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Spark Developer Resume

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Murray, UT


  • 8+ years of experience in application development and design using Hadoop echo system tools, Spark and Java/Spring Frameworks.
  • 1+ years of experience in PySpark, Spark Streaming and Spark SQL
  • 3+ years of expertise in developing custom MapReduce programs to analyze the data and configuring and using components like HDFS, Flume, Hive, Pig, Sqoop & Oozie
  • Experience in installing and configuring Apache, Hortonworks (HDP) & Cloudera (CDH) distributions.
  • Knowledge in cleansing and analyzing data using HiveQL, Pig Latin custom UDFs and UDAFs for extending Hive and Pig core functionalities.
  • Experience in importing and exporting data using Sqoop from HDFS to RDBMS and vice versa.
  • Worked on Amazon Web Services S3, EC2 and Redshift.
  • Experience with different queries in RDBMS and NoSQL databases like MongoDB & Cassandra.
  • Good idea on Data warehousing applications using Teradata & Greenplum DB.
  • Experience in handling applications where BI tools are involved like Tableau etc.
  • Designed and developed various web and enterprise applications using Core Java, RESTful services, SOA, Spring, AJAX, Hibernate, JQuery, Javascript, JAX - RS
  • Implemented modules in projects using AGILE methodology.
  • Good knowledge on application servers like WebSphere and Tomcat.


DB Skills: Oracle, MSSQL, Teradata, Cassandra

Languages: Java, Scala, Pig, Python, Php, R

Hadoop/Spark Eco Systems: HDFS, Spark Streaming, Hive, MLlib, Storm, Kafka, Flume, MapReduce, Oozie, Sqoop

Hadoop Distributions: Hortonworks, Cloudera, Apache

Application Server: Websphere & Tomcat

Java Technologies: AJAX, JQuery, Javascript, Core Java, Hibernate, REST/RESTful service, SOA, Spring, JAX-RS, JDBC

DevOps: Svn, Git, Maven & Jenkins


Confidential, Murray, UT

Spark Developer


  • Developed simple and complex MapReduce programs in Java for Data Analysis on different data formats.
  • Developed Spark scripts by using Python & Scala Shell commands as per the requirement.
  • Developed and implemented core API services using Scala and Spark.
  • Adaptation to Spark streaming when needed instead of Storm
  • Optimized MapReduce Jobs to use HDFS efficiently by using various compression mechanisms.
  • Worked on partitioning HIVE tables and running the scripts in parallel to reduce run-time of the scripts.
  • Worked on Data Serialization formats for converting Complex objects into sequence bits by using AVRO, PARQUET, JSON formats.
  • Responsible for analyzing and cleansing raw data by performing Hive queries and running Pig scripts on data.
  • Worked on Spark SQL rather than HiveQL to optimize performance
  • Created HBase tables to store variable data formats coming from different portfolios.
  • Created Hive tables, loaded data and wrote Hive queries that run within the map.
  • Implemented business logic by writing Pig UDF's in Java
  • Used OOZIE Operational Services for batch processing and scheduling workflows dynamically.
  • Developed Sqoop scripts to import export data from relational sources and handled incremental loading on the customer, transaction data by date.
  • Populated HDFS and HBASE with huge amounts of data using Apache Kafka.
  • Created alter, insert and delete queries involving lists, sets and maps in Cassandra.
  • Design and develop JAVA API which provides functionality to connect to the MongoDB through Java services.
  • Involved in moving all log files generated from various sources to HDFS for further processing through Flume.

Environment: Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig, PySpark, Scala, Storm, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Apache Kafka, Zookeeper.

