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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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  • IT Professional with deep understanding of technology trends with expertise in core of complex technologies. Solid experience in Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, Implementation, production support and maintenance of various Web Applications using Java/J2EE Technologies.
  • Nine years of experience in architecture, design and implementation of large distributed, real - time systems at in Retail, Utility, Risk Solutions and Tele Communications.
  • Skilled at Project/ Process Management for multiple concurrent projects, stringent project deadlines to coordinate global development and operations teams. Expertise in Program Management of new and legacy technologies (on/off shore).
  • Strong leadership qualities with experience in project and resource planning, requirements gathering and prioritization, client interaction, due-diligence, cost analysis and estimations.
  • Worked in the multiple projects and delivered to different supervisors and Project Managers.
  • Strong Database (RDBMS) development experience in writing queries, functions, stored procedures, triggers, and views in Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL and MS Access.
  • Implemented various design patterns such as Model View Controller (MVC), Data Transfer Object (DTO), Data Access Object (DAO), Singleton pattern and Session façade pattern.
  • Extensive experience in Agile (XP/ SCRUM) and Waterfall Methodology
  • Expertise in design and development of use cases and class diagrams using UML/Rational Rose and Microsoft Visio.
  • Excellent analytical, communication and inter-personal skills.


O/S: UNIX (Solaris), Linux, Windows

Languages: Java, J2EE, EJB, XML, Shell, Transact SQL, HTML

Database: SQL Server, DB2, MS Access, Oracle, MySQL

Solutions: WebLogic, JBoss, Business Objects, Spring, Hibernate, Active MQ, Java Servlets WebSphere, Glass Fish, FileNet, Hornetq, AngularJS.

Tools: Eclipse, RAD, Jenkins

Applications: PowerPoint, Subversion, GIT


Confidential, OH

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked with the Supervisor and BA in collecting the requirements.
  • Have Experience in participating the amigos and involving in the discussions.
  • Experience on Agile Methodology in the current project.
  • While working on Claims app, the Directives are created in AngularJS that can be re used.
  • Also Created/Modified the new pages in UI as per the requirements or created cards.
  • Called the number of REST FUL API’s .All these services can be tested through SOAP UI.
  • Integrated the Claims APP with IDU APP. The purpose of intergration is, IDU is existing APP where we have existing services/directives which can be called in Claims APP.
  • Did the Server side Validations (IDU validations) and Client side validations (Claims APP)
  • While working on ICP and TPI Projects I have worked on Number of defects (Release defects and Production defects).
  • Have to update the POJO and config files whenever there are changes in Database schema.
  • Have Experience with JAX-WS Web services and its related defects in ICP Project.
  • Supported the Project on round robin basis and attended the tech calls (p0-p4).
  • Have experience with Splunk to check logs and TOPAZ to monitor the applications.
  • Did end to end testing (manually) before pushing the code.
  • Tested all the assigned tasks in LOCAL, DEV and ST.
  • Worked with RestFul Web services and Used SOAP UI to testing the Services.
  • Worked on the assigned Enhancements, bugs and QC tickets.
  • Used SVN as Version Control, RAD as IDE and Hibernate and ORM tool.
  • Worked with CSS, HTML respectively according to requirement.

Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, AngularJS, Node.js, Struts, JavaScript, Hibernate, Spring, Web Sphere, RestFUL SOAP UI, Oracle, GULP, Maven, SVN, Jenkins, CSS,HTML, RAD, Splunk, Windows 7 and UNIX.

