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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Richmond, VA


  • Over 7 years of experience in the requirement analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and support using Object Oriented Methodologies and Java/J2EE technologies with all 3 - tiers of application development: Presentation, Business, and Persistence layers.
  • Proficiency with the application servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, JBOSS and Tomcat.
  • Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, AMI, IAM through AWS Console and API Integration.
  • Experience in Server infrastructure development on Api Gateway, ELB, Auto Scaling, DynamoDB, Elastisearch, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud Watch, ECS.
  • Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and create snapshots for the data that have to be stored in AWS S3.
  • Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or more EC2 instances.
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login authentication.
  • Installed the application on AWS EC2 instances and also configured the storage on S3 buckets.
  • Good experience to setup, configure continuous build processes using Hudson, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Maven, Ant, Gradle, Docker, and Bash.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, Java Beans, JSP, JSF, Servlets, ApacheStrutsframework, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JDWP, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring dynamic modules (OSGI), Hibernate, Ajax, JUnit, Oracle.
  • Expertise in working with the JavaScript, prototype JS and various MVC JavaScript frameworks AngularJS, BackboneJS, ReactJS, SNodeJS and CruiseControl, Hudson, Bamboo, and/or Jenkins.
  • Proficient in developing Web Services, related technologies &frame works: WSDL, SOAP, REST, AXIS and Jersey, SOAP UI and generating clients client using Eclipse for Web Services consumption.
  • Experience in built web services using Spring and CXF operating within ESB, offering both REST, AWS and SOAP interfaces.
  • Extensive working experience on scripting languages including HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, JQuery, Tiles, Tag Libraries and JavaScript
  • Worked with Maven, ANT Builder for application building, scheduling, mailing and automation and integrated with CIservers like Jenkins.
  • Expert level skills on JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Tiles, Tag Libraries
  • Knowledgeable with RDBMS concepts like writing SQL Queries. Working experience of Relational DBMS like MySQL, Oracle SQL PL/SQL, SQL Server (MS SQL), DB2, Postgre-SQL and NoSQL DBMS like MongoDB, Coherence/Hazlecast and Oracle Performance Tuning.
  • Experience in software configuration management using CVS, Tortoise SVN, PVCS, GitHub and IBM Clear Case.
  • Experience in Agile software development process, Test Driven Development and Test First Methodology
  • Expertise in using and developing environment tools of Java including Eclipse, Spring Tool suite, RAD, Net Beans, WSAD.
  • Hands on experience in working with Junit, Mockito, Groovy Spock and TestNG.
  • Experience with Windows, UNIX operating Systems
  • Having knowledge and hands-on experience with Selenium, Junit, Log4j testing tools.


Languages: C, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Log4J API, Java security

Mark-up/XML Technologies: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, BackboneJS, NodeJS, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, JQuery, JSON

Tools: & Framework: Struts MVC, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring Core, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, JSF, JUnit, SOAP UI, Groovy/Grails, EJB, JMS, Ant, Maven, Subversion.

Web services: AWS, Microservices (Swagger, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Spring Micro Services, Springboot, Netflix Eureka), SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2,CXF

Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss EAP, Web Logic Server

Database: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL server, TOAD,DB2

IDEs: Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, RAD

O-R mapping: Hibernate, iBatis

Modeling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional

Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, Soap UI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest, RTC, StarTeam

Version Control: Tortoise SVN,CVS, Rational Clear case, Git

OS & Environment: Windows, UNIX, Linux, OSX

Design Patterns: MVC, Front Controller, Factory Pattern, Transfer Object Pattern, Singleton, Business Delegate and DAO patterns


Confidential, Richmond, VA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development and testing.
  • Involved in complete development of ‘Agile Development Methodology/SCRUM’ and tested the application in each iteration
  • Implemented Representational state transfer(REST) Web services for distributed systems using Jersey framework to retrieve data from client side.
  • Used Amazon AWS (EC2/S3/EBS) for prototyping and subsequent evaluation.
  • Created and Configure micro service architecture for CDTDirectory project and integrated with AngularJS application.
  • Created continuous delivery pipeline for CDT Directory to run the war, Ami and deploy jobs in Jenkins brew master instance, which reduces the time for the deployment of microservices.
  • Developed an AWS lambda function to send a request for internal service end points through API Gateway using apache Http Client.
  • Experience in Server infrastructure development on AWS Cloud, extensive usage of, AMI’s, EC2, RDS, S3, SNS, and SQS.
  • Create and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying microservices using Jenkins CI server.
  • Install, monitor and maintain the development infrastructure including JIRA and Confluence.
  • Create and configured the new Jenkins slave nodes and distributed the jobs between all Jenkins minions. Configured the Slack in Jenkins and published the build status notifications.
  • Designed front-end presentation logic using JSP, CSS3 and Strut tags.
  • Implemented Business Logic using Java, Spring, Spring boot, Struts and Hibernate.
  • Achieved Dependency injection by creating spring services, Spring Dynamic Modules (OSGI), spring controllers and DAOs so as to wire objects of business classes.
  • Used Jenkins for CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) and Sonar for monitoring projects and code quality.
  • Used Node JS for heavy DOM manipulation.
  • Written unit tests based on the embedded kafka and embedded solr.
  • Used JavaScript, AnjgularJS, and AJAX technologies for front end user input validations and Restful web service calls.
  • Implemented AJAX for asynchronous communication with server providing better user experience.
  • Created DDL and DML SQL scripts for creation of database objects in Oracle DB.
  • Used NoSQL DB like Mongo DB for the proof of concept.
  • Created logical and physical data models putting to practice, concepts of normalization and RDBMS.
  • Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file to be deployed in application servers. It is also used for dependency management of code in application.
  • Resolved bugs/defects in application by coordinated with team members of the project to assure a positive outcome.
  • Involved in production support, resolving the production job failures, interacting with the operations support group for resuming the failed jobs.

