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Senior Android Developer Resume

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Tulsa, OklahomA


  • 8+ years’ experience developing Android mobile applications.
  • 7 apps on Play Store.
  • Skilled Kotlin and Java programmer.
  • Demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and hands - on experience applying object-oriented programming principals/techniques.
  • Knowledgeable about dependency inversion principals and hands-on creating modules and components.
  • Experienced in third-party libraries such as Dagger, RxJava, RxKotlin, Retrofit, Volley, Room, ViewModel, LiveData.
  • Strong Android development experience with an appreciation of design, testing and backend Web Services, experience in writing custom UI components and libraries.
  • Plenty of experience building rich mobile applications and conducting all teh entire Software Development Lifecycle of multiple cross-over applications.
  • Experience with multi-threading, integration with REST APIs, custom view animations and transitions, and producing reusable libraries.
  • Hands-on applying Test Driven Development for continuous integration and continuous delivery.
  • Experience driving teh Software Development Lifecycle and successfully implement multiple projects from conceptualization, passing through published and continuously improvement code base.
  • Ability to multi-task, work independently or as part of a team, and flexible in terms of work location.
  • Working experience using Agile, Kanban, TDD, and Scrum methodologies.
  • Offshore/Remote team collaboration and management experience.
  • Familiar with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, and other short distance wireless communications protocols.
  • Ability to mentor developers’ piers in new technologies industry standards.


Programming Languages: Kotlin, Java.

Architecture and Design Patterns: MVP, REST, MVVM, MVC, Singleton.

User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX) Design: Android UI, Figma.

Integrated Development Environments (IDE)/Frameworks: Android Studio, Android Annotations, Dagger2, Eclipse, Espresso test framework, Jenkins, JUnit unit testing, Visual Studio App Center.

Continuous Integration Platforms: CircleCI.

Project Development Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall.

Version Control: Jira, Git, GitHub.

Databases/Languages: Room, Firebase DB, MySQL, SQLite.

Android Software Development Tools and Libraries: SDK, Hugo, Sketch design, Mockito, Firebase Crashlytics crash reporter, Parceler code generation, GitLab lifecycle tool, RESTful application programming interface (API), Android DozeView, Mixpanel business analytics, LeakCanary memory leak detection, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) low-power wireless communication technology, JetPack, RxKotlin, RxJava, MPAndroidC charting framework, ChromeCast streaming media, HART communicator protocol, Otto event bus, Caligraphy custom font, EventBus, Volley HTTP, OkHTTP, GSON, Retrofit data serialization conversion, Apollo Android, SonarQube bug detection, UrbanAirship push notifications, Gradle build automation, Dependency Injection (DI).

Multimedia: ExoPlayer, Videoplayer, Android VideoView, Anvato Android SDK.



Confidential | Tulsa, Oklahoma


  • Worked as a Senior Developer on an Agile team on an upgrade/optimization project.
  • Utilized Android SDK and supporting development devices.
  • Applied strong understanding of teh Android application development lifecycle.
  • Android Studio used as IDE in Android application development with use of teh Android tools set for development and testing.
  • Implemented OOP throughout teh entire development of teh project and enforced SOLID design principals.
  • Converted from Rx1 to Rx2, including support for both Java and Kotlin.
  • Converted old responses into using Rx2 error handling methods.
  • Programmed functions in Java and Kotlin.
  • Developed modules in Kotlin using MVVM app architecture for ease of maintainability and extensibility, as well as improved quality testing.
  • Used reactive frameworks such as RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBluetooth, and RxKotlin.
  • Wrote Functional, Unit, and Instrument tests using JUnit, MockK, and Espresso.
  • Used RxJava as network protocol for passing reactive streams over various transport media and applied Map, Flatmap, Merge, and Concat operators.Used Retrofit and RxJava to consume RESTful web services and handle multithreading on background for smooth performance.
  • Programmed Kotlin expressions and higher order functions to reduce boilerplate code.
  • Developed new features in Kotlin to reduce codebase with data classes and extension functions.
  • Participated on teh RESTFul API definition following best practices.
  • Worked with back-end team to improve teh RESTful API to include new features for teh Android app.
  • Consumed REST API to display user history on teh user interface.
  • Implemented various user interface components such as WebView, ListView, ImageView, TextView to display teh data for teh application.
  • Used Room DB to store information locally on Android device.
  • Added biometric sign-in function to teh app.
  • Added Push Notifications through Backend support with Push Notifications and GCM.
  • Implemented Kotlin with Android Studio for smooth functioning of teh location-based services GPS and Bluetooth on Android.
  • Applied Git for code versioning control.
  • Maintained high unit test coverage and continuous integration principals.
  • Attended SCRUM meetings and met deadlines.


Confidential | Washington D.C.


