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Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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  • Over 9 years of extensive IT experience in Object Oriented and Web - based Enterprise applications using Java/J2EE and Client-Server technologies.
  • Motivated, Energetic, hardworking Innovative and team player with excellent communication, Analytical problem solving and trouble shooting skills.
  • Experienced in all stages of Software development life cycle (SDLC) starting from gathering Business specifications, analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of projects using various methodologies like V-model, Waterfall, Agile and Scrum.
  • Expertise in design and development of multi-tiered web based applications using various J2EE technologies like JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, IBM MQ Series, RMI and Web Services (SOAP, WSDL and UDDI).
  • Expertise in Implementing MVC design pattern using Struts 1.0 & Struts 2.0 frameworks. Extensively worked on struts tag libraries, validations, exceptional handling and JSTL in struts framework.
  • Experience in implementing various design patterns including Data Access Object, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, MVC, Data Transfer Object and Singleton.
  • Expertise in developing light weight business component and integrated applications using spring framework, spring web MVC using features like IOC and configuring application context for spring bean factory.
  • Experienced in developing distributed business logic components using EJB architecture such as EJB 2.0 that included Session Beans for workflow, Entity Beans for persistence and MDB (JMS) s for asynchronous communications, fail-safe system development and load balancing.
  • Hands on experience working on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Expertise in designing and developing J2EE compliant systems using IDE tools like Eclipse RCP, My Eclipse, IBM RAD, RSA, Web logic Workbench.
  • Expertise in developing data models using Hibernate (Caching, Relationships and Hibernate DAO) Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework and configuring Hibernate persistence layer.
  • Expertise in XML and related technologies like XSL, XSLT, XQuery and parsers like JAXP (SAX, DOM)JAXB and XML Beans.
  • Good experience in using RDBMS systems Oracle, DB2 and MySQL.
  • Strong experience with Oracle database and programming languages SQL, PL/SQL and in developing Packages, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Cursors.
  • Extensive experience in working with Windows, UNIX, and LINUX platforms.
  • Knowledge in administration of Windows and Unix OS.
  • Expertise in using source control tools like CVS, SVN and IBM Clear Case.
  • Expert in using J2EE complaint application servers like BEA Web logic, IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss and Mule ESB.
  • Good working knowledge of ANT and MAVEN for project build and Log4J for logging.
  • Implemented Unit Testing using JUNIT testing during the projects.


Languages: C, C++, JAVA, JFC (AWT, Swing), SQL, PL/SQL, PERL, VB.NET, C#, ASP.Net

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, STRUTS Framework, JSF, CORBA, EJB 2.0, Hibernate, JavaBeans, JDBC.

Web Technologies: JavaScript, XML, DOM, CSS, HTML.

Frameworks: MVC, Struts1.1,2.0, J2EE Design Patterns, Spring, GWT.

Application/Web servers: IBM Web Sphere, Web Logic, JBoss, Tomcat.

Databases: Oracle 9i/10g,IBM DB2 8.0/7.0, SQL Server 2000.

IDE Tools: IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD), JBuilder, Eclipse RCP, Visual Studio.NET 2003/2005/2008.

Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows7 Enterprise/NT/2000/95/98/XP, Sun Solaris.

Tools: and Utilities: Toad, SQL Navigator, SQL Loader, Rational Rose, CVS, Maven, JUnit, Sqldbx, Log4j, ANT, Macro media tool, IBM Rational ClearQuest, IBM Clearcase.


