Senior Java Developer Resume
- Senior Java/J2EE developer with 16+ years of experience in designing, developing, architecting and implementing enterprise systems on UNIX/Windows.
- Interactive and creative person with strong fundamentals in JMS/SOA/JAX - RS/JAX-WS/REST/SOAP Web Services.
- Expertise in Software Life Cycle, Change management, Reverse Engineering and Agile Methodologies.
- Extensive experience with J2EE Design Patterns like Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Facade, Front Controller, Data Access Objects and Value Objects, and Factory Methods.
- Experience in analysis, design and development of MVC2 pattern, and Struts applications in J2EE Environment.
- Familiar in Graphical User Interface design using HTML, JSP, Custom Tags, Java Script, JSF, JSTL, Expression Language, and Swing.
- Experience in using DB2, Oracle 11i databases and Familiar with Stored procedures, Triggers and Functions
- Experience in build and testing tools like ANT, Maven, JUNIT.
- Effective Team Player with good communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills
J2EE Technologies: EJB, Servlets, JPA, JSP, RMI, JNDI, JSTL, XML, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAXB, XSLT, JMS, Applets, JSF, JMX
Application Servers: WebSphere (6.0), WebLogic 12C (12.1.3), JBoss 3.0, Tomcat (6.x), iPlanet
Languages: Java, C++, C, JavaScript, Ant, Transact-SQL, Shell Scripting
Databases: Oracle 11g, DB2 8.0, Sybase 11, SQL Server
Operating Systems: UNIX (Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX), Windows 2000/XP/2003
Open Source: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Castor, Aspect, and BIRT Reports, Spring MVCSpring Batch, Spring Transaction Management, Spring JDBC, Spring Hibernate
Version Control: CVS, VSS, StarTeam, GIT, Accurev
O/R Mapping: Hibernate, JPA, Versata Backbone Object Model
Java IDEs: Eclipse Mars.2, Eclipse 4.x, MyEclipse 8.5 Blue, MyEclipse 8.5, IBM Visual Age for Java, KAWA
Web Designing: Visual Interdev, Front Page 98, HomeSite, Adobe Flex
Design Tools: Rational Rose, Visio, Star UML, UML, JBuilder, Ram Baugh, MyEclipse UML
Methodologies: Waterfall, Agile
Misc: Maestro Scheduling, MS-Project, Design Pattern, Standard Template Library (STL), Visual C++, Visual Basic, Motif, VBScript, Cruise Control, Active Server PagesWin Runner, XSLT, Xpath, Test Director, TCP/IP, Versata Swing Object ManagerVersata Primary Compensation Plans Manager, JSTL, Jalopy, CheckStyle, IBM MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool), Swagger
Confidential, NJ
Senior Java Developer
- Developed generic reusable component for C3P0 data source pool.
- Designed and developed Holding Load Reference Data, Analysis and Report Generation, run existing report, and Linking ISSN loader workflow using Spring Batch jobs.
- Designed and Developed Journal/books Init/Load Input Data, Data Curation, Process Publisher, Process Identifiers, Process Institution Holding, Consistency check and finalization steps components for reference data load workflow.
- Designed and Developed Journal/books Report Analysis, Report Generation and send notification steps components for report generation workflow
- Designed and developed Spring Batch Job and step listener components for fish tagging, and error notifications
- Designed and developed Euler database changes (tables, indexes, trigger and materialized view)
- Used Decorator design pattern in Data Curation step.
- Use Strategy design pattern to load input data from CSV, Excel and tab delimited txt files
- Designed and enhance Euler to load reference data for JSTOR Collections.
- Designed and developed multi-threaded Linking ISSN loader using Java 8 CompletableFuture to load/update 2 millions of records.
- Loader uses Concurrent linked queue and Concurrent HashMap for update rules
- Designed and developed interface to download input file and upload report to AWS S3 using AWS SDK
- Designed and developed JAX-RS Jersey Rest Services to be consumed by Angular JS UI application: -
- Multi Part Reference Data Load rest end point to load excel/csv/tab delimited txt files. Rest end point invoke spring batch job.
- Multi Part Report generation rest end point to do comparative analysis. Rest end point invoke spring batch job.
- Run Existing report rest end point. Rest end point invoke spring batch job.