Environment: Java, JSP, Servlet, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, AJAX, Web Sphere Application Server, JSP, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Security Hibernate, Oracle, RESTful Web Services, AWS, AXIS, HTML5, CSS3,Jenkins, JAXP, JAXB, JMS, SVN.

Confidential, San Ramon, CA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology.
  • Developed Use Case Diagrams, Object Diagrams and Class Diagrams in UML using Rational Rose.
  • Used AJAXAPI for intensive user operations and client-side validations.
  • Developed the application using JSF, MVC Framework.
  • Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML file that containsdeclarations and other dependent objects declaration.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries and Java Script to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Developed Web services using Apache Axis SOAP engine that would be exposed to external applications to retrieve data from e-Client servicing platform
  • Worked in development of web services for business operations using SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, JDOM, XML, XSL and Apache CXF
  • Inserted Dependency Injection between components using Spring (IOC) concept.
  • Implemented WMQ for provisioning using the Spring JMS Listeners parsed the XML message.
  • Spring annotations (Controller) mechanism to create RESTFUL applications.
  • Implemented Asynchronous messaging between components using JMS.
  • Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility class.
  • Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and also implemented login functionality on the client side in Angular JS
  • Wrote Stored Procedures and complicated queries for IBM DB2
  • Implemented SOA architecture with WebServices using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using CXF framework tool/Apache Commons. Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
  • Designed and developed Hibernate DAO’s using spring framework’s Hibernate Dao Support and Hibernate Template.
  • Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
  • Developed Ant Scripts for the build process and deployed in IBM WebSphere.
  • Involved in developing User Interface (UI) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOJO, JQuery, JSON and JSF
  • Performed deployment of applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server.
  • Involved in Bugfixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application during the Integration testing phase.
  • Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing MVC architecture (Struts Framework), Hibernate deployed on Web Sphere Application Server connecting to a database. Involved in setting up Maven configuration and helping Continuous Integration (CI) Issues.
  • Implemented PL/SQL procedures and views in Oracle Database using Altova Database Spy.
  • Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders components.
  • Used Rational Clear Case for version control and Clear Quest for bug tracking.
  • Created combined deployment descriptors using XML
  • Developed and used Maven for compiling and building the applications.

Environment: Java, J2EE, XMI, JSF, Hibernate, SQL, PL/SQL, Spring Batch, Spring web services Spring core, Spring JDBC, Spring, Spring JMS Listeners, Oracle, XMI, CSS, Log4j, Subversion, JQuery, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, JDOM, XML,UML, Junit, XSL and Apache CXF, Angular JS, JBoss Application Server, Maven, Eclipse, JIRA, Fisheye.

Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in entire SDLC activities of the project including requirement gathering, analysis, design and development and testing
  • Involved in Object analysis, design and documentation of the application model using UML.
  • Implemented Authentication, Upload, Report and Logout processes. Supports Multipart file upload.
  • Developed Full text search using Apache Lucene.
  • Followed model, view and controller architecture (MVC) for the project development.
  • Developed the Presentation layer using Struts MVC. Implemented and maintained AJAX based rich client for improved customer experience.
  • Designed and Developed the UI screensusing JavaScript, Angular JS, JQuery, JSP, requireJS, Html and CSS.
  • Involved in component development using J2EE principles and used design patterns such as Singleton, Factory and Data Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the application
  • Developed code using servlets api and java api
  • Used Hibernate as Persistence tool to interact with Persistent database Oracle.
  • Used Javascript, JQuery, JSTL, CSS3 and Struts 2 tags for developing the JSP’S.
  • Implemented the page GUI pages by using AJAX to asynchronous communication.
  • Created and executed unit test cases by using Junit framework and logging with log4j.
  • Implemented SOAP web services using apache axis. Used SoapUI for web services testing.
  • Worked with defect tracking system Mantis.
  • Worked with IDE as Eclipse Indigo and deployed into Tomcat Server & used ant build tool to achieve more functionality for build process.
  • Responsible for CI builds and integration of development stream in SVN.

Environment: Core Java, Java, J2EE (JSP & Servlets ), HTML, CSS, Adobe Air, Adobe Flex, Hibernate, apache axis, web services, XML, UML, Testing, JBoss, Struts, Eclipse Indigo, Ant, SVN, Oracle, SoapUI, Mantis.


Trainee Software Developer


  • Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Designed the user interfaces using JSPs, developed custom tags, and used JSTL Taglib.
  • Developed various java business classes for handling different functions.
  • Developed controller classes using Struts and tiles api
  • Involved in Documentation and Use case design using UML modeling include development of Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use case Transaction diagrams.
  • Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Transfer of Service using Session EJBs
  • Backend application layer is implemented using EJB in JBoss environment
  • Developed PL/SQL queries, Triggers and Stored Procedures to check the integrity of the data and actively involved in tuning SQL queries
  • Used AJAX for dynamically updating the content
  • Developed UI pages using HTML, Java script, JSP & Tag libraries
  • Participated in design and code reviews
  • Developed JUnit test cases for all the developed modules. Used SVN as version control

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts, JNDI, DB2, HTML, CSS, EJB, Web Sphere Application Server,Hibernate, XML, DOM, SAX, ANT, AJAX, Rational Rose, Eclipse Indigo, SOAP, Apache Tomcat, Oracle, LOG4J, SVN.

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