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Javascript Full Stack Consultant Resume

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Omaha, NE


  • Over 7 years of extensive as full stack JavaScript developer with solid understanding of data base designing, development and installation of different modules.
  • Professional understanding of System development life cycle SDLC as well as various phases such as Analysis, Design, Development and Testing.
  • Design, develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React.JS/Redux/RxJS that meets accessibility and web browser standards for website.
  • Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using Webpack and Browserify.
  • Developed user interface by using the ReactJS, Redux/Flux for SPA development.
  • Used React - Router and Express router to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Worked in using ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used Web services (SOAP and RESTful) for transmission of large blocks of XML/JSON.
  • Worked on responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.
  • Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux.
  • Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.
  • In Phase Two, worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components, and Redux.
  • Used Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions.
  • Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
  • Optimized animation logic with optimistic functions to increase performance in rendering.
  • Worked with backend engineers to optimize existing API calls to create efficiency by deprecating not required API calls.
  • Called the Restful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
  • Used React flux to polish the data and for single directional flow.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application.
  • Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
  • Worked with JEST/Mocha unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code.
  • Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for fixing of Issues.
  • Performed the System Testing, Regression Testing for Complete UI after fixing the Issues which are reported by Testing Team.


Confidential, Omaha, NE

JavaScript Full Stack consultant


  • Involved in Various Stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the AGILE Software development methodology.
  • Setup React.js development environment and production environment using React, Webpack, Babel transpilers, and ES6 Java script.
  • Implemented Redux for entire Reactjs application Statement management.
  • Implemented Redux-Forms to simply DOM rendering using in React.js application to remove redundancy rendering code.
  • Implemented Reducers, Actions(synchronous), Action creators to handle effective statement management.
  • Implemented RxJs observable for asynchronous API calls.
  • Implemented HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASSLESS auto responsive reactjs components.
  • Implemented different React reusable UI components used across apps.
  • Implemented various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Very good experience in ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations, etc.
  • Responsible for React UI and architecture. Building components library, including Tree, Table Grid.\ etc.
  • Implemented stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Implemented RESTful web services to integrate between Server side to Client Side.
  • Worked with JEST and Mocha unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code.

Environment: ReactJS, Webpack, Redux, Redux-Forms,RxJs, Web Strom, HP Quality Center, Jest, GitHub, and Jenkins.

Confidential, Foothill Ranch, CA

JavaScript Full Stack consultant


  • Setup React.js development environment and production environment using React, Webpack, Babel transpilers, and ES6 Java script.
  • Implemented Redux for entire Reactjs application Statement management.
  • Implemented Redux-Forms to simply DOM rendering using in React.js application to remove redundancy rendering code.
  • Implemented Reducers, Actions(synchronous), Action creators to handle effective statement management.
  • Implemented RxJs observable for asynchronous API calls.
  • Implemented different React reusable UI components used across apps.
  • Implemented backend by using NodeJS, ExpressJS and Mongo DB.
  • Implemented ReactJS routers for front end and ExpressJS routers backend.
  • Implemented authorization
  • Used NodeJS to run Web pack tasks and build properly the project.
  • Implemented modules into NodeJS to integrate with designs and requirements As a backend developer I was responsible for creating RESTFUL Web Services using Node.js& ExpressJS
  • Complete production environment set up of NodeJS and ExpressJS including security.
  • Implemented CRUD applications using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS and NodeJS) and REST based API.
  • The back-end use NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and mongoose to provide RESTful API.
  • Implemented rich functions in various pages: form validation, crud, grid list, search, sort,pagination,multi-selection,tags-input,advanced/custom directives, authentication, unit tests, etc.
  • Performs UNIT testing with Jasmine, and consumes web-services like RESTful API.
  • Worked with Data Structures, Algorithms, and Complexity Analysis.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Mongo DB, XML, JSON, MERN stack, Web Strom, Git hub, Restful API.

Confidential, Northridge, CA.