Confidential, Minnetonka, MN

Big Data Developer


  • Analyzed the data by performing Hive queries and running Pig scripts to know user behavior
  • Responsible for loading customer's data and event logs into HBase using Java API.
  • Created HBase tables to store variable data formats of input data coming from different portfolios
  • Installed Oozie workflow engine to run multiple Hive and Pig jobs
  • Worked on Big Data Integration and Analytics based on Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Storm and web Methods technologies.
  • Involved in loading and transforming large sets of structured, semi structured and unstructured data from relational databases into HDFS using Sqoop imports.
  • Developed PIG scripts to transform the raw data into intelligent data as specified by business users.
  • Experience migrating MapReduce programs into Spark transformations using Spark and Scala
  • Configured Sqoop and developed scripts to extract data from MySQL into HDFS. Created HBase tables to store various data formats of PII data coming from different portfolios
  • Cluster co-ordination services through Zookeeper
  • Optimized PIG jobs by using different compression techniques and performance enhancers.
  • Optimization of complex joins in PIG by using techniques such as skewed joins and hash based aggregations.
  • Spark Streaming collects this data from Kafka in near-real-time and performs necessary processing.
  • Installed and configured Hive and also written Hive UDFs in java and python
  • Worked on installing and configuring EC2 instances on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for establishing clusters on cloud
  • Written shell scripts and Python scripts for automation of job

Environment: Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Hive, Java, Scala, Cassandra, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie, Zookeeper, MySQL, HBase

Confidential, Palo Alto, CA

Java/Spring Developer


  • Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Layer (MVC)Architecture UML diagrams like use cases, class diagrams, interaction diagrams (sequence and collaboration)and activity diagrams were used
  • Gathered business requirements and wrote functional specifications and detailed design documents
  • Extensively used Core Java, Servlets, JSP and XML
  • Designed the logical and physical data model, generated DDL scripts, and wrote DML scripts for Oracle database
  • Developed EJB tier using Session Facade, Singleton and DAO design patterns, which contains business logic, and database access functions.
  • Created spring beans and used autowiring by XML & Annotation.
  • Implemented Enterprise Logging service using JMS and apache CXF.
  • Developed Unit Test Cases, and used JUNIT for unit testing of the application
  • Involved in design process using UML & RUP (Rational Unified Process).
  • Extensively used SQL queries, PL/SQL stored procedures & triggers in data retrieval and updating of information in the Oracle database using JDBC.
  • Used Aspect oriented programming (AOP), J2SE Dynamic Proxy & CGLIB.
  • Expert in writing Hibernate Query Language (HQL) or JPQL and Tuning the hibernate queries for better performance.
  • Developed Web Services using REST with JAX-RS, XML to provide facility to obtain quote, receive updates to the quote, customer information, status updates and confirmations.
  • Used SVN Version Control for Project Configuration Management.
  • Writing build files using ANT. Used Maven in conjunction with ANT to manage build files.
  • Running the nightly builds to deploy the application on different servers.
  • Extensively worked on UNIX Environment.

Environment: Java, Spring core, REST Web services, JMS, JDK, Ajax, SAX, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Junit, XML, UML


Java Developer


  • Developed, implemented, and maintained an asynchronous, AJAX based rich client for improved customer experience using XML data and XSLT templates.
  • Used OR mapping tool Hibernate for the interaction with database. Involved in writing Hibernate queries and Hibernate specific configuration and mapping files.
  • Developed SQL stored procedures and prepared statements for updating and accessing data from database.
  • Implemented the presentation layer with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed web components using JSP, Servlets and JDBC
  • Implemented secured cookies using Servlets.
  • Involved in developing JSP pages and custom tag for presentation layer in Spring framework.
  • Wrote complex SQL queries and stored procedures.
  • Implemented Persistent layer using Hibernate API
  • Implemented Transaction and session handling using Hibernate Utilities.
  • Implemented Search queries using Hibernate Criteria interface.
  • Used AGILE methodology for developing the application.
  • Involved in writing the validation rules classes for general server side validations for implementing validation rules as part observer J2EE design pattern.

Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Junit Testing, Oracle DB, SQL


Web Developer


  • Designed and developed UI using JSP, dynamic JSP and page validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed websites using PHP and used JQuery for Plug-ins
  • Created Forms for user login and register using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Implemented search engine in website using AJAX
  • Created databases for the websites in MySQL
  • Used ‘mail to’ functionality in contact us page to get message from user
  • Maintaining the website and managing with regular updates from the client.
  • Using Templates and designing websites from various Content Management Systems (CMS) like Joomla.
  • Involved in performance tuning, debugging issues in testing and deployment phases.
  • Utilized PL/SQL for querying the database.
  • Developed customer care related web pages using JSP, JSP Tags and Servlets.

Environment: HTML, CSS, PHP, JSP, JavaScript, DHTML, JQuery, AJAX, MySQL, Joomla.

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