- Looking data rest end points for Institution, Institution types, Holding types, Report types, and Institution Collections
- Update Institution, Collection rest end points
- Monitored Jobs Rest end point using JPA Criteria api
- Download report Rest end point
- Multipart Linking ISSN loader rest end point. Rest end point invoke spring batch job.
- Designed and developed JAX-RS CORS Request/response filters
- Designed and developed Rest end point validations for diff apis
- Designed and developed JAX-RS Exception Mappers, Request and response filters
- Swagger Dashboard for Rest End points
- Participated in Euler Sprint Planning, Story Workshops, Blameless Post Mortem, Backlog, Retrospective and Pair Programming meetings
- Created and updated User Stories in JIRA.
- Interaction with Business Product Manager for Euler Requirements
- QA and Production support for Euler
- Used Java 8 Lambda, Streams, Default methods, CompletableFuture, Optional, method references, Date and Time API
- Designed and developed Cache API for Euler static data
- Develop Jenkin Build and deploy plans for Euler
- Euler documentation updates in Wiki
Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE 1.6, Tomcat 8, AWS S3, AWS SDK 1.10.71, JAX-RS 2.0.1, Jersey 2.22.2, Jersey Media MultiPart, Jersey Json Jackson, JAXB, Spring 4.2.5.RELEASE, Spring Batch 3.0.6.RELEASE, Spring transaction Management, Spring Test, Jenkins 2, GitHub, Git, Angular JS 1.5.7,HTML 5, Oracle 11g, Materialized View, Trigger, Hibernate 5.1.0.Final, JPA 2.1 with Hibernate, Hibernate Java 8, Hibernate Envers, JPA Criteria Query, Swagger UI 2.1.3, Swagger Jersey2 JAX-RS 1.5.6, Servlet 3.1, Maven 3.0.3, JUnit 4, Log4J 2.5 Async Logger, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 (Tikanga), Apache Commons CSV, Jett 0.9.1, Sun Ldap, JXplorer,C3P0 0.95.1, Apache POI 3.13, Apache Velocity 1.7, Eclipse Mars.2, Eclipse Lint 2.1.0, Sonar Qube 2.5, Eclipse JAutoDoc 1.14.0, Agile, JIRA
- Designed and Developed multi-threaded and asynchronous rest end point to run regression test.
- Designed and developed Fetcher Tester Database tables
- Developed tear down and set up stored procedure in Fetcher DB
- Used Rsync in rest end point to copy/delete the seed files data from ftp server
- Develop Rest end points to set up seed data for Jstor/Portcio
- Design and developed JPA ORM mappings due to differences in Fetcher DB and used same code base for both Jstor and Portcio
- Used Apache HTTP client api to invoke Fetcher application
- Developed notification components for Fetcher Tester application
- Designed and developed version api to show Jenkins build info
- Developed Swagger dashboard for Rest End Points
- Participated in Sprint Planning, Backlog and Retrospective meetings
- Created and updated User Stories in JIRA
- QA support for Fetcher tester
- Build Jenkin Build and deploy plans for Portcio/Jstor
- Fetcher tester documentation updates in Wiki
Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE 1.6, Tomcat 8, JAX-RS 2.0.1, Jersey 2.22.2, Jersey Json Jackson, JAXB, Spring 4.2.5.RELEASE, Spring Test, Jenkins, GitHub, Git, Oracle 11g, Stored Procedure, Hibernate 5.1.0.Final, JPA 2.1 with Hibernate, Swagger UI 2.1.3, Swagger Jersey2 JAX-RS 1.5.6, Servlet 3.1, Maven 3.0.3, JUnit 4, Log4J 2.5 Async Logger, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 (Tikanga),Linux Rsync, C3P0 0.95.1, Apache Velocity 1.7, Eclipse Mars, Eclipse Sonar Qube, Sonar Qube 2.0, Eclipse JAutoDoc 1.14.0, Agile, JIRA
Confidential, NJ
Senior Backend Java Developer
- Worked on CARI Spring, Hibernate upgrade from 3.x to 4.x.
- Aggregation Quartz schedulers for Rates, Restriction and Avail(Status/Inventory) module by Partner.
- Developed Aggregation Trigger MDB Listener.
- Used DaoFactory design pattern to have Data Access layer considering In Memory cache layer also.
- Used Adapter design pattern to convert pre aggr data to delivery format.