Confidential, California

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Prepared technical design documents (TDD) for Use cases.
  • Performed Use case design, object modeling using UML, likeTransformation of the Use Cases into Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams.
  • Developed UI pages with JSF framework.
  • Developed application layout and composing tiles definitions, managed beans to use with JSF, Transfer Objects to pass data over layers, Business Delegates for invoking business methods of EJBs, Stateless Session Beans which will access Business Objects, which will in turn call DAO's to retrieve & update data in the Database.
  • Framework leverages JSF features like Event handling, Validation mechanisms, and state management.
  • Creation Managed bean used to instantiate backing beans used in a JSF application and stores them in a Scope.
  • Spring Framework at Business Tier and Uses spring's Bean Factory for initializing services.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection.
  • Developed Backing beans to handle UI components state and stores that state in a scope.
  • Wrote EJB Stateless session to communicate with Controller and Service layer i.e. make the EJB calls from Backing Beans.
  • Wrote configuration files for injecting EJBs, Service Impls and DAO classes.
  • Used JSF framework in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, Validator, Events and Listeners.
  • JSF Framework used for UI pages and Faces Servlet acts as Front Controller.
  • Prototyped use of JSF for presentation development and Spring for middle tier development to analyze if use would ease development.
  • Extensively used JSF Core and HTML tags in UI pages.
  • UsedJava Mailing or Messaging Service (JMS) API’s for mailing detailed notifications depending upon the success and failure once the backend process is complete and also for mailing administrator of any system related problems.
  • Efficiently presented the data using JSF Data tables.
  • UI pages Navigation defined in faces-config.xml
  • Developed complex SQL join queries for efficiently accessing the data.
  • Used Spring Framework with Hibernate to map to database.
  • Wrote HBM Files for mapping Java objects to tables in relational database and updated it as required.
  • Hibernate used as Persistence framework mapping the ORM objects to tables.
  • Developed HQL, SQL queries.

Environment: Java 1.7, JSF 2.0, EJB 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, JNDI, SOAP UI, Web services, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) Eclipse, IBM Web sphere Application Server 8.5, Java Beans, Prime faces, IBM Clear case, IBM Clear Quest, UML, XML, XHTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSL, IBM DB2,Andi, Log4j.

Confidential, Sacramento CA

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed the System, based on the business requirements and prepared the required design Documents.
  • Involved in all the phases of SDLC (software Development Life Cycle).
  • Used Struts to implement the MVC2 Architecture for the presentation and Control layer.
  • Implemented Business Logic using Stateless Session Beans (SLSB).
  • Implemented Layout management using Struts Tiles Framework.
  • Integrated Struts with spring by delegating Struts action management to spring framework.
  • Designed User Interface using Angular JS, CSS3, j-Query and XML in a responsive grid layout.
  • Implemented Cross cutting concerns like logging and declarative transaction management using Spring AOP.
  • Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated with the Hibernate framework for interacting with the Oracle database.
  • Used Access controlwhich enables an authority to control access to areas and resources in a given physical facility or computer-based information system.
  • Usedspringto provide reusable functions that are essential in processing large volumes of records, including logging/tracing, transaction managementand resource management.
  • Used JMS API for Asynchronous communication and development of Fail-safe system
  • Developed Web services usingRADand Tested using SOAP UI.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • DevelopedJMSP2P model module usingJMSandSonic MQ Series.
  • Developed Form Beans, Dispatch Action classes and configured Struts config.xml.
  • Used Spring Web flow for the front end.
  • Implemented various design patterns like service locator, MVC, DAO, Business Delegate and singleton.
  • Used SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) are often required to sign off on the documents or training developed, checking it for accuracy.
  • SMEs are also necessary for the development of training materials
  • Used SAX parser to extract/read the required information from XML.
  • Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems and used JUnit extensively for testing.
  • Used Identity Access Management goal is to provide the right access to the right people in order to protect information sources.
  • Used Spring Securitythat provides advancedauthentication, authorizationand other security features for enterprise applications.
  • Used PVCS for version control.
  • Used Oracle 10g as database and Involved in the development of PL/SQL backend implementation and using SQL created Select, Update and Delete statements

Environment: Angular JS, SERVLETS, JMS, Spring, HIBERNATE 3.0, HTML, XML, Struts 1.2, Spring 2.0, DOM, SAX, Rationale Rose, WSAD5.1.2 (Web Sphere Studio Application Developer), LOG4J, RAD 7.0, J2EE Design Patterns, J-Unit, Oracle, MQ Series, Swing, Windows XP and Web Services.

