Sr. Java Developer Resume
Foster City, CA
- Over 8 years of experience in Object Oriented Programming, design and development of Multi-Tier distributed, Enterprise application using Java & J2EE technologies.
- Well versed with complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using various methodologies likeAgile Methodology (Scrum, XP)and Waterfall.
- Extensively used Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Streams, Parallel Operations on Collections and for effective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API.
- Experience in developing the application with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Micro Services Architecture.
- Hands-on experience on various AWS Cloud services like EC2, Route53, EBS, Auto Scaling, VPC, Cloud Formation, S3, RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, IAM, Cloud Watch and other services of the AWS infrastructure like Dynamo DB, SQS and EMR focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling.
- Expertise in developing UI using JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax and Angular JS.
- Developed Web-based enterprise applications using Java/J2EE, Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST) and MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC).
- Hands on experience with different Spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Data and Spring Boot.
- Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of Garbage Collector, Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling and Generics
- Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
- Experienced in implementation of JMS in order to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
- Proficient in implementing various Java design patterns like MVC,Session Facade, Data Access Object (DAO), Factory,Singleton, Data Transfer Object and Front Controller.
- Experience in developing XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down and Bottom Up approach and REST based services with JAX-RS, Jersey and Spring Integration.
- Strong experience in database design using PL/SQL to write tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexers and proficiency in writing complex queries to retrieve data.
- Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, DB2 and No SQL databases like Mongo DB and Dynamo DB.
- Experience with application servers likeWeb Logic, JBOSS, Apache TomcatandIBM Web Sphere.
- Expertise in using various IDE tools like Spring Tool Suite, RAD, Eclipse and IntelliJ.
- Proficient in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins.
- Experience with JUnit and Mockito in developing test cases and Log4J in determining application functionality.
- Having Experience on UNIX, LINUX, Python Shell Scripting and Deployment of Applications in Server.
- Experience working with version control tools like Git Hub, Subversion(SVN) and CVS.
- Good experience with JIRA in issue tracking.
- Experience with build automation tools like Gradle, ANT and Maven for builds and deployments to different environments.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and self-motivated individual showing ability to learn and use new technologies and frameworks in considerably less time.
Languages: Java, SQL, PL/SQL
Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Java Security
Tools & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, JSF, Log4J, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security.
Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Angular JS and Node JS
Mark-Up/XML Technologies: XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON
Web Services: SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, Jersey, Micro Services Architecture and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Web Logic Server and Glassfish
Database/Clients: Oracle, My SQL, DB2, Mongo DB and Dynamo DB.
Development Tools: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ, RAD and Spring Tool Suite(STS).
O-R Mapping: Hibernate, MyBatis and JPA.
Build Script: Jenkins, ANT, Gradle and Maven.
Modelling/CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional and Star UML.
Testing Tools/Others: JUnit, Soap UI, Postman, Rational Clear Quest, Jenkins and JIRA.
Version Control: Tortoise SVN, CVS, Rational Clear Case and GIT Hub.
OS & Environment: Windows, UNIX, Linux and Mac.
Confidential, Foster City, CA
Sr. Java Developer
- Involved in analysis, specification, design, and implementation and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used agile methodology (SCRUM) for developing application.
- Application is implemented using Agile methodology where there is a daily SCRUM meeting to understand the status and resolve any issues.
- Involved in the development of user interface using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and Angular JS.
- Designed and developed application using various Spring framework modules like Spring IOC, Developed Controller Classes using Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Data modules and handled security using Spring Security.
- Implemented Batch jobs to deal with large number of chunks using Spring Batch Framework to execute the similar jobs simultaneously.
- Implemented Restful Services with JAX-RS using Spring Boot and Micro Service Architecture.
- Developed RESTful web services to retrieve JSON documents related to customer and consumed SOAP based Web Services.
- Designed services to store and retrieve user data using Mongo DB database and communicated with remote servers using REST enabled Web Services on Jersey framework.
- Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate, created POJOs and mapped to databases Annotations.