- Designed and developed ESS Push aggregation and delivery components.
- Designed and Developed components for Status/Inventory/Rates and Restriction Aggregation.
- Designed and developed below algorithms for ESS Push Property Aggregation
- Multi Property Aggregation
- Date Range Aggregation
- Promotional discount calculation algorithm
- Spring Routing Data Source to support multiple partners (Expedia, Derby Soft and
- Developed Throttle Trigger MDB Listener.
- Designed and Developed Delivery Throttle component to send delivery msgs to TIBCO JMS delivery request queue.
- Designed and Developed Delivery Response receiver components to read msgs from TIBCO JMS delivery response queue and update delivery tables.
- Designed and Developed QueueDepth component to find no of msgs in TIBCO delivery queues.
- Designed and Developed JIBX marshaller and UnMarshaller component for delivery request and response xmls.
- Designed and Developed Partner Context to store partner specific properties from spring context files.
- Designed and Developed TIBCO JMS session Pool components.
- Developed Singleton EJB 3.1 for Push Startup (Cache refresh, Schedulers start) and shutdown component.
- Developed Push Retry delivery components.
- Designed and developed JAX-RS Rest services for CARI/ESS Push
- Cache Refresh
- Config Change
- Smoke test for CARI
- Log level Change
- Get App Version
- Designed and Developed Stateless Session EJB in CARI and ESS Push for Rest Interface.
- Worked on CARI Log4j upgrade from Log4j1.x to Log4j2.
- Worked on CARI Performance/Bug Fixes after Go Live.
- Chunking Logic Optimization
- Insert Products into Oracle Global temp table instead of Oracle Array Change
- Oracle Hard Parsing issue fix
- CARI out of memory issue fix
Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE 1.6, Weblogic 12C (12.1.3), Oracle 11g, Oracle Global Temp Tables, Oracle Partitions, Stored Procedures/Triggers, TIBCO EMS 8.1.0, EJB 3.1, JMS 1.1, Spring 4.0.6, Spring transaction Management, Spring Expression Language, Spring Hibernate, Hibernate 4.3.6.Final, JPA 2.1 with Hibernate, JAX-RS 2.0.1, Apache CXF 3.0.3, Servlet 3.1, Quartz Scheduler 2.2.1, Maven 3.0.3, JUnit 4, JIBX 1.2.5, Log4J 2 Async Logger, Jenkins, Accurev6, Sun Solaris, App dynamics 11.6, HP Fortify, Load Runner, Oracle Golden Gate
- Designed and developed Area Availability, Property Availability and Rate Rule JAX-WS pure XML over HTTP Web services for ADS/GDS channel.
- Designed and developed In memory EHCache components
- Designed and coordinated Sell Sequence, Taxes, Dynamic policy functionality for R3 Release.
- Designed and used Strategy design pattern for Dynamic policy use case
- Multi-Threading using Weblogic Common J work manager
- Enhancements and bug fixes for GDS Certification.
- ESS Scheduler component to refresh ESS cache.
- MDB listener to update EHCache for ESS.
- Designed and developed JAX-RS Rest services to find cache statistics, change log level
- Design and Developed Search Metrics JAX-RS Rest API to get partner data from App Dynamics by calling its Secured Rest Services.
- Developed JQuery user interface for Search Metrics Rest API.
- Build app to simulate load on Weblogic Multi Data sources testing using Java Count Down Latch.
- Performance issue identification and fixes.
- Hibernate upgrade from 3.3.1 to 3.6.10 to avoid query plan caches and memory not getting reclaimed issue in JVM
- Blocked threads due to class loading(Fixed dynamic queries issue in Search API status module)
- Identified a performance issue in Java 1.6 for Date/time api and worked with Oracle to fix it.
- Hibernate SQL queries optimization/index creation
- Fixed open cursors issue in ARI application
- Oracle Assessment performance recommendations fixes
Environment: Java/J2EE JDK 1.6, WebLogic 11, Oracle 11g, Oracle Stored Procedures/Function, TIBCO EMS 8.1.0, EJB 2.1, JMS 1.1, Spring 3.0.5, Hibernate 3.6.10.Final, JAX-RS 1.1, Quartz Scheduler 2.1, Maven 3.0.3, JUnit 4, JIBX 1.2.3, Log4J 1.2, Sun Solaris, App dynamics 11.6, EHCache, Apache CXF 2.5.2, JAX-WS 1.1, JQuery, HTML 5, App Dynamics, Accurev, Load Runner, Eclipse Luna, Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool, Samurai
Confidential, NY
Senior Backend Java Developer
- Designed and developed Provider specific Dao Layer Caching Components.
