Java Developer Resume
Reston, VA
- 6 years of experience in software development includes Analysis, Design and Development of web - based applications.
- Experienced in working with several JEE Technologies like Servlet, JSP, JDBC, JPA, JNDI and Enterprise Java Bean.
- Experienced in working with MVC frameworks like Spring MVC frameworks.
- Extensive experience with Hibernate ORM and IBatis framework.
- Experienced in working in SOA by developing web services using SOAP and Restful architecture.
- Implemented web services using the Java API’s like Jersey, Jackson, Apache-CXF according to JAX-WS and JAX-RS specification.
- Implemented web service clients for both SOAP and REST web services.
- Extensive experience in Agile Development Methodology.
- Experience in UML sequence diagrams, class diagrams and activity diagrams.
- Experience in SQL and PL/SQL.
- Worked on various Application and Web Servers like JBoss, BEA Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere and Apache Tomcat.
- Experienced in working with Jenkins for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD).
- Implemented logging using Log4j and integrated with Splunk logging tool.
- Experience with testing tools like Junit and Mockito.
- Worked on automated testing using Selenium framework.
- Experienced in working with several source control systems like GIT, TFS, SVN.
- Good knowledge on building applications using ANT & Maven.
- Strong experience in different IDEs like RSA, Eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ.
- Experienced in working with several software development methodologies ranging from waterfall model to Agile Scrum and Extreme programming.
- Have excellent communication, interpersonal and analytical skills. Ability to adapt to changing professional work environment to implement software solutions in an efficient manner.
- Extensive experience in coordinating the effort with team members, responsible for deliverables, producing the status reports to management, responsible for managing any escalations.
- Capability to manage and handle client feedbacks and comments, increasing client satisfaction index.
Java and J2EETechnologies: Java, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, Servlets
Web Technologies: Java Script, HTML, JQuery, CSS, AJAX, JSON
Frameworks & Build tools: Spring, Struts1.x/2.x, MVC, Hibernate, Log4j, Maven
Database: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PL/SQL, Mongo DB
Web Services: SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Jersey, Jackson
Version Controls: GIT, TFS, SVN, CVS
Design Patterns: Singleton, UML, Data Access Object (DAO), MVC, Business Delegate
Application Servers: IBM WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss
Operating Systems: Windows 7 / XP, Linux, Unix
Confidential, Reston, VA
Java Developer
- Worked in aggressive co-located Agile environment with two week sprints and was responsible for designing and developing several critical user stories.
- Developed the application logic using various Spring framework modules.
- Implemented the front layer of the application using Spring MVC module and DAO layer using Spring ORM module.
- Implemented Data Access using Hibernate framework. Integrated Hibernate with Spring for declarative transaction management.
- Implemented second level cache using ehCache framework to improve performance of the read operations.
- Developed multiple Soap and Restful services which perform several CRUD operations related to customer account and management modules.
- Implemented ReST web service using Spring framework. Implemented support for both XML and JSON data exchange formats.
- Implemented controllers which will call the REST web services for data load and update. Used Bootstrap for styling
- Developed user interface and DOM manipulation using JavaScript and JQuery Implemented AJAX functionality for rich user experience
- Developed multiple Junit test cases to perform unit testing also used mocking API Mockito to mock several services and also perform dependency injection during unit testing.
- Configured data source on the IBM Websphere application server and optimized connection pool settings for the best performance.
- Configured Maven Pom.xml with multiple phases like to compile, to create an EAR package and to download the dependencies from central repository.
- Used Oracle DB to store customer and application related data and as part of it developed Sql and PL/SQL programming for interaction with RDMS.
- Developed Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures and queries for payment release process and authorization process.
Environment: JAVA, J2EE, MVC, Spring Framework, Oracle PL/SQL, JUnit, Maven, SVN, XML, Hibernate, IBM WebSphere, JAX-WS, JAX-RS/Jersey, Selenium, Eclipse.