Confidential, Sacramento CA

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases ofSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Worked as an SME in Case Enforcement Unit
  • Was Lead Developer for about5 Change Requests
  • As Lead Developer, involved in the JAD/ADS(Analysis and Design Sessions) with Requirements, System Testing, Business Applications, Operations and End Users from Counties
  • Gathered the requirement, performed thorough research and analyzed the impacts on the current system with these changes.
  • Worked on a number of production issues. Expert in analyzing, debugging and fixing issues with batch jobs, online pages or any other back end issues
  • As a first point of contact on Batch job run book, was responsible for maintaining and providing batch support for about 60 batch job streams in Case Enforcement unit
  • Implemented a State wide interface between DCSS and CeRTNA(California Electronic Recording Transaction Network Authority).
  • This interface was used for e-recording liens with county recorder offices through CeRTNA
  • Generated UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams usingRational Rose.
  • Designed and Developed application using struts basedMVC framework.
  • Created tile definitions,struts-config files, validation files and resource bundles using struts framework.
  • Designed and developed the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,JSP.
  • Worked on JBOSS Drools for a Work Flow Management System. The business rules will execute a series of rules to determine the next approval flow for the transactions.
  • Used theStruts validationandTiles Frameworkin the presentation layer.
  • Identified action forms and action classes, based on struts framework, to handle pages.
  • UsedSpring Frameworkfor Dependency injection and integrated with the Struts Framework and Hibernate.
  • Involved in the development of Session Beans for the Business Logic and Message Driven beans for asynchronous flow of messages.
  • Moved all the time consuming online processing request in to JMS Queue.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such asMVC,Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
  • Used Hibernate extensively in data access layer to access and update information in the IBM DB2 database.
  • Designed and developed various Simple and Complex Queries, PL/SQL procedures, Stored Procedures, Trigger and Functions.
  • Worked on performance tuning the SQLs and worked closed with performance team.
  • Used JAXB XML parser for data retrieval.
  • Worked on Adobe Life Cycle Designer to edit and create new pdf forms as per the state requirement.
  • UsedANTscripts to build the application and deployed onIBM Web Sphere Server.
  • Developed logging module usingLog4jto create log files to debug as well as trace the application.
  • Performed unit testing usingJUNITframework and used Struts Test Cases for testing Action Classes.
  • Used DB units to test the persistence level classes.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, JMS, MQ series, XML, JavaScript, CSS, UML, HTML,DOM, JNDI, CVS, Log4J, JUnit, IBM Web Sphere, IBM RAD, IBM Clear Case, IBM Clear Quest, IBM Requisite Pro, IBM DB2, PL/SQL, IBM Tivoli Batch Server, Web services.


Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the complete development, testing and maintenance process of the ERP application.
  • Developed J2EE Beans, Action Classes, and Action Mapping and Application facades and hibernate classes to retrieve and submit using the JSF Framework.
  • Performed system analysis and design using OOA/OOD and UML diagrams with Rational Rose and Visio.
  • Introduced the company to interactive JavaScript frameworks like jQuery.
  • Promoted the use of jQuery to many internal units based on evaluation of framework.
  • IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Operating Systems securely locks down business-critical applications, files and operating platforms to help prevent unauthorized access by enforcing policy that security officers set up.Types of policy include login, password and incoming/outgoing network traffic.
  • The Web application shows integration of single sign-on (SSO), challenge/response, self-care, self-registration and changing/resetting passwords.
  • Designed and developed a web-based client using Servlets, JSP,Tag Libraries, Java Script, HTML and XML using Struts/Spring Framework.
  • Wrote CSS pages in top down approach.
  • Implemented Oracle ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) and integrated with BPEL.
  • Application logging implementation based on Jakarta Commons-logging and Log4j.
  • Used XML parsing techniques for data handling and Java Script front-end pages.
  • Used Hibernate as the ORM tool to communicate with the database and developed Persistence layer using Hibernate using stateless session beans incorporating session façade design pattern.
  • Data Modeling (Conceptual, Logical and Physical) during Design phase of the product.
  • Extensively used JBoss while writing code and for creating Data Sources.
  • Involved in coding for the presentation layer using Apache Struts/Tiles Framework, AJAX, XML, XSLT and JavaScript and worked using MVC pattern.
  • Involved in writing session beans, message driven beans and hibernate mapping files
  • Developed middle-ware components (EJB) to manipulate business Transactions and EJB session facade to centralize and manage business methods and transactions.
  • Configured JMS, EJB and Hibernate on Web Logic Server in Eclipse environment.
  • Wrote client side validations for AJAX, JQuery and XML files which checks for the valid values for the different events that are being logged and including integration with Ajax, JavaScript and PostgreSQL technologies. Ensured that our implementation of client’s mock-ups was consistent on all platforms, with all browsers and with all versions.
  • Developed scenarios for unit and Integration testing to ensure that all the components working correctly when integrated.
  • Created browser-based UI using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX components, and Photoshop.
  • Developed back-end project components using Java 5, Spring, and Apache Wicket.
  • Integrated JFreeChart for graphing capabilities. Used SOAP Technology for exchanging the XML application using HTTP.
  • Upgraded application from JRules 4.6 to 5.0, and improved rule execution performance utilizing dynamic rule compilation, adjusting conditions
  • Involved in writing Java Scripts for building the web application. Developed WSDL for implementing web services. Used SVN for version control of the code and configuration files.

