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Sr, Fullstack Java Developer Resume

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  • Overall 5+ years of experience in Java/ J2EE Professional with proficiency in Analysis, Design, Development, Architecture, Coding, Testing and implementation of Client/Server, Internet and Legacy Applications.
  • Expertise in Java Technology (J2SE and J2EE) with a strong foundation of object - oriented principals.
  • Expertise in creating web applications using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3(SASS, LESS), Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES5), jQuery, AngularJS (1.0&2.0), AJAX, and JSON, Node.js, and ReactJS.
  • Experienced in MEAN stack development such as Angular.JS, Express JS, Node.JS, and Mongo DB.
  • Hands-on experience in creating Angular modules, controllers, directives, and filters to deploy teh entire business logic.
  • Hands-on experience in creating Angular factories for using angular services like $http and $resource to make RESTful API calls to teh Java based backend.
  • Experience in developing web applications using technologies like HTML5, Angular.JS, JavaScript, AJAX Deployed teh Cassandra cluster in cloud (amazon AWS) environment with scalable nodes as per teh business requirements. Experience in developing web applications with various open source frameworks: Spring (MVC), Spring (AOP), Spring Scheduler, Web Flow, Hibernate2.0/3.0 ORM, JPA, Struts 1.1/1.2. Expertise in Microservices to communicate through HTTP protocol for implementing SOA approach.Expertise in designing, developing and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including Servlets, JSP, EJB 2.x/3.x, JSTL, Struts, Spring 3.5, JMS, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Java Beans Hibernate and Web Services.
  • Experience in working with other iOS and Android developers to complete detailed projects
  • Experience in working with Agile and Waterfall methodologies, Scrum and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  • Strong skills in Object Oriented design and development (OOAD) using Rational Unified Process and Unified Modeling Language.
  • Expertise in Functional Testing, GUI testing, System Testing, End-End Testing, Integ


Confidential, TX

Sr, Fullstack Java Developer


  • Participated in design and development as a Core Java and J2EE Software developer. Good at development in enterprise web applications using Core Java, Java 1.8, and Java EE. Designed and developed teh REST based Microservices using teh spring. Developed web applications using Spring MVC, JQuery and used Eclipse IDE for designing, coding and developing applications. Implemented J2EE standards, MVC architecture using Spring Framework and extensively used Core Java such as
  • Multi - threading, exceptions, and collections. Involved in developing UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, Ajax, and SEO. Involved in teh requirement gathering, analyzing functional documents and workflow from teh clients and designing of prototypes. Developed API to Integrate with Amazon EC2 cloud based architecture in AWS. Developing RESTful Web Services using Node.js.Developed single page applications with MVC frameworks Angular JS, Angular NGX, Typescript,
  • ReactJs & Redux. Used Eclipse as IDE for development. Used CVS for source code control and JUNIT for unit testing. Integrated React based web app to multiple services using REST API. Developed API's in nodeJS to communicate with teh SOAP Adapter developed to interact with teh southbound system called SPIRENT in order to initiate and execute a single or multiple test cases. Participated Daily Scrum meeting, sprint grooming/review and demo with management and other teams.Experience in working web applications deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and configuring services like Aws Route, Cloud Front, Elastic load Balancer, EC2, RDS and Cloud watch. Agile/SCRUM was used as teh project management methodology and JIRA & Confluence were teh tools used to keep things in check. Develop batch processes for financial reporting applications and modules using Perl and Korn shell scripts on Oracle database, with partitions and sub-partitions. Experience with Cloud Computing
  • Service environment like (AWS) Amazon Web Services (EC2, EBS, S3 and ELASTIC SEARCH).Used Maven for Project management and build automation. Handled Apache Tomcat, Jboss and WebSphere Application for deployments. Experience in java application testing using JUNIT framework, JSF UNIT and SoapUI for unit testing. Design and develop Java RESTful web services dat connects with backend POSTgreSQL database in teh back-end and returns JSON data to Angular framework on UI Portal side using Spring boot, Jersey RESTful, JAX-RS, and JPA.Wrote SQL Queries to interact with Oracle database using JDBC. Involved in creating and Deployment of REST API and Microservices in Java J2EE using Spring Boot. Maintained source code in GIT Repository. Hands-on experience in developing AWS cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling for EC2 instances and involved in teh automated provisioning of AWS cloud environment using Jenkins and chef. Developed various APIs to be consumed by other modules of teh


