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Senior Java Developer Resume

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An Diego, CA


  • 11 years of Solid IT experience in Design, Development and Maintenance of Java and J2EE related applications.
  • Highly proficient in developing and deploying Java/J2EE applications on Application Servers - WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBOSS, Glassfish.
  • Proficient in Programming using J2SE and J2EE Technologies (JDBC, Servlets and JSP).
  • Good experience in usage of version controls such as Git, SVN.
  • Good experience in Performance tuning of large systems and Client facing applications.
  • Strong development experience on AJAX / JavaScript technologies.
  • Development Experience in Angular JS, HTML, CSS.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, presentation and problem solving skills.
  • Excellent Leadership, Technical, Communication, Analytical and Problem Solving skills and ability to get on well with people including cross-cultural backgrounds.
  • Experience in application development using spring, JSF application frameworks.
  • Experience in application development using Hibernate, JPA ORM frameworks.
  • Experience in developing RESTful & SOAP Web services using SOA.
  • Development Experience in using the Java Messaging Service (JMS)
  • Experience in developing and deploying Java/J2EE applications on Web Servers - Apache Tomcat.
  • Experienced with Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagrams, Flowcharts and Sequence diagrams using UML and Rational Rose.
  • Experience in Agile Scrum development methodology.
  • Experience in Test Driven Design and Development (TDD) methodology.
  • Experienced in developing the application using the key features of spring like Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming including spring’s declarative transaction management, Hibernate Template, Data source management, Spring MVC web application.
  • Basic knowledge in Spring Batch.
  • Experience in full stack development.
  • Flexible with work environments and having good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Worked with Relational Database Management Systems including Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and DB2.
  • Proficient in using XML Suite of Technologies (XML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, XML Schema).
  • Competent in Database development using SQL, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Stored Functions, Packages, and Triggers.
  • Highly proficient in understanding new technologies accomplishing projects goals successfully.
  • Exceptionally well organized, strong work ethics and willingness to work hard to achieve employer objectives.
  • Sufficient knowledge of data structures, algorithms.
  • Leading project Technical Lead with extensive expertise developing and leading Enterprise level software development projects.
  • Successive progression from Developer to Technical Lead, a thorough understanding of execution model.
  • Managed teams across multiple time zones and multi-cultural environments.
  • Reputation as a self-directed employee with excellent problem solving and management skills.
  • Developed the ability to adapt to increased responsibilities and challenging projects.
  • Ability to establish a team-spirited environment through a positive and proactive leadership style.


Languages: JAVA, C++, XML, HTML

Web Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Ajax

Framework: Springs, Hibernate, JPA, JSF

Scripting: Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS

Databases: MySQL, Oracle and MS-Access

Application Servers: WebLogic. IBM Web sphere, JBoss

Web server: Apache Tomcat

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP, Unix/Linux

Version Controls: GIT, Repo, Gerrit, Clearcase, SVN

Middleware: Websphere MQ Series, EJB, JMS

Web Services: SOAP, REST

IDE Tools: JDeveloper and Eclipse

Build tool: Maven, Ant


Confidential, San Diego, CA

Senior Java Developer


  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participated client meetings.
  • Involved in full life cycle of the application development using Agile/SCRUM
  • Developed design models using OOAD, UML, Visio and Enterprise Architect
  • Design and Developed the s/w using Test Driven Design and Development(TDD) methodology
  • Implemented Design Patterns - Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Decorative and Business Delegate design patterns.
  • Developed the application using Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, OO concepts, Exception handling for developing application modules.
  • Developed the Controllers, Services, Service Impl, Daos and Daos Impl classes using spring MVC using spring annotations like @Controller, @Services, @Repository,
  • Developed the Spring Transactions using @Transaction annotation
  • Extensively used Hibernate validation framework has been used for front end validations.
  • Designed and developed application using Representational State Transfer (REST) style architecture.
  • Designed, developed and exposed all business functions as services using JAX-RS with Jersey frame work.
  • Implemented the business model components
  • Prepared detailed technical document on the code organization
  • Involved in creating UI/Front End pages by using JSP, Java Script and JQuery
  • Responsible for writing SQL queries and Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL
  • Implemented Web Services Security by using Basic authentication.
  • Configured Log4j for logging mechanism.
  • Involved in the implementation of user interface using Angular JS and HTML, CSS
  • Involved in developing the Controllers, Services, two-way binding, Dependency Injection in Angular JS
  • Developed logging mechanism as aspect using Spring AOP module.
  • Extensively used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping for data persistence.
  • Involved in code review.
  • Interacted with other technology groups as needed
  • Coordinated with users and developers located in different geographic regions.
  • Written the functional Junit Test cases with Mock implementation using Junit and Mokito

