Sr. Java Developer Resume
San Jose, CA
- About 8 years of IT experience in Object Oriented Analysis and design, Development, Implementation and Testing of various distributed and Web applications including n - tier and MVC architecture and User interface using J2EE and Web technologies like Servlets, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, XML, Java Script, CSS.
- Experience in building highly scalable distributed applications using Java,J2EE, Scala, Spring, Hibernate, Apache Solr, Mongo dB and AWS.
- Expert level knowledge in using spring modules like Spring Core, Spring DAO and Spring AOP, Spring MVC.
- Expertise with Spring Framework using components like MVC, Transactions, ORM and JDBC. Also used Hibernate ORM, JSF and Struts MVC frameworks.
- Experience in integrating the internal security model into new projects with Spring Security and Spring Boot.
- Implemented transaction management using Spring declarative transaction management with Spring AOP concepts
- Experience in Enterprise Integration Development using Apache Camel Framework
- Experience in server side messaging using Camel and JMS (Active MQ implementation).
- Experience on Core Java technology which includes Multi-Threading, JDBC, RMI, network programming.
- Expertise in design and development of various web- and enterprise-level applications using J2EE technologies like JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Oracle.
- Experience with RDBMS concepts like writing Queries, Functions, Triggers, Stored Procedures and PL/SQL Packages.
- Extensive of server-side development experience using the technologies EJB, Web Services, XML, JAXB, Oracle, MySQL Server, SQL, PL/SQL.
- Experience in SOAP based Web Services, REST Web Services, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, SOA, AJAX, RMI, JNDI, MVC.
- Expert in NoSQL and relational data modeling, object-relational integration (ORM), physical design/tuning.
- Developing RESTFUL web services using Spring boot, Spring RESTFUL template, JPA, Cloud foundry
- Expertise at using frameworks and tools like Spring, Hibernate, JSF, ANT, Junit.
- Experience in developing automated process for builds and deployments using Jenkins, Ant, Maven, and Shell Script.
- Implemented AWSsolutions using E2C, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-scaling groups and worked on AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to develop, deploy, and debug Java applications using Confidential Web Services.
- Experience in configuring and deploying web applications in Tomcat Server, Web Logic, Web Sphere and Expertise in migration and up gradation of Web logic Server applying patches and installing service packs for Web logic server
- Good Work experience on various IDE's like Eclipse, My Eclipse, NetBeans, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), and RAD.
- Experience in release engineering with Cloud Foundry in large scale distributed services
- Experience in developing applications using WebSphere Application Server with J2EE and integration with MQ Series/WebSphereMQ.
- Hands-on experience in development of micro services and deploying using Ansible
- Involved in creating/consuming SOAP based web services to expose business operations.
- Experience in persistence frameworks, Hibernate and Spring JPA
- Expertise in installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5, IBM Liberty profile and Tomcat
- Good experience in various Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, MVC, Data Access Object and Business Delegate, UML and Enterprise Application Integration
- Experience in working version control tools like CVS, GitHub and SVN.
- Experienced with Project Deployment, and Management Tools Apache Maven, and Ant.
- Have experience in software Development Processes like SDLC, Waterfall, Agile, Scrum and TDD.
- Highly motivated self-starter with a strong analytical problem solving skills, having ability to multi-task, work in a team environment, understand and be responsive to customer needs, work under tight deadline.
- Work in Confidential development environment to design, build, and implement RESTful Web Services, including toolsPiper,Flag,Gaia,Borg,Blaze,Stubby3,Critic,g4,Proto Buffer,Juckito,Guice,Apps Framework, andCitC.
Programming Languages: JAVA, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++
J2EE Technologies: EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JSF, RMI, JNDI, JMS
Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, AngularJS, JQuery, XML, XSLT, CSS, JSON, JSON-DTD, AJAX, Bootstrap, NodeJS, ReactJS
IDE: IBM RAD, RSA, Eclipse, MyEclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, IntelliJ
Application/Web Server: IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, Apache Tomcat and Glassfish
Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c, SQL, MySQL, DB2, Mongo DB, cassandra.
Methodologies: RUP (Rational Unified Process), Agile, Waterfall, SCRUM, Rapid Application Development.
