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Sr Java Developer Resume

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Kansas City, MissourI


  • 7 Plus Years of experience in Designing & Development Enterprise applications & solutions, with extensive work experience in developing Web based Enterprise application using J2EE, JSP, Servlet, Struts and JSF 2.0.
  • Extensively used Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Java Beans, EJB, JNDI, Confidential, Struts, Tiles, HTML, JavaScript, PL/SQL web applications.
  • Experience and expertise analyzing, designing and developing enterprise applications using Java, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, CFX, Oracle Fusion middleware, SOA Suite 11g, OSB, JDeveloper 11g, SCA, WebLogic 10,Apache, Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, IBM BPM 7.5, IBM Rational Software Development Platform
  • Developed applications based on Model - View-Controller(MVC)architecture, using Struts.
  • Have significant experience in design and programming (J2EE, Confidential, JSP, HTML, Servlets, Swing,JavaScript, XML, SQL, Oracle)
  • Extensive experience in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
  • Expertise in development of enterprise software applications using Java, Swing, J2EE, Confidential, JMS, Servlets, JSPs, Struts framework, Spring MVC, Stripes, Java Beans, EJB, JavaPortals, RMI, XML, IBM WebSphere (WSAD/RAD), WebLogic, Velocity, iBATIS.
  • Expertise in using Design Patterns likeMVC,Factory, Value Objects, Session Façade, Proxy, Singleton and other J2EE design patterns.
  • Experience in installing, configuring and using ecosystem components like Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS, Sqoop, Pig, Flume, Hive, HBase, Zoo Keeper, Cassandra
  • Hands-on experience with Hadoop components such as Job Tracker, Task Tracker, Name Node, Data Node, MapReduce and HDFS Framework
  • Expertise in developing and deploying Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, SOA and XML technologies like JAXP,JAXB,XML Spy, JAX-WS, JAX-RS
  • Used B2B adapters like DB, File, FTP and MQ and define Canonical enterprise specific EBO’s.
  • Exposure to Mocking framework for Unit testing - Mockito, EasyMock, Powermock
  • Experience in using Hibernate as Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework and Maven, a highly effective project management tool for Java/J2EE projects.
  • Good working knowledge of Web and application development using Java 2, Confidential 2.0, JSP (JavaServer Pages), Servlets, Java Beans, JSF (Java Server Faces), HTML5 AJAX and JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Grails, JQuery.
  • Designed and developed Web 2.0 applications using JavaScript and XML (AJAX), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java Persistence (JPA), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.0), Seam Framework
  • Good Understanding of OOA, OOD, OOPS and J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, Singleton, Session Façade, Factory, DTO, DAO and Service Locator .
  • Design and development of distributed Enterprise and Web applications using UML, Java, J2EE (EJB, JSP, Servlets, Struts Frame Work, JMS), Confidential, HTML, XML (SAX, DOM, JDOM), XSL, XSLT, Java Script, Hibernate
  • Have complete Software development life cycle (SDLC) Knowledge and experience.
  • Strong understanding of Multi-Tier Environment and Design Patterns.
  • Worked with Relational Database Management Systems including Oracle, SQL Server and PL/SQL and have worked extensively on Confidential to connect to and access various remote databases including Oracle, MySql, SQL Server.
  • Good knowledge in Object Relation Mapping using Hibernate.
  • Good Working Knowledge of J2EE Application Server - WebLogic 5.1/6.1/7.1/8.1 and WebSphere 4.0/5.0/6
  • Experience in JUnit Testing
  • Possess development skills in XML technologies like XML DTD, XSL, SAX and DOM parsers
  • Exposure to three-tier and N-tier Client/Server development architecture.


Languages: Java,Swing, J2EE, J2ME,JavaServlets, JSP, JNDI, LDAP, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, PL/SQL, XML, XSL, SQL,Groovy, Ruby, Jython, C++

Middleware: Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g (OracleSOASuite, OSB, BAM, B2B, JMS), IBM MQ, IBM WebSphere, BPEL, BPM.