JavaScript Full Stack consultant


  • Involved in different periods of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement assembling, Design, Analysis and Code advancement.
  • Developed HTML models and UI deliverables, for example, wireframes, flowcharts, screen ridicule ups, and interface plan details.
  • Used RESTful web services to get JSON response.
  • Used UI5Mobile for developing Mobile apps.
  • Used NodeJS for the communication to the server through Restful API and added user validations & permissions by using it.
  • Debugged the website using Chrome Developer's tools and hardcoded the API into script for getting the information about merchants using NodeJs.
  • Developed RESTful web service at back end by using Node.js and Express.js
  • Designed Frontend with in protest situated JavaScript Framework like AngularJS & knockout.js.
  • Involved in the production of interface to oversee client menu and Bulk overhaul of Attributes utilizing AngularJS, Node.js, Express.js, React.Js and UI5.
  • Interacting with RESTful APIs, SOAP, JSON, Web services and XML.
  • Developed the REST web services to address the needs of mobile applications where each service is capable of constructing JSON, XML and HTML response.
  • Web application development for backend system on using Angular with cutting edge HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.
  • Used Bootstrap and AngularJS and Node.js in effective web design.
  • Designed the table less web applications using CSS, Less CSS and with the help of tags as per W3C standards.
  • Extensive hands-on development experience on charting library i.e. High charts, D3 Charts (d3JS), Google Charts, Any Chart and Fusion Chart.
  • Developed end to end applications using AngularJs, UI5.
  • Conducted unit testing with Jasmine and end-to-end testing with Protractor on the supported.
  • Testing the source codes, performing acceptance testing tracking the bugs and fixing them.
  • Used Backbone.js for Fetching Data from the Server by giving URL to get JSON data for model and to populate model from the server.
  • Web services, data interchange formats, security issues like XSS, XSRF and SEO techniques.
  • Writing $http service requests to fetch the data from the server.
  • Responsible to write unit test cases using Karma-Jasmine, Angular Mock.
  • Created LESS files and used grunt to preprocess and generate the CSS files.
  • Developed cross-browser compatible website using HTML, CSS3, Dojo, MySQL and jQuery.
  • Used D3.js for interactive data visualization.
  • Developed customer side AJAX application that uses XSLT, XPath, JavaScript OOP, Core JAVA and more Bind questions and recover them through JNDI interface.
  • Utilized different UI5 modules to fabricate Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more instinctive.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, UI5, AJAX, SASS/LESS, AngularJS, Ember, Node.js, Express.JS, Responsive Design, Twitter Bootstrap, Karma, Jasmine, XML, ExtJS, React.JS JSON, JIRA.


Java UI developer


  • Developed graphical user interface (GUI) using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    • Used a combination of JQuery plugins, as well as completely custom JavaScript to build AJAX driven user interface.

  • Worked with Dynamic widgets and used AJAX and JQuery widget for data collection and display data on the front end.
  • Worked on AngularJS two-way data binding between DOM and model, dependency

    Injection and handling GET, PUT operations with a WebAPI controller on a group of posts.

  • Successfully handled JSON /XML data and carried out JSON/XML parsing for form submissions and DOM manipulation.
  • Coded AngularJS controllers and directives for application functionality and filters for heavy DOM manipulation.
  • Used AngularJS and NodeJSto implement rich functionality in various pages: form validation, CRUD, grid, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced directives, authentication, server-side proxy, unit tests, cloud integration, slide pages and users switch.
  • Used different Web 2.0 Design patterns such as Navigation Tabs, Item Pagination, Page Grids, Sign-In module, Ranking, Writing a Review, Calendar Picker and Auto Complete.
  • Developed Page layouts, Navigations and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
  • Worked in SCRUM process attending daily stand up and completing tasks in Sprints.
  • Developed prototypes and mokups using Adobe Fireworks, Edge and Balsamiq.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with Restful Web APIs, Web Services.
  • Experience on Gulp which is a task runner that uses NodeJS.
  • Leading technical projects with a focus on quality and improving the user experience.
  • Involved in Testing and fixing bugs and documented the application in step by step process.

Confidential, Northridge, CA.