- Implemented Micro Services Architecture to divide the application into various sub modules.
- Experience in writing complex PL/SQL queries using joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors and indexes in Oracle DB.
- Experienced in implementation of JMS in order to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ as a message queue.
- Responsible for maintaining and expanding AWS (Cloud Services) infrastructure using AWS Stack especially worked with database setup and maintenance and created AWS EC2 instances.
- ConfiguredAWSCloud Watch to monitorAWSresources as well as application and troubleshoot AWS EC2 status check including System Status check and Instance Status check alerts.
- Developed test cases for unit testing in the integration layer using Mockito framework.
- Used Gradle as build tool and deploying the application on Web Sphere Application Server.
- Used Jenkins to schedule the tests based on the carrier and priority of the test case.
- Used GITfor version control across common source code used by developers.
- Monitored the error logs using log4j and fixed the problems.
- UsedJIRA tool forIssue/bug tracking, monitoringof work assignment in the system.
- Used Intellij as an IDE for the Application development.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Data, Hibernate, Micro Service Architecture, AWS, Mongo DB, Oracle DB, Gradle, Intellij, Web Sphere Application Server, Mockito, JMS, UNIX, Jenkins, JIRA, log4j and GIT.
Confidential, Charlotte, NC
Java Developer
- Involved in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Agile methodology.
- Developed the view-controller components using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery and Angular JS.
- Developed user-friendly interface to seamlessly combine the new module with existing login system by usingAngular JS and Bootstrap.
- UsedAngular JSto create maintainable and testable single page application and Implemented two-way data binding and used ng-filters across the applications.
- Developed reusable and interoperable Web service modules based onSOAarchitecture usingSOAP and RESTful Services.
- Developed the service layer, a layer that acts a bridge between the presentation layer and data access layer, with Spring Framework features like Spring JDBC and Spring ORM.
- Used Spring MVC Design Pattern to hold the UI data and serve the request and to send the response.
- ImplementedDependency Injection(IOC)feature ofSpringFramework to inject beans into User Interface and AOP for Logging.
- Involved in migrating monolithic application in Micro Service Architecture and Developed Micro-services using Pivotal Cloud Foundry platform build upon Spring Boot Services.
- Developed applications usingApplication Lifecycle Managementto deliver reliable applications.
- Developed persistence Layer usingHibernateto persist the data and to manage the data.
- Worked on Hibernate for mapping theJavaobjects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert and update the data from the database.
- Developed Hibernate configuration files and queries and Implemented DAO classes.
- Web Services were called using SOAP protocol, WSDL descriptor file, Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Registry (UDDI).
- Created Stored Procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
- Developed theJSONstructure for the data transfer in between the Goggle Web Toolkit (UI) and business tier.
- Developed Graphical User Interface (GUI) to display report data using JQuery in Cross-browser compatibility and Web Application Scaling.
- Configured development environment usingWeb Sphereapplication server for developer’s integration testing.
- Developed test cases for Unit testing using JUnit.
- Used Jenkins and Maven for automated builds and deployments.
- To keep track of issues and tasks on individuals used JIRA ticketing system.
- Used Spring Tool Suite (STS) for application development.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Angular JS, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, Oracle, JUnit, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, Web Sphere Application Server and STS IDE.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in various stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the Agile methodology.
- Developed International Error Correction Screens using custom front-end forms using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
- Gathered and clarified requirements with business analyst to feed into high-level customization design, development and installation phases.
- Used Spring Framework for dependency injection for Action classes using Application Context XML file.
- Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using JSP and Spring Controller.
- Developed business objects using Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Spring AOP.
- Implemented MVC architecture using JSP Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.
- Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
- Used Struts Framework, Tag Libraries to implement J2EE design patterns (MVC).
- Developed user interface usingJSP, Struts published validation framework to support client side and server side validation.
- Used Collections for Model classes in the DAO layer (Data Access Object) Involved in modifying some changes in DAO layer using Hibernate.