Application Servers: Weblogic 11g, IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0, Glassfish, JBoss, Apache Tomcat

Internet Technologies: Java(Servlets, Confidential /ODBC, JSP, JSF, EJB, RMI), HTML, DHTML, XML, AJAX, Adobe FLEX, angular.js

Web Services: SOAP1.1, WSDL1.1, UDDI, AXIS, XML-RPC

Process & Methodologies: STRUTS 1.1/1.2/2, Spring 2.5/3.0, Freemarker, Hibernate, UML, RUP, OOAD, Agile Scrum, Ruby on Rails (RoR),Stripes,OWASP

Distributed Computing: J2EE, RMI

Development Environment: Eclipse, JDeveloper, Rational Application Developer 6.0/7.0, NetBeans

Database: Oracle 11g/10g/9i, SQL Server, Informix,PostgreSQL, MySQL, Derby

Other Tools: Maven, PMD, VSS, Rational Rose, CVS, SVN, TOAD, JIRA, JTrac, XMLSpy /Tools for WSDL / XSD / XPATH / XQUERY

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP, UNIX, LINUX

Hardware: HP, SUN and IBM compatible machines


Confidential, Kansas City, Missouri

Sr Java developer


  • Jakarta Struts in conjunction with JSP are used in developing user Interface for Staff Portal screens.
  • Developed forms and Reports using Oracle forms and reports.
  • Involved in developing the JSF/Prime faces Pages.
  • Developed Managed beans on framework JSF 2.0
  • Defined and CreatedSOAsoftware and hardware infrastructure, including Application Servers, Services Bus, Server Domains etc.
  • Performance Tuning ofproductionapplication servers
  • Java Heap / Garbage Collection optimization.
  • Good experience in Concentration on building JAVA/J2EE, Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) business solutions from the business need and solutions aspect, in contrast to the product line and well experienced in managing end-to-end project life cycle.
  • Prototyped and implemented Cloud based Service Bus on WSO2 for engaging stakeholders in the initialSOAdiscussions.
  • Troubleshoot performance issues for the RAC instances (GC events)
  • Implemented load-balancing withNGINXtoallow dozens ofNode JSinstances to handle thousands of concurrent users.
  • Used Struts Framework in the application, which is based onMVCdesign pattern. Developed Action classes and Form beans and configured the struts-config.xml.
  • Lead, Designed and DevelopedSOAenterprise systemusingOracleSOASuite 11g
  • Defined Canonical for Provider Search BPEL to support both MAHC ACA and MAHC
  • Architected and developed Enterprise Business Services (EBS) and published them through Service catalog for enterprise wide use.
  • Updated pages usingHTML, CSSinAngular.jsframework.
  • Upgrade of 10g R2 RAC to 11g R2 RAC.
  • Installation of RAC and Managing RAC Environment efficiently
  • Proficient in RAC performance Tuning
  • Use code minimizer libraries along withMavento build and deploy the application
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures, Functions, Packages, SQL scripts to facilitate the functionality for various modules
  • Liaised with BPM Analysts, Technical engineers and Project executive to build solutions that solved customer problems and delivered business value.
  • Contributed effectively to develop solutions in the areas of process flow, business logic and user interface.
  • Involved in developing GUI using JSF Prime faces.
  • Configuration on Websphere Server
  • Front end development using JSPs (model 2), CSS2, JSTL, JavaScript and Struts Tags.
  • Worked on database interaction layer for insertions, updating and retrieval operations of data from oracle database by writing stored procedures.
  • Involved in writing JUnit Test Cases.
  • Used Log4j logging framework to debug the code
  • Used CVS as version controlling tool.

Environment: JSF 2.0,Primefaces,J2EE 1.4, Spring 2.0 Framework, Struts 2.0, RAD 6.0,JSF 2.0, Rational Clear Case, HTML,UML, Oracle Forms and Reports, Oracle Service Bus (OSB), OracleSOASuite 11g, Oracle BPM, Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g,Maven, Weblogic 10.3.5,Java6, BEPL, SOAP(JavaWeb Services),SQL, MVC,LOG4J, Angular.js, Ant 1.5, Log4J, Windows NT, WebSphere 6, Unix.