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX
Application Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Factory Pattern, Core, Spring Context, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Springwith Hibernate)
ORM Frameworks: JPA, Hibernate, Spring JPA, DAO
OO Modeling: Rational Rose, MS Visio
Version Control: Clear Case, SVN (Apache Subversion), CVS, Git
Other Tools: ANT, Maven, Log4j, Jenkins, Junit, JIRA, Selenium
Cloud Computing: AWS ( Confidential Web Services), EC2, RDS, S3
Micro services: Swagger, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Spring Micro Services, Springboot, Netflix Eureka
Confidential, San Jose, CA
Sr. Java Developer
- Work in Google development environment to design, build, and implement RESTful Web Services, including toolsPiper,Flag,Gaia,Borg,Blaze,Stubby3,Critic,g4,Proto Buffer,Juckito,Guice,Apps Framework, andCitC.
- Interface with multiple client teams to assess business objectives and present technical solutions.
- Work with the client to define a functional specification that meets business requirements.
- Represent the client’s objectives during daily agile scrum meetings with the development team.
- Communicate and work effectively with fellow developers to implement technical solutions for the client.
- Design data models for the business domain. Implement resource oriented web services for both read and write operations,Dependency Injection,Spring,EJB3, Core Java/ Java J2EE8 and object oriented design patterns,RESTfulweb services andREST URLdesign principles, andGuice.
- Exception detection and thread rescheduling in amulti-threadJava application.
- Handled large data set (file and data in database) usingmulti-threading.
- Implement unit tests, integration tests and performance tests. Deploy services onGoogleinfrastructure.
- Create a Performance Test Plan inJMeterand determine normal load and heavy load.
- Designed and DevelopedJMeterWebService test plans usingJMeterand created aggregate reports using both http posts and web service calls
- Maintain and support all services built by the team.
- Responsible for on call support duties during normal business hours (not on weekends).
- Responsible for troubleshooting and fixing service outages.
- Responsible for identifying and fixing functional bugs.
- FollowedTest Driven Development(TDD)andAgilesoftware development practice paired programming,test driven developmentandscrumstatus meetings using, Juckito, Mockito, unit testing, Guice, and Stubby integration test.
- Work withHibernate ORMandHibernate Criteria APIandHQLquery to create data layer to communicate with database.
- Work withOracle SQLandPL/SQLandOracle E*Business suiteto create view and integrate with web services.
Environment: Piper, Flag, Gaia, Borg, Blaze, Stubby3, Critic, g4, Proto Buffer, Juckito, Guice, Apps Framework, CitC, Oracle E*Business suite, Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, XML, Ant, Spring Integration, Core Java/ Java J2EE 1.8, Spring, Micro Services, XSLT, JUnit, SSIS, Cloud foundry, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Jira, JMX, Schematron.
Confidential, Mountain View, CA
Sr Java Developer
- Developed various J2EE components like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, SAX, XSLT, JAXP, JNDI, JMS, and MQs
- Used Spring MVC framework to enable the interactions between JSP/View layer and implemented different DPs.
- Data Operations were performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate.
- Implemented business layer using Core java, Spring Beans using dependency injection, Spring annotations,
- Worked with Apache Solr to create search engines and data management.
- Used a micro service architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and MQ and leveraging AWS to build, test and deploy Identity microservices
- Experience working with cassandra.
- Developed search components using Apache Solr, which includes custom search handlers and custom functions
- Worked on service oriented systems that utilize REST web frameworks, SOAP and message queue technologies (Spring MVC 4, Spring REST Template, Rabbit MQ AMQP server, Spring Integration)
- Developing database adapter, web services adapter, messaging adapter and custom workflow for non-oracle system using Camel and Implemented Apache Camel routes using Camel-Spring XML and Camel-Spring processor beans.
- Set up Jenkins server and build jobs to provide automated builds based on polling the GIT source control system.
- Created AWS EC2 Linux instances and bash scripts to run post processing. Used Jenkins with Ansible playbooks to run the deployment process.
- Used S3 buckets to manage document management and RDS to host database.
- Used AWS cloud formation templates and AMI to recreate instances.
- Designed and developed JSP pages using Spring MVC 3.0 framework and also created Spring MVC components like Dispatch servlets, configure Request mapping annotation controllers, view resolver components
- Developed server-side services using Java, Spring, Web Services (SOAP, Restful, WSDL, JAXB, JAX-RPC).