- Designed/Develop Album and Album Detail JAX-RS Rest Service and Integration with Music Brainz Provider.
- Used Java Executor Framework and Future/Callable to run independent tasks.
- Develop JIBX binding files for Album Service to Unmarshal Music Brainz Provider XML Data.
- Designed/Develop Search Artist API JAX-RS Rest Service, and implemented JPA Hibernate for Music Brainz Postgres and Pxy Tool MY SQL database access.
- Designed and Developed Media Exists JAX-RS Rest Service.
- Designed/Develop Config JAX-RS Rest Service to update cache TTL without bouncing tomcat server.
- Developed Dao Layer and caching components for Artist Guid to Music Brainz Provider ID mapping.
- Designed and develop JPA Entities for Job, JobRun, Job Asset, Recycled Artist Key and Error log.
- Designed/Develop Load New Artist Keys Quartz Scheduled Job to read Artist Keys from Redis Set Data Structure and persist using JPA hibernate in database.
- Designed/Develop Multi Threaded, Cache Refresh Quartz Scheduled Job with Retry logic to invoke PXY API Rest Services using CXF JAX-RS client API and update cache for top 6K artists.
- Designed/Develop provider specific configurable PXY API Time Out Quartz Scheduled Job to process time out requests from Redis Set Data Structure, invoke PXY API and update cache.
- Designed and Develop Cache Management console in PXY Admin Tool using Spring MVC, Rest Style Annotations to do Provider specific Clear Cache, DB Size, Server and Config Info, Redis Master/Slave Monitor Start/Stop.
- Designed and Develop Scheduler Interface and On Demand console in PXY Admin Tool using Spring MVC, Rest Style Annotations to do start/shutdown Quartz Scheduler, Run it Now/Stop/Pause/Resume/Unschedule/Edit scheduled jobs, view job history and error logs.
- Designed/Develop Service Profile/Cache Keys Aspects using AspectJ in PXY API.
- High level design approach and prototype using Shared Services WAR and services bundles to port PXI API Rest Services WAR to OSGI using Spring Dynamic modules/Eclipse Virgo Tomcat Server.
- Building the PXY API/TOOL build using Confidential CM Build server and deploying it to DEV/QA server by War File Pusher.
- Participated in Backlog Review, Spring Planning and Code Review meetings.
Environment: Java/J2EE JDK 1.6, Tomcat 6, Redis Cache V2.4, MYSQL 5.0, JPA with Hibernate, Spring Framework 3(core), Spring MVC, Spring Dynamic Modules, Apache CXF JAX-RS, Apache Commons DBCP, Apache HTTP Client, GIT, Quartz Scheduler, Maven 3.0.3, JUnit, Version 1, JIBX, JAXB, MusicBrainz API, Loud3r API, WikiPedia API, Blueprint CSS, JQuery, HTML 5, XML, JSON, Log4J, AspectJ, OSGI, Virgo Tomcat Server, JSP, JSTL, Jackson 1.9.1,Eclipse, Agile Methodologies(Sprints), CentOS(Linux)
Confidential, NJ
Senior Software Developer
- Proof of concept and Prototype of WSJ Pro Home/Article Pages optimization for Mobile and demo to business.
- WSJ Pro Home, CFO Data dashboard, CFO Reports Blogs, Taxes, Regulation, Accounting, and Cash Management web pages optimization for Mobile Devices
- Prototype for Image Transcoding of Article Pages using WURFL/Image Sever
- Apache Rewrite rules for Mobile Device detection and redirect.
- Login Page for Mobile
- Designed /Developed Global Page Aspect using AspectJ. Aspects were applied to EP Articles/ EP Page App using binary weaving.
- Consumed Dylon Web Service to display data in Data Dashboard.
- Backend Java code EP Articles application changes to support optimization for Mobile Devices.
- Enhancements in D2H Rest Web service for Mobile CFO Report.
- Enhancement in OSGI User Profile service bundles.
