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Java Developer Resume

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Boston, MA


  • 5+ years of experience in Java/ J2EE software development includes Analysis, Design and Development of Enterprise applications.
  • Extensive experience in design and development of multi - tier applications usingJava, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS, Web Service (JAX-RS, JAX-WS), JMS, Struts, Spring, Hibernate.
  • Proficiency in application servers such as IBM Websphere 7.0/8.0, BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.1/10.3 , Apache Tomcat 7.0/6.0 and Jetty Server.
  • Experience in web application design using Spring and Struts Frameworks. Extensive Experience in using MVC (Model View Controller) architecture for developing applications using JSP, JavaBeans and Action classes and Controllers.
  • Experience in client side Technologies such as HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript and Jquery.
  • Strong experience of developing data models using Hibernate POJO's, configuring Hibernate persistence layer, mapping Java classes with database using Hibernate and in Hibernate query language(HQL)
  • Proficient in using RDBMS concepts with Oracle and MySQL.
  • Expertise in Database Design, Creation and Management of Schemas, writing Stored Procedures, Functions, DDL, DML SQL queries.
  • Expertise with Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Modeling (OOM) based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) architecture.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and involved in client interactions for scoping, effort estimates and status reporting and onsite and offshore development.
  • Experience and Strong knowledge in Design Patterns like SingleTon, Service Locator, MVC, Facade, Value Object and Caching Technique.
  • Strong knowledge on Agile SCRUM methodology and Waterfall model.
  • Performed all dimensions of development including Business Process Analysis, Requirement Analysis, Design, Test driven development.
  • Hands on experience writing web services both client side and end point using SOAP and Rest Full (JAX-RS, JAX-WS).
  • Extensive experience in Software Configuration Management using Version Control tools such as CVS, SVN and responsible for various software version releases.
  • Proficient in writing UNIX and shell scripts.


Design Skills and tools: UML, Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Design patterns (Singleton, Business Delegate, IOC, DAO, SDLC, ActiveMQ etc).

Java: Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structure, Collections Framework, Exception Handling, Java I/O, JUnit etc

J2EE: J2EE (JSP, Servlets, JSTL, Custom Tags, EJB, JMS, JDBC, Web Services JAX-WS, JAX-RS, XML Parsing, XSLT).

Open Source Frameworks: Struts 1.3, Spring Framework 2.5/ 3.0, Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Context, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Spring JMS, Spring Web Services, Hibernate.

Web/Application Servers & Middleware: Weblogic 8.1/9.1/10.3 , Web Sphere 7.0/8.0, JBoss 4.0/5.0, Apache Tomcat 6.0/7.0, Jetty Server.

XML and tools: XML, XSD, DTD, SAX & DOM Parser.

Database tools: SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, MySQL.

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, LINUX

IDE: Eclipse, WSAD, RAD.

Source Control: CVS, SVN.


Confidential, Boston, MA

Java Developer


  • Redesigning the existing web application with new technologies.
  • Design and development of the new Technical flow.
  • Daily client & on-site team interaction.
  • Used Spring MVC on the web layer and business delegate and DAO on the business layer.
  • Involved in creating UI screens using jsp, controllers using annotations at method level and class level.
  • Developed DAO for communicating with the database. Used Hibernate DAO support for performing queries. And handled transactions using spring annotations.
  • Involved in writing HQL Queries, criteria and named queries in DAO's.
  • Defined business facades to handle multiple calls to the dao's. Defined custom exceptions at business layer and DAO layer.
  • Used xml to configure mapping files and defined DTO for named queries.
  • Used spring support for restful webservices to communicate with the host machine for agreement forms. Used rest Client to test the webservices. Used Jackson api to un marshall the response into java objects.
  • Used auto wired annotation for handling the dependent objects.
  • Created test cases for DAO's and webservices. Used annotations to load the config file to test the components.
  • Used maven to acquire the dependencies and build the application. Used perforce as a version control system. Anthill pro to deploy the application into jboss.
  • Worked in an Ajile environment. Actively participated in scrum meetings and updating Rally regarding the tasks and time spent on each tasks.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, JSP, Spring MVC, Spring ORM, Spring IOC, Spring Web Services, Hibernate, Web Services Restful, Oracle 10g, JUnit 4.8, Maven 3.0, Jboss eap-6, Java Script, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX, Eclipse Juno.

