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Sr Java Developer Resume

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Jacksonville, FL


  • 8+ years of professional experience in IT industry on Cross Platform (Web & Client - Server) application development and design using Object Oriented Programming, Java /J2EE technologies.
  • Experience in developing applications using Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, EJB, JSF, Hibernate, Web Services ( SOAP, WSDL, UDDI), JMS, JDBC, XML, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, XSLT, JSON, Ajax, AngularJS, JQuery and Ext JS.
  • Experience in developing applications using Java (Multithreading, I/O Stream, Collections, RMI, JDBC, and Java Beans).
  • Experience in Object Oriented JavaScript Analysis, Design and Development.
  • Experienced in using Java IDE tools like Eclipse, Net Beans, JBuilder, and JDeveloper.
  • Solid Understanding of RDBMS concepts and experience in working with Oracle 9i/10g/11g, DB2 and MY SQL.
  • Experience developing applications using Model View Controller Framework.
  • Worked on MVC Architecture like STRUTS, Spring MVC, JSF.
  • In depth understanding of the e-commerce, Retail, Banking Domain.
  • Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - Requirements Specification, Design documents and writing Test cases using various software engineering process ranging from Waterfall to Agile methodology.
  • Good knowledge of Configuration Management tools like SVN, CVS and Subversion Codes.
  • Good experience in XML technologies such as DTD/Schemas, DOM/SAX Parsers.
  • Experienced in developing UML diagrams like use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose and MS Visio tool.
  • Experienced in developing Service Oriented Architecture using Web Services, Axis 2.0 / JAXB 2.0 and JMS.
  • Used JSF framework in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, Validator, Events and Listeners
  • Technical expertise in the areas of Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) Using UML, Software Life Cycle Management and Development of Distributed applications.
  • Excellent understanding & hands on in Hibernate, Hibernate Query Language (HQL), Transactions, Exceptions, Java Message Service (JMS), Java Transaction API (JTA),Active MQ.
  • Experience in Web Application development using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.
  • Followed Waterfall and Agile/Scrum methodology of software development which satisfies the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  • Log4J for extensible logging, debugging and error tracing.
  • Experience in working with customers to determine their needs, gather, analyse and document requirements, communicate with customers throughout the development cycle, manage customer expectations, resolve issues and provide project status
  • Used Eclipse as development tool, Weblogic 10.3 as application server to GlassFish
  • Experience in using Open Source frameworks like Log4J, ANT and Maven.
  • Hands on experience in writing Unit Tests using JUnit, TestNG, Mockito. Working experience on Selenium, Cucumber and other Test Automation Frameworks.
  • Worked in TDD(Test Driven Development) and version management tools Github, Stash, SVN, Perforce, Harvest and TFS
  • Good Experience in writing Stored Procedures, Functions, DDL and DML SQL queries.
  • Strong team player, ability to work independently and in a team as well, ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, commitment towards learning.


Languages: C, C++, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/XP/NT, Sun Solaris, Linux, Unix (AIX), MS-DOS.

Java Technologies: J2SE, J2EE, JSF, JSR168, JSP, Servlets, EJB, Swing, JDsBC, JMS, MDB, JNDI, Web Services, Design Patterns, JAVA Beans

Web/App. Server: WebSphere 6.1/8.0/8.5, Tomcat 5.5/6.0, WebLogic 7.0/8.1/9.2/10.0 , JBoss 3.2/4.0.2,5.0.

Frameworks & IDE Tools: Struts1.3, Spring 3.0, JPA, Hibernate 3.0, JUnit, ANT, AJAX, Log4J, Eclipse 1.0/3.1, WeblogicWorkshop9.2/10.3, WSAD 5.1, RAD 6.0, PowerBuilder, GIT, Rational ClearCase, TOAD, Maven

WebDevelopment Technologies: JSP, XML, XSD, XSLT, DTD, DOM, LDAP, HTML, Java Script, AJAX, JQUERY, AngularJS,Ext JS,CSS, DHTML, Agile Methodology, Servlets, JSTL (Tag Libraries), ANT, JUnit.

RDBMS: ORACLE 10g/11g, SQL Server 6.5, MS Access.

OOAD: UML, Design Patterns.


