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Senior Full Stack Developer Resume

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Galveston, TX


  • 10 plus years of extensive experience inall phases of SDLC including requirements gathering, Designing, Development, Integration, Deployment,System Testing, User AcceptanceTesting UserCertification Testing, Production and Maintenance of Web - based applications using Java/J2EE technologies.
  • Experience in developing classes/controllers with Web Service REST JAX-RS, JAX-RS annotations and Jersey framework.
  • Experience in designing and developing N-tier Architecture applications with Java/J2EE usingWeb Services, Servlets, JSPs, JDBC, XML, Java Mail, DAO, JMS, MDB, Apache Struts1/2,Spring,Hibernateand Life ray Frameworks.
  • Experience in designing and developing applicationswith front end technologies as AngularJS,AngularJS plugins, Angular Bootstrap, Angular 5, 6, 7,jQuery, jQuery Bootstrap, AJAX, JavaScript.
  • Experience design and developing application based onSOA (Service Oriented Architecture)so that application layers can be combined with other application easily.
  • Experience in integrating applications, designed and developedWeb Servicesusing J2EE.
  • Experience indeveloping APIusingRESTFUL,IOC/DIandMVCmodules ofSpring.
  • Strong experience in designing & developing interfaces between applications usingJSON,XML, WSDL, XSL/XSLT (styling) and parsing the XML with the SAX and DOMinterfaces for exchanging information.
  • Expertiseas a full stack developer,developing front-end applications usingServlets, Struts, JSP’s, HTML, CSS,Angular,AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript.
  • Experience in usinggulp.js forbuilding,minifying filesUI files (js, CSS, html)while deployment in servers.
  • Experience in writing E2E, Unit test using Karma, Jasmine framework.
  • Experience in writing Java Unit test using Mockito, Junit frameworks.
  • Experience in integrating Unit test with SonarQube monitoring tool.
  • Experience usingANT and Maventobuild/generate deployment scripts.
  • Experience in Unit and Integration testing withJUnitsandused defect management tool, Quality Center.Experienced writing intest scripts, test casesandtest plans.
  • Experience in usingTogether Architecture, modified code, configured WebLogic server and project in Oracle.
  • Experience in application end to end testing usingseleniumweb driver.
  • Implemented quality management and process improvement procedures using consistent standards and guidelines,
  • Experience in using source control tools likeGitHub, SVN.
  • Experience in SSHIPfor code deployment on servers, monitoring logs in server in Linux machine.
  • Excellent Inter-personal and communication skills gained through interaction with technical and functional teams, end users and management.


Languages: JAVA/JEE, JDK 5, 6, 7, 8.

Java Technologies: OOPs, Collections, Exceptions, Threading, JDBC, JNDI

Java Web Technologies: Servlets, JSP,Web Services REST, SOAP.

Java Web Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring(REST,MVC, IOC, DI, JDBC),Hibernate, Struts2/1,Life ray6.2Database Postgresql-9.6, Oracle 10g/11g/12c, MongoDB.

Database Technologies: SQL, PLSQL(Knowledge).

XML Technologies: XML, DTD, XSL, XSLT, XML Schema, DOM, SAX.

Application/Web Servers: Apache Jakarta Tomcat5.0, Liferay Tomcat- 6.2,Jboss6.x,WebLogic8.x

Application Environment: IDEs/Tools STS,Eclipse Juno/Kepler/Helios, NetBeans6.9.1, Edit plus, Notepad++,Edit, Visual Studio code

Repositories: GitHub, Bit Bucket, SVN.

Operating Systems: Windows XP/95/98/7/8, Win 2003 Server, Mac.

Client-SideTechnologies: Angular5,6,7,Angular UI Bootstrap, AngularJS 1.5,AngularJSBootstrap, AngularJSplugins, jQuery,jQueryBootstrap,Ajax, JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, CSS, SASS, Webix.

Build tools: GulpJS, NodeJS(Dependency for Angular).


Confidential, Galveston, TX

Senior Full Stack Developer

Environment: Java 8,Spring Boot, (REST, MVC), Microservices, JSON, Collections,Angular7, HTML5, Angular UI Bootstrap,jQuery Bootstrap,Angular Material, Sass, CSS3, JSON, Oracle DB, GitHub, TFS, Azure DevOps, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, RWD (Responsive Web Designing)


