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Soa Developer Resume

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Scranton, PA


  • Highly motivated and results - driven Development Expert with IT experience of 8 years in Java/J2EE application design, development, implementation and maintenance of Enterprise.
  • Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of SWING, Collections, Multithreading, Event handling and Exception handling
  • Strong Expertise in developing and consuming Web Services (SOAP and Restfull).
  • Involved in all the stages of Software Development Life Cycle including Requirements, Analysis Design, implementation, integration, Testing, deployment, maintenance and also involved in Product Life Cycle Management(PLM) .
  • Good experience with IBM Data Studio, JMS, Web Logic, JBOSS Fuse ESB, Tomcat Application and Web Services.
  • Good knowledge in configuration and management of RDBMS systems like MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle10g, Apache Camel and SQL Server 2008.
  • Strong knowledge on Networking and experience in Oracle service Bus and also role based programming using SQL and MySQL.
  • Experienced in GUI/IDE Tool using Eclipse, IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) and NetBeans.
  • Hands on experience with technologies like Object Oriented design Methodologies, UNIX shell scripting, j2ee, Servlets and Spring Framework.
  • Good experience in implementing J2EE compliant applications using various A Design patterns, Struts framework, Tiles, spring, MVC framework, Hibernate and Messaging Middleware using JMS (MQ series).
  • Hands on experience with technologies like Object Oriented design Methodologies, Information Systems Development Methodology (ISDM), J2EE, JAXB, JAXP,JPA, Client server Technologies, Servlets, Swing, Web-Services, Spring Security and Spring Framework.
  • Worked with ORM tools like HIBERNATE for mapping the objects to Databases.
  • Well versed with both static and dynamic user interfaces using JSP, JSF, JSON, Jquery, AngularJs, Object oriented Java Script, CSS and HTML 5.
  • Experience in developing applications with messaging using JMS, Rabbit MQ, and AMQP.
  • Worked on Operating Systems Windows Environment, ISO, UNIX and LINUX.
  • Hands on Expertise on working with UML tools like RATIONAL ROSE, Microsoft-Visio Professional.
  • Good at Documenting and Understanding User requirements and System specifications
  • Creative team player with good communication and interpersonal, analysis skills with ability to lead the team of developers.


Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, XML, XSTL, UML.

Web Technologies: J2SE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tags, JDBC, Filters.

J2EE Technologies: RMI, JNDI, CP, EJB 2.0/3.0 (SLSB, SFSB, Entity Beans),Multi-threading, JMS/MDB, Web Services (WSDL, SOAP).

Frameworks: EXT JS, Jakarta Struts 1.x/2.x, spring, Spring MVC, Spring Web Services, Hibernate 2.x/3.x/4.x,JPA, DWR, DOJO, JSON.

Front-End Technologies: HTML, CSS, DHTML,JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, JSTL, Custom Tags.


Databases: Oracle8i/9i/10g/11g, DB2 7.1/6.5, MySQL 4.1, SQL Server 6.5, MS-Access

Applications/Web servers: IBM Web Sphere 3.5/4.x/5.x/6.x, BEA Web Logic 8.x/9.x, Apache Tomcat 3.0/4.0/5.x/6.x,JBOSS, LDAP

Process Automation and Version Control tools: ANT, Maven, SOAP UI, JUnit, Log4j, CVS, GIT, Jconsole

IDE tools: Eclipse 4.3, ClearQuest, NetBeans 6.x/7.x, RAD 6.0, Jbuilder, Visual Studio and Twitter Bootstrap.

Operating Systems: Windows 98/NT/2k/XP, UNIX, LINUX.

UML: Rational Rose, MS-Visio, iBatis, Design Principles, Use-Case diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagrams.

Relationships: Association, Aggregation, Realization, Composition, Dependency.

