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Sr Android Mobile Application Developer Resume

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Champaign, IL


  • 6+ years of experience in Android Mobile App Development.
  • Demonstrated programming skill in Java and Kotlin.
  • Experienced with MVP, MVVM, and MVC architectures and Singleton, Adapter, Command, Observer, and Builder design patterns.
  • Utilize Android UI Toolkit and Layout Managers.
  • Proficient in Android Application Framework and Android SDK Tools.
  • Follow best practices for architecture and programming.
  • Experience consuming third - party APIs in Android development projects.
  • Experience multi-threading and memory management specific to mobile devices
  • Guide decisions on architecture and technical strategy.
  • Well versed in the most modern Android third-party libraries such as Retrofit, Picasso, YouTube, Location API, Maps View, Google View, Google Maps, PayPal, Stripe, Android pay, QR Droid, Butter Knife, Dagger, Google Wallet payments, and Android Annotations.
  • Network calls and background multithreading using RxJava, RxKotlin, Retrofit, Volley, and AsyncTask.
  • Experiences worked in Agile environments with strong Scrum and pair programming fundamentals.
  • Strong leadership and communication skills.
  • Apply Google Maps API and GPS Location data for pinpointing user location and finding locations nearby the user and displaying maps and directions.
  • Create unit and integration testing suites developed with Mockito and Espresso for use in Android development.
  • Configure and initialize cloud integration services, including Parse, Firebase, and Google Cloud Messaging for Android projects.
  • Ability to work well on teams consisting of individuals with diverse areas of technical specialization and focus.
  • Continuously deliver complete analyses regarding problems on the client side, having in mind factors such as deadlines, budget, scope, and risks.
  • Experience with Push Notifications, Google Maps, Navigation, and GPS.
  • Experience developing mobile to cloud and mobile to embedded device communications.
  • Fluent in Android SDK/NDK and device driver development.
  • Work with QA teams on system, performance, and acceptance testing.
  • Implementation of dependency injection with Dagger to sped up the unit testing process.


Programming Languages: Kotlin, Java, C++

Android Skills: - REST, Glide, Hugo, Frodo, Subversion, Firebase, Schematic, Handlers, Loopers, Loaders, Dagger, Material Design, Urban Airship, Retrofit, Push Notifications, EventBus, Content Resolvers, Bluetooth Low Energy, RxJava, GPS, GreenDAO, Volley, Multi-Window, Cipher, Services,Nougat, Google Cloud Messaging, MVP, Espresso, Eclipse, Location Services, Android Studio, GreenDAO, Spork, NFC, Samsung SDK, Pinning, Agera, Ion, PushBots, Dependency Injection, JobScheduler, Volley, JUnit

Frameworks: Java Development Kit (JDK), Android SDK

Continuous Integration: - Jenkins, Travis, Hudson

Web Services: - RESTful APIs, JSON, GSON, SOAP, XML, AJAX

Design / UX: - OOD (Object-Oriented Design), Android Studio

Versioning: - Git, GitHub, SourceTree, BitBucket

Methodologies: - TDD, Pair Programming, Agile, Scrum

Front End Technologies: - JavaScript, JQuery, JQuery UI, HTML4, HTML5, CSS3

Databases: SQL Server, MySQ, SQLite, Room

Project Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Slack, Trello


Confidential | Champaign IL

Sr Android Mobile Application Developer


  • Taking part in full Software Development Lifecycle of multiple applications from concept to production.
  • Contributing several design elements dat add great value to the application and improve the UX.
  • Interacting closely with both the Product and the Design teams.
  • Implementing Google Maps API for package tracking.
  • Consuming proprietary web service to retrieve delivery vehicle coordinates for real-time display on user devices.
  • Integrating location-based services using Google Maps, Google Places and Google Directions APIs to display locations of the drivers.
  • Migrating code base from Java to Kotlin.
  • Programmed new features/functions in Kotlin.
  • Use of Reactive-X through RxKotlin and RxAndroid on complex architectures using MVVM.
  • Using RxKotlin in conjunction with RxAndroid, RxBinding libraries to make app multithreaded and perform asynchronous operations.
  • Replace RxJava implementation with Kotlin coroutines and dispatchers to make asynchronous Network requests, JSON parsing, reading or writing from a database
  • Implemented analytics using Firebase analytics framework to track user behavior in app.
  • Used Firebase App Distribution for getting applications to testers and team.
  • Created custom UI components for consistent UX across companies' internal Android applications and for reusability making the development process faster and smoother.
  • Created custom libraries for internal network calls for security purposes.
  • Used recycler views & populated lists to display the lists from database using recycler view adapters as the most efficient method.
  • Used Bitbucket as the version control tool to commit and update the project from the server.

