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Full Stack java Developer Resume

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Phoneix, AZ


  • 8+ Years of experience in design, development and implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, technologies.
  • Experience in Pair Programming, Test Driven Development, Waterfall model and Agile methodologies like SCRUM.
  • Expertise experience in estimations, analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, performance tuning and deplsoyment of internet, e - commerce and client-server applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, JavaBeans, JDBC, Spring, Hibernate, AJAX, JavaScript.
  • Good knowledge and experience in Core and J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Abstract Factory, Builder, MVC2, Business Delegate, DAO, AWS(S3, EC2,ECS, cloudfoundation), UNIX and Shell Scripting.
  • Expertise in various open source frameworks like Angular JS, Node JS, Struts 2.0/1.2, Spring 2.5/3.0, Spring MVC, IoC, Web and ORM Technology like Hibernate 3.0, JPA, EJB3.0,IBatis, Mybatis, JQuery.
  • Expertise in Distributed and Web environments, focused in JAVA Technologies - Java collections, Threads, J2SE, JDBC, Struts, Spring, Hibernate Framework.
  • Expertize in Apache Spark, Flink, Akka, Storm -Message brokers such as Kafka, Rabbitmq, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, Apache ActiveMQ, Kinesis.
  • Experience in designing Restful APIs, writing API proxies on platforms such as Apigee Edge, AWS API Gateway or Azure API Gateway.
  • Experienced in Paymentech SDK, Groovy and Grails, Apache SOLR, Lucene, SOA and ADF 11g.
  • Expertise in Web-Development technologies like Servlets, JSP,JSTL, HTML5, JSON, JavaScript, CSS3, XML, XSL/XSLT, AJAX, JQuery.
  • Effective in leading applications with end - to-end responsibilities usingC, C++and Client/Server Technologies with exposure to different domains likeBanking,Health CareandRetailing.
  • Extensive knowledge of XML-based standards and protocols (such as WSDL and SOAP), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), development of XSD schemas and implementing both SOAP and REST web services.
  • Extensively experienced in Middle Tier Development using Servlets, JSPs, and EJB(3.0).
  • Experience in using DOM4J, JAXB, JAXP parsing and XML Bean to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML files and continuous Integration tools such as Jenkins and Bamboo.
  • Hands-on experience supporting, automating, and optimizing mission critical deployments in AWS, leveraging configuration management, CI/CD, and DevOps processes.
  • Hands on experience with API tools such as Swagger, Postman and Assertible -Test driven development and behavior driven development. -Hands on experience with testing tools such as Selenium and Cucumber and their integration into CI/CD pipelines
  • Experienced in testing Angular, Angular 2 applications using Jasmine, Mocha, Karma, and Angular Test Bed.
  • RDBMS experience includes Oracle, SQL Server; database programming and connectivity using JDBC, ODBC, SQL, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, triggers, Queries etc.
  • Experienced in generating logging by Log4j to identify the errors in production test environment and experienced in Ant, Maven and Gradle tools as wll as SVN and perforce for version control.
  • Worked with various Application servers like JBOSS7, Webshpere, GlassFish3 and Tomcat7 Webserver.


LANGUAGES: JAVA 11/8.0/7.0/6.0/5.0/1.4/1.2 , SQL, Python, PL/SQL, UML, C, C++

WEB TECHNOLOGIES: JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JDBC, JMS, JPA, EJB(3.0), Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JSF(2.0), AX-RS, JSX-WS, HTML5, DHTML, Java Beans, JavaScript, Angular JS,, Angular2.0/4,React.js, Node.js, AJAX, CSS3.


WEB/APP. SERVERS: Apache Tomcat 4.0/5.0/6.0, Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Web sphere, JBoss, IIS

IDES: Eclipse, Net Beans, Red Hat Developer Studio, WSAD.

TOOLS: TOAD, XmlSpy, Ant, MAVEN, PL/SQL Developer, JUnit, I Report, JIRA, ITX, WTX and Drools

DATABASES: Oracle 8 / 9i / 10g, HSQL, My Sql, MS SQL Server 7.0, Sybase, MS-Access,AWS.

