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Sr. Java/j2ee Full Stack Developer Resume

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Irving, TX


  • Around 8 years of experience and backed with rich domain knowledge and practical knowledge of several IT technologies, me seek a career with challenging assignments to amalgamate personal enrichment with professional goals.


  • Experience working with various SDLC methodologies based on Agile/SCRUM like Test Driven Development(TTD), Incremental and Iteration methodology, Pair Programming, Agile Development.
  • Developed UI modules using Angular9, Node.js, React JS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5
  • Expertise in using inbuilt and custom AngularJS directives and filters to add functionalities to the web page.
  • Experience in Angular 9.0 along with Bootstrap, CSS3 to creates reusable components for RWD applications.
  • Implemented HTTP requests using rxjs Observable library to manage multiple values over time and managed various exceptions based on the response.
  • Proficient in using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Experience focusing on services like EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, CloudFront, CloudFormation, IAM, S3, RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS and AMI.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to halp businesses scale and grow.
  • Strong understanding of Multi - tier system building Skills in J2EE Technologies like EJB, XML, Spring 3/4/Boot, RMI, JMS, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Web Services, JNDI and Integration Skills in IBM Web Sphere.
  • Strong experience in Spring Framework modules such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, IO, Spring Dashboard, Spring Boot, Spring Microservices, Spring REST, Spring Eureka, Spring Netflix
  • Experienced in implementing Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services such as SOAP using WDSL, JAX-WS and REST using Spring Boot, Apache CFX, JAX-RS and Jersey Frameworks.
  • Developed applications using latest technologies like EJB3.2, Spring 3.x/4.x, Hibernate3.2/4.x, REST based Web services (Axis2.0, JAX WS 2.0, JAX RS), Rule Engines (Drools4.1, ILOG), jBPM tools.
  • Experience in working with Spring JDBC/JPA, JMS, Spring EAI, Spring Rest Templates, and Spring Batch.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence frameworks like Hibernate/JPA Entities for mapping Java classes using Hibernate Query Language (HQL), HSQL Named Queries, Criteria, and Projections.
  • Experience in implementing Java EE design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Factory, Adapter, Service Locator Session Facade, DAO, DTO, and Business Delegate in the development of N-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Strong experience in developing applications using Core Java concepts like OOPS, Multithreading, Collections Frameworks, Exception Handling, Data structures and JDBC.
  • Experienced in developing Apigee Proxies, customizing policies, working with Apigee Edge, Developer Portal.
  • Experienced with XML related technologies such DTD/Schema,XML, XSLT(DOM, SAX), and XPATH.
  • Experience in database modeling, design and development of PL/SQL stored procedures, packages in relational databases: Oracle10g / 11g, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Experience in working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra.
  • Experience in working with web servers like Tomcat 8, WebSphere 8.x/9.x, JBoss7.1.0 and WebLogic 12.0.
  • Hands on experience with build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle and Logging tools like Log4J 2and Splunk.
  • Monitoring and logging tools such as Splunk, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Log stash, and Kibana).
  • Experience with CICD-Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Concourse, CVS, Git, GitHub.
  • Experienced in using IDEs such as IntelliJ,Eclipse, STS, Rational Application Developer (RAD), and NetBeans.
  • Experience in testing with JUnit Framework using Mockito and Easy Mock, Spring Junit Runner, JMeter.
  • Experience in creating Docker images, Containers, push/pull and integrating with Spring Boot.
  • Expertise with employment of Apache Kafka and Zookeeper apart from JMS as messaging service.


Programming Languages: Java 11.0/8.0/7.0 , PL/SQL

Java/J2EE Technologies: Servlets, Spring, EJB, JPA, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, JNDI.

Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Spring Security 3.2

Application/Web servers: Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.x/9.x, Web Logic 12c

Relational Databases: Oracle 10g/11g, SQL server 2012/2014/2016 , MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1, Postgres

NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra

Internet Technologies: HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS 3/4, jQuery,Ajax,Angular9.0/8/6, Typescript, JSON

Cloud Environments: AWS, Kubernetes.

IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3,Postman, TOAD

Testing &Bug tracking Tools: JUNIT4/5, Jasmine, Protractor, JIRA 7.0, Bugzilla 4.4.12, Curl 7.36,Blaze meter

Methodologies: Agile, waterfall, Scrum

Build Tools: Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 6.4.1



Confidential, Irving, TX

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in SDLC requirement gathering, analysis, design, development, testing and deployment of applications by using Agile (SCRUM) methodology.
  • Develop rich user interface SPA by using Angular 9.0, Typescript, HTML, CSS 4, and material framework.
  • Experienced in working with Angular 9.0 modules, services, templates, directives, dependency Injection, lazy loading, and differential loading to create a responsive single page application (SPA).
  • Used rxjs operators for handling data from multiple streams to maintain the sequence and their dependencies.
  • Used Fork join for combining a sync response calls and display the results in the frontend.
  • Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums.
  • Used Java 8stream API for bulk data operations on collections using both streams and parallel streams.
  • Design and develop microservice business components using java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring Data JPA and implement REST web services based on RESTful APIs.
  • Ability to write Spring batch jobs for updating bulk records at specified intervals of time.
  • Used OAuth 2.0 along with Spring security framework to securely expose our API’s by mandating the access token when client wants to access our resources. Considering security aspect used implicit/ API grant type.
  • Implemented fail-safe and circuit breaker patterns in Spring Boot Microservice applications using Hystrix and configured Swagger-UI to register microservices with Eureka server.
  • Experienced in using Spring Feign Client for establishing HTTP communication between microservices.
  • Used Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring and managing applications dat are running in Production.
  • Experienced in using the Spring Data JPA framework to interact with the database and do CRUD operations.
  • Spring Config server is used for externalizing configurations in a distributed system by encrypting and decrypting the property values for security and easy maintainability.
  • Experienced in designing and development of feature toggles by using Spring framework to enable or disable certain features in production without deploying code and providing dark launch capability to app owners.
  • Publish, promote, and manage the API's in a secure and scalable environment by using Apigee gateway.
  • Worked on building proxies and policies with in APIGEE along with security frameworks.
  • Experience in migrating the AWS RDS database to host on EC2 instance for enhanced cost savings.
  • Experience in working on cloud-specific AWS technologies including IAM, Simple Storage Services (S3), Elastic Bean Stalk, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), RDS and Cloud Watch.
  • Implemented Kafka Producer and Kafka Consumer in Microservices to ensure real time data flow.
  • Monitor server logs to support production activities with the halp of Kubernetes logs and Splunk cloud logging.
  • Experienced in writing PL/SQL Procedures, views, indexes, triggers and functions to create and manage data on schemas by using PgAdmin. Also experienced in writing complex queries for extracting data.
  • Used GridFS in MongoDB for uploading and retrieving files in our Spring Boot microservice application.
  • Experienced in writing deployment, service, and ingress objects for deploying our application into Kubernetes.
  • Used Jenkins CI/CD pipelines to build all our applications to docker registry and tan deployed to Kubernetes.
  • Ability to write the unit test for frontend by using Karma and Jasmine framework and writing the integration test cases by using the Protractor test cases.
  • Wrote the unit test cases for server-side applications by using the Junit5 and Mockito framework.
  • Experience in creating the performance tests using JMeter and uploaded scripts in BlazeMeter.
  • Experienced in writing the integration tests by using the Spring MVC test framework and h2 database.
  • Developed logging module using Log4J 2 to create log files to debug and trace application.
  • Responding to production issues, daily application maintenance, incident resolution and responsible for process improvement, application monitoring strategy, and overall application stability.
  • Maintain the progress of issues worked on /in-progress status in JIRA.
  • Participate in approving the pull requests and weekly code reviews to ensure the code quality.
  • Experienced in creating pipeline scripts for CI/CD deployment using Jenkins.

