Senior Android Application Developer Resume
Washington, DC
- Around 8 years of Information Technology Experience in designing and developing high end Enterprise level Web and Mobile Applications.
- Extensive experience in application development, bug fixing, porting and publishing on Android.
- Worked on Source Code version control systems like GIT, CVS, VSS and PVCS.
- Experienced in OOAD Techniques developing Use Cases, Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams.
- Extensively used Android SDK and Eclipse IDE, including plug in such as Android ADT.
- Involved in Development of Object Oriented Software Applications using N - Tier Architecture and Web Based Technologies like Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Struts, JSF, Java Bean, Ajax, Web Services, SOA, XML, HTML, HTML5 and CSS.
- Expertise in developing GUIs using Adobe Flash, Swings, JSP and HTML for web applications. Experience in working with Web services using SOAP, WSDL and Apache Axis.
- Experience in database development using database engines like MySQL, Oracle 8i,9i,10g MS Access.
- Expertise in Object Oriented Programming concepts and implementation using C++ and Java.
- Experience in all phases of software development life cycle that includes Requirements Study, Analysis, Design, Development and Integrations, Re-engineering, maintenance and post production support/analysis.
- Excellent analytical and debugging skills, Team Facilitator, Self- motivated and possess good communication skills.
- Able to work independently or in a collaborative team environment.
- Knowledge on IOS, J2ME from working closely with these teams.
Languages: Java 1.6, Java 1.7, J2EE, C, C++, C#, VB.NET, SQLData Bases Oracle 9i, MySQL, SQLite, MS-Access
Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JDBC, HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML (DOM & XPath), DTD, XSLT, AJAX, Web Services (SOAP, WSDL), MVC, Struts, JavaScript
Testing Tools: XSUDS (White box), Firefox Selenium, JUnit, Traceview, DDMS, Hierarchy Viewer.
Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 6.0, Glass Fish, Sun Enterprise Application Server, JBoss
Simulators: Google Android Simulator
Scripting Languages: JavaScript, UNIX Shell Scripting, Perl, PHP
Networking Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, CDMA, DHCP
Java API: Android API, Google Ajax Search API (REST API), Google Weather API
Mobile Technologies: Android SDK, IOS, Blackberry JDE, J2ME
Confidential, Washington DC
Senior Android Application Developer
- Involved in full life cycle of the application including sprint planning, prototypes, design, develop and test.
- Redesigned the application from scratch.
- Developed different features for the application. Adding Reading History tab. Added event and data tracking.
- Enhancement of features like adding video support to twitter, instagram etc. supporting animated video in the article. Modifying article search result page. Adding section Menu pages.
- Different UI features and bugs. Fixing crashes from production and dev branch.
- Supports Older devices from 1.6 (API 7) and up.
- Key resource for layout and UI work utilizing xml, Views, WebView, ListView, MenuItem, Activities, Fragments, Frame, Animations, Notifications, Carousel, Push Notifications, Loaders, AsyncTask Ziaxis, custom fab buttons etc.
- Google play distribution and Amazon app.
- Digiday Best Mobile App award nominees for 2016. Recognized as Top developer app in Google play store.
- Preinstalled app on all kindle devices.
- Comscore, mint splunk, appsensesdk, crashlytics, greenrobot eventbus, facebook, volley, horizontal listview, sliding-menu, adobe mobile library, android ad module, android paywall amazon/android/playstore, androidJunitRunner
Environment: Java, Android SDK (1.6 to 5.1), Android studio, gradle, Git, Java, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, XML, Ajax, jQuery, AngularJS, Jira, Database Browser for sqlite, sqlitebrowser, Bloodhound-Beta 3.0, hipchat, jira, evet tracking, omnitures, L, M version, ColorSnapper, Jenkins, slack.
Confidential, Mountain View, CA
Lead Android Application Developer
- Involved in full life cycle of the application including sprint planning, prototypes, design, develop and test.
- Redesigned the application from scratch.
- Developed different features for the application.
- Supports Older devices from 1.6 (API 7) and up.
- Refactored the code base to optimize start-up time and memory usage.
- Integral in internationalizing of the app to support different languages.
- Key resource for layout and UI work utilizing xml, Views, WebView, ListView, MenuItem, Activities, Fragments, Frame, Animations, Notifications, Carousel, Push Notifications, Loaders, AsyncTask etc.
- Google map v1 and v2.
- Crittercism, Google Analytics, flurry, Facebook event tracking.
- Payment api’s like Alipay, paypal.
- Improved crashes handling, and made the application awesomely stable.