  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s REST Controller built on Spring Boot with mix of Java annotations and dependencies.
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture) so that its application layers can be coupled with other application if required.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Developed DAO Model classes which uses Spring JPA to do DB CRUD transactions.
  • Developing classes in java which will fetch data via external services REST Full API and can be used in client place.
  • Developed REST API using @Rest controller annotation which returnsjson object to be consumed in Angular.
  • Wrote Junit test case with integration of Mockito. Junit test case are been executed in SonarQube tool to keep track of code coverage.
  • Developed class and its members to use Java 8 concepts as Lambda Interface, Streams, For Each, filters, map.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to track code coverage before move deployment of tag to production.
  • Develop client-side application using Angular 7 and Its feature.
  • Design and developed angular components, Services, module using angular CLI.
  • Used Angular Material for User Interface component generation.
  • Worked on Angular JIT and AOT compilation strategies.
  • Used component, structural, Attribute directives of angular to present data to users.
  • Developed components using Angular Material framework.
  • Developed angular service which make use of HTTP client module to interact with Java API hosted on other servers returning Observable and promises.
  • Interacted with few modules like Forms module, Http, rxJs, Routermodule, Ngmodule etc.
  • Worked on Agile methodology on daily basic, which included scrum calls, Sprint planning, Story pointing sessions etc.
  • Used TFS Azure DevOps build pipeline to build and release developed code in servers, both for UI and Server side.
  • Entire project is working on CI/CD continuous integration and Development which made sure sprint releases were performed properly.
  • Writing E2E test using Jasmine.

Confidential, Camden, NJ

Senior Java Developer

Environment: Java 8,Spring Boot, Spring (REST, MVC, JPA, JDBC), Microservices, JSON, Collections,Angular7, HTML5, Angular UI Bootstrap,jQuery Bootstrap,Sass, CSS3, JSON, PostgreSQL, NLP Search, Google Integration,GitHub, Jenkins,Splunk, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, RWD (Responsive Web Designing)


  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s developedusingSpring REST Controller with mix of Spring Boot dependencies (mongo, Tomcat, JPA, JDBC).
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture) so that its application layers can be coupled with other application if required.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Developing Model classes as part of JPA to do DB transactions.
  • Used Spring annotations to develop this application.
  • Developing classes in java which will fetch data from Mongo DB, Spring REST converting it into json object which can be used in client place.
  • Developed REST API using Spring @Rest controller annotation which returnsjson object to be consumed in Angular.
  • Wrote Junit test case with integration of Mockito. Junit test case are been executed in SonarQube tool to keep track of code coverage.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to track code coverage before move deployment of tag to production.
  • Develop client-side application using Angular 7 and Its feature.
  • Design and developed angular components, Services, module using angular CLI.
  • Worked on Angular JIT and AOT compilation strategies.
  • Used component, structural, Attribute directives of angular to present data to users.
  • Developed angular service which make use of HTTP client module to interact with Java API hosted on other servers returning Observable and promises.
  • Interacted with few modules like Forms module, Http, rxJs, Routermodule, Ngmodule etc.
  • Writing E2E test using Jasmine.

Confidential, Camden, NJ

Senior Java Developer

Environment: Java 8,Spring Boot, Spring (REST, MVC, JPA, JDBC), Microservices, JSON, Properties, Collections,Angular7, Angular UI Bootstrap,jQuery Bootstrap,Sass, CSS3, JSON, MongoDB,Mongo Compass,CRM,GitHub, Jenkins,Splunk, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, RWD (Responsive Web Designing).


  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s developedusingSpring REST Controller with mix of Spring Boot dependencies (mongo, Tomcat, JPA, JDBC).
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture) so that its application layers can be coupled with other application if required.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Developing Model classes as part of JPA to do DB transactions.
  • Used Spring annotations to develop this application.
  • Developing classes in java which will fetch data from Mongo DB, Spring REST converting it into json object which can be used in client place.
  • Developed REST API using Spring @Rest controller annotation which returnsjson object to be consumed in Angular.
  • Wrote Junit test case with integration of Mockito. Junit test case are been executed in SonarQube tool to keep track of code coverage.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to track code coverage before move deployment of tag to production.
  • Develop client-side application using Angular 7 and Its feature.
  • Design and developed angular components, Services, module using angular CLI.
  • Worked on Angular JIT and AOT compilation strategies.
  • Used component, structural, Attribute directives of angular to present data to users.
  • Developed angular service which make use of HTTP client module to interact with Java API hosted on other servers returning Observable and promises.
  • Interacted with few modules like Forms module, Http, rxJs, Routermodule, Ngmodule etc.
  • Writing E2E test using Jasmine.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Senior Java Developer

Environment: Java1.8 (OOPS, Collections, Lambda,Bifunction, Enumeration, Generics, Exception),SpringREST,MVC, DI, IOC, APO,JDBC, JPA), Hibernate,BRMOpcode,Free markerTemplate,HTML5, Angular5, 6,7, Angular UI Bootstrap,jQueryBootstrap,Sass, CSS3, JSON, Nodejs, Oracle 12C, GitHub, Jenkins,Junit, Mockito,SonarQube,RWD (Responsive Web Designing).