FRAMEWORKS: Struts, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Context, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring with Hibernate), Hibernate, DWR, Log4j, JSF, JPA.

VERSION CONTROL: CM Synergy, Rational Clear Case, CVS, VSS, SVN, Git.

ALGORITHMS/DS: Big O, Sorted, Tree, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Heap, Graph.


SERVICES: SOA architecture, RESTFUL/SOAP, Microservices, Axis 2, Apache CXF

SERVERS: JBOSS, Weblogic 10g, 11g, IBM Websphere, Apache Tomcat

INTEGRATION TOOLS: Hudson, Ivy and Artifactory

OPERATING SYSTEMS: Windows, UNIX, Linux, Sun Solaris


Confidential, Phoneix, AZ

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Worked with developing internet-scale solution development primarily using Java 8+, Spring Boot and no-sql databases (primarily mongo)
  • Used Java 8 (Lambdas, Streams, Completeble Future, optional, generics), Expertise in Java functional and reactive programming.
  • Performed strong skills in Spring boot - webflux, Reactor 3), spring-data, REST
  • Used standard J2EE design patterns and Model-View-Controller (SpringMVC) in application design.
  • Followed three-tier architecture. Developed application using SpringMVC- presentation layer, Spring-Service layer, Spring DAO- persistence layer and Spring Batch.
  • Performed Test Driven Development experience
  • Defined, developed and build asynchronous Reactive Micro services utilizing services
  • Defined and constructed REST APIs using Spring Boot 2.0 (reactive) and skilled in Open API (swagger) specification.
  • Worked with PL/SQL stored procedures, Postgre functions
  • Wrote services with Angular4 to store and retrieve user data from the Mongo DB for the application on devices with HTTP service.
  • Used Mongoose API in order to access the Mongo DB from Node JS and used Angular CLI and NPM for scaffolding the Angular 4 application. Experience inLINUX IDEforC/C++,UNIX Shell Scriptingand Knowledge in Perl, python scripting
  • Migrating existing application into REST based Micro services to provide all the CRUD capabilities using Spring Boot.
  • Used Swagger specification for documenting REST API's which exposes description of a RESTFUL web services to different clients.
  • Worked on drift detection status stack. Experience working with react and redux.
  • Involved in creating and modifying database schemas, index design, optimizations for query tuning.
  • Followed and utilized Grafana, Jaeger, Splunk to monitor and troubleshooting application systems
  • Good Knowledge in modern software engineering tools: git workflows, gradle, load testing tools, mock frameworks.