Confidential, Kansas City, Missouri

Sr Java developer


  • Developed modules using Spring 2.0 Framework for Dependency injection through configuration files and eases the integration of different frameworks.
  • Instrumental in getting OracleSOAplatform (11g) infrastructure up and running through installation, validation and POC with System of record.
  • Research and implementation of JavaScript Frameworks, including Backbone.js, Ember.js, Spine, ExtJS, andAngular.js.
  • Created the BPD nested processed and dynamic sub processes for New Product implementation.
  • I was implemented complete automation of new business process for new product implementation.
  • Developed code for obtaining bean references in Spring IoC framework.
  • Developed code based on framework spring batch.
  • Design of methodology document - Tuning Guide for Drfirst performance engineers.
  • Application was built onMVCarchitecture with JSP, CSS, HTML and DHTML acting as presentation layer, Servlets as controller and EJB as business layer.
  • Created jobs and steps using framework spring batch
  • Design, develop, test, maintain and upgradeRESTfulAPI based Web Application.
  • Worked with business teams using Agile methodology to integrate business line of apps with SOAin a seamless fashion.
  • Services completely redesigned andre-implemented using NGINX,Node JS,Express JS, Mongo DB, and MySQL.
  • Responsible for developing the front end using JSF 2.0.
  • Created navigation rules on framework JSF2.0
  • Designed and developed Service Classes for encapsulating business processes using Singleton design pattern.
  • Configured Log4j logging mechanism to increase logging performance.
  • Involved in the integration of Spring 2.0 for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IoC).
  • Developed SqlMap DAO and Confidential DAO classes for the persistence layer.
  • Involved in designing class diagrams and usecase diagrams using UML.
  • Performed unit testing using JUnit testing framework.
  • Involved in requirement gathering sessions.

Environment: J2EE 1.4, Spring 2.0 Framework, JSF 2.0 iBATIS 2.3.0, JavaScript, Informix 7.30, RAD 6.0, Digester Framework, Rational Clear Case, HTML, UML, Ant 1.5, Log4J, Windows NT, WebLogic8.1/9.0, UNIX, DB2,JDeveloper, MVC,Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, OracleSOASuite 11g, OEPE, OSB,Java6, BEPL, Angular.js, Backbone.js SOAP(JavaWeb Services),RESTfulWeb Services API, Maven, SQL, LOG4J, Weblogic 10.3.5

Confidential, Alexandria - VA

Sr Java developer


  • Jakarta Struts in conjunction with JSP are used in developing user Interface for administrative screens and user interaction screens.
  • Developed Session Beans for necessary transactions like fetching the data required, updating the customer information
  • ConsumedRESTfulweb services using GRAILS
  • Involved in coding of Servlets and EJB communication
  • Developed servlets to process the requests, transfer the control according to the request to Corresponding Session Beans, JSP pages.
  • Involved in writing session beans, message driven beans and hibernate mapping files
  • Configured EJB and Hibernate on Websphere Server
  • Front end development using JSPs (model 2), CSS2, JSTL, JavaScript and Struts Tags.
  • Worked on database interaction layer for insertions, updating and retrieval operations of data from oracle database by writing stored procedures
  • Developed WSDL for implementing webservices
  • Used WSAD IE 5.1 as the IDE for the project.
  • Involved in writing JUnit TestCases.
  • Designed and created SOAP Protocols for transferring Value Objects.
  • Used Log4j logging framework to debug the code
  • Used CVS as version controlling tool.

Environment: Java 2 (JDK 1.3/1.4), J2EE 1.3/1.4, JSP/Struts 1.1/, Websphere Application Server, WSAD IE 5.1, JSF 2.0, Servlets, EJB2.0, Zoo Keeper, Mongo DB, NO SQL, Oracle 9i, Hibernate, Ajax, Visio 2002,, XML, CSS2,CVS, JavaScript, MVC,SOAP Web Service and UNIX