SDLC Methods: Waterfall Model, RUP, Agile, SCRUM and Agile PLM


Confidential, Scranton, PA

SOA Developer


  • Involved in Agile methodology (Scrum) from requirements gathering to maintenance and optimizing the system.
  • UsedJBossApplication Server that implements the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
  • Followed Test driven development(TDD) process in the development of the services.
  • Generated POJO's using JPA 2.0.
  • Used GIT for Version control across common source code used by developers.
  • Developed the Front End using HTML, JavaScript, AngularJs and CSS.
  • Used JBoss Fuse for integration of the web services and Apache Tomcat.
  • Used Apache CXF advanced searching Techniques along with Searching algorithms in developing the service.
  • Used log4j for tracking errors and debugging the code.
  • Used JBoss Fuse to integrate the services to the server which provides runtime monitoring and cluster management (Fuse Fabric).
  • Used Spring Dao classes to perform database transactions with Spring JDBC and Spring JDBC row mapper classes to prepare result set for database operations.
  • Implemented caching techniques, generated POJO classes for storing data and DAO's to retrieve the data.
  • Used Apache CXF for web service development and spring framework to generate artifacts and configuration to publish JAX-WS web services.
  • Used Exception Handling to handle the exceptions thrown by services.
  • All responses are returned inJSON /XML format.
  • Developed SQL queries and stored procedures using squirrel Sql client version3.6.
  • Worked with GemFire Xd and Oracle Database.
  • Used Jerkins to integrate and deploy code to production and staging environment quickly leveraged the use of Java Messaging artifacts using JMS (MQ Series) for sending out automated notification emails to respective users of the application.
  • Used Maven to build and JBoss EAP Server to deploy and run the services.
  • Used Agile Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) as a mediato fix defects raised by testing team and monitored the product development.
  • Translated business requirements to technical design specification documents.
  • Performed JUnit Testing and JMeter to test Functional behavior on the developed web services.

Environment: JBoss Developer Studio, web Services(Restful), JBoss Fuse Esb, JPA 2.0, HTML, TDD, Agile PLM, Thread beans, AngularJs, Jerkins, JMeter, JBoss EAP, Searching Techniques and Searching algorithms, JMS(MQ series), SQL, GIT, Apache CXF, Maven, Exception Handling, JUnit Testing, GemFire Xd and Oracle.

Confidential, Milpitas, CA

JAVA Developer


  • Developed MVC design pattern based User Interface using JSP, XML, HTML and Struts.
  • Developed custom validations and consumed Struts framework validations to validate user input.
  • Developed business components using stateless session Beans (local as well as remote beans).
  • Developed DAO layer using Hibernate as ORM tool to integrate with Oracle.
  • Created EJB, JPA and Hibernate component for the application.
  • Designing and developing the integration between other applications using SOAP.
  • We have consumed and exposed Web Services using SOAP.
  • Designed and coded JAX-WS based Oracle web Servers used to access external financial information.
  • Used Apache CXF open source tool to generate java stubs form WSDL.
  • Involved in writing Multi-Threading Synchronization concepts in Java Programs.
  • Developed asynchronous components using IBM MQ Series with JMS for queuing and messaging.
  • Worked in an Agile Product Life Cycle Management(PLM) based on Scrum.
  • Developed and tested extraction, transformation, job and load (ETL) processes
  • Configured and maintained the SPRING Application Framework’s IOC container.
  • Developed presentation layer using Java Server Faces (JSF) MVC framework.
  • Involved with the team for writing QTP scripts for some applications to replace the Win Runner scripts.
  • Used JSP, XML, JSON, HTML and CSS, JQuery as view components in MVC.
  • Problem analyzed and performance tuned for the author environment using shell scripting in UNIX.
  • Developed monitoring and notification tools using Python.
  • Packaged and deployed the application in Oracle Web Logic server in different environments like Development, testing etc.
  • Actively involved throughout the life cycle of the project from requirements gathering to maintenance and optimizing the system.