Confidential, Raliegh, NC

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Used KAFKA, Confluent, Angular, Spring Boot, Apache Ignite, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Performed strong skills in core Java, JSE, JEE, Spring, (REST) API design, Hibernate
  • Used SQL database, Sybase ASE, Oracle 12g, MongoDB, IntelliJ IDE with Oracle Weblogic Server / JAP
  • Expertise in test automation technologies Lemming, JUnit, Concordion
  • Good knowledge of Odyssey Suite, Akka, Kubernetes and Docker
  • Used the responsive utilities of the Bootstrap frameworks along with CSS media queries to facilitate the design displaying properly on different devices.
  • Experience creating, update, delete, with AWS stack instances, middleware implementation using JMS and Apache Kafka.
  • Defined and constructed layers, server-side objects and client-side interfaces based on J2EE design patterns, Development of middle tier in Java EE, and Spring framework with Microservices in Java EE, using Spring Boot.
  • Create and maintain fully automated CI/CD pipelines for code deployment using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell
  • Actively manage, improve, and monitor cloud infrastructure on AWS, EC2, S3, and RDS, including backups, patches, and scalingfor DevOps process
  • Develop AWS Lambda based Microservices interacting with DynamoDB& SNS/SQS using AWS SDK
  • Used standard J2EE design patterns and Model-View-Controller (SpringMVC) in application design.
  • Followed three-tier architecture. Developed application using SpringMVC- presentation layer, Spring-Service layer, Spring DAO- persistence layer and Spring Batch.
  • Worked on various cloudformatation stacks, server side business logic using Action Classes, Action Forms, Helper classes and DAO access layer classes and building automation frameworks in support of continuous integration in a test driven development (TDD).
  • Apache Kafka is used to send message objects to client queues and topics.
  • Used Apache CXF as the Web Services framework to implement the REST APIs involved.
  • Implemented ActiveMQmessage store which uses a layered directory structure to store its data.
  • Used Hibernate to store the persistent data as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for communicating with Oracle database.
  • Involved in creating, modifying and tuningSQLqueries, prepared statements and stored procedures used by the application using PL/SQL and Oracle as the database.
  • Extensively used ANT to build the application for various releases and used eclipse as IDE
  • Used Versioning Control System (CVS) for source code control and JUnit to maintain Unit testing, ITX and WTX.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Web Logic, Eclipse, Oracle, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, Kafka, AngularJS, Spring, BootStrap, JavaScript, HTML, XML, REST, Web Services, PL/SQL, JDBC, UML, JNDI, Ajax, ANT, CVS, Log4J, Unix.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Used Angular2, 4 and 6 component router for navigation. Worked with Angular 4 & 6 directives, with REST API’s component based architecture, Typescript, pipes, where AWS S3 browser from the Front-end by installing NPM package of AWS-SDK.
  • Utilized create-react-app to launch product to stay update with the most current web pack and babel build configurations.
  • Performed Verification and validation process for the code written by making use of Jasmine and Karma JavaScript testing framework by testing across various scenarios of the Angular 4.0 applications.
  • Node package manager (NPM) along with Gulp.Worked with SASS to build better and optimized Style sheets.
  • Used NOSQL database Amazon dynamoDBto store data of reporting Application.
  • Worked with various features in spring such as Spring AOP, Spring Transaction management.
  • Implemented Spring Bean Factory using IOC Configured Bean properties using dependency injection.
  • Migrating existing application into REST based Micro services to provide all the CRUD capabilities using Spring Boot.
  • Used Swagger specification for documenting REST API's which exposes description of a RESTFUL web services to different clients.
  • Worked on drift detection status stack. Experience working with react and redux.
  • Created various Dockerimages from the Docker containers and published these images in the Docker hub repository.
  • Deployed the DockerizedSpring Boot application using AWS Elastic Bean Stalk (EBS).
  • Worked on Deployment Automation of all micro services to pull image from Private Docker registry and deploy to Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Used Node JS to run Angular 4 and 6 on server with mock JSON data and completed the UI development independent of server.
  • Created AWSLambda functions for AWSconfig rules using Node.js. Heavily used Lambda function on text object methods Context object properties using Node.js.
  • Wrote services with Angular4 to store and retrieve user data from the Mongo DB for the application on devices with HTTP service.
  • Used Mongoose API in order to access the Mongo DB from Node JS and used Angular CLI and NPM for scaffolding the Angular 4 application. Experience inLINUX IDEforC/C++,UNIX Shell Scriptingand Knowledge in Perl, python scripting.
  • Hands on experience with API tools such as Swagger, Postman and Assertible -Test driven development and behavior driven development. -Hands on experience with testing tools such as Selenium and Cucumber and their integration into CI/CD pipelines
  • Authenticating Users and to provide the security to RESTful web services using OAUTH 2.0.
  • Worked with web2py Framework of Python for built in components to handle HTTP request, HTTP responses,Cookies, Django framework of Python for URLroutings and sessions as well. Experience with JBPM for business procedure. Experience in developing C++ services using web services architecture, SOAP, WSDL and XML.

Environment: Angular 4, HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript, AWS S3,AWS stack, Gulp, RESTful Web Services, Kafka, Web Pack, Babel, Jasmine, Karma, Spring Boot, Jersey, Micro Services, Rest Services, AWS, Node JS, VueJS, GitHub, JIRA, Jenkins, Docker, Selenium, Cucumber