Confidential, TX
Java Developer
- Worked on a web based application which was initially developed using Spring MVC framework.
- Worked in an agile development environment followed Extreme Programming model with aggressive deliverables from business.
- Worked closely with business partners on the User Stories and developed the features with iterative approach.
- Developed the UI components using Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and AJAX in the Frontend
- Developed server side UI components using Apache Tiles framework with JSP technologies
- Developed Action, Service and DAO layer classes as part of request response generation lifecycle.
- Worked in the services to develop Soap Based services based on JaxWS specification.
- Integrated with Hibernate ORM tool for database Transaction management and to build DAO and DTO layers.
- Created unit test cases for the core application logic layer using Junit framework.
- Used Maven for building project and automatic dependency management and deployment tool.
- Used Jenkins for the continuous integration and automatic build generation.
- Used TCServer as the application server in the production and apache tomcat in the development environment.
- Wrote SQL and PL/SQL to interact with Oracle DB
Environment: JAVA, J2EE, EJB, Struts 2 MVC, Oracle PL/SQL, JUnit, XML, Hibernate, Apache tiles, JQuery, JAX-WS, Soap, Eclipse
Confidential, Dublin, OH
Java Developer
- Maintained constant communication with Business Analyst and Business Users to identify the user stories and the technical feasibility.
- Used spring as middle tier application framework, persistence strategy using spring support for Hibernate and declarative transaction management.
- All logic exposed via interfaces and practices of Test Driven Development followed consistently.
- Implemented the Spring Model View Controller (MVC) framework
- Designed and developed the UI using spring standard tag libraries, JSP, HTML, CSS and JQuery.
- Used spring validator framework for client side and server side validation. Also implemented dynamic loading of JSP’s using AJAX.
- Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) purposes for persistence onto the DB2 database.
- Responsible for writing Hibernate Criteria and HQL queries.
- Tested Service and data access tier using JUnit in TDD methodology.
- RAD as IDE for the application development and integration of the frameworks.
- Deployed the applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server.
- Used RTC for version management between various integration and development streams.
- Maven is used as a build framework.
- Worked with production support team in debugging and fixing various production issues.
- Prepared high and low level design documents for the business modules for future references and updates.
Environment: Java/J2EE, spring, Hibernate, JMS, XML, WebSphere, RAD, DB2, RTC, Maven, JUnit, AJAX, JQuery.
Java Developer
- Worked with Iterative Development Methodology with a Test Driven approach.
- In case of application development to be loaded, modular approach was used.
- Depending on the business requirements, Class and Sequence diagrams were developed.
- Developed UML diagrams for analyzing the business requirements and designing the system.
- Was a part of every phase in the SDLC.
- Worked on developing JSP’s, Action Classes and delegating the tasks to the corresponding session parameters.
- Involved in Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Design and Development of the project.
- Developed services using Spring Annotations, JSP’s, and Java Beans.
- IBatis was the ORM tool used to relate the objects to the database.
- Most parts of the code developed were integrated using the Spring Framework.
- Implemented validations for both client side and Server side using the Spring Validator Framework.
- MVC design pattern and TDD was used in the application in order to make it more modular.
- Was responsible in generating Maven Script was faster and easier deployment.
- Configurations and Deployment was implemented using the IBM WebSphere Application using Maven Script.
- Deployed Web Services, JSP’s, Servlets, and Server side components in Web Logic Application Server.
- Worked on running integrated testing using the JUNIT and XML for building the data structures required for the Web Service.
Environment: Windows XP, Core Java (J2SE-Multithreading, IO), WSAD, TDD Methodology, Agile Methodology, J2EE-JSP, Servlets, UML (Rational Rose), Web logic Server, Tomcat, Struts2, Spring, Maven, CVS, JUnit, Log4j, EJB 2.0, XML, Oracle 10g, Stored Procedures, RSA, WebSphere v 6.