Confidential, Jacksonville, FL

Sr Java Developer


  • Created interactive web pages and applications by usage of HTML5, CSS, AngularJS and JQuery.
  • Created AngularJS controllers and services.
  • Called Rest web services through AngularJS services to get JSON Object and modified the response object to display in UI.
  • Created and modified UI screens using Ext JS
  • Used test driven development approach for application development.
  • Used AngularJS filters for filter functionality in search box and Iterator functionalities.
  • Created and modified the CSS classes to change look and feel.
  • Used JQuery Selectors to show and hide the particular content.
  • Called the RESTful web services to get the JSON object (Response) and manipulated the JSON Object to display the response in the webpage.
  • Developed a tool on Eclipse, Weblogic as application server to GlassFish
  • Added security for service layer methods using Spring Security.
  • JSF MVC model is used for developing controller components and view components
  • Developed the application using Eclipse 3.5 as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation, mutator/accessor code generation, and version control (SVN).
  • Involved in the JMS Connection Pool and the implementation of publish and subscribe using Spring JMS.
  • Applied object oriented principles and multithreading principles to make code more readable and efficient.
  • Expertise in deploying enterprise applications on Web/Application servers like IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Apache Tomcat and Web Logic.
  • Involved in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
  • Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with a SQL-based schema.
  • Used the Rest Templates in the spring services to call the rest web services.
  • Created the spring Bean Factory for initializing services.
  • Extensively used the LOG4j to log regular Debug and Exception statements.
  • Used JAX-RS annotations to specify the type of data producing or consuming, validate the user requests, map user requests and to pass input parameters.
  • Primarily focused on the Spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver. Used Design Patterns such as Singleton, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service Locator, Simple Factory Pattern, Data Transfer Object.
  • Involved in creation of Low Level Design including sequence diagrams and class diagrams to understand the existing architecture.
  • Involved in the integration of Spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IoC). Developed code for obtaining bean s in Spring IoC framework.
  • Involved in development of REST Webservices using Apache Axis2 to extract client related data from databases.
  • Involved in writing Oracle PL/SQL Stored procedures, triggers, views.
  • Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy the application in the JBOSS under AIX environment
  • Application Server.
  • Written client interfaces, and implementation classes to consume the web services.
  • Hibernate Session Factory, Hibernate mapping files, dependencies between delegate classes, DAOs, controller classes, validation classes and the domain Objects are configured as part of the spring configuration file
  • Extensively worked with HQL and hibernate criteria queries.
  • Wrote unit testing codes using JUnit, resolved bugs and other defects using Firebug and Eclipse's debugging tool.
  • Worked in an agile environment delivering output in sprints and participating in scrums.
  • Used Web logic console to deploy the application in development Environment.
  • Involvement in Automation Environment setup using Eclipse, java, selenium web driver java language bindings and TestNG jars.

Environment: JDK 1.5, JDBC, J2EE (Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSP Taglibs), JPA, Java Mail, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, DHTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, Ext JS, AJAX, JUnit, GIT, Oracle 10g, Unix Shell Scripts, AIX, Eclipse 3.0,Weblogic, Apache Tomcat 7.0

Confidential, West Chester, PA

Sr.Java Developer


  • Involved in multiple internal projects, which involve the exchange and off-Exchange flows and in both the waterfall and agile methodologies.
  • Developed User Interface using JSP, Java Script, JQuery, Tag libraries and Struts MVC frame work.
  • Responsible for building applications in various flows such as online and telephonic flows, open enrollment and special enrollment, on-exchange and off-exchange and in both English and Spanish flows.
  • Experience building real time applications in Multithreading for a Unix/Linux platform
  • Developed a core component of Analytics with Angular.JS.
  • Involved in the organization shift from Waterfall towards Agile and adapted for the re-org.
  • Responsible for cleaning the DAOs that are necessary, removing the dependencies from various jars, developing the new codebase for the multi-tenant Application.
  • Developed various jsp pages and configured them with a new layout, performing client and server side validations using struts.
  • Implemented REST web service in Scala using Akka for CBPMAN log tracking application.
  • End-to-end architecture and implementation of client-server systems using Scala, Akka, Java, JavaScript and related, Linux
  • Involved in design, analysis, development and testing of various change requests for every release.
  • Supported various releases and made sure the tasks are successfully implemented in production environment.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, JBoss-SOAP, UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Resolved many issues using the Enterprise Auditing System and using Filezilla for checking logs.
  • Involved in creating new code streams, merging the code and facilitated the shift from struts to spring 3 using annotations.
  • Built and deployed various applications in all the three, test, Stage and production environments.
  • Used SVN Tortoise as version control system for the source code.