Confidential, Jacksonville, FL

Full Stack Developer


  • Adoption of new principles such as responsive design, mobile first and adaptive design using Angular 5 libraries using Typescript.
  • Developed SPA (single page application) project using Angular 2.0/4.0/5.0 and Typescript for frontend, Node JS and Postgres for backend and in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application, developed using AGILE/Scrum methodology.
  • Involved in Java/J2ee development using Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Web Services, and Hibernate.
  • Designed and developed user interface using front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax and AngularJS.
  • Experienced working with ReactJs and NodeJs on server side. Implemented RESTful Web services in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from Angular JS and parsed the data to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth authentication protocol respectivelyInvolved in developing and delivery of a Micro service application utilizing almost of the AWS Stack including S3, EC2, DynamoDB, Kinesis, SNS and SQS. Implemented code according to coding standards and Created AngularJS Controller to control which Isolate scopes perform operations.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Web Logic, Eclipse, Oracle, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, Kafka, AngularJS, Spring, BootStrap, JavaScript, HTML, XML, REST, Web Services, PL/SQL, JDBC, UML, JNDI, Ajax, ANT, CVS, Log4J, Unix.

Confidential - Woodland Hills, CA

Full Stack Developer


  • Developed java modules implementing business rules and workflows using Spring MVC, IoC, Web Framework.
  • Had experience in performance tuning J2EE apps, performance testing, analysis, and tuning.
  • Developed the Product Builder UI screens using Angular-JS, Node JS, HTML5, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap.
  • Work as a product client team developer on a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux distribution using C++, QT4, Boost, libcurl. Designed the responsive front-end screens using Angular 2, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript, jQuery and Bootstrap.
  • Worked on development of Hibernate, including mapping files, configuration file and classes to interact with the database.
  • Used Angular 2 Http services for asynchronous validations for the input fields of the forms with the data existed in the database and routing configuration using Angular 2/4 UI router for various views and sub views and Angular CLI with Web Pack to perform builds and creating production ready code for deployment.
  • Project implementing and improving Exception Handling and Collection APIs, REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA. Migration of current search process from Database to SOLR search engine.
  • Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro-services and develop Spring based application with very less configuration. Actively involved in deployment Application war files in Weblogic Application server.
  • Responsible for maintaining and expanding ourAWS infrastructure usingAWS (EC2/EBS) and Refactored the code for JVM Optimization, engine techniques like Lucene, Solr with Jetty Server.
  • Involved in Maven based build process and continuous integration of the project using Bamboo and Jenkins.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL and XML to integrate other legacy systems.
  • Unit testing of developed product features using Junit and Mockito frameworks as part of development cycle.
  • Wrote build and deployed scripts usingShelland ANT scripts and involved in performance analysis of the application and fixed problems/suggest solutions.
  • Designed and developed various Oracle database Simple and Complex Queries, PL/SQL procedures, Stored Procedures, Trigger and Functions. Implemented UNIX utilities using shell script for data validation, manual job submission, restarting failed jobs, etc.
  • Developed UI using AngularJS, HTML, JavaScript, XML, and JDBC also used SVN for source code control.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring v3.x, Spring MVC,Hibernate v3.0, Oracle DB, Angular-JS,Angular 2, Node JS, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX,GIT, IntelliJ, AWS SNS/SQS, DbVisualizer, Tomcat, JBoss, SVN, Maven, JIRA, SOAP/Restful Web Services, Redhat Linux, Jenkins, WSDL, Spring Based MicroServices, Agile, cucumber, Bamboo CI.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Developed various DOA’s in the applications using Spring JDBC support and fetch, insert, update and deleted data into the database table.Developed User-friendly Interfaces using React, Redux, Bootstrap, JQuery, Gulp, HTML5, CSS3 and ES6.
  • Developed React components to implement various feature specific modules in the application and worked with a team to move existing web apps toReactwith ES6 Features.Developed drag and drop document editing using React JS-dnd and React JS-motion. Worked with AWS Cloud management and Chef Automation.
  • Developed various API’s to communicate with Solr search engine and integrated Solr search engine in Web store.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using JSF framework using JSPs as GUI development and DB Modeling using Oracle 10g.
  • Used MyBatis & IBatis persistence framework to provide support for custom SQL, stored procedures and mappings.
  • Developed variousGWTcustomized widgets, services and DAO classes for the above systems using servlets, Core Java and GWT RPC/Ajax calls.
  • Worked on converting the PSD to a pixel perfect XHTML page using CSS3 and HTML5.
  • Developed tools using Python, Shell scripting, XML to automate some of the menial tasks.
  • Implemented the application specific SOAP based Web services to transfer data in real-time between EXPERE document engine, Teamwork’s BPM tool and other legacy systems by utilizing WSDL, SOAP, Axis and JMS technologies.
  • Experience in developing web based GUIs using Angular JS and JSP, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Designed and developed Asynchronous service on Amazon AWS using SNS/SQS.Created Business Logic usingPython to create Planning and Tracking functions, SQL, NOSQL queries and backend programs using Oracle database and tools such as TOAD and SQL developer.
  • Used Stash code versioning system for code maintenance and used Log4j to generate logs used for maintenance and bug tracking
  • Developed EJB Components, which encapsulate business logic and build up the model for the system.
  • Implemented various J2EE design patterns like DAO pattern, Business Delegate, Value Object.
  • Configured and deployed the application inIBM WebSphere application server.
  • Build, Merged, Configured and deployed the code in Weblogic Server of DEV Environment, TI and Staging Environment.
  • Logged issues and bugs with Jira, created and participated in code reviews using Crucible 2.0/3.0, integrating microservicesinto an existing system architecture. Deployed J2EE Web and EJB modules using WebLogic Command Line Deploy tool and WebLogic Admin Console. Tuned TCP/IP, JVMs, JVM heap size, garbage collections and Native thread’s.

