Sr Java Developer Resume
Columbus, OH
- Having 8+ years of experience in object oriented programming, design and development of Multi - Tier distributed, Enterprise applications using Java and J2EE technologies with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
- Good experience with HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Angular JS, Node JS, JQuery, AJAX and other web development languages.
- Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, Java Beans, JSP, Servlets, Struts framework, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, JUnit, Oracle.
- Excellent working experience in developing applications using J2EE Design Patterns like creational, structural and behavioral design patterns (MVC Architecture, Singleton, Factory, Facade, Service Locator etc.).
- Hands-on programming experience in Java, J2EE, EJB (Enterprise Java Beans), JSP (Java Server Pages), Struts (Java Server Faces, Apache Struts Framework) or other MVC frameworks, XML (extensible Markup Language), Portals, JavaScript, AJAX, DOJO, Web Services, Spring, Hibernate and Oracle.
- Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API’s and monolithic application with Spring Boot and Spring Data for Microservices.
- Extensive experience in Amazon Web Services like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, VPC, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch, Amazon EBS and Amazon Cloud Front.
- Expertise in developing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and J2EE Web Services based on SOAP, REST, WSDL, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC using tools like Apache Axis.
- Extensive experience in Deploying, Configuration on Application & Web Servers such as BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere and Apache Tomcat Web Server.
- Experienced in working with ExtJS.
- Excellent experience in the design, development and implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC) using a Struts Framework, Design Patterns and DAO’s using Hibernate, J2EE Architecture, SDLC, Software Engineering, Object Modeling, Data Modeling.
- Strong working experience using XML DTD and XML Schemas. Experienced in parsing (DOM and SAX) XML using JAXP API.
- Have good knowledge on Single Sign On (SSO) and Identity Management.
- Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Used Apache ActiveMQ as JMS provider.
- Excellent working experience in web-based GUIs development using Spring MVC, Servlets, JSP, HTML. Good Experience in using tools like Maven, Ant and Log4J.
- Experienced in enterprise application integration (EAI) using Spring integration framework.
- Excellent understanding of java concepts like Multithreading, String handling and implemented with JDK 1.8 features.
- Hands on experience in working with JUnit and TestNG.
- Exposure to application development using RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server.
- Ability to work in tight schedules and efficient in meeting deadlines.
- Excellent Analytical, Communication and Interpersonal skills.
- Experience with different methodologies like Waterfall, Agile and TTD.
- Had good exposure to the entire Software Development Life Cycle Viz. Requirements Collection, Design, Implementation and testing activities.
- Also, had a good experience in involving in complete SDLC life cycle till post production in multiple projects.
- Good exposure on using various tools like Spring source tool suite, RAD IDE, Eclipse IDE, TOAD, SQL Developer in implementing the applications.
Languages: Core Java, SQL, PL/SQL, J2EE1.8
Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Log4J API, Java security
Mark-up/ XML Technologies: HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, Angular JS, Node JS, jQuery, JSON
Tools: & Framework Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Log4J, Junit, Jasper reports, SOAP UI.
Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic
Database: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL server, TOAD, DB2
Development Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, RAD, STS
O-R mapping: Hibernate
Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, SoapUI, Putty, WinSCP
OS & Environment: Windows, Linux, UNIX
Design Patterns: MVC, Front Controller, Singleton, Business Delegate and DAO patterns
Confidential, Columbus, OH
Sr Java Developer
- Developed responsive web pages using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script,Bootstrap, AngularJS and Node JS.
- Used Angular JS in development of common entry point for end user and the application. Populating data from the rest services, creating reusable directives.
- Used Spring MVC Design Pattern to hold the UI data and serve the request and to send the response.
- Designed and developed business components using Spring Boot.
- Connected to Data sources and performed operations using Spring Data Framework features like Spring JDBC and Spring ORM.
- Implemented RESTful Web services in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to retrieve data from client side, made REST API calls from Angular JS, parsed the data to client, and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth authentication protocol respectively.
- Integrated Spring DAO for data access using Hibernate to fetch data from database and avoid redundant database access statements.
- ImplementedSpringBatchfor Automation batch processing for handling failed Transactions.
- Used Micro Service architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Rabbit MQ message broker and leveraging Amazon web services (AWS) to deploy identity Micro services.
- ImplementedCacheableAnnotations (Eh-Cache) usingSpring CacheFramework.
- Used Optional classes for handling null values using JDK1.8
- Configured AWS Cloud watch to monitor AWS resources and application.
- Good understanding of AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS), various volume types and utilization of different types of EBS volumes based on requirement.
- The Stream API is integrated into the Collections API, which enables bulk operations on collections, such as sequential or parallel map-reduce transformations
- Convert between collections of objects and collections of objects that wrap those objects using JDK1.8.
- Troubleshoot AWS EC2 Status check including System Status checks and Instance Status check alerts.
- Implemented J2EE design patterns like DAO, BO, DTO and Factory etc.
- Used Optional classes for handling null values using JDK1.8.
- Used WebLogic for design, development, and deployment of applications.
- Coordinated design and development activities in aScrumteam environment.
- Implemented Web Service technologies RESTful API to implement Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) andMicroservices.
- Implemented Code Fixes usingFind bugs,ERAandPMDStyle based on Priority issues.
- ImplementedVelocityTemplatesfor Automatic code generation and Mail Utility.
- Developed and executing unit test cases using JUnit.
- Packaged and deployed the application in IBM WebSphere.
- Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file deployed in application servers and used for dependency management of code in application.