Confidential, OH

Sr Java Developer


  • Worked with the Supervisor and BA in collecting the requirements.
  • Designed new Documents before moving to coding for every Work Request.
  • Added some alert statements in Java Script for the Validation purpose based on business requirements.
  • Worked on the Action Classes and called the services layers.
  • Used the EJB for dealing the DB for reusable entity and used LDAP methodology.
  • Used the xhtml Pages for the UI and used different JSF and a4j tags and re-rendered for AJAX functionality.
  • Used the radio button efficiently in Data table with AJAX functionality.
  • Used web services call to ERIC. Which will return some data which will be used in most of the modules.
  • Added implementing the Manage Locations and Manage Contacts Functionality. If the user is the Valid User, then he can Add / Delete /Update Location or Add / Delete /Update Contact.
  • Used SOAP UI to test the Web services and TOAD to connect the DB.
  • Created Stored Procedure as per the requirement and called it from the Hibernate Query.
  • Updated the POJO whenever there are the changes in the Database Schema.
  • Did end to end testing (manually) by deploying build on application server.
  • Tested all the assigned tasks in LOCAL, DEV and ST
  • Worked on the assigned Enhancements, bugs and QC tickets.
  • Used WebSphere as an Application Server using hot deployment.
  • Used SVN as Version Control, RAD as IDE and Hibernate and ORM tool.
  • Worked with CSS, HTML respectively according to requirement.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Hibernate, JSF,Spring, TOAD, Web Sphere, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, XML,XSD, SOAP UI,Hibernate, Oracle, Maven, SVN, CSS,HTML, JavaScript, RAD, Windows 7 and UNIX.

Confidential, OH

Sr Java Developer


  • Worked with the Supervisor and BA in collecting the requirements.
  • Added a new Archive button and Archive Folder and worked on Backed logic which archives the documents
  • Added some alert statements in Java Script for the Validation purpose based on business requirements.
  • Worked in decoupling project to take off the unnecessary Trexo Items and created Web services for improving the performance.
  • Worked Add Doc Action which adds the Document using the established Web service if we pass appropriate parameters and worked on the rest of Action Class and taken care of Return Properties.
  • Written the Archive Clean Class this cleans up all kinds of files in the in ST and PROD before 60 days.
  • Added three Queues using Trexo Framework. So that we can we can send the tasks for those.
  • Worked on CAP Project (Capital Assets Program) to add three new PrefixB for the APP.
  • Worked on the Major Screen to Make Agent State dropdown required for Task level and Agent state optional for Document Level.
  • Worked on the IR Queue to Pop UP Error Box if at all Agent State is not available.
  • Updated the AgentState Stored Procedure as per the requirement.
  • Have experience creating the triggers and indexes as per the requirement.
  • Worked in Performers Codebase, Sending the Task to IR if the Agent State is null.
  • Worked on the Default Sorted Queue based on the given Parameters.
  • Tested all the assigned tasks in LOCAL, IT and ST
  • Worked on the assigned Enhancements, bugs and QC tickets.
  • Did end to end testing (manually) by deploying build on application server.
  • Experience with Filenet and Trexo Frame work.
  • Used Websphere as an Application Server.
  • Used SVN as Version Control, RAD as ID and Hibernate and ORM tool.
  • Worked with CSS, HTML and Javascript .
  • Used Maven for to Build and SOAP UI for testing the Services

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Hibernate, Struts, Filenet, Case Manager, Trexo Farmework,Spring, Sql Developer, Web Sphere, Web Services, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, XML,XSD, SOAP UI,Hibernate, Oracle, Maven, SVN, CSS,HTML, Javascript, Hudson, RAD, Windows 7 and UNIX.

Confidential, GA

Sr Java Developer


  • Worked with the Supervisor and BA in collecting the requirements.
  • Worked on assigned user stories for the regular two week sprints.
  • Created an Image of Jboss 5. Taken off the hypersonic and updated JDK to 1.7
  • Integrated the hornetq with the Jboss 5 Image. And Tested in the Local.
  • Made sure the resource adapters maps with the code base of the application.
  • Tested the image in DEV, QA and Staging Environment before going to the PROD.
  • Worked on the existing script bash (.sh) file which will work in all the environments and also copies concerned properties, DS files etc.
  • Worked on the different applications using Struts on Action Class, Action Forms, Jsp and Java Script.
  • Worked on the validations, filtering the data depending on the user input.
  • Worked on the assigned Enhancements, bugs and QC tickets.
  • After Migration I have checked the reporting queue is working fine and pointing messages to the correct JMS Queue.
  • Worked on the Unix Boxes of DEV, QA and Staging for deploying and running the scripts.
  • Worked on Front End Dev of application Support Reports new feature from the scratch.
  • Used the Spring beans to Inject the data. Each Spring bean is a class.
  • Written the Junit for each and every class to know whether it is working properly.
  • Called the Stored Procedures as per the requirement.
  • Did end to end testing (manually) by deploying build on application server.
  • Used Jboss as an Application Server.
  • Used SVN as Version Control and Eclipse as IDE.
  • Used Maven for to Build and SOAP UI for testing the Services

Environment: Java 1.5, Java1.7, J2EE, Hibernate, Struts,Spring, JMS, Sql Developer, Hornetq, Jboss, Oracle, Maven, SVN, Hudson, Agile, Eclipse,F5, Cygwin, Windows 7 and UNIX.