- Created mappings among the relations and written SQL queries using Hibernate.
- Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
- Used Entity Beans to persist the data into IBM DB2 database like database access components, Creating Schemas and Tables.
- Used SQL to perform data mapping and backend testing, also documented all the SQL queries for future testing purpose.
- Created process flow for deploying application in Web Sphere application server.
- Managed build, reporting and documentation from the project information using Maven Tool and SVN for version control.
- Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
- Used JUnit for testing and used JIRA for tracking bugs.
- Responsible for the dealing with the problem, bug fixing and troubleshooting.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, XML, XSLT, Eclipse, PL/SQL, JUnit, Maven Build Tool, IBM DB2, JIRA, Jenkins, SVN and IBM Web Sphere.
Confidential, Saint Paul, MN
Java Developer
- Involved in Daily Scrum (Agile) meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint.
- Involved in the front end using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery.
- Implemented MVC architecture using JSP, Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.
- Involved in development of Agent Verification System using Spring MVC framework.
- Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans.
- Used Spring AOP for logging, auditing and transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns.
- Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application.
- Created data model and generated Hibernate mappings and domain objects using Hibernate tools.
- Interfaced with the My SQL back-end database by integrating Spring with Hibernate.
- Extensively used hibernate named queries, criteria queries, Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Optimistic Locking and Caching to process the data from the database.
- Developed Unit /Integration test cases using JUnit.
- Used Gradle tool for building and deploying the Web applications in Web Logic Server.
- Used JIRA tool for tracking stories progress and follow agile methodology.
- Used logging techniques provided by Log4J tool for efficient logging and debugging.
- Developed the application using Eclipse as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (SVN).
- Involved in Maintenance and Enhancements for the project.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Struts, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, JDBC, Hibernate, My SQL, HQL, SQL, JUnit, Gradle, JIRA, Log4J, Eclipse, SVN and Web Logic Server.
Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in analysis, design, development, testing and production of the application using Waterfall methodology.
- Involved in development of the UI with JSP, JSTL tag libraries, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ajax.
- Implemented the application using Struts framework in Model View Controller Architecture.
- Developed the Action Controller components and configured in xml file.
- Developed Java and EJB in Mainframe DB2 environment.
- Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and also implemented login functionality on the client side.
- Developed SOAP based Web Services with JAX-WS and Consumed Restful Services.
- Wrote Stored Procedures and complicated queries for IBM DB2.
- Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
- Extensively use of Core Java features including collection, exception handling and generics.
- Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
- Used JDBC in the persistence layer to interact with the database.
- Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQL queries, joins, integrity constraints and views for DB2 database.
- Involved in Unit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases.
- Developed Ant Scripts for the build process and deployed in JBOSS.
- Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking components.
- Used Rational Clear Case for version control and Clear Quest for bug tracking.
- Performed deployment of applications on JBOSS Application Server.
- Worked on UNIX environment for development.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Struts, EJB, JDBC, Web Services, REST, SOAP, JAX-WS, DB2, JUnit, Log4j, SQL, XML, Rational Clear Case, ANT, JBOSS, Eclipse and UNIX.
Jr. Java Developer
- Involved in Analysis, Design and implemented the application in a MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture.
- Developed the application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets and JDBC.
- Used JavaScript for client side validations.
- Involved in Documentation and use case design using UML modeling include development of Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and use case Transaction diagrams.
- Developed activity, sequence and class diagrams using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Rational Rose.
- Responsible for performance tuning of the product and eliminating memory leakages in the product.
- Used JDBC to connect to the My SQL database and written complex SQL queries to retrieve data from the database.
- Deployed the application in Apache Tomcat Server.
- Used JUnit to perform unit testing.
- Used Eclipse tool for application development.
- Used Configuration Management Tools for version control which is built on CVS.
- Participated in design and code review meetings with developers.
Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, JSP, JavaScript, Servlets, Model View Controller Architecture, JDBC, My SQL, UML, SQL, Junit, Eclipse, Maven, CVS and Apache Tomcat Server.