Senior Java Developer


  • Used J2EE patterns such as Controller, Singleton, factory, fa ade, Value Object. SpringMVC architecture is used in dis application. Involved in development of User Interface using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, AJAX, JSON, React JS and Angular 2.Experience with teh features of Angular 2 such as directives, modules and routing. Highly used Angular 2 router to build single page application for navigate through teh different status and multiple modals.Extensively used Angular
  • UI (Angular Bootstrap) for ng - grid, and UI components. Worked on React JS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components, which contains additional components called custom HTML tags.Worked on NoSQL databases including HBase, Mongo DB, and Cassandra. Used Sql queries on top of Cassandra to fetch teh results.Configured redux store, reducers and actions. Used sagas for handling middleware and fetch API'S for rest calls. Experience with Programming in UNIX Shell Scripting, Action script.Designed and Developed Mongo instances on containers as part of organizations initiative to build a data center of teh future. Web designing & development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React Js and Ajax. Built Web pages those are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, JQ-Validator,
  • AutoComplete, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, and Node.JS. Used CORE and HTML5 tag libraries for expressing Java Server Faces within a view template. Developed UI modifications for dis portal using XSLT, DHTML, XML, JavaScript and J-Query. Used Bootstrap for responsive design which allows users to access it from any device.
  • Developed Micro Service to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC. Secure MongoDB using authentication.Implemented Micro Services based Cloud Architecture using Spring Boot. Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Dockers, Jenkins through GitHub. Used Maven to build teh project, Enterprise GitHub as repositories. Spring ORM module is used along with Hibernate to deal with database operations. Continuous integration and continuous delivery with Jenkins. Building pipeline, test jobs and deploying. nvolved in making enhancements to a standalone application and deploy in production. Developed Automation framework both Data driven and Hybrid using Selenium WebDriver in Java and performing unit testing by using TestNG. Excellent in deploying teh applications in AWS as EC2 instances and create snapshots for teh data dat have to be stored in AWS S3.Built application using ASP.Net MVC Core, Code First, Angular 2.0. Experience working with VB.net, and C# programming language. Build servers using AWS: Importing volumes, launching EC2, creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers, Route 53, SES and SNS in teh defined virtual private connection.Sound RDBMS concepts and extensively worked with Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server & DB2Environment: JDK-1.5, J2EE, Angu


Senior Java Developer


  • Participated in all teh phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC). Involved in teh design of teh project and represented teh requirements through teh diagrams using UML. Designed Frontend with in object - oriented JavaScript frameworks like Angular.JS, Node.JS, React.JS and Ext.JS.Used Node.js for developing single page web applications. Involved in development of User Interface using XSLT, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, DOJO, GWT and JSTL.Used XSLT for all teh Front-end development.
  • Hybrid version of teh app was created using PhoneGap/HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript which are deployed on iOS, Android and Windows Mobile simultaneously.Created Dialog boxes using DOJO for better look and feel. Worked with Node.JS framework including authoring complex directives, services, controllers and filters. Developed teh User interface screens using HTML, JSP and AJAX.Involved in deploying systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Infrastructure services EC2. Used Spring MVC framework at teh front end and configured many beans and wired them as per teh requirement. Utilized React for its efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render efficient web app dat searched projects via teh GitHub API through keywords. Utilized most of teh AWS services like S3 as a data store for storing teh files dat falls into teh bucket, IAM roles, Elastic Bean Stalk, generated Lambda Functions to trigger an event dat occurs in S3, Code Commit as a Version control service,
  • AWS CloudWatch. Implemented design flow with Java code/SQL to cover each business logic for each module. Created Docker images for several micro-services and implemented Docker-compose files to spin up.Worked on Axis implementation and used SOAP UI to test teh SOAP. Designed and developed Micro Services business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring boot. I XML. Implemented BDD through Cucumber and created Feature Files for Cucumber Automation. Used Rabbit MQ as a Message Oriented Middleware for integrating applications. Wrote SQL Queries to interact with SQL Server Database.Used SQL as teh query languages in Hibernate Mapping. Integrated teh Spring and Hibernate framework

Environment: Java1.4, JSP1.2, Angular JS, React JS,EJB Servlets 2.3, JMS1.0, Log4j, JavaScript, Node.JS, React JS, AWS Cloud Watch, EC2, Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver, AJAX, Bea WebLogic server8.


Java Developer


  • Working as a full stack senior Java developer for dis project. Implemented change request from start to end touching all teh layers. Used Struts framework for teh MVC implementation with spring for DI and Hibernate as ORM tool for database communication. Developed Action Classes, Service Classes for Resident Insurance premium payment module.
  • Involved in Coding JavaScript code for UI validation and worked on Struts validation frameworks. Involved in teh development of both teh back end and teh front end of teh application using Struts, Hibernate and Web Services.Utilized Angular for its efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render efficient web app dat searched projects via teh GitHub API through keywords. Developed in Java Script and JS frameworks like J - Query.
  • Used Java to design and develop dis applicationDOM parser to parse XML document Developed Session and Entity beans for insurance Quotes.Developed web services using Apache Axis web service engine. Used SOAP request response exchange pattern to exchange business XMLs. Responsible for Writing JSP for Online Quote for Resident Insurance. Used Web Services for interacting with a remote client to access data. Developed CMP read only Entity beans to get Insurance Quotes. Wrote J-Unit Test cases for Unit testing in Pension Manager Module, performed automated acceptance tests written in TDD (Test Driven Development) using cucumber. Documented CR impact analysis and prepared implementation documents.

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