Confidential, GA

Sr Java Developer


  • Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, and design especially with DBA.
  • Implemented ORM Layer from the Scratch to replace the JDBC which already existed in the Environment.
  • Worked on assigned user stories for the regular two week sprints.
  • Generated Hibernate Config file and customized it by including exact oracle dialect and also worked on each and every Mapping resource hbm file.
  • In each and every HBM file maintained the One to many or Many to Many relationships.
  • Written the DAO and Impl Classes. Also have Abstract Class which has all the generic things like save, delete and update etc.
  • Actively Interacted with DBA. Changed the HBM files accordingly whenever the schema changed.
  • Worked on the Inbound and Outbound Services.
  • Extensively worked on JMS using point-point, publisher/subscriber messaging Domains for implementing Exchange of information through Messages.
  • Written the Junit for each and every class to know whether it is working properly.
  • Called the Stored Procedures as per the requirement.
  • Used the Spring beans to Inject the data. Each Spring bean is a class.
  • Used Ireports 4.0 I had connected to my database and ran the complex query to retrieve the data and in the form of chart.
  • Mocked for the code coverage part using the Mockito tool.
  • Did end to end testing (manually) by deploying build on application server.
  • Used Oracle Glassfish as Application Server.
  • Used Tortoise GIT as Version Control and Eclipse as IDE.
  • Used Gradle for to Build and SOAP UI for testing the Services

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring Web Services, Quartz, Jasper Reports, Tomcat, Glassfish, Oracle, Gradle, Agile, GIT, Electric Cloud, Eclipse, Windows XP and UNIX.

Confidential, GA

Sr Java Developer


  • Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases.
  • Designed using MVC design pattern of the Struts framework.
  • Worked on the Front End Dev to create Modal Dialog from the Scratch which was a new feature for the release.
  • Used Jquery with AJAX Call.
  • Used Jquery for the Client Side Validations.
  • Created a Modal Dialog Window which will display in ShippingInfo Page . The Modal dialog will be generated by clicking a link and we can select any option (radio button).
  • Designed Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which are included in the JSP.
  • Involved in Critical Bug fixes and Enhancement of application.
  • Developed Maven scripts to build and deploy the application onto Tomcat Server.
  • Used Eclipse for development and CVS for Version Control.
  • Used Web sphere Application server where we put the build file.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Struts, Web Services, Java Script, Tomcat 6.0,Web Sphere 6.1,SQLite, CSS, HTML, Maven CVS,Jquery, Eclipse, Windows XP and UNIX.

Confidential, GA

Sr Java Developer


  • Solved defects when the services are not returning the exact data.
  • Used SOAP UI to test the Web Services.
  • Created the domain for the RSP Project for Web Logic and auto deployed the EAR file.
  • Used ANT script for build and deployment.
  • Have consumed some Web Services in the SOA environment.
  • We called the Tuxedo and Tibco calls which are the other external systems for getting the data apart from Web Services.
  • Design the Use cases for the service implementations and Sequence diagrams.
  • Used Spring for the dependency Injection.
  • Created some service implementations for the concerned Service using ANT targets.
  • Used Eclipse as IDE and AccuRev as the Version Control Tool.
  • Used Oracle for POSTPAID and PREPAID databases.
  • Have hands on experience on UNIX systems where we check the LOGS (for Web services, Tuxedo and Tibco) for the concerned UNIX boxes.
  • Develop the Services for the Mobile Applications.
  • Developed the Mobile Interceptor for Android application which is like Inferface for Mobile App and Web Services.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Spring, Web Services, Tibco, Tuxedo,SOAP UI, Java Script, JMS, Web Logic 11g, Oracle, CSS, HTML, Jakarta ANT, AccuRev, Eclipse, Windows XP and UNIX.