- Implemented features like logging, user session validation using Spring-AOP module and Spring IOC.
- Experience working with NoSql(Cassandra,mongoDB).
- Integrated Spring with Hibernate using configurations and implemented DAO layer to save entities into data base.
- Used JSP, CSS3, JQuery and Angular js,Node js and to design the frontend components.
- Set up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication in Websphere application server.
- Experienced in collaborating with senior backend and senior mobiledevelopersin an Agile &Scrum Methodology.
Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, Servlet/filters, JSP, JSTL, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Springboot, Microservices, Spring REST, Spring Security, Hibernate 3.0, Ajax, AngularJS, Apache Camel, AWS, EC2, S3, WebSphere, Tomcat, Netflix Api, IBM MQ, Eclipse STS, Oracle 11g, MAVEN, JUnit, Log4J, Jenkins, JProfiler, JMeter, Git, Ansible, JIRA, JUnit, Mockito, XML Spy, Fiddler.
Confidential, Troy, MI
Java Application Developer
- Designed and implemented business logic and other administrative tasks that include registration and maintenance of user profile using Java Servlets.
- Used Struts MVC framework along with JST for developing J2EE based web application.
- Implemented Hibernate to map all the tables from different data sources to make database updating.
- Developed web services in Java and Experienced with SOAP, WSDL.
- Experience working with Cassandra and mangoDB.
- Used Hibernate Tools were used as persistence Layer - using the database and configuration data to provide persistence services (and persistent objects) to the application.
- Created and maintained mapping files and transaction control in Hibernate.
- Created and executed Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer through DAO (Data Access Object) pattern and DTO (Data Transfer Object) pattern.
- Rebuilt parts of the SOAP mid-tier for the system.
- Database design, writing SQL scripts. Unit testing of the modules Cooperate with Team Members during concurrent developments.
- Cloning, Clustering, Performance tuning and troubleshooting of WebSphereand Configured JVM parameters for WebSphere applications, Deployed J2EE applications and provided Developer support.
- Implemented the Model View Controller using Spring MVC.
- Responsible for integration of various modules and Web-Methods for offline feed.
- Involved in development of Front-End using JSP, AJAX, Struts, CSS HTML, Java Script and AJAX.
- Designed and coded EJB modules that interact with Oracle database.
- Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server.
- Used XSLT style sheets for the XML data transformations that included both mid-layer transformations (XML to XML) and final transformations (XML to HTML).
- Participated in designing Web services contract in support of the product.
- Designed and developed forms using HTML and validated them using JavaScript.
- Worked on CMVC to perform software version control.
- Implemented the logging framework in the SOA environment.
- Mapping business requirements to application features and the most suited technology to provide business value
Environment: Java, Struts, Spring, Spring MVC, Restful Web Services, Hibernate, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, JUnit, Servlets, EJB, JST, GIT, RAD, SVN, Eclipse, XML,XSLT, XSD, AJAX, HTML, CSS, SOAP, GIT, SAX.DOM Parsers, WebSphere Application Server, Junit, Power Mock, Maven, PL/SQL, Oracle, Putty, Linux, SSO Security, SAML. Wily interscope, Jenkins (CICD)
Confidential, Seattle, WA
Java/J2EE Developer
- Developing business tier using Servlets, Java Controller, Struts technologies.
- Development using Java, JSP and Servlets on WSAD.
- Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework and Used Dependency Injection () along with Inversion of Control (IOC).
- Implemented the project using the Spring Framework (used Spring IOC and Dependency Injection, Spring MVC).
- Built screens with Spring MVC, JSPs, CSS, Dojo and custom JavaScript.
- Developed UI navigation using JSP and Spring MVC architecture.
- Created a wrapper library to help the rest of the team use the Solr database and XML schema for the Solr search engine based on the Oracle schema and Documentation of the Solr Rest API
- Integrated Hibernate ORM framework with spring framework for data persistence and transaction management.
- Responsible for design and developing Persistence classes using Hibernate, and Spring JDBC Template frameworks to save data in database tables.
- Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
- Configured WebSphere resources like JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, and Java Mail sessions.
- Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP.
- Developed Web Services for Payment Transaction and Payment Release.
- Developed the application using RAD as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (CVS).
- Wrote test cases in Junit for unit testing of classes and implemented the logging using Log4j.