Environment: Java 8, Angular 9.0, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Hystrix, Feign Client, HTML/CSS 4/Typescript, Material, Web Services, IntelliJ, PgAdmin, APIGEE, Contrast, Accessibility, Tomcat, Postgres SQL, MongoDB, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Junit 5, Protractor, Karma, Jasmine, Log4J 2, Splunk, JMeter, BlazeMeter, Gradle, GIT, Jira.

Confidential, Durham, NC

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Developed single page application using Angular 8.0, Typescript, HTML5, CSS 3, Ajax, and Material framework.
  • Enhanced legacy application by building new components in Angular 8.0 and Typescript.
  • Worked extensively with Angular CLI for creating the new components, services, pipes, and directives.
  • Developed application in compliance with WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 standards to ensure web Accessibility.
  • Extensively used Java 8 features like lambda expressions for communicating business layer and database.
  • Used Java 8stream API for bulk data operations on collections using both streams and parallel streams.
  • Using Java 11.0 developed API’s as per the business cases and analyses the current API with spring Boot.
  • Design and develop microservice business components using java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring Data JPA and implement REST web services based on RESTful APIs.
  • Experienced in using the Spring Data JPA framework to interact with the database and do CRUD operations.
  • Ability to write Spring batch jobs for updating bulk records at specified intervals of time.
  • Used OAuth 2.0 along with Spring security framework to securely expose our API’s by mandating the access token when client wants to access our resources. Considering security aspect used implicit/ API grant type.
  • Spring Config server is used for externalizing configurations in a distributed system by encrypting and decrypting the property values for security and easy maintainability.
  • Implemented Netflix Zuul API gateway for the REST services and registering services to SpringEureka server.
  • Implementing or exposing the Microservice architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
  • Used GridFS in MongoDB for uploading and retrieving files in our Spring Boot microservice application.
  • Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, and schema design.
  • Experience in working with NoSQL Database like MongoDB to manage extremely large data sets.
  • AWS S3 is used to storing and retrieving the images and documents dat are used in our application.
  • Deployed Spring Boot based microservices into Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services.
  • Used AWS Cloud watch in alerting, maintaining, and monitoring of production and corporate servers/storage.
  • Monitor server logs to support logs to support production activities with the halp of Kubernetes logs and Splunk cloud logging. Also experienced in monitoring logs in Apigee developer portal.
  • Experienced in writing the Kubernetes cronjobs for running the failed records on regular schedules.
  • Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
  • Ability to write the unit test for frontend by using Karma and Jasmine framework and writing the integration test cases by using the Protractor test cases.
  • Wrote unit test cases for server-side applications by using the Junit5 and Mockito framework.
  • Experienced in creating pipeline scripts for CI/CD deployment using Concourse tool.
  • Experienced working with performance testing tools such as JMeter, and Blazemeter.
  • Extensively worked on writing jMeter scripts for analyzing the performance of our application.
  • Ability to write queries for searching in the Splunk, to narrow down the root cause of the problem.
  • Maintain the progress of issues worked on /in-progress status in JIRA.
  • Used Gradle as build dependency management tool and Git as version control.
  • Collaborated closely with other members of the Development Team to both develop detailed specification documents with clear project deliverables and timelines, and to ensure timely completion of deliverables.

Environment: Java 11.0, Angular 8.0, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Eureka, HTML/CSS/Typescript, Material, Web Services, IntelliJ, APIGEE Edge, nw-apigee-cli, Gradle, GIT, Contrast, Accessibility, twistlock, Tomcat, Apache Kafka, MongoDB, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Concourse, Junit 5.0, Protractor, Karma, Jasmine, Jira.