Confidential, AR

Sr Java Developer


  • Used HTML, Java script, JSP, JSTL and Tag Lib in the presentation tier.
  • Used DAO classes for adding user, deleting user, retrieving data. Etc.
  • Worked on Java Script extensively for client side validations.
  • Designed Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which are included in the JSP.
  • Involved in Bug fixes and Enhancement of application.
  • Developed Ant scripts to build and deploy the application onto Web sphere Application Server.
  • Used RSA for development and SVN for Version Control.
  • Used Log4J for logging and debugging.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE (JSP, XML), Java Script, Servlets, JSP, JSF, Web sphere 6.1, DB2, CSS, HTML, Jakarta ANT, SVN, and Windows XP.

Confidential, MO

Sr Java Developer


  • Designed using MVC design pattern of the struts framework. Used spring for dependency injection
  • Used HTML, Java script, JSP, JSTL and Tag Lib in the presentation tier.
  • Implemented the Front End task supervision from the scratch.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM tool to map the database tables and developed DAO classes to
  • Connect the database and integrated with the Spring Framework.
  • Used Java Script extensively to code client side validations.
  • Designed Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which are included in the JSP and XML.
  • Developed Ant scripts to build and deploy the application onto JBOSS Application Server.
  • Involved in Critical Bug fixes and Enhancement of application.
  • Software methodologies like SCRUM were implemented.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for development and CVS for Version Control.
  • Used Log4J for logging and debugging and CVS for source configuration management.
  • Involved in testing applications in different stages e.g. TEST, Preproduction, and Production.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE (JSP,XML), Java Script, Struts 1.x, spring 1.x, Eclipse 3.5, JBOSS 4.x,, CSS, Hibernate 3.2,, HTML, Jakarta ANT, CVS, and Windows XP.

Confidential, SC

Java Developer


  • Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases.
  • Designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Rational Rose.
  • Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture integrating JSF with Hibernate and spring frameworks.
  • Designed User Interface using Java Server Faces (JSF), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XML.
  • Used JNDI to perform lookup services for the various components of the system.
  • Developed the Enterprise Java Beans (Stateless Session beans) to handle different transactions such as online funds transfer, bill payments to the service providers.
  • Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB have to deploy on Web Sphere Application Server.
  • Developed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.
  • Extensively worked on JMS using point-point, publisher/subscriber messaging Domains for implementing Exchange of information through Messages.
  • Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Business Delegate, DAO, Transfer Object, and SOA.
  • Worked on AJAX to develop an interactive Web Application and JavaScript for Data Validations.
  • Used SubVersion to implement version control System.
  • Build ANT Script for the application and used Log4J for debugging.
  • Used JUnit Framework for the unit testing of all the java classes.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, JSF 1.2, My Faces 1.0.4, EJB 3.0, JNDI 1.2, Hibernate 2.1, Spring 2.5.6, HTML, JavaScript 1.6, XML, CSS, JUnit, UML, JMS, Web Services, SOAP 1.1, WSDL 2.0, UDDI 2, AXIS 2, Ajax, JUnit, Ant, Subversion, Eclipse 3.3, IBM Web Sphere 6.1, Oracle 9i.

Confidential, TX

Python Developer


  • Developed WebPages in Python for displaying services running on the cluster.
  • Worked on the Object "Demo Detector ", which creates web pages and works on the continuous search of the new frequencies found in the database.
  • Used Emacs as the Editor in the Fedora Core Environment.
  • Developed Web Applications using PSP, HTML, and DHTML and provided validations using Python Script.
  • Wrote Service Programs for testing Corvus Centralized Service Discovery.
  • Involved in class diagrams and sequence diagrams for the design phase of the project using UML.
  • Developed Grid Server and clients for keep track of all nodes in Corvus cluster.
  • Involved in development of software application modules using disciplined software development process.
  • Used ANT tool to build and deploy applications.
  • Used SVN for version control.

Environment: Python, PSP, Eclipse, XML-RPC using Python, Fedora Core 6, Corvus Cluster, MySql, Webware for Python, Ganglia, GNU Radio and Oscar Cluster.

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