Environment: Java/JDK 1.7, OOAD, SDLC, Agile/SCRUM, UML, Design Patterns, SOA, Core Java, Collections, Multi Threading, J2EE, JSP, Spring, Springs MVC, Springs Core(IOC), Auto wiring, Spring AOP, Spring security, Hibernate, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, JQuery, XML, XSD, JSON, MySQL, Tomcat7, Restful web Services, JAX-RS, JAXB, Jackson, Jersey, Junit, Makito, Maven, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows, Git

Confidential, Charlotte, NC

Senior Java developer


  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participating client meetings.
  • Developing the application using Core Java concepts like Collections, OO concepts, Exception handling for developing application modules
  • Developed the Controllers, Services, Service Impl, Daos and Daos Impl classes using spring MVC using spring annotations like @Controller, @Services, @Repository,
  • Developed the Spring Transactions using @Transaction annotation
  • Involved in the development of Loop Tour Module, and Continuous Move Module etc.
  • Used Model-View-Controller Design Patterns.
  • Developed design models using OOAD, UML
  • Extensively used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping for data persistence by using annotations.
  • Designed & Developed persistence service using Hibernate framework.
  • Developed JAX-RS based Restful web services using Jersey implementation
  • Responsible for Writing Oracle SQL queries and Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL
  • Configured Log4j for logging mechanism.
  • Responsible for code reviews and performance of an application.
  • Involved in development of PDF Reports.
  • Involved in the implementation of user interface using JSP and HTML, CSS
  • Used the JMS for create, send and read messages.
  • Provided production support to existing integrations.
  • Written the functional Junit Test cases with Mock implementation using Junit and Mokito

Environment: Java/JDK 1.7, Collections, OO Concepts, Exception Handling, JSF, Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Core(IOC), Spring AOP, WebSphere, Oracle, XML, XSLT, REST, JAXB, JAX-RS, JMS, Eclipse, Windows, JUnit, Mokito,, Maven, HTML, OOAD, SDLC, Agile/SCRUM, UML, Design Patterns, SOA,Git

Confidential, NYC, NY

Java Developer


  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participated client meetings.
  • Designed and developed application using Struts Model-View-Controller framework.
  • Designed and developed reusable page template using Tiles framework.
  • Designed and Developed Benefits module using tiles templates.
  • Involved Web sphere Administration, analyzing heap dump/java core dump files, Identify/Fix the performance potential issues/memory leaks
  • Involved with the database design and creating relational table.
  • Design and Developed the s/w using Test Driven Design and Development(TDD) methodology
  • Extensively used core java concepts like collection frame work, multi threading, OOPS and Exception Handling.
  • Involved in Improvement of the application Performance (Query fine tunings & Code reviews).
  • Involved in System design using UML (Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams) diagrams.
  • Implemented design patterns - Singleton, Service Locator and Business Delegate design patterns.
  • Involved design and development of server side (Business and persistent) logic using EJB.
  • Responsible for Writing Oracle SQL queries and Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL
  • Responsible for implementing change requests and worked on feature enhancements.
  • Developed Data Access Objects for the application using Enterprise Java Beans component model.
  • Responsible for maintenance and bug fixing of the application.
  • Provide technical support to the end users and testers.
  • Monitoring the SLA‘s (Service Level Agreements) as per ML’s policy.
  • Monitoring & Ensuring the On Time Delivery.
  • Involving in the deployment of application on various servers.
  • Responsible for maintenance of the application in production phase.
  • Performed Unit testing using Junit and Mokito

Environment: Java/JDK 1.6, OOAD, Collections, Multi Threading, Struts 2.0, Tiles, JSP, JPA, EJB, Oracle, SQL/PLSQL, IBM WebSphere, HTML, CSS, RAD, Windows/Solaris, XML, XSD, Junit, Eclipse,Mokito,SVN


Senior System Analyst


  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participated client meetings.
  • Designed and created class diagrams Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams) diagrams by using UML.
  • Designed and developed application using Representational State Transfer (REST) style architecture
  • Developing the RESTful web services using SOA architecture.
  • Designed, developed and exposed all business functions as services using JAX-RS with Jersey frame work.
  • Developed data persistence layer using Java Persistence API with Hibernate as Object Relational Mapping (ORM) provider.
  • Design and Developed the s/w using Test Driven Design and Development(TDD) methodology
  • Developed JAXB objects to represent request and responses to support XML and JSON format.
  • Involved in creating web pages by using JSF, HTML, JQuery
  • Responsible for maintenance and bug fixing of the application.
  • Responsible for Writing MySQL SQL queries and Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL
  • Implemented changes in the business model components
  • Performed Unit testing using Junit and Mokito