Environment: s: J2EE, MQ series, JSP, JSTL, JPA, ETL, JNDI, Java Script, HTML, DHTML, Python, AJAX, CSS, Agile PLM, Jquery, JSF, UML, Unix Shell Scripting, CVS, ANT, JUnit, JIRA, QTP,JSON, Agile, Mockito, Multi-Threading, Struts, Spring, web logic server, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, Hibernate, Linux, Oracle, PL/SQL.

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

Java Developer


  • Worked closely with Business Analysts, Project Managers and Project Leaders to analyze business requirements.
  • UsedJ2EEdesign patterns likeFactory, Singleton, service locator, session facade, and DAO.
  • Involved in various phases ofSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC)as requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design and development.
  • Created graphical user interfaces (GUIs) Front-end usingJSP, JavaScript & HTML.
  • Creation of technical specifications,coding, unit and system integration testing for the enhancements and conducted reviews with users.
  • Extensively used various collection classes likeArray List, Hash Map, Hash Table, and Hash Set.
  • Developed the Use case, Sequence and Class diagrams using UML/Rational Rose.
  • Developed the application usingSpring MVC Frameworkby implementing controller and Back-end service classes.
  • UsedSpring MVCto decouple business logic and view components.
  • ConsumedWeb Servicesfor loan application processing by implementing spring’s REST support is to make the development ofRestfulWeb services.
  • Writing Ant build scripts and taking care of deployment issues.
  • Drawing UML & Sequence diagram Testing Open source Code review usingPMD (TOOL)and testing with JUnit cases.
  • Involved in developing/coding the core framework classes and also developed web services using JAX-WSto make use of existing applications.
  • Involved in creation of both service and client code forJAX-Web Servicesand usedSOAP UIto generate proxy code from theWSDLto consume the remote service.
  • UsedJBossApplication Server that implements the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
  • Involved in Sever side validation based on the Business rules.
  • Involved in unit testing, checkout and check in the source code from Clear Case.
  • Responsible for Writing Hibernate-mappingXML Files, HQL.

Environment: JAVA 1.5, J2EE, Servlets, JDBC, XML, Web Services, JSP, JSF, Hibernate, HTML, spring framework, JSON, XML, JBoss, JAX-WS, WSDL, XSLT, Web services, Web Sphere, Unix, SOAP, Rest, Springs, SOAPUI, Jax-web services, DB2.

Confidential, Pataskala, OH

Java/J2EE Developer


  • The Application is designed using J2EE technologies based on MVC architecture.
  • Designed and coded business components using J2EE architecture.
  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML, XML, XSLT and JavaScript.
  • Designed and coded Swing GUI consisting of multiple windows communicating between them.
  • Installed and configured Microsoft Small Business server 2003/2008/2012 with designing TCP/IP Networking infrastructure for 5-25 users.
  • Entity Bean will manage the transactions with the database to deliver the content to the presentation layer and also to store the data into the data layer.
  • Usedspringbean factory to retrieve objects by name, and to manage relationships between objects.
  • Used spring to provide a consistent framework for data access and to control the proliferation of Singletons.
  • DevelopedBuildScript usingANTtool.
  • ImplementedSpringFrameworkMVC based solution.
  • Developed and deployed Servlets for the interaction with the SQL Server database using JDBC.
  • UsedJBuilderIDE to develop java code.
  • UsedHibernateQueryLanguageand wrote HQL queries for data retrieval from the database.
  • Worked withtomcatin configuring the connection pools and deploying the web applications.
  • Used GOF and J2EE design patterns like Factory, MVC, DAO, Value Object, Service Locator, and Session Facade.
  • WroteAntscripts to automate the builds and installation of modules.
  • Involved in writing Test plans and conducted Unit Tests usingJUnit.