Environment: Struts MVC, J2EE, JSP, Java Script, JQuery,AngularJS, Ajax, Spring 3, JDBC, WebSphere (WAS 6 and WAS 7), Oracle, Eclipse, Rational Application Developer, WSDL, SOAP, hibernate and Tortoise SVN.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Sr JAVA Developer


  • Involved in Architecture/Designing the State Portal Application.
  • Involved in Functional and Detailed Designs.
  • Involved in Presentation Development using IBM WebSphere Portal technology.
  • Extensively implemented JSP/HTML (part of port lets) in presentation.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, CSS3, and JQuery.
  • Implemented JSP tag libraries.
  • Implemented java script for client side validations.
  • Extensively used the J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate, Service Locator, Value Object (Transfer Object) and Data Access Object and Session Façade.
  • Involved in writing EJB's and Web Services.
  • Implemented Singleton class to load the property files.
  • Implemented EJB (Stateless session Beans) and exposed them as Web Services.
  • Developed Business components using Java Objects, Core Java, Multithreading, Servlet, JSP.
  • Worked with JMS (java messaging service) for asynchronous communication.
  • Worked with JMS queues for P-P communications and Topics for one-many communications.
  • Implemented the Hibernate frame work to interact with database.
  • Implemented Spring with Hibernate for the transaction management for Database transactions.
  • Used ORM (Object Relational Mapping) technology hibernate for database access.
  • Configured the Database Tables with java objects using Hibernate Config xml files
  • Involved in writing theSQL and PL/SQL procedures in Oracle DB.
  • Implemented portal page level Access and login using LDAP.
  • Involved in Application/data base query performance Tuning.
  • Configured IBM WebSphere portal server to manage portal pages, portlets and to apply security constraints for the portal pages.
  • Developed a Logger framework for the application using Log4J.
  • Have used Rational Application Developer (RAD 6.0) as IDE.
  • Used Clear Case as the configuration management tool.
  • Involved in JUNIT testing for the component testing.
  • Actively involved in getting the production issues resolved.
  • Attending the status meetings to update the team status.
  • Involved in maintaining CMMI level standards.

Environment: J2EE, EJB, Webservices, XML, XSD, RUP, C++,Microsoft Visio, Clear Case, HTML4, CSS3, Bootstrap Js, Angular Js, AJAX, JQuery, Oracle 9.i/10.g, WebSphere5.1, WebSphere Portal5.1, JMS, SOAP, BPEL, LDAP, RAD, Log4j, Servlets, JSP, Unix, Struts 1.2/2.0, Hibernate


Java Developer


  • Involved in Low Level System and Component Design (Sequence diagram, Class diagram, Activity diagram, Component diagram) using UML.
  • Created the JSP pages for the Views.
  • Developed Interactive GUI Screens using Struts tags and JSTL using Composite View design pattern of presentation tier.
  • Implemented the following J2EE Patterns: Front Controller, Session Façade, Service Locator, Data Access Object, Business Delegate, Business Object, Composite View and View Helper.
  • Involved in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers and Cursors using PL/SQL. Used IBM MQSeries as JMS provider for asynchronous messaging capability.
  • Developed JMS based MDBs.
  • Developed Session Beans which encapsulates the workflow logic
  • Used Entity Beans to persist the data into database and also used Message Driven BeansMDB to notify the bean state.
  • Developed EJB components for middle tier component implementation and business logic implementation
  • Added logging and debugging capabilities using Log4j and JUnit.
  • Developed Web-Services module for integration using SOAP, WSDL.
  • Used Eclipse as development tool, Weblogic as application server, ORACLE for database and CVS was used for version controlling.
  • Involved in writing unit test cases for various screens of the project and review of integration test cases and system test cases.
  • Extensively worked with JProfiler to find performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and resolve threading ssues.

Environment: JDK1.4.2, JSP, JSTL, Ajax, Servlets, Struts 1.1, EJB,MDB, HTML, JavaScript, JUnit, JNDI, Hibernate, Weblogic Application Server, Eclipse 3.2, PL/SQL, Log4j, Oracle, XML, JMS, MQSeries, JProfiler.


Software Engineer


  • Involved in development, testing and maintenance process of the application
  • Used Struts framework to implement the MVC architecture
  • Created JSP, Form Beans for effective way of implementing Model View Controller architecture
  • Created Session Beans, Entity beans for transactions with the database using JDBC
  • Developed necessary SQL queries for database transactions
  • Developed and maintained the application configuration information in various properties files
  • Designed and developed HTML front screens and validated user input using JavaScript
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to give a better view to the web pages
  • Application/Web Servers Web Sphere Application Server 6.1, Apache Tomcat 6.0, JBoss 4.2.2, BEA Web Logic
  • Used Eclipse for code development along with CVS for managing the code
  • Performed testing and bug fixing

Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts 1.1, JSP 2.0, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, Web logic Application Server 8.1, Eclipse, Oracle 9i.

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