Confidential, Des Moines, IA

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in requirements gathering, analysis and development of Yard Trash Processing Facilities, Waste tire collector & Dry Cleaner Registration submittals.
  • Developed effective web pages usingHTML5, Bootstrap, CSS3, Angular 4.0, and AJAX.
  • Created Single Page Application which can data bind and synchronize with server using Angular framework.
  • Leveraging Angular 4.0 resources for all data access, encapsulating URLs, and standardizing data access.
  • Accessed REST Spring calls in Angular 4.0 using custom directives, and custom services.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), Singleton, Factory, Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object (DTO) and Service Locator etc.,
  • Used spring framework including spring core/IOC, Spring AOP, Spring ORM, Spring Batch, Spring Auto wiring, and implemented the autantication, authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security.
  • Created and injected spring services, controllers and DAO’s to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of classes.
  • Implemented the RESTful web service for utilizing these services and exposing some of the newly implemented functionalities for others through JAX-RS and Spring Rest Controller.
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was exposed through RESTful web services with loose coupling between layers using spring framework during development.
  • Implemented Spring MVC RESTful services and consumed via HTTP services from Angular.
  • Used advanced java 8 features like Lambda expressions for array operations, Streams, Method reference, collections. Enhanced concurrency methods etc. throughout the application for well-defined programming.
  • Involved in writing Thread safe blocks for Multithreading access to make valid transactions.
  • Configured Identity and Access Management (IAM) groups and users in AWS for improved login autantication.
  • Deployed Docker contained spring boot microservices into AWS EC2 container service using AWS admin console and used lambda to run applications in AWS console.
  • Expertise with employment of Spring Kafka and Zookeeper as messaging service.
  • Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the Oracle database.
  • Experienced HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries, and Interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria for implementation of Hibernate template and extensively used Hibernate Cache.
  • Experience on Hibernate mappings, EH cache, Lazy loading transactions and Locking’s.
  • Used Oracle 11g/12c for the backend data and performed complex queries using joins for CRUD operations.
  • Used PL/SQL Procedures, views, indexes, and functions to create and manage data on schemas by using TOAD.
  • Used IntelliJ Idea for developing and debugging Spring Boot applications.
  • Configured and deployed application into Web Logic application Server.
  • JIRA issue tracking system has been utilized to track the issues.
  • Assisted in conducting UAT and provided production support during and after deployment of the application.
  • Developed CI/CD pipeline and build tasks to run the unit tests on Jenkins and maintained separate build in Maven for the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.
  • Used Maven as build and dependency management tool for creating EAR, WAR and JAR file.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Boot, HTML5, JavaScript, Angular 4.0, AJAX, Tableau, Bootstrap, JSON, Hibernate 5, AWS, XML, LOG 4j 2, IntelliJ IDE, Oracle 12c, WebLogic Application server 12c, Git, Jenkins, Maven, JIRA.

Confidential, Troy, MI

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Implemented Agile methodologies, actively involved in technical meetings, requirement gathering, analysis, planning, effort estimation, coding, development, and testing.
  • Developed User Interface application modules using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, JSON, jQuery and AJAX.
  • Wrote client-Side code using React.JS and used NPM & gulp directories to generate the server environments used flux with redux framework to manage targeted URL’s and to monitor the application.
  • Used React.JS to implement rich functions in various pages form validation, crud, grid list, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced/custom directives, autantication, unit tests, etc.
  • Worked with controller, service and view components in applications using Spring 3.5 framework.
  • Extensively used various modules in Spring like AOP, DI (IOC), Bean Wiring, Spring Inheritance, Auto Wiring, Spring JDBC Templates and Spring Quartz Schedulers for Jobs.
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was exposed through RESTful web services with loose coupling between layers using Spring framework during development.
  • Designed and developed Microservices using REST framework and Spring Boot.
  • Java expression tags were avoided using Bean, HTML and Logic Tags, and used display tags to render large data.
  • Involved in developing role-based HTML navigational menu, where in menu items change dynamically based on the values derived from database in the form of XML data.
  • Experience in Creating, Dropping Indexes, Tables, Stored Procs and Views on Oracle DB.
  • DevelopedclientapplicationsusingJAXRandJAXMtoconnecttotheUDDI registry.
  • Used micro-framework to implement with REST API and Mongo DB (NO SQL) as back end database.
  • Created JSON Data and stored as documents comprising documents, data types and conversions in MongoDB.
  • Implemented Elastic Bean Stalk to auto-deploy and auto-scale applications using services such as EC2 instances.
  • Writing Unit test cases using JUnit testing framework and performed unit and system testing.
  • Expertise on SoapUI, Selenium Data Driven framework and integrating it with Maven Build Management Tool, TestNG Unit Testing tool and Jenkins Continuous Integration Tool .
  • Worked with JAXB parser for marshalling and Unmarshalling XML data.
  • Developed XPATH, XQUERY and custom XML parsers based on SAX, DOM as part of XML Consumption.