Environment: Java/JDK 1.6, OOAD, Collections, Multi Threading, Concurrency, J2EE, JSF, RichFaces and PrimeFaces, JPA, JavaScript, Jquery, Maven, MySQL, XML, JSON, SQL/PLSQL, REST, JAX-RS, JAXB, Jersey, Jackson, Junit, Mokito, Unix,SVN


System analyst


  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participated client meetings.
  • Configured Log4j for logging mechanism.
  • Extensively used Hibernate validation framework has been used for front end validations.
  • Factory, Singleton patterns implemented
  • Developed JAX-WS based SOAP web services using Metro implementation
  • Responsible for maintenance and bug fixing of the application.
  • Responsible for Writing Oracle SQL queries
  • Used Spring Core (IOC) Module for DI (Dependency injection) for injecting the dependency objects.
  • Developed the Controllers, Services, Service Impl, Daos and Daos Impl classes using spring MVC using annotations like @Controller, @Services, @Repository,
  • Developed the Spring Transactions using @Transaction annotation
  • Implemented changes in the business model components
  • Performed Unit testing using Junit and Mokito

Environment: Java/JDK 1.6, Collections, Multi threading, Concurrency, J2EE, Springs, Springs Core(IOC), Springs MVC, Hibernate, Ajax, JSP, HTML, CSS, Windows-XP, Oracle, JUnit, Mokito, SQL/PLSQL, SOAP, WSDL, XML,XSD,Git


System analyst


  • Analyzing the Requirements/Issues.
  • Developing DAO Classes and Hibernate Entity Classes.
  • Involved in using spring and Hibernate integration areas.
  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Requirements Analysis and participated client meetings.
  • Extensively used Hibernate validation framework has been used for front end validations
  • Involved in creating pages by using JSP and HTML,XML,CSS
  • Configured Log4j for logging mechanism.
  • Extensively used Spring IOC to loosely couple the application modules.
  • Responsible for maintenance and bug fixing of the application.
  • Responsible for Writing Oracle SQL queries
  • Developing the Controllers, Services, Service Impl, Daos and Daos Impl classes using spring MVC.
  • Implemented changes in the business model components
  • Performed Unit testing

Environment: Java /JDK 1.5, Collections, OOP’s,J2EE, Spring, Spring Core(IOC), Spring MVC, JDBC, Tiles, Hibernate, HQL, JSTL, Servlets,JSP, XML, HTML,CSS, JQuery, Tomcat, Oracle, Junit, SVN


Senior s/w engineer


  • Involved in Requirements Analysis.
  • Responsible for design and development of core modules Security Admin Module, Review Population Module, View Population Module and Work Sheet Module
  • Involved with the database design and creating relational table.
  • Designed and created class diagrams by using UML.
  • Designed and developed application using Struts Model-View-Controller framework.
  • Designed and developed reusable page template using Tiles framework.
  • Designed and Developed Benefits module using tiles templates.
  • Used Factory, Service Locator and Singleton design patterns
  • Developed the application using Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, OO concepts, Exception handling for developing application modules
  • Designed and Developed User Interface using JSP,Java Script
  • Responsible for deploying all the components on Web sphere Application Server
  • Helped the infrastructure team with ant scripts.
  • Recommendation & Implementation for Improvement of the application Performance like Query fine tunings & Code reviews.

Environment: Java/JDK 1.5, Collections, Exception Handling, OOAD,J2EE, HTML, java script, JSP, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, UML, Oracle,Eclipse, Web sphere Application Server, SVN


Senior s/w engineer


  • Involved in Requirements Analysis.
  • Involved in designing all the GUI’s for customer interaction
  • Responsible for maintenance and bug fixing of the application.
  • Designed and developed application using Struts Model-View-Controller framework.
  • Designed and developed reusable page template using Tiles framework.
  • Designed and Developed Benefits module using tiles templates.
  • Responsible for Writing MySQL SQL queries and stored procedures using SQL/PLSQL
  • Extensively used Eclipse for developing application
  • Designed and Developed User Interface using JSP,CSS
  • Responsible for code reviews and performance of application
  • Implemented the business model components
  • Developed the application using Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, OO concepts, Exception handling for developing application modules
  • Provided production support to existing integrations.
  • Performed Unit testing using Junit

Environment: Java/JDK1.5, Collections, Multi Threading, Exception Handling, J2EE, HTML,CSS, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Tiles, Eclipse, Hibernate, MySQL, SQL/PLSQL, Juint, Tomcat, Unix,SVN

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