Environment: Java1.5/J2EE, JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJB, XML, CSS, XSLT, AJAX,, Struts 1.35, Spring Framework 2.0,ApacheWicket,PostgreSQL,DOJO, Web Services, DB2, Ilog4JRules, SVN, JUnit, Mercury Quality center, Windows XP, LINUX, JRules, Web Logic, Hibernate, ANT, Eclipse RCP, Rational Rose, Log4j, MS Visio, Cognos, JBoss 4.0.5, Swing—extensively, Reflection API, Serialization, Collections API, multithreading.


Java Developer


  • Participated in the analysis, design, and development, testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Used Rational Rose for developing Use case diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in the design phase.
  • Developed Custom Tags to simplify the JSP code.
  • Designed UI screens using JSP, XML and HTML.
  • Used JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Developed the application using Struts Framework developed action classes, form beans and Java Server Pages.
  • Developed Session beans which encapsulate the workflow logic.
  • Designed and implemented Session Façade, Service Locator, Business Delegate and Data Access Object design patterns.
  • Designed and developed Message driven beans that consumed the messages from the Java message queue and generated emails to be sent to the customers.
  • Used Web services for sending and getting data from different applications using SOAP messages, such as credit reports, between the bank and the credit bureaus.
  • Used JAXB XML parser for data retrieval.
  • Used EJB extensively in data access layer to access and update information in the Oracle 10g database.
  • Used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and Maven to build the application and deployed on JBoss.
  • Managed scheduling of reports, maintenance of public and individual folders, distribution lists using Cognos connection.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions. Used CVS for version control and used Eclipse for implementing the application.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, EJB, JSP, Servlets, JMS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, JavaScript, Cognos, CSS, Rational Rose, UML, HTML, JNDI, CVS, MDBs, Log4J, JUnit, ANT, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, Eclipse, JBoss, Unix.


Java Developer


  • Designed and developed Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose
  • Design and developed the application using Jakarta Struts Framework which is based on Model View Controller design pattern
  • Implemented Struts validation and Struts Tiles Framework in the presentation layer
  • Developed user interface using JSP,JSP Tag libraries and Struts Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database
  • Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring
  • Used Perl and shell scripting to automate the batch process and run SQL scripts
  • Developed Web services - WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information from third party
  • Used SAX parser for parsing XML files
  • Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue, such as PDF, Excel report generation
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Session Façade, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton
  • Developed Stored Procedures for Oracle 10g database
  • Performed unit testing using JUNIT framework and used Struts Test Cases for testing Action Classes
  • Used ANT scripts to build the application and deployed on WebSphere Application Server
  • Used Rational Clear Case and Clear Quest for version control and change management

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Struts 1.2, Hibernate, Spring, JSP1.2, Servlets2.1, JMS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, JDBC, JavaScript, UML, Perl, HTML 5, CSS 4, JNDI, CVS, JUnit, WebSphere Server 6.1, RAD 7, Rational Rose, Rational Clear case, Rational Clear Quest, Oracle 10g, UNIX.

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