- Retrieving code from the repository and deploying in Production using ANT.
- Participated in Functional Document reviews and created Technical documents.
- Built data access subsystems using Hibernate and Spring against stored procedures on a DB2 database
- Resolved database inconsistency with better design and efficient SQL queries.
Environment: J2EE, JSP, Java, Spring, Spring MVC, JMS, Hibernate, Servlets, JSTL, JNDI, JAXP, JMS, Eclipse, JDBC, Multi-Threading, GIT, RAD, XML, Junit, WebSphere, Angular.js, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, SOAP, SVN, ANT, SQL, Oracle, Eclipse STS
Confidential, NJ
Java Developer
- Used Spring MVC framework to develop the application and its architecture.
- Used spring dependency injection to inject all the required dependency in application.
- Being in project I have developed screens, Controller classes, business services and DAO layer respective to the module assigned to me.
- Developed Graphical User Interfaces using HTML, CSS, bootstrap and JSP’s for user interaction.
- Developed webpages using UI frameworks bootstrap, Angular JS.
- Created set of classes using DAO pattern to decouple the business logic and data.
- Implemented Hibernate in the data access object layer to access and update information in the Oracle Database.
- Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
- Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes.
- Interfaced with the Oracle back-end database using Hibernate Framework and XML config files.
- Created DHTML pages, used JavaScript for client-side validations and AJAX, AngularJS to create interactive front-end GUI.
- Consumed Web Services for transferring data between different applications.
- Used Soap Web services to retrieve credit history of the applicants.
- Experience working with cassandra.
- Involved in coding, maintaining, and administering Servlets and JSP components to be deployed on a WebLogic Application server and Apache Tomcat application server.
- Wrote PL/SQL queries, stored procedures, and triggers to perform back-end database operations.
- Built scripts using Ant to build the J2EE application.
- Used Eclipse IDE for developing code modules in the development environment.
- Performed connectivity with Oracle database using JDBC.
- Implemented the logging mechanism using Log4j framework.
- Used SVN version control to track and maintain the different version of the application.
- Mentored few people in team and have reviewed design, code and test cases written by them.
Environment: Java/J2EE 1.5, JSP, Servlets, Spring 2.0, Hibernate, WebLogic Application Server, XML Web service, Oracle 10g, HTML, DHTML, Bootstrap, XML, XSLT, Eclipse3.0, AJAX, JavaScript, Windows XP, JUnit3.8, Log4j, CSS, SVN.
J2EE Developer
- Involved in the development of various front-end modules.
- Worked in deadline driven environment.
- Developing Java script modules for client side validations.
- Developed core Java backend tools.
- Developed custom tag libraries for formatting contents in JSPs.
- Developed and deployed EJBs on the server.
- Involved in the production support for the application.
- Developed various server side components using various J2EE technologies.
- Involved in the development of different user interface screens using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
- Developed presentation modules using Struts framework.
- Developed various controller components using Struts framework.
- Extensively used JDBC to access the database objects.
- Extensively involved in coding of various design patterns.
Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Struts, MVC, EJB, Java Beans, SQL, PL/SQL, Design Patterns, JDBC, JBOSS, Log4J, Apache ANT, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, DB2, Stored Procedures, Windows.
Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in analysis, design and development of application and developed specifications which include Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams.
- Developed server side applications using Servlets, JSP, EJBs and JDBC.
- Used JMS for communicating various clients and its components.
- Used Web Services-WSDL and SOAP.
- Deployed applications on WebLogic Server.
- Extensively configured the build files to different Environments
- Developed Session Beans which encapsulates the workflow logic
- Used Entity Beans to persist the data into database and also used Message Driven Beans MDB to notify the bean state.
- Developed EJB components for middle tier component implementation and business logic implementation.
- Used Struts the MVC framework for building web applications.
- Developed web pages by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Developed PL/SQL database scripts and written Stored Procedures and Triggers.
- Created User guide and application support document.
- Used CVS for the concurrent development in the team and for code repository.
- Involved in regression testing, evaluating the response times, and resolving the connection pooling issue
Environment: Struts 1.x, Unix Shell Scripting, Java 1.4, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJBs, Oracle 8i,, MDB, HTML, Rational Rose, CVS, PL/SQL, WSDL, SOAP, Eclipse.