Environment: s: J2EE, Java, Servlets, EJB, JSP, Swing, Hibernate, MS VSS, HTML, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, PL/SQL, SQL Server, JSON, Spring, TCP/IP, Spring MVC, Design Patterns, JUnit, Ant, Tomcat 5.0, JBuilder, Win NT.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Participated in Requirements Analysis, and Design and Development phases of the project and worked inScrum Methodology
  • Designed the application using the core J2EE design patterns Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, and Service Locator.
  • Documented the design documents usingClass Diagrams andSequence Diagramsusing the Rational Application Developer.
  • UsedObject oriented JavaScriptfor developing rich client page.
  • Developed the interactive web page usingStruts 2.0, Hibernate, Ajax, XML, Object oriented JavaScript.
  • Developed controllers, updated the struts configuration files and implemented validation using Struts Validator framework.
  • Mapped (one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-one relations) DTOs to Oracle Database tables and Java data types to SQL data types by creatingHibernatemapping XML files
  • Oracle database was used, wrote stored procedures for commonSQLqueries
  • Developed various Database interaction objects by implementing the DAO Patterns and usedJDBC as Model Component.
  • Used SAX Parser for parsing the xml document.
  • JBoss Serverwas used as the application server for deploying the application.
  • ImplementedLog4jby enabling logging at runtime without modifying the application binary.
  • Involved in Unit Testing and Bug-Fixing and achieved the maximum code coverage usingJUNIT test cases.
  • UsedANTScript for building and deploying the application.
  • Involved in exposing and consumingRestful web service usingX-Fireframework.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE,JDBC, XML, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, Servlets 2.3, Jsp 1.2, Struts 2, Hibernate, unit testing, Log4j, JUnit, JSON, Restful web services, Ant, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, JBoss, and Ajax.


Java Developer


  • Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC)
  • Developed and Implemented Web Services and used Spring Framework.
  • Developed and configured the Javabeans using Struts MVC and Hibernate.
  • Developed Hibernate persistence layer modules using EJB Java Persistence API (JPA) annotations and Entity Manager.
  • Used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Designed and developed the web-tier using Html, JSP's, Servlets, Struts and Tiles framework.
  • Developed complex Web based UI using Struts, Ajax and Java Script.
  • Configured connection pooling using Websphere application server V5.
  • Deployed the application on the Websphere Application Server, Created Connection Pools in Websphere and configured as needed.
  • Worked on implementing Ajax / Jquery methods in retrieving the data from JSON files and loading the claims data on the HTML elements.
  • Developed the front end using JSP, AJAX and Display Tag libraries.
  • Developed web pages using HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Implemented validation using JavaScript.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using JSP, Servlets, HTML5
  • Experience in developing the UI using Jsp, CSS3, Jquery, and JSON.
  • Implemented User interface (UI) entire application using JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, XML/ XSLT, HTML and CSS
  • Developed the Servlets for processing the data on the server.
  • Database designed and created of tables, constraints, normalization, PL/SQL packages, functions, and Stored Procedures.
  • Implemented the database connectivity using JDBC with Oracle Database.
  • Created Class Diagrams and sequence diagrams using UML.
  • Prepare Java /J2EE development structure for Maven.
  • Developing unified Global Transaction Banking platform using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to support a consistent web experience
  • Designed an 'Online Tutorial Forum'. Development of the forum was done usingtechnologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and using Apache tomcat in spring.
  • Set up JBoss Server, Configured MySQL Cluster in Linux OS and installed Open Call XDMS.

Environment: Spring, Hibernate, Struts & JSF, Websphere Portal, Websphere Commerce Developer, Websphere Integration Developer (WID), Websphere Studio Application Developer(WSAD), APACHE CXF, Web Services, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, Html5, JSP, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) & SERVLET, DB2, PL/SQL, JDBC, UML, Eclipse, JUnit, MAVEN, Xml, Oracle Enterprise Content Management (Oracle ECM), GWT (Google Web Toolkit), Apache Tomcat, Linux.

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