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Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Austin, TX


  • Over 7 years of professional experience in Software Development Life Cycle. I have worked for clients within mortgage, telecommunications, healthcare and banking.
  • Technical expertise in developing Client - Server, Web-Based and n-tier application in Java 1.6/1.7, J2EE, Sockets, JSP/Servlets, JMS, Struts2, Spring Frameworks 3.0 and Hibernate 3.0
  • Experience programming triggers and stored procedures in Oracle and MySQL. Experience in writing complex SQL queries.
  • Experience in using several of the Java IDEs such as IBM’s WSAD, Eclipse, and Netbeans.
  • Experience in using Rational Rose and JIRA.
  • Experience in using design patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Front Controller, Service Locator, Session and Transfer Object.
  • Experience in version control tools like CVS, Clear Quest.
  • Special focus on agile methodologies, including agile modeling, domain-driven design (DDD), refactoring, test-driven development (TDD), and scripting languages.
  • Extensive experience in application servers like webLogic, WebSphere and Web Servers like Apache Tomcat.
  • Experience in using Hibernate (Object Relational Mapping) framework.
  • Experience in OOA and UML.
  • Experience developing web services using WSDL and JAXB.
  • Experience in Unit testing with JUnit and integration testing.
  • A team player with good analytical, planning and interpersonal skills. Also have ability to work independently.


J2EE Technology: J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, Log4j, ANT

Frameworks/Web Technologies: Struts 2, Spring2.0, Hibernate 3.0, XML,HTML, Ajax, JavaScript/jQuery JSP

Languages: Java, C, C++, Visual Basic and Shell Scripting

Databases: Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server, MySQL

Web servers: Oracle webLogic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss

IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, Jbuilder

J2EE Design: MVC, Singleton, Factory Pattern, Data Access Object, AOP


Operating System: Windows XP, 2000/NT/98/95, UNIX and Linux


Confidential, Austin, TX

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Gathered and analyzed the requirements.
  • Generated Use case diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams employing Rational Rose.
  • Designed and developed application with Struts 2 based MVC framework.
  • Created tile definitions, struts-configuration files, validation files and resource bundles using struts framework.
  • Designed and developed the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP.
  • Identified action classes based on struts framework to handle pages.
  • Practiced spring framework for dependency injection and integrated with the Struts framework and Hibernate.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as MVC, Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object.
  • Applied Hibernate extensively in data access layer to update information in Oracle 10g.
  • Retrieved data using JAXB XML parser.
  • Developed ANT script to build and deploy the application to webLogic server.
  • Developed logging module using Log4J to create log files to debug as well as trace the application.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Java Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Involved in requirement analysis and documentation of the Functional Specifications.
  • Created the UI pages using JSP and also wrote server side validation of the business logic.
  • Developed the JSP pages with various tags provided by spring tag library.
  • Created different bean configuration XML files and implemented Dependency Injection for different bean classes.
  • Designed and developed code for MVC architecture with Struts framework.
  • Developed accessibility using resource bundle for different external and internal interfaces which interact with the application.
  • Implemented Struts 2 for the business layer and developed JSP files for UI.
  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML, CSS, and Java script.
  • Used different jQuery actions and methods on the HTML elements to retrieve and verify data appropriately.
  • Implemented persistence layer using Spring JDBC Template to interact with Oracle 10g database.
  • Hands on experience in SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Developed test-driven development (TDD) strategy guiding use of the JUnit unit testing framework.
  • Used J2EE SOA based JAX-WS web services to develop reusable web service components
  • Extensively used DOM and SAX parsers for parsing XML data and XSLT for XML transformations.
  • Tested web services using SoapUI.
  • Followed Agile methodology (Stand up meetings, Sprint development, retrospective meetings and Pair Programming

Confidential, Richardson, TX

Java Consultant


  • Participated in analysis and design of the application in Java based on MVC Architecture using Struts Framework.
  • Wrote Java classes to support functionalities like generation of the payroll processing.
  • Designed and developed GUI with client side and server side validations using HTML, JSP, JavaScript
  • Wrote Struts action classes and validation classes using struts controller components and struts validation framework.
  • Created Technical Design Document which includes UML Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
  • Implemented internationalization to adapt to various environments in struts framework.
  • Incorporated many design patterns in the design.
  • Implemented the presentation layer with JSP and JavaScript.
  • Configured MVC Spring framework for Dependency Injection and Aspects Oriented Programming
  • Used PL/SQL stored procedures and triggers for handling database processing.

Confidential, Irvine, CA

Independent Consultant


  • Gathered the requirements from the business.
  • Participated in the analysis and design of the application.
  • Developed use cases and sequence diagrams.
  • Wrote the Views, Action Handler, and Business Delegates.
  • Wrote various PLSQL Procedure and triggers.
  • Wrote Java Web Services using WSDL, XML and XSD.
  • Used JavaScript to validate forms and implemented special functions in the front-end.
  • Created Technical Design Document which includes UML Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
  • Incorporated many design patterns in the design.
  • Implemented the presentation layer with JSP and JavaScript.
  • Configured MVC Spring framework for Dependency Injection and Aspects Oriented Programming.


Software Engineer


  • Developed Business logic using C++.
  • Used STL, Multithreading, kernel objects and Socket Extensively in C++.
  • Worked on TCP/IP and UDP Protocols.
  • Database handling, Synchronization, Communication.
  • Understand user requirements and did documentation for that.
  • Involved in troubleshooting and customer support.
  • Designed the Module using Creational Design Pattern (Abstract Factory and Singleton) for Device communication.
  • Used Rational Rose for Data base and object modeling
  • Design and Development of Objects using Object Oriented Design in C++.

Environment: C, C++, Multithreading, Red Hat Linux, Shell Scripting and TCP/IP



  • Application designed to manage internet usage.
  • Control the internet bandwidth using Class based queue.
  • Receiving the syslog files from system and developed an application for converting them into GUI.
  • Socket programming using TCP/IP Protocols for message passing between Client and server.

Environment: C++, C, Red hat Linux, Socket Programming, Shell Scripting and CP/IP.

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