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSP, Angular JS,React JS, Servlets, Spring, Struts, Jasper Report, Hibernate, Web services, SQL, BPM, Oracle, Golang, GWT, Stash, AWS, bamboo, cucumber, Microservices,Eclipse, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, WebLogic 10.X, IBM WebSphere Application Server, JIRA, Clearcase.


Web Developer


  • Developed State Street mortgage lending application and has good knowledge of Secured loans, unsecured loans, Credit Card transactions, Credit decision, Credit policies and Collateral.
  • Development, Maintenance and Production support of the application.
  • Discussions with On-site team about the Requirements.
  • Developed various J2EE components like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, SAX, XSLT, JAXP, JNDI, JMS, and MQ Series by using RAD Application Framework.
  • Involving in design, development, testing and implementation of the process systems, working on iterative life cycles business requirements, and creating Detail Design Document.
  • Using Agile methodologies to plan work for every iteration and used continuous integration tool to make the build passes before deploying the code to other environments. Developed user interface using JSTL, HTML, Java script, JQuery and CSS. Used J2EE design patterns like Factory pattern & Singleton Pattern.Designed and deployed Multi-threading for Finance management cycle.
  • Used Hibernate as an O/R mapping tool for selecting, inserting and updating the records in the database.
  • Worked on UML diagrams like Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram required for implementing the Quartz scheduler.
  • Handled Java training sessions for the trainees. SVN is used as a tool for version control.Used TOAD for accessing the database.
  • Involved in various steps of SDLC such as analysis, design and development of system and developed specs that include Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Designed the user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSPs.
  • Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model ViewController (MVC) architecture.
  • Implemented Dependency Injection (IOC) feature of spring framework to inject beans and AOP for creating the exception handling aspects.
  • Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as MVC, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Singleton and Factory.
  • Created topics on the Desktop portal using Spark Streaming with Kafka and Zookeeper.
  • Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs

Environment: JAVA, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, STRUTS, SPRING, iBatis, XML, XSL, JSP, JMS, JavaScript, EJB2.0, Oracle 8i, WebLogic App. Server 8.1, Weblogic Workshop, CVS, OOPS, Jboss Drools, Liferay, Redhat Linux, Eclipse 4.x, Hadoop, Hbase, Hive, flume, River Muse, Spark, Sales force, GWT(Google Web Toolkit), Storm, MangoDB, AngularJS, NodeJS, JSP, JSTL, Servlet, SVN, PMD, IBM Websphere, JBoss,JQuery, Agile, Maven, Javascript, CSS, HTML, JUnit, Spring Mock, JMeter, JConsole, JProbe, Ganglia.

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