Environment: XML, XSL, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Ajax, ReactJs, Spring 3.5, Git, Aws, WebSphere7.5, Swing, Web Services, Liferay, JMS, SoapUI, MongoDB, TestNG, JSON, Maven, Elasticsearch, Spring Cloud Netflix, ANT, IntelliJ, Agile.

Confidential, Kansas City, MO

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in document analysis and technical feasibility discussions for implementing new functionalities.
  • Implemented the Graphic User Interface by coding in HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and jQuery UI.
  • Designed Single page web applications object-oriented JavaScript Framework like Angular.JS and Ext.JS.
  • Created prototypes in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for different UI pages.
  • Implemented and developed UI components using AngularJS features like DI, Models, data binding and controllers. Develop various screens using AngularJS and used various predefined components from NPM.
  • The application is designed using J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Session façade, Singleton, Factory, DAO, and technologies based on MVC architecture.
  • Used Spring DAO module for performing CRUD operations on database and implemented logging in the application using Spring Framework AOP module to know the application status.
  • Used Spring MVC Model View Controller to manage/intercept the user requests and used various controllers.
  • Implemented (SOA) to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls and parsed the data to client and managed the security and Authorization using Spring Security.
  • Developed REST web services using Spring MVC to extract client related data from database and used SOAPUI
  • Experienced with setting up the basic project setup from scratch using Spring-Hibernate based design.
  • Involved in writing Thread Safe blocks for multithreading access to make valid transactions.
  • Developed application using Agile methodology and deployed the application onto WebLogic application server.
  • Used Cassandra for achieving denormalization through features like collections.
  • Worked on JPA as persistence layer, involving EJB annotations to synchronize with database through XML.
  • Experienced with JIBX binding to convert Java object to XML and vice-versa.
  • Used JERSEY framework to implement the JAX-RS (Java API for XML and RESTful Service).
  • Configured and deployed the application in JBoss Application Server.
  • Involved in Code Review, Unit Testing and Integration Testing, Selenium Web Driver.

Environment: HTML, JSF, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular.JS, Ext.JS, NPM, Spring 3.x, Spring MVC, Spring Security, SVN, REST, JAX-RS, Jersey, SoapUI, Selenium Web Driver, Web services, JBoss, Agile.


Jr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Developed the presentation tier using HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, Ajax and Struts.
  • Used Struts-Validator framework for all front-end Validations for all the form entries.
  • Used Struts framework for the MVC implementation and Hibernate as ORM tool for database communication.
  • Worked extensively with JSP’s and Servlets to accommodate all presentation customizations on the front end.
  • Used different Design patterns like MVC pattern, DAO pattern, and singleton to achieve clean separation of layers.
  • Designed and developed the code using multithreading, Collections and other J2EE technologies.
  • Developed DAOs using Hibernate persistence API for the database operations to interact with Oracle database.
  • Written and executed various SQL Queries& PL\SQL programs to retrieve the data from the database Oracle.
  • Responsible for design and development of Business Process in IBM WebSphere Process Server 6.0.
  • Involved in design development and testing of web application and integration projects using Object Oriented.
  • Technologies such as Core Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, hibernate, Java Beans, XML, XSLT, XSL, and ANT.
  • Used Log4j, Junit and developed unit test cases to monitor the application functionality.

Environment: s: Struts, Core-JAVA, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, ORM, oracle, Multi- Threading, Collections, PL/SQL, OO Design, OO Analysis, XML, XSLT, IBM WebSphere, Log4J, Junit, ANT, Eclipse.

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