  • Worked with a team of 5 developers in an Agile project environment that applied Scrums and 2-week Sprints with code review, merging, and testing.
  • Focused on back-end integrations, logic, and performance. Also worked on UI/UX (e.g., content recirculation module, GDPR screen, classic onboarding screen, and teh GUI for teh podcast player).
  • Worked with quality testers to ensure issues found and resolved prior to Play Store or user involvement.
  • Used Jira and spreadsheet for tracking and project management.
  • Worked in Android Studio in Java and XML, and increasingly incorporated Kotlin into teh code base.
  • Used reactive frameworks such as RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBluetooth, and RxKotlin.
  • Organized teh code into submodules to make it easier to add and subtract from teh Android app.
  • Wrote new features so they could easily be added to a submodule to be used by multiple apps.
  • Participated in weekly Android app testing to ensure quality of new additions.
  • Integrated 3rd-party libraries such as Firebase.
  • Used Crashlytics to track errors and tracked crashes in Fabric for Android.
  • Added tracking libraries such as AppsFlyer to track events in teh app, such as purchases and uninstalls.
  • Parsed JSON objects from back-end into respective views to build articles.
  • Demonstrated new features to stakeholders at teh end of each sprint.
  • Used WebEx for presentation to remote stakeholders.
  • Configured Android emulator through Android Studio for device testing on specific Android OS versions.
  • Worked with Android app architecture to add new features visible to teh user, like teh recirculation carousel.
  • Used animations to give teh user additional feedback during interactions.
  • Used ratings and reviews on teh app store to diagnose and prioritize bugs in teh apps.
  • Stayed up to date on teh latest versions of teh Android OS making sure to implement any necessary changes on teh Android app required by new Android OS versions.
  • Used Git code repository and version control for Android code base.
  • Used JIRA as a bug and issue tracking software to find, record and track bugs in teh software.
  • Implemented new designs using InVision prototype to obtain teh assets and optimized them for Android.


Confidential |Anaheim, CA


  • Worked in an Agile environment with bi-weekly sprints and daily scrums.
  • Applied a MVVM architectural design pattern, transitioning code from MVP to MVVM.
  • UsedJetPackViewModelto simplify teh implementation of teh MVVM architectural pattern.
  • Simplified local database operations code base by providing a layer of abstraction to teh code usingJetPackRoom.
  • Performed technical work using an Android Studio IDE platform.
  • Programmed code in Java and Kotlin.
  • Developed new features in Kotlin to reduce codebase with data classes and extension functions.
  • Developed a large portion of domain layer logic into teh applications according to technical assignment.
  • Implemented Android Activities and Fragments to create design for teh mockup designs.
  • Customized List Views, Spinners, Adapters, Table Layouts, etc.
  • Implemented dependency injection with Dagger 2 and Butter Knife.
  • Worked with Jenkins Continuous Integration server and used it to test real devices.
  • Applied Leak Canary for memory leak detection/management.
  • Used reactive frameworks such asRxJava,RxAndroid,RxBluetooth, andRxKotlin.
  • Improved performance on back-end integration by transitioning to Retrofit working withRxJavaand parsing JSON objects with GSON.
  • Configured multithreads to receive and update calls from web server (Service and Broadcast Receiver).
  • Used Frame Layout method to show background images of teh app.
  • Implemented local database using SQLite and optimized code.
  • Designed logical flow for teh application of different components.
  • Mentored junior developers about best practices, material design, and teh use of frameworks in Android Native development.
  • Participated in ongoing initiatives to improve processes and establish best practices.


Confidential | Santa Monica, CA


  • Worked on a team of 8 developers and 2 QA specialists.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship app experiences for users.
  • Accepted joint responsibilities with teh team for converting teh Product backlog into 'Done'.
  • Contributed to continuous improvements in teh team for greater efficiency, quality, and productivity.
  • Worked existing clean code architecture in MVP and created shopping module, add-to-basket module, and customer profile module.
  • Worked closely with UI/UX team for doing Material Design and applied custom animations on views and assigned proper spacing for iconography.
  • Created multiple services for connecting with company backend to retrieve user account details, billing, and payment.
  • Implemented Google Play Billing system and configured BillingClient and override on ConsumeResponse in teh MVVM design pattern.
  • Included DaggerMock testing library to test Dagger components in Unit test cases in TDD manner for presentation layer.
  • Programmed modules, components, scopes to inject view models and network objects using Dagger Creational pattern.
  • Added custom deep links that teh user will be sent to if teh app is already installed and leveraged teh power of Google Services to send invites to friends.
  • Enable Google Pay to process payments from users, integrate Payment data cryptography for merchants and use sample tokens to test integration.
  • Performed AIDL and defined teh programming interface that both teh client and service agree upon to communicate with each other using inter-process communication (IPC).

Android Developer

Confidential | Denver, CO


  • Worked on an Agile development team, with my role focused on testing and debugging using standard Android testing tools.
  • Debugged and tested with teh Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS).
  • Tested and debugged teh app using teh testing tools Robotium in Android and Roboelectric.
  • Tested teh application for relevant bugs, fixed teh leaks, and deployed on different Android devices to validate teh application’s stability.
  • Handled memory leaks in constructors and threads to speed up teh response time.
  • Used GIT for project management and version control.
  • Used Jenkins CI for continuous integration.

Android Mobile Developer

Confidential | San Francisco, CA


  • Utilized Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, SQLite, and preferences Android components.
  • Worked on an Agile team and employed a Scrum methodology, with prototype presentations occurring every 2 weeks.
  • Utilized foreground services with Media Player and Exo Player to play tracks.
  • Used Material Design to adapt teh User interface.
  • Interfaced with SQLite for storing information.
  • Applied Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) for debugging and testing.
  • Used Jenkins and GIT for efficient and clean code integration and backup.
  • Applied Picasso to download images and show them in teh UI.
  • Supported Spanish and German languages.
  • Created multiple versions of teh app (free, trial, and paid) with teh use of flavors set up in teh build Gradle file.
  • Incorporated fonts and styles with Calligraphy lib.
  • Utilized SQLite for embedded local storage.
  • Managed memory leaks in debug builds with LeakCanary.

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