Java Consultant Resume
Washington, DC
- Around 7+ years of experience in Analysis, Development, Testing and Maintenance in the field of Web Applications and client - server environment.
- Strong experience in designing & developing software systems using Java, J2EE technologies like Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, Struts Framework, JDBC with Oracle and MySQL relational databases on UNIX and Windows environments.
- Extensive experience in Web application development using - HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, UML, JavaScript, Ajax, Spring, Hibernate, J2EE (JSP, JSTL, JMS, JSF, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, Struts, EJB).
- Hands on experience in developing critical & responsive GUI/front-end components using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSP, JSTL and AJAX.
- Experience with n-tier architecture design.
- Good experience in open source frameworks like Spring and Hibernate.
- Application development experience using multithreading, Serialization, Externalization, Collection, Generics, Core JAVA, Applets and Swings.
- Expertise in developing and deploying J2EE applications on application servers like Web Logic 8.1/7.6, JBoss 4.0.1/5.0 and WebSphere 6.0/6.1.
- Experienced with XML related technologies.
- Experience in writing SQL Scripts and PL/SQL Stored Procedures in Oracle, MySQL and DB2 database server.
- Hands on experience in using Tiles Framework, Validator Framework, JSTL Tag Libraries, ResourceBundles, PlugIn, Internationalization, DynaActionForm, DispatchAction in the Struts Application development.
- Experience with Hibernate 3.0 Persistence Framework and Design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object.
- Experience using middle ware business logic technologies Session Beans, Entity Beans, Message Driven Beans.
- Experience in implementing logging mechanism using log4j and apache commons logging.
- Experience in using IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans and IBM’s RAD.
- Good experience with deployment and release of the application with ANT building tool, test cases using JUnit and application logging using the Log4j.
- Experience of working with databases Oracle 8i/ 9i/ 10g and DB2, MySQL; extensive experience working on SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Database development experience using tables, triggers, views,packages and stored procedures, PL/SQL.
- Experience in implementing complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for various applications including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation Testing, Maintenance and Support.
- Quick learner and adoptable to new design patterns/frameworks for fast and quality development.
- Excellent communication skills, has clear understanding of business procedures and ability to work as an individual and also as a part of a team.
- A resourceful team player with good Interpersonal, effective problem solving and decision making skills, looking ahead for great career in a fair working environment with opportunities to grow.
Java Technologies: J2EE, J2SE, Servlets, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, JNDI, JMS, SOAP, REST
Java Frameworks: Struts, Spring MVC, Spring AOP,JSF
Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, XSD, XSLT, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, JAX-B, JAX-RS
Databases: Oracle (version - 11g, 10g, 10i, 9i), SQL 2008/R2, PL/SQL, MySQL 4.0/5.0, DB2
IDEs: Eclipse 3.2/3.4, WSAD 4.0/5.1, RAD 7/7.5.5, NetBeans 6.9/7.0, IntelliJ.
Version Control: Tortoise SVN, Git-Garrate, ClearCase 7/6
Other Tools: ANT, Maven, Gradle, Rational Rose, Firebug, Cygwin, ToadTesting Frameworks JUnit, Selenium.
Confidential, Washington DC
Java Consultant
- Involved in requirements gathering from the business users of the application.
- Developed various components usingSPRINGframework.
- Wrote data Components for Plan, Setup, wrote and called Stored Procedures using Java, HQL, Hibernate.
- Designed & Developed persistence service using Hibernate framework.
- Developed the User Interface usingHTML,CSS,JSPandJQuery.
- Extensively usedJSONfor storing and exchanging information between the UI and the Spring Controller.
- Developed several Periodic Jobs and scheduled usingCron Scheduler.
- UsedJBossas Application server andApacheHttp server as Web Server.
- Extensively used Core Jquery, Jquery UI and Jquery Validate plug-in.
- UsedMavenas the Project management Tool.
- UsedTFSas the central code repository.
- UsedQuality Centerto track and maintain the defects during the QA and UAT Phase.
- Developed front end using Struts framework, business components using Spring framework and DAO classes using Hibernate framework for persistence management and involved in integrating the frameworks for the project.
- Involved in deployment of the application in different environments.