Java UI developer


  • Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript.
  • Developed screens using JSP, JavaScript, and AJAX.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using JQuery plugins for Drag and Drop JqValidtor, AJAX, JSON, AngularJS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
  • Responsible for creating the screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
  • Worked closely with QA team and fixed QA bugs as well as production issues with a quick turnaround time.
  • Used Multi-Threading was implemented for handling multiple requests from AngularJSand to achieve high performance.
  • Involved in using AngularJS directives, services, controllers and filters.
  • Involved in coding pages with best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Analyze, debug and investigate on problems reported by users. Performed code reviews (standards, performance tuning, refactoring, reusability).
  • Configured and managed Apache Web Server on Linux for web based applications using REST/SOAP.
  • Performs Unit testing with Jasmine and Karma.
  • Implemented file import/export using JavaScript to import/export functions, objects or primitives from a given file or module.
  • Working on the Production support, ensuring the website is browser compatible and device responsive.
  • Developed web pages compatible in almost all browsers.
  • Highly involved in making updates to the current website and simultaneously handling other projects.

Environment: Java 1.6, XML, SQL, AJAX, JSP, JSON, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Jasmine, Karma, Microsoft Visual Studio, Rest, SOAP, Apache Web Server.

Confidential, Burbank, CA.

Java UI consultant


  • Performed action mapping in the Spring .xml file.
  • Used the Spring validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer.
  • Developed the interface using Java and used Oracle as a backend data.
  • Established user authentication functionality and User session usingJSP/Spring technology.
  • Involved in design and modifying JSP (java server pages) which act as view.
  • Designed and developed Enterprise Java Beans.
  • Implemented MVC patterns using Spring framework.
  • Implemented MAVEN tool varying its versions depends on latest mile stonesand used ant scripts.
  • Implemented Data access objects using JDBC to access data from Oracledatabase.
  • Enterprise java beans (Session Beans, Entity bean) to interact with Oracledatabase.
  • Developed client side validation using JavaScript.

Confidential, Plesanton, CA.

JAVA UI Developer


  • Responsible for user validations on client side as well as server side.
  • Improved the coding standards, code reuse. Increased performance of the extended applications by making effective use of various design patterns (MVC, DAO).
  • Created component testing framework using JUnit and Mockito to enable developers to rapidly create unit and integration tests for complex server subsystems.
  • Created simulator to facilitate development and unit testing against external services that had not yet been delivered. Was involved in production support.
  • Lead Java Developer of high-performance distributed team, assigned to deliver technically challenging business-critical projects under tight schedule with high quality.
  • Developed user interface screens using JSP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
  • Was involved in Database Design and created Stored Procedures, Views in SQL Server to access the database from the Web application.
  • Involved in design and prepared activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams from various use cases.
  • Used Spring MVC framework for the development of project.
  • Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture integrating Hibernate and Spring frameworks.
  • Developed functionality using Servlet, JSP, HTML, Struts Framework, Java Script.
  • Worked on User Interface application using HTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP and AJAX and client side validations with JavaScript, Angular js
  • Used JAX-WS to interact with other applications in organization using SOAP and WSDL
  • Created Hibernate Configuration file, hibernate mapping files and defined classes to persist data into database.
  • Written complex SQL Queries, stored procedures, functions and triggers PL/SQL.
  • Implemented Log4J for login and debugging codes.


Java Developer


  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML and CSS, JQuery.
  • Developed JSPs to view Vendor Purchase Order (PO) and to view the materialbatch classification data in web, as part of e-SC.
  • As part of e-SC, developed JAVA application with interface that talks to SAPvia BAPI and which communicates to the e-SC- why and what characteristic values on the Material Master did not match the characteristic values sent by the e-SC.
  • As part of e-SC, developed JAVA application which Posts Inventory countingTo SAP.
  • As part of e-SC, developed JAVA application which brings to be countedmaterials from SAP and display in web.


Java developer


  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML and CSS, Jquery.
  • Involved in the implementation of client side and server side programming using HTML and JavaScript.
  • Database design and connectivity done by using JDBC Bridge.
  • Developed Servlets in forwarding requests to different Servers and Servlets.
  • Designed and developed Servlets to communicate between the Presentation and Business layer.

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