Confidential, Bloomfield, CT

Sr Java developer


  • Involved in Requirement Analysis, and documentation.
  • Used OO techniques such as UML methodology (use cases, sequence diagrams and activity
  • Diagrams) and developed class diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Design and development of UI Screens using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed Controller Servlets and Action Servlets to handle the request and responses.
  • Developed Request Cash Message and get Cash plugins using Java Beans.
  • Designed DTD's for XML representation of data.
  • Designed and documentedRESTfulAPIs to support mobile & tablet applications - data architecture, sequence diagrams, object model, JSON data formats, class diagrams EJB
  • Used Hibernate as the ORM tool to communicate with the database
  • Used Hibernate (persistence framework) to implement the Database Access layer.
  • Involved in creation and deployment of Enterprise Application on Websphere Application Server
  • Communication between Internet layer and Authorizations is RMI.
  • Designed Data model and Implemented Database Interactions using SQL and Confidential .
  • Design and Implemented Action class, Action Forms for Struts.
  • Used MVC Framework for development of web based application.
  • Provided support to the current applications.

Environment: J2EE 1.3, JDK 1.3.1, EJB1.1, Servlets 2.3, JSP 2.0, C++, Struts 1.1, Confidential 2.0, RMI, XML, ANT, JUnit, AJAX, Hibernate, Unix, Log4J, Clearcase 4.1+, UML(Rational Rose), Visio, Jbuilder, Java Script, Java Beans, Oracle 9i,Perl .

Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Sr Java developer


  • Involved in requirement gathering with the business analysts.
  • Wrote technical specification documents based on the SDLC requirements.
  • UsedVisioto produce process flow diagrams, class diagram and logic diagrams.
  • Worked onSQL tuningand Wrote complexsqlfor pulling hierarchal data fromDB2database.
  • CodedJSP,Servlets,JavaActionclasses andJavaBeansas part of development.
  • WroteJavaScriptfor some of the UI validations, alerts and confirmations windows.
  • Implementedblue martini DNAframework for development and customizing applications.
  • DevelopedAjaxcode with thejavascriptfor some of the html form submissions.
  • Worked on implementing user authentication withWASform login against windows active directory.
  • Worked on creating users, user roles and enablingglobal securityon application server console.
  • Worked on converting Credit Card Number to an internal references number by calling enterprise web services.
  • UsedQuery Analyzer Toolto resolve theresponse timeissues by tuning the table joins.
  • Worked on resolution and documentation of the memory andperformance issuesby analyzing thejavacore dumps.
  • Worked onANTscripts for building and deploying the applications on the AIX systems.
  • Coordinated with build, system test and enterprise teams during the application lifecycle process.

Environment: JAVA,JDK1.5, J2EE1.4, EJB2.0, JNDI, JMS,JSP,Servlets, HTML, Ajax,XML,XMLSPY, Visio, WSDLv2.0, SOAPv1.2, LOG4J, Quality Center, WebSphere6.1, Web Art Designer, RAD7.5, Lotus Notes, RationalClearCase, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Quest Central for DB2, IBM AIX 5.2 and Windows XP professional.


Sr Java developer


  • Involved in analysis of requirements with business teams to deliver the best technical solution
  • Involvement in the use cases, development of OOAD and modeling, which involved in class diagrams and Object Diagrams using UML.
  • Worked with architects to conceptualize the whole project right from scratch.
  • Was involved actively in all phases of project and also the creation of all artifacts related to all phases ofproject.
  • Requirement spec by discussing with clients, Highlevel design, detailed design, traceability metrics, build junits, interface design with all the mappings.
  • Spanning from the requirements till delivery
  • Prepared Detailed Technical Design Document by converting the Use Cases.
  • Created, documented, and implemented unit test plans, scripts, and test harnesses.
  • End to end design and development ofinterfaces,adapaters, Framework level utilities
  • IntegratedDynatraceend to end transaction monitoring tool which helpstomonitoreach and every transaction and detect bottle necks and provides dash boards and reporting.
  • Since this is developed from scratch with abig development team there were a lot of performance bottlenecks.Actively involved in closing all the bottlenecks
  • Optimized system performance by writing stored procedures and calling them using Confidential callable statements.
  • Design and development of UI screens using Jsp, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Used XSLT to transform data from one Document into another.
  • Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing.
  • Provided support to the current application.
  • Participated in weekend reviews with team members

Environment: JDK1.3, JDBC2.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Weblogic Application Server, Eclipse 3.0, QLServer7.0, DreamWeaver4.0, Windows 2000.

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