- Extensively used Multithreading concepts for building Batch Jobs.
Environment: Core Java 1.6, JSP, HTML, CSS, Jquery UI, Jquery Core API, Spring 3, Json, Jboss, Apache Http server, XML, Maven, Oracle 9i, Eclipse, Putty, Winscp, Unix shell Scripting.
Confidential, OH
Sr. Java & J2EE Developer
- Played a key role during Analyzing, preparing technical and functional design specification documents as per the Requirements, Architecture, Development and Maintenance of high traffic application built in Java/J2EE.
- Worked on various enhancements and bug fixes simultaneously.
- Used HTTP/HTTPS Services extensively to interact with WebServices using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS for data communication.
- Used SAX for XML parsing, JSON and AJAX to send request to secured web service.
- Involved in development, performance testing & defects fixing.
- Involved in development of SOAP web services Axis.
- Implemented Restful web services in java with JAX-RS implementation Jersey.
- Used the RestClient for testing the Restful web services.
- SOAP-UI was used extensively for testing of webservices across all environments.
- Applications are deployed in the WebLogic Server.
- Involved in Code Reviews so as to implement coding standards for the entire project.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Eclipse, SOAP UI, WSDL, XML, JAX-WS(SOAP), JAX-RPC, JSON, WebLogic, JQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, Windows.
Confidential, Newark, CA
Java &J2EE Developer
- Designed and developed new features using Spring framework. Used Hibernate as ORM tool
- Worked on Flex and JSP for presentation layer
- Wrote complex SQL queries and worked on improving performance of queries in MySQL
- Wrote automated Daily build Scripts Using ANT Tool for application packaging and deployment and tested the builds using JUnit Test Cases.
- Involved in writing the Use Case, sequence, component, state, activity, physical diagrams using UML
- Wrote Customized ANT task defs for MKS using open source code by Apache ANT.
- Worked on RESTful web services using RESTlet
- Created test DB schemas and tables, written complex SQL’s and stored Procedures as per requirements.
- Used perforce for defect tracking as well as activity tracking
- Involved in fixing the defects during integration testing.
- Worked on converting existing programs to use Map-Reduce framework using Hadoop and No-SQL database Cassandra to increase scalability
- Code was designed keepings OOPS, scalability and performance issues in considerations
Environment: JAVA, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, Flex, ActionScript, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tomcat, XML, XSLT, Log4J, Maven, SVN, REST, Perforce
Confidential, Overland Park - KS
Java Developer
- Analyze the requirements based on business data and user requirements.
- Implemented the modules using Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
- Develop GUI related changes using JSP, HTML and client validations using Java script.
- Developed Java beans, helper classes and Servlets for interacting with UI written in JSP.
- Wrote a controller Servlet that dispatched requests to appropriate classes.
- Developed Dispatch Action classes to define several business methods.
- Developed value object mainly used to wrap the data and pass across the layers.
- Developed business logic using Stateless session beans for calculating asset depreciation on Straight line and written down value approaches.
- Designed database Queries for updating, insertion and retrieval of asset information and rates.
- Involved coding SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
- Created java classes to communicate with database using JDBC.
Environment: Java 1.6, Servlets, JSP, EJB, J2EE 1.4, STRUTS, XML, XSLT, Java Script, Oracle
Software Engineer
- Analyze the requirements based on business data and user requirements.
- Implemented the modules using Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
- Develop GUI related changes using JSP, HTML and client validations using Java script.
- Developed Java beans, helper classes and Servlets for interacting with UI written in JSP.
- Wrote a controller Servlet that dispatched requests to appropriate classes.
- Developed Dispatch Action classes to define several business methods.
- Developed value object mainly used to wrap the data and pass across the layers.
- Developed business logic using Stateless session beans for calculating asset depreciation on Straight line and written down value approaches.
- Designed database Queries for updating, insertion and retrieval of asset information and rates.
- Involved coding SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
- Created java classes to communicate with database using JDBC.
- Unit tested the changes.
Environment: Java 1.4, Servlets, JSP, EJB, J2EE 1.4, STRUTS, XML, XSLT, Java Script, Oracle8i, SQL, PL/SQL, Ms Visio, Eclipse, JDBC, Win CVS, Windows 2003 Server.