  • Developed this product usingJava/J2EE technologies including SPRING Microservice, Spring (MVC, DI, IOC, REST), Spring JPA and Oracle 12C DB.
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture) so that its application layers can be coupled with other application if required.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Developing classes which make use POJO validation by invoking specific validator class.
  • Developing classes in java which will fetch data from Oracle DB using BRM Opcodes rendering it viaFree markerTemplate into json object which can be used in client place.
  • Developed REST API using Spring @Rest controller annotation which returns json object to be consumed in Angular.
  • Wrote Junit test case with integration of Mockito. Junit test case are been executed in SonarQube tool to keep track of code coverage.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to track code coverage before move deployment of tag to production.
  • Developed client-side application using Angular 5, 6, 7 and Its feature.
  • Used component, structural, Attribute directives of angular to present data to users.
  • Developed angular service which make use of HTTP client module to interact with Java API hosted on other servers returning Observable and promises.
  • Interacted with few modules likeForms module, Http, rxJs, Routermodule, Ngmodule etc.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Senior Java Developer

Environment: Java1.7 (OOPS, Collections, Enumeration, Generics, Exception),SpringMVC,DI, IOC, AOP,JDBC),Hibernate,JerseyWeb services(REST), HTML5, EncoreUI, jQuery, AngularJS 1.5, Angular JSplugins (ng-grid, ng-tree), Angular UI Bootstrap, Sass, CSS3, JSON,NodeJS, Gulp JS, Mongo DB, ARIC Process, GitHub.


  • Developed this Product UsingJava/J2EE technologies including SPRING, HIBERNATE and MongoDB
  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s developed in Java Jersey Framework.
  • Designed and developed REST API asper-clientrequirements.
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture) so that its application layers can be coupled with other application if required.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Developingclasses which make use of HibernateSessionsto do all transaction on DB.
  • Developingclasses in java which will fetch data fromMongoDB injson object which can be used in client place.
  • Developed REST API using NodeJS.
  • Downloading dev Dependencies and dependencies for application using NodeJS npm module
  • Used Struts and spring MVCdesign pattern to make classes in generic method so that these classes can be utilized in different application.
  • Wrote Spring XML,Hibernate. hbmXML and configuration XML files based on configuration provided.
  • Involved in developing JAR files from .class files and deploying JAR dependencies in servers.
  • Use various design patterns like MVC, Singleton, and Factory etc. as per the requirements.
  • Developingclasses as part DAO layerusingSpring JDBC module.
  • Developingserver modulescore concepts of java OOPS.
  • Involved in server integration / Deployment of application on I Nova servers using Jenkins build pipeline.
  • Developing classes and methods which can use session token feature to maintain user session in application.
  • Designing and developing Junit test case to maintain good quality of code.

Confidential, SanAntonio, TX

Senior Java Developer /Web Developer

Environment: Java1.7 (OOPS, Collections, Enumeration, Generics, Exception),Struts1.X, SpringMVC, Spring IOC, Spring DI, Spring JDBC, JerseyWeb services(REST), HTML5, EncorUI, jQuery, AngularJS 1.2, Angular JSplugins(ng-grid, ng-tree), Angular UIBootstrap, Sass, CSS3, JSON, Nodejs, Gulp JS, Mongo DB, ARIC Process, GitHub.


  • Developed this Product UsingJava/ J2ee technology including spring, Hibernate framework asserver-sidetechnology.
  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s developed in Java Jersey Framework.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS concepts as model providing service layer in model.
  • Developed Java classes based on Java OOPS, Exceptions, Collections concepts as model providing businesslayer.
  • Designed and developed application based on SOA (Service oriented architecture)
  • Model and controller part of application is achieved by Spring IOC and struts framework.
  • Developed classes which make use of Hibernate Sessions to do all transaction on DB.
  • Developed classes as part of DAO layerusing Spring JDBC modulewhich will perfume CRUD operationson MongoDB.
  • Used Struts and spring MVCdesign pattern to make classes in generic method so that these classes can be utilized in different application.
  • Developed services which can communicate with outside world like REST API which are developed on NodeJS.
  • Designing and developing NodeJS restAPI.
  • Developed server modules core concepts of java OOPS.
  • Doingserver-sidevalidation using Struts and spring framework.
  • Wrote Junit test case to maintain good quality of code.
  • Application developed in responsive manner which can be accessed in IOS (IPad, IPhone), and Android (Tabs, Phones) including desktop for ease of customers.
  • Responsive web designing was done with @media queries.
  • Writing logic for all the front-end in HTML5with integration of AngularJS components such as ng-directives.
  • Involved invalidation of Specific fields using Angular Plugins.
  • Developed custom Controllers, Directive, Filters and Service for entire application.
  • Wrote few customdirectiveswhich access UI code and get access to different controllers based on page selection.
  • Accessed predefined templates of EncoreUI (UI generated by Confidential ) Bootstrap components such as Buttons, Alerts, Dropdown, popups, Date pickers etc. for ease of code and good UI effect.
  • Wrote generic SASS styles to make one application work in mobile devices and PC.