- Google play distribution (Alpha, beta and production).
Environment: Java, Android SDK (1.6 to 4.4), Eclipse(ADT) 3.7, Android studio, Wire Shark, Ant, Python, SVN, Git, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, XML, Ajax, jQuery, AngularJS, Jira, Database Browser for sqlite.
Confidential, Austin, TX
Senior Android Application Developer
- Involved in full life cycle of the application including prototype, design, development and testing.
- Developed different features for the application, such as: Conference Calls, Meeting Schedule, System Info, Video Stoplight feature, Call Hold feature, Audio calls add-in feature for both embedded devices, Confidential Touch Control.
- Supports Microsoft Lync and Conference recording can be started from Microsoft Lync Client.
- Innovative video calls, leader in video conference calls.
- By enabling calendar, your personal calendar and notification can be shown in the screen. This is linked with emails.
- Developed applications (Native and Dalvik) on Android phones
- Understanding of Client-server, Cloud computing service architecture and Internet Technologies (e.g.,
- Refactored the code base to optimize start-up time and memory usage.
- Integral in internationalizing of the app to support different languages.
- Key resource for layout and UI work utilizing xml, Views, ListView, MenuItem, Activities, Fragments, Frame, Animations, Notifications, etc.
- Simulating for prototype, write Design Document, document Feature Verification Test (FTV).
- Worked on more than 30 projects to make a final product.
Environment: Java, Android SDK (2.1 to 4.3), Eclipse 3.7, Wire Shark, Ant, Python, AccuRev, HTMLs, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, XML, Ajax, jQuery, SASS, AngularJS, Jira, Jenkins, KlockWorks, putty, Jenkins, Confluence, Silk Central.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Senior Android Application Developer
- Involved in full life cycle of the application including design, development and testing.
- Complete Redesign of Application forAndroidphones, tablets and kindle fire.
- Developed different features for the application, such as: Forecast page, Detail Forecast page, Now Page, Manage Location Page for both tablets and phones.
- Innovative background ads reflecting the weather change for the location.
- Color changes as the weather changes.
- By entering the zip code or location name user can search the weather in a particular area. This is linked with Google maps to provide the layered weather map.
- Refactored the code base to optimize start-up time and memory usage.
- Worked on Amazon Fire to have The Weather Channel app preloaded.
- Understanding of Client-server, Cloud computing service architecture and Internet Technologies (e.g. HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, JQuery, XML/XSLT, JSON, HTTP, SSL, TCP/IP)
- Integral in internationalizing of the app to support 40 languages for Olympics 2012 and on redesigned app.
- Key resource for layout and UI work utilizing xml, shape drawable, adaptor views, activities, fragments, custom views (Videoview, Textview, EditText, ..)etc.
Environment: Java, Android SDK, Eclipse 3.7, Wire Shark, Ant, SVN, CVS, GIT, HTMLs, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, JQuery, JSON, PhoneGap, SASS, AngularJS, ARO, Charles, Jira, Jenkins, FindBug, Lint, ActionBarSherlock, Facebook API.
Confidential, San Jose, CA
Lead Android Developer
- Developed the User Interface layers and the web modules for the activities including Eula, Sign In, Profile, Settings for multilingual app for both tablets and phones.
- Used Android SDK (2.0 to 4.0.4) and Eclipse IDE for development.
- Involved in designing some of the processes in the application that are developed by other developers.
- Involved in debugging the application, production bugs fixing and enhancing the app.
- Wide use of adb commands from firmware upgrade to modifying contacts per sqlite3 table structure.
- Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit.
- Wide use of application framework like Telephony manager, content providers, content resolver, sqlite, AsyncTask, AlertDialog, Bitmap.
- Used SVN for version Repository maintenance.
Confidential, San Ramon, CA
Mobile Application (Android) Developer
- Developed the User Interface layers and the web modules for the activities including Home Screen, Sign In, Profile, Settings, and Questions.
- Used Android SDK 2.0 and Eclipse IDE for development.
- Used multi threading to implement parallel processing.
- Utilized web-services (either HTTP based, XML, SOAP, JSON or other services), in order to tie our applications to critical server-side APIs.
- Developed necessary DAOs (Data Access Objects) for client.
- Researched technical issues and provided recommendations.
Confidential, Minneapolis, MN
Service Analyst
- Worked for Confidential on the Metro Transit Department.
- This includes metro bus schedules, map, tracking bus uses, passenger head count.
- Worked on various part of the web application.
- Database management using including sql.
- Java for web design and development.
- Used macros for UI.