- Enhancements in CDS Commons App to Suppress Video/Slideshow and Interactive Graphics for Article Mobile pages.
- Unit testing of the web pages on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry Curve and Torch simulator and real devices.
Environment: Java/J2EE JDK 1.6, Module Structure Tool (MST), CAPS and Copyflow, XHTML 1.0, JavaScript, DOJO, HTML 5, CSS, FreeMarker, Maven, RPM, Jenkins, Restlets, OSGI Web Services, Spring DM Server,, Fast Dyna Cache, EHCache, Jenkins, Apache Mod Rewrite, Apache Web server, Tomcat Application Server, Oracle, Struts, Spring, Subversion, Hibernate, Quality Center
Confidential, Somerset, NJ
- Designed and implemented solutions to resolve performance issues in the long running batch jobs. Avoid Outages and Meet SLA.
- Primary Compensation Engine Job Run times reduced from 12 hrs to 30 minutes.
- Broker Commission Engine Job Run times reduced from 4 hrs to 15 minutes.
- GL Processor Job Run times reduced from 4 hrs to 20 minutes.
- Paybase Extractor Job Run times reduced from 17 hrs to 35 minutes
- Multi-Valued HashMap for Paybase Extractor Enhancement to re-issue multiple checks.
- Used Class level Synchronization lock to fix duplicate OFAC exceptions Bug
- Developed Trail Commissions Over/Under Payment Data Fix Java Batch Component.
- Designed and used Strategy Design pattern to Automate Manual Processes for CDF Loader and avoid missed Payments to Brokers.
- Enhancements for iComp in Tahiti, LAR, and Reporting and MR 10.2 Releases.
- Used Spring AOP for declarative logging in batch jobs.
- Consumed Shared Email Service to send reports to Sales Force Personnel using JAX-WS.
- Used JAXB for Accord XML to Java Mappings.
Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Websphere App Server, Versata Distributed Channel Management, Spring, DB2, Maestro Scheduling, StarTeam, BIRT Reports, Log4j, JAXB, Accord XML Standards, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, Versata OQL, Versata Backbone Object Model(O/R), SQL, XSLT, Xpath, UML 2.0, Eclipse 3.5, Shell Scripts, Multi-Threading
Confidential, Atlanta
Senior Developer/Tech Lead
- Designed and implemented JAX-RPC Web Services integration (Contract First Approach) with Field Services and Project Accounting module of Oracle ERP
- Consumed JAX-RPC Web Services from GOET UI Application.
- Proof of Concept of Web Services Integration with Oracle ERP from GOET.
- High level and low level Tech Design for GOET 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2 Releases.
- Used MVC2 Design Pattern for GOET UI Application.
- Designed and implemented persistence layer using Hibernate.
- Designed and implemented Web services Integration (Contract First Approach) with Purchasing Order module of Oracle ERP.
- Currency Conversion Rate Web Services Integration with General Ledger module of Oracle ERP.
- Offshore Coordination with GOET dev team and diff vendor ERP Wrapper Components team.
Environment: Java, Rational Rose, SOA, JAX-RPC 1.1, WSDL 1.1, SOAP 1.1, JBOSS 4.0.3 SP1, UML 2.0, Site Minder, XML, XSD, LDAP, CVS, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Sun Solaris 5.7, HTML, Java Script1.2, Struts 1.2, Eclipse 3.1, My Eclipse Work Bench 4.0, CheckStyle, Jalopy, GEPSCheck, Log4j, XML/SPY, SQL- Loader, Oracle 9i, Oracle APPS Field Services, Project Accounting and Purchasing Order module, Informatica, XML, XSLT
Tech Lead
- Architected/designed solution for Multi-option quoting.
- High and low level design to enable foreign-currency on PartsEdge.
- Tech Design and development for Allow no Turbine Serial Number for BOP Parts.
- Architected Map Adapter pattern for Multi-option quoting.
- Architected and designed Casper Services for Multi-option quoting and Enable foreign-currency on PartsEdge.