- Resolved bugs/defects in application by coordinating with team members of the project to assure a positive outcome.
- Custom Ansible modules for finding facts aboutCloudwatchalarms and taking actions to pause/unpause those alarms during deployments.
- Used Log4J for application logging and notification, tracing mechanisms.
- To keep track of issues and tasks on individuals used JIRA ticketing system.
- Used Tortoise SVN as a version control and Eclipse IDE to build the application.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, J2EE, Spring, Web Services, AWS EC2Eh Cache, Oracle, WebSphere, Weblogic, Microservices, Log4j, Velocity Templates, Spring Batch, Maven and (Jenkins).
Confidential, Miami, FL
Java Developer
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development and testing.
- Developed the User Interface using Spring framework, JQuery and Ajax.
- Developed user-friendly interface to seamlessly combine the new module with existing login system by usingAngularJS.
- Developed responsive web pages using JavaScript,Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5 and AngularJS.
- Implemented the application using Spring MVC module.
- Used Spring framework AOP features and JDBC module features to persist the data to the database for few applications.
- Also, used the Spring IOC feature to get hibernate session factory and resolve other bean dependencies.
- Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework by configuring the 1:1/1: M /M: M mappings in hibernate mapping files and created DAO and PO.
- Developed various Java beans for performance of business processes and effectively involved in Impact analysis.
- Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
- CreatedRESTfulweb services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts.
- Done thorough code walk through for the team members to check the functional coverage and coding standards.
- Actively involved in writing SQL using SQL query builder.
- Developing Windows Services to download data from external applications like Oracle-Eloqua, Google Analytics and Gigya.
- Actively used the defect-tracking tool JIRA to create and track the defects during QA phase of the project.
- Used Tortoise SVN to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
- Used DAO pattern to retrieve the data from database.
- Used Maven as build tool and deploying the application
- Developed a RESTful data management web service written in Python Pyramid using Postgres JSONB for a large media company.
- Manage Couchbasecluster, refresh buckets, upgrade couchbasecluster.
- Worked with WebSphere application server that handles various requests from Client.
- Developed test cases using JUnit.
Environment: Java, Hibernate, Spring, XML, Tortoise SVN, JSP, MVC, J2EE, JUnit, Maven, WebSphere, AXIS, SOA, JAX-WS, Sun Metro stack, RESTful, SOAP UI, Log4J, SOAP, Oracle, WSDL, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AJAX, Angular JS, JQuery, JIRA and RAD
Confidential, San Mateo CA
Java Developer
- Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology.
- Used AJAX API for intensive user operations and client-side validations.
- Developed user interface using HTML, CSS and Java Script to simplify the complexities of the application.
- Inserted Dependency Injection between components using Spring (IOC) concept.
- Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML file that containsdeclarations and other dependent objects declaration.
- Implemented Asynchronous messaging between components using JMS
- Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility class.
- Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using CXF framework tool/Apache Commons. Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
- Designed and developed Hibernate DAO’s using spring framework’s Hibernate Dao Support and Hibernate Template.
- Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
- Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQL queries, joins, integrity constraints and views for multiple databases Oracle using Toad tool.
- Involved in Unit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases.
- Developed Ant Scripts for the build process and deployed in IBM WebSphere.
- Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application during the Integration testing phase.
- Implemented PL/SQL procedures and views in Oracle Database using Altova Database Spy.
- Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders components.
- Used Rational Clear Case for version control and Clear Quest for bug tracking.
- Performed deployment of applications on IBM Websphere Application Server.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle(Toad), PL/SQL, log4j and XML, ANT, Subversion (SVN), WebSphere, RAD.
Java/J2EE Developer
- Implementing Struts MVC Design pattern for the Application for the front-end appearance and log in Screens.
- Developed applications usingApplication Lifecycle Managementto deliver reliable applications
- Developed the view-controller components using Servlets/JSPs, JavaScript,CSS, and HTML.
- Wrote client side validation in Java Script.
- Involved in creating JSP pages for presentation of the data to the end user.
- Wrote ANT scripts to deploy the components on Web Sphere Application Server.
- Did regular code reviews and fixed major bugs without side effects.
- Strict adherence to Java coding standards.
- Developed persistence Layer usingHibernateto persist the data and to manage the data
- Extensively usedHQL and SQLfor querying databases.
- Developed Hibernate configuration files and queries and Implemented DAO classes
- Implementing Log4j for logging and debugging.
- PreparedJUnittest cases and executed the test cases.
- Involved in bug fixing during the System testing, Joint System testing and User acceptance testing.
Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, JS, JSP, MVC, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, Web Sphere, Oracle, ANT, JUnit, Java Script, Ant, Log4J
Programmer / Analyst
- Involved in developing JSP, AJAX for client data presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms. Developed Struts MVC compliant components for the web tier.
- Developed Presentation tier as HTML, Java Server Pages using Struts MVC Framework implementing Struts validator, Tiles and Struts Internationalization.
- Created Action Classes for Controller in Struts MVC Framework.
- Implemented Struts Framework for configuration of action mappings and presentation logic in JSPs.
- Designed and developed reports module using Reports Framework with Jasper engine.
- Written SQL and PL/SQL procedures for Hypersonic, Oracle and SQL Server databases
- Developed JUnit test cases for the import and validation modules
- Used another Jakarta commons logging, ANT and SVN
Environment: Java, J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, MVC, Struts, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JUnit, AJAX, PL/SQL, Eclipse, Hypersonic, Oracle, SQL Server, Ant, SVN