 6, Oracle 11g, Spring MVC, Docker, Hibernate, Drools, JPA, Maven, GIT, Bamboo CI,, JUnit, Cucumber, Log4j, HTML5, CSS3, ExtJs, JSON, JMS, DB Visualize 7.1, WebLogic, UML, Mockito, JSP, XML, JAXB, Unix, Subversion(SVN), Clear Case, Jenkins.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Gathered requirement from client to develop new module of web application using spring framework.
  • Involved in design and development of MICROSERVICES architecture.
  • Migrated legacy projects into latest technologies like Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, and Spring Discovery.
  • Developed REST API's using spring and Jersey Implementations, Maven and spring boot, hosted all micro services on public, private, hybrid model.
  • Helped create and implement distributing data architectures using NOSQL technologies such as data distribution networks to deliver data into the data storage layer and API components for Client. Worked and familiar with Mango DB, Cassandra and Hadoop.
  • Used JPA, Hibernate for connecting to the database and mapping the entities by using annotations.
  • Having good experience with cloud services AWS (S3, EC2).
  • Involved in developing DAOs (DataAccessObjects) to connect backend Database.
  • Used Eclipse IDE and IntelliJ for code development along with SVN, GIT for managing the code.
  • Wrote service methods and SQL queries, PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle DBMS.
  • Used Spring MVC framework at the Web tier level to isolate each layer of the application so that complexity of integration will be reduced and maintenance will be very easy.
  • Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping customer log data and transactions details etc.
  • Implemented Batch jobs to deal with large number of chunks using Spring Batch Framework to execute the similar jobs simultaneously.
  • Designed and integrated the full-scale Hibernate persistence solution with the application architecture.
  • Involved in design and development of the Hibernate Domain Model for the service.
  • Involved in using JPA (Java Persistence API) frameworks and APIs as JDO and Hibernate.
  • Enterprises Integrated Pattern Implemented with Apache Camel (ESB).
  • Developed a RESTful based service for data retrieval to make it independent of the current application.
  • Involved on development of Restful web services using JAX-RS in a spring based project.
  • Proficient in Application Development/Maintenance using Legacy RPI languages.
  • Worked on XML and JSON for transferring and retrieving data between different applications.
  • Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from MongoDB for the application on devices.
  • Used GIT for version control.
  • Log4j is used for logging different types of messages to write on to the proprietary log model.

Environment: Java/Jdk1.7,J2EE, Spring 3.0, Rest Web Services, Hibernate SOAP, Kubernetes, MongoDB, MicroServices, Kafka, EJB, Jasper Reports, JSP, JDBC, HTML, AJAX, CSS, Oracle,, GIT, Jenkins, BEA WebLogic 9.0, Windows, Unix, AngularJS, Apache maven, Tomcat, BPMN Activity.


Software Engineer


  • Involved in defining the critical application design elements and implement them using propriety script, which is based on JavaScript basics.
  • Interacted with Project management team/product owner to gather the requirements and provide estimates with resourcing.
  • Experience in developing C++ services using web services architecture, SOAP, WSDL and XML.
  • Experience in developing middleware components for software in C/C++ using STL, multi-threading, data structures, IPC (TCP/IP socket programming), SNMP and design patterns.
  • Responsible for Developing Code, Analyzing and fixing the production issues from the customer.
  • Active participant with end customer calls for various issues discussions and resolutions.
  • Co-ordinate with production, field-testing team for issues resolution
  • Debug and troubleshoot the issues coming from the field and support the team to resolve the issues.
  • Implementing the advanced features on Legacy Motorola Boxes. Involved in Design and Developing of whole application
  • Improving the application navigation performance challenges on Legacy. Supporting Critical Field issues from end customers

Environment: Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Spring boot, RESTful, JMS (MQ), ckEditor Tool, JQuery, Html, css, javascript, DojoProject #2: ACD5 (AIA Contract Documents)



  • Developed the View pages in JSP, using CSS, JavaScript validations, and Business, service layer coding
  • Integrating and deploying the Application.
  • Net Beans used as IDE tool for application development and debugging.
  • Used Log4j for Logging errors.
  • Performed Code reviews and design reviews from onsite and offshore team members
  • Developed RESTful Webservice to retrieve the metadata from the back office Developed over Jersey libraries
  • Leading offshore team and assigning the tasks and tracking them, supporting them to ensure the all tasks are done within the estimated timeframe.
  • Active participant with end customer calls for various issues discussions and resolutions.
  • Co-ordinate with production, field-testing team for issues resolution. Integrating and deploying the Application.

Environment: Java, Jsp, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring Framework, RESTful, Jquery, Html, css, JavaScript, Extjs, Selenium, Jmeter, Sikuli, ckEditor Tool.



  • Design Lead for all the Application side development.
  • Involved in Design and Developing of whole application
  • Involved in defining the critical application design elements and implement them using propriety script, which is based on JavaScript basics.
  • Co-ordinate with production, field-testing team for issues resolution
  • Interacted with Project management team/product owner to gather the requirements and provide estimates with resourcing.
  • Responsible for Developing Code, Analyzing and fixing the production issues from the customer.
  • Active participant with end customer calls for various issues discussions and resolutions.
  • Integrating and deploying the Application.

Environment: HTML, Java script and CSS, SOAP and XML, SVN, Eclipse Java, Jsp, Servlets, Spring Framework, JQuery, Html, css, JavaScript

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