Confidential, San Antonio,TX

Senior Java Developer

Environment: Java1.7 (OOPS, Collections, Enumeration, Generics, Exception),Struts1.X, SpringMVC, Spring IOC, Spring DI, Spring JDBC, JerseyWeb services(REST), HTML5, EncoreUI, jQuery, AngularJS 1.2, Angular JSplugins(ng-grid, ng-tree), Angular UIBootstrap, Sass, CSS3, JSON, Nodejs, Gulp JS, PostgreSQL9.6, ARIC Process, GitHub.


  • To develop this Product UsingJava / J2EE technologies including SPRING, STRUTS,HIBERNATE.
  • Accessing enterprise data in/from database using REST API’s developed in Java Jersey Framework.
  • Designed and developed REST API as per-clientrequirements.
  • Developedclasses using JAVA/J2EE concepts such asOOPS,Collections, Exception, Generics, Threads, and Enumeration etc.
  • Designed model part as M of MVC and written all business logic, DB transaction, messaging, Services inmodel using SPRING MVC module.
  • Used Spring IOC, DI modules as controller part of C in MVC.
  • Developed classes as part of DAO layer to interact with PostgreSQL DB.
  • Developed generic classes which can access DB as DAO layer and this class can be used in any other application development.
  • Developed services which can communicate with outside world like REST API which are developed on NodeJS.
  • Designing and developing NodeJS REST API.
  • Used and developed classes which uses Hibernate session to do all DBtransactions.
  • Involved in design and development of REST APIroutes for doing CRUD operation on PostgreSQL DB as per-requirements.
  • Used Struts and spring MVC design pattern to makeclasses dynamicallyuseable in other application modules
  • Collaborating with other teams and get dependency work done technically and functionally and move project to staging and production phases.
  • Wrote Spring XML,Hibernate. hbmXML and configuration XML files based on configuration provided.
  • Involved in developing JAR files from .class files and deploying JAR dependencies in servers.
  • Use various design patterns like MVC, Singleton, and Factory etc. as per the requirements.
  • Writing Junit test case to maintain good quality of code.

Confidential, San Antonio,TX

Senior Java Developer/Architect

Environment: Java1.7 (OOPS, Collections, Enumeration, Generics, Exception),Spring(MVC,IOC, DI, APO,JDBC), Hibernate,JerseyWeb services(REST), Hibernate,HTML5,EncoreUI, jQuery, AngularJS 1.2, Angular JSplugins(ng-grid, ng-tree), Angular UIBootstrap, Sass, CSS3, JSON, Nodejs, Gulpjs,PostgreSQL9.6,ARIC Process, GitHub.


  • To develop this Product UsingJava /AngularJS(Encore UI) with Html5Sass (SyntacticallyAwesome Style Sheet).
  • Accessing enterprise data in/from databaseusingREST API’s developed in Java Jersey Framework, inAngularservicethrough Angular Controller.
  • Designed and developed REST APIusing Jersey Framework integrating SPRING and Struts framework.
  • DevelopedModel part “M” in MVC architecture using Java classes.
  • Wrote all transaction, services, messaging, loggersbased on Java OOPS concepts as a business layerin MVC model.
  • Model and controller part of application is achieved by Spring IOC and struts framework.
  • Used spring Dependency Injection module to make connection between business logic and POJO classes.
  • Developed classes using singleton and Factory design pattern provide in JAVA
  • Developed POJO classes as part of hibernate interaction between DB columns.
  • Wrote SpringXML,Hibernate. hbmXML and configuration XML files based on configuration provided.
  • Developed classes which make use of HibernateSessionsto do all transaction on DB.
  • Developed classes in java which will fetch data fromPostgreSQL.
  • Wrote generic classes which can convert DB response into JSON object which can be used in client side.
  • Used Struts and spring MVC design pattern to makeclasses dynamicallyuseable in other application modules.
  • Developed REST API using NodeJS.
  • Created Maven project and downloaded all dependencies using pom.xml.
  • Created Jenkins build pipeline for application deployment in staging and production servers.
  • Wrote Junit test case to maintain good quality of code.

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