- Designed Tag for Allow no Turbine Serial Number for BOP Parts.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, EJB, Rational Rose, UML, Erwin, XML, XSDOracle 8.1.6, BEA Web logic 6.1 SP2, SiteMinder, LDAP, Mercado CSN, CVS, Servlets, Sun Solaris 5.7, Load Runner, Performance Center, VuGen, HTML, Java Script1.2, CASPER 3.5, Clear Quest, Defect Tracker in Kintana, Eclipse 2.1, My Eclipse Work Bench, CheckStyle, Jalopy, GEPSCheck, Castor, Oxygen, Log4j
Tech Lead
- Designed and Implemented FO Alert/Forced Outage Module Development, PDB Site/CV Site Integration, Web Mail Email Functionality, QA/UATs Bugs Fixes.
- Monitor and co-ordinated technical activities and resolve technical issues in team.
Environment: Struts 1.1, log4J, WebConnector, Epicentric Foundation Server (portal platform) 4.1,Eclipse 2.1, MyEclipse Work Bench, CheckStyle, Jalopy, CodeCheck Java, Load Runner, JDBC 2.0, Oracle 8i, BEA Web logic 7.0 sp2, CVS, Servlets, JSPs, Sun Solaris 5.7, HTML, Java Script1.2, JBuilder Enterprise Development Studio 7, UML, Erwin, MS-Project, Kintana for Project Management
Tech Lead
- Castor XML Marshaling and UnMarshalling, Swing Table Model and List Model, Test JMS Server and Log Status functionality.
- Monitor and co-ordinate technical activities and resolve technical issues in team.
Environment: Swing, JMS, XML, XSD, Castor, JBuilder Developer, Oxygen, Eclipse 2.1, MyEclipse Work Bench, CheckStyle, Jalopy, CodeCheck Java, CVS
Senior Developer
- Developed tree view for view turbine contract use case using struts nested tag extension, dynamic jsp include and recursion.
- Monitor and co-ordinate technical activities and resolve technical issues in team.
Environment: Struts 1.1, log4J, WebConnector, Epicentric Foundation Server (portal platform) 4.1,Eclipse 2.1, MyEclipse Work Bench, CheckStyle, Jalopy, CodeCheck Java, JDBC 2.0, Oracle 8i, BEA Web logic 7.0 sp2, CVS, Servlets, JSPs, Sun Solaris 5.7HTML, Java Script1.2, Rational Rose, UML, Erwin, MS-Project, Kintana for Project Management
Team Lead (Cart/List)
- Developed Use Cases Assign Machine Name, Cross Fleet Check, Quote/Order summary and details, Pagination for Cart/List.
- Unit Testing and Regression Testing.
Environment: Java, JSP, EJB, XML, XSD, Oracle 8i, BEA Web logic 6.0,SiteMinder, LDAP, CVS, Servlets, Sun Solaris 5.7, HTML, Java Script1.2, CASPER, Bugrat, Clear Quest
- Developed Use Cases Proj Collaboration Engg team, Project Internal distribution, PPE Bid Package, Customer Special.
- UI Specs for Proj Collaboration Engg team, Project Internal distribution, PPE Bid Package, Customer Special Requirements, Schedule BOM, and Pick Users.
Environment: Java2, Oracle 8i, BEA Weblogic 6.1, CVS, Servlets, JSP, UML, Rational Rose, HTML, Java Script1.2, WebController, JPretiy, Araxis Merge
- Developed Use Cases Sell Your Parts, Can’t Find a Part, Preferred m/c Tools.
- Unit testing and integration testing.
Environment: Java2, Oracle 8i, BEA Weblogic 6.0, SiteMinder, XSLT, Xpath, iPlanet, LDAP, CVS, Servlets, JSP, EJB, XML, XSD, UML, Rational Rose, Sun Solaris 5.7, HTML, Java Script1.2, CASPER, Bugrat, Clear Case.
Confidential, Seattle
- Involved in development of Java-Oracle Interface, Unit Testing, Integration Testing.
Environment: Java2, Oracle 8i, iPlanet Web Server, Servlets, JSP, Visual Age, UML, Rational Rose, Sun Solaris 5.7, JC Chart, HTML, Java Script.
- Involved in coding and testing for DCI Block Change, Engineering Change, Notice Enhancements in DCI, Cost Code business Resolutions in PCM, Steam AutoBOM in Pegasus, DCI Enhancements: Purpose of Change Screen, Project Search Criteria, DCI Reports and A&D Mass Update, Gas CMU Bill Export to COPICS in Pegasus, DCI-EPE Integration.
Environment: Visual C++ (Ver. 6.0), C++, SYBASE System 11.