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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Manhattan, NY


  • Overall 8 years of broad involvement in Design, Development and Maintenance of Web applications with great information and working knowledge on Multi - Tier Architectures utilizing web centric innovations in various domains.
  • Hands on experience in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Good working experience with Agile Methodology(Scrum), Waterfall model and with Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Hands on experience in Requirement Analysis, High-level design using Design Patterns and Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Experience using J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, DAO, Singleton, Factory pattern, and service locator and Delegate.
  • Good Knowledge on developing the UI pages from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, Angular.js, Node JS and React.js.
  • Experience with Front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular JS, Node JS.
  • Having knowledge on Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and functional interfaces and Parallel Streams.
  • Expertise in the implementation of Core concepts of Java, J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JSTL, JMS, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, EJB, JavaBeans, JDBC, XML, Web Services, JNDI, Multi-Threading.
  • Strong hands-on experience with Spring MVC Controllers, Spring Annotations, Inversion of Control (IOC), DI (Dependency injection), Aspect oriented programming(AOP), Spring Boot, Spring DAO, Spring ORM (Hibernate, JPA).
  • Expertise in developing MVC architecture for web based applications using Spring MVC framework and Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP & REST).
  • Extensive experience in development of Web services such as SOAP using WSDL, JAXB, SOAP, JAX-WS and Apache CXF and Restful using JAX-RS, CXF, Rest easy, JERSY implementation.
  • Used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between the applications.
  • Developed and consumed RESTful Web Services in multiple projects.
  • Have Experience on REST Microservices using Spring Boot for the customers to consume data.
  • Familiar with web services formats XML and JSON.
  • Having knowledge of integrating AWS (Amazon Web Services) with other Application Infrastructure and Deploying scripts to AWS.
  • Hands on Experience with Middleware Technology Messaging Brokers like JMS, Active MQ, Rabbit MQ.
  • Experience in Enterprise Integration Development using Apache Camel Framework.
  • Extensive experience in developing producers & customers in Apache Kafka to build a data pipeline.
  • Having Experience to develop business logic using Scala.
  • Having Experience build applications based on SOA architecture in IBM integration Designer.
  • Experience in writing SQL, PL/SQL Procedures / Functions, Triggers and Packages on Database (RDBMS) packages like Oracle 11g, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Good understanding of NoSQL Databases and hands on work experience in writing application on No SQL databases like Cassandra, MongoDB, DynamoDB.
  • Good experience in working with Web/Application servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere and/or Web Logic, JBOSS.
  • Worked on CI/CD tools for creating Jenkins jobs, trigger the build and perform release cuts of the application.
  • Expertise in using Version control tools like SVN and GIT, CVS.
  • Expertise in creating build files using ANT, MAVEN, GRADLE.
  • Experience in Logging and Tracing tool like log4j and SPLUNK.
  • Have experience to Develop scripts for build, deployment, maintenance and related tasks using Jenkins, Docker.
  • Good Knowledge on using JUnit for Unit Testing along with Spring Mock and Mockito framework.
  • Good experience on Selenium IDE and creating scripts in selenium-RC by using Java.
  • Good working Domain Experience’s on Banking, HealthCare, Health Insurance, Communication, Financial.
  • Experienced in