Confidential | Pasadena, CA

Senior Android Mobile App Developer


  • Participated in architecture migration from MVP to Kotlin-based MVVM architecture using Jetpack components like LiveData, ViewModel, Room, WorkManager, Paging and DataBinding.
  • Implemented Instant Search using Kotlin Flow operators, sealed classes, data classes, higher order functions and data using Flow Builder and Kotlin coroutines.
  • Translated old features to Kotlin from java and implemented all newer feature in Kotlin.
  • Created complete user flow and added fingerprint sign-in feature to AuthFragment‚ show a fingerprint dialog and when the autantication succeeds, the user to redirected to HomeFragment.
  • Introduced bi-directional streaming, flow control, header compression, and the ability to multiplex requests over a single TCP/IP connection using gRPC protocol buffers with OAuth token exchanging in autantication module,
  • Replaced Dagger2 network module, database module, login module with Koin dependency injection.
  • Pair-programmed to write unit tests for a Livedata, business logic, domain layer logic and for a view model using Mockk. Junit and Mockserver API.
  • Integrated Digital.ai SDK (Arxan) to encrypt dynamic keys and data embedded within app code and protect sensitive data at rest within an app or in transit between the app and server.
  • Used ML Kit Face API to identify facial features and Text Recognition API to detect text in images.
  • Participated in design and wireframe reviews to provide a technical perspective on implementation.
  • Created animation effects using LottieComposition, LottieCompositionFactory and LottieAnimationView to create stateless model representation of an animation.
  • Introduced enhancements to notifications introduced in Android P, and added notification channel settings and Blocking channel groups
  • Integrated PayPal SDK to receive a one-time payment from customer's PayPal account or payment card (scanned with card.io).

Confidential | Philadelphia, PA

Android Mobile App Developer


  • Worked on an Agile environment with 5 Android developers and interacted with backend developers.
  • Created pull request dat matches expected quality code dat follows SOLID principles
  • Helped other developers to decompose and refactored code to follow SOLID principles patterns.
  • Worked with new ConstraintLayout to positioned elements accordingly to design, and created chains and guidelines to make the application more appealing.
  • Integrated search patterns and search activity interaction inside the application.
  • Debugged network calls to reflect correct consumption of data using Postman, Swagger and Charles Proxy API.
  • Refactored networking calls using Retrofit API to enqueue and reflect changes from a worker thread into the main thread.
  • Implemented pinning to mask endpoint calls during login feature procedure
  • Collaborated on ItemsCart feature to selectable collect items from user p to prepare payment process one and initialize purchase process.
  • Closely debug with UI designers to achieve pixel perfect layout on list of views using Recyclerview with customize Item Separators.
  • Implemented abstract view holder pattern to support headers and multiple layouts in RecyclerView.
  • Elaborated comparable algorithm according to design to simplified choose elements and facilitate decision from user.
  • Implemented customize fast scrolling with custom drawables and fastScrollEnabled property.
  • Participated on branding implementation to create a more appealing layouts and define new acquisition strategy inside the application.
  • Integrated Exoplayer with a customized layout to halp users to identify products with videos where applicable.
  • Created background operations with Android JetPack components WorkManager to in a period of time check updates on items.
  • Worked on a TDD methodology applying Red-Green-Refactor to increase code stability using multiple tools like jUnit, Mockito and PowerMock.
  • Worked with the implementation of federated login like Google Sign-in capabilities to give more options to interact with the application.


Android App Developer


  • Integrated Java Guava Libraries for string processing, concurrency libraries, and me/O functions.
  • Created CustomViews to present data as it was needed.
  • Used SharedPs.
  • Generated the application with a Model View Presenter architectural design pattern to halp with the modularity and maintainability.
  • Used Parcelable interface to serialize the objects.
  • Eliminated the use of external libraries by consolidating the use of OKHTTP and GSON.
  • Implemented List View using the View Holder pattern to improve the performance.
  • Used advanced networking, multithreading and image loading libraries for efficient communication like Volley and Picasso.
  • Ensured effectiveness of SCRUM related meetings (planning, retrospective) and discussions.
  • Worked closely with the Android and iOS development teams for the web service API definition.
  • Configured RESTful web services using Retrofit and RxAndroid.
  • Used private Git repository with BitBucket for development project.
  • Participated in code review sessions to always has high quality (reusable, simple, documented) code.
  • Created and configured database using SQLite local file and a Firebase implementation.
  • Used native and third-party technologies to optimize the app functionality, including Java, Parse, Volley, SQLite, Fragments, Picasso, Android Studio, JSON, SQLCipher, Spongy Castle, Git, Jenkins.
  • Used Implicit and Explicit Intents.
  • Performed automated testing using Robolectric.

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