Confidential, San Jose, CA

Java Developer


  • Involved in developing the application using Java/J2EE platform. Implemented the Model View Control (MVC) structure using Struts.
  • Responsible to enhance the Portal UI using HTML, Java Script, XML, JSP,Java, CSS as per the requirements and providing the client side Java script validations and Server side Bean Validation Framework (JSR 303).
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection.
  • Used Hibernate as Persistence framework mapping the ORM objects to table using Hibernate annotations.
  • Responsible to write the different service classes and utility API which will be used across the frame work.
  • Used Axis to implementing Web Services for integration of different systems.
  • Developed Web services component using XML, WSDL, and SOAP with DOM parser to transfer and transform data between applications.
  • Exposed various capabilities as Web Services using SOAP/WSDL.
  • Used SOAP UI for testing the Web services by sending an SOAP request.
  • Used AJAX framework for server communication and seamless user experience.
  • Created test framework on Selenium and executed Web testing in Chrome, IE and Mozilla through Web driver.
  • Used client side Java scripting: JQUERY for designing TABS and DIALOGBOX.
  • Created UNIX shell scripts to automate the build process, to perform regular jobs like file transfers between different hosts.
  • Used Log4j for the logging the output to the files.
  • Used JUnit/Eclipse for the unit testing of various modules.
  • Involved in production support, monitoring server and error logs and Foreseeing the Potential Issues, and escalating to the higher levels.

Environment: JDK1.6, JSP, Servlets, Spring Framework 3.0, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Web Sphere, Oracle 9i, XML, XPath API, UNIX, Selenium, Web Services, WSDL, SOAP, AJAX, CSS, ANT.

Confidential, Mountain view, CA

Java Developer


  • Development of Java Beans to communicate with EJB’s developed
  • Installed, configured, and maintained JBoss Server.
  • This project also involved the use of hash maps, array lists, and sorted maps among the collections implemented.
  • Supported production environment including monitoring application, resolving any production related issues.
  • Handled various exceptions that arose throughout the project.
  • Co-ordinated with development team for deployment of application into JBOSS server.
  • Involved in creating various UML diagrams based on requirement documents.
  • Coded Entity Beans, Session Beans and persistency layer classes.
  • Designed and implemented the functionality of identifying the IBM products using part number.
  • Updated Presentation Layer (Struts, Tiles, JSP Tags) for accommodating the dual number search.
  • Have written DAO (SQL queries) for the enhancement using backend as DB2.
  • Followed RUP and OOAD methodology for enhancements.
  • Worked with Hibernate.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Struts 1.3, Struts Validation Framework, EJB 3.0, XSLT, Oracle 9i, Web Sphere 6.0, RAD, CVS, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Java Script.


Java Developer


  • The application was designed on Struts Frame work to make use of MVC pattern.
  • Used Struts validator frame work to automatically validate user input.
  • Created tile definitions, struts-configure files, validation files and resource bundle.
  • Develop, implement, and maintain an synchronous, AJAX based rich client for improved customer experience
  • Created/mappings and implemented persistence layer using Hibernate.
  • Involved in designing the data model for the system.
  • UsedJ2EEdesignpatternslikeDAO, Value Object, Service Locator, MVC and Business Delegate.
  • Developed/Customized Java Server Pages (JSP) for Customer User Interface (UI).
  • ThebusinesslayerisbasedonSpringframeworkandpersistencemechanismusedisHibernate
  • DevelopedControllerClassesandDataManagementClassesusingSpringFramework
  • Developed web tier using Struts tag libraries, CSS, HTML, XML, JSP, Servlet.
  • Involved in writing test cases using JUnit.
  • Used CVS tool for Version control.
  • Used web services in production analysis.
  • Developed Secured Single Sign on pages using SAMLSSO.
  • Involved in migrating code from development to QA, QA to UAT and UAT to Production environments.
  • Release management of the code between and different environments.
  • DevelopedandmaintainedAntScriptsforthebuildpurposeonvariousenvironments.

Environment: Struts 1.3, Spring Framework, Hibernate 3.5, JSP, Oracle 9i, AJAX, Ant 1.7, Java Script HTML, CSS, RAD, Web Sphere 7.2, Web Services JAX-WS, Apache Axis, Junit 4.2.


Jr Java Developer


  • Involved in designing and developing device and circuit comparison using JSP, HTML, Java Script, GUI, DOM, EJB, XML and JAXP.
  • Created few Database Views.
  • Developed SQL Queries, Views, and Packages for handling Database activities in Jboss.
  • Used Spring Validation Framework to implement the Data Integrity Enforcements and User Validations.
  • Written automated UNIX scripts to automate the process of running regular jobs.
  • Used log4J to implement logging to generate audit, debug and error logs.
  • Involved in Unit Testing, Integration testing and provided support for System Test, Performance and UAT Teams.

Environment: Java 1.5, JSP, Spring Framework, JDBC, Jboss, Eclipse 3.2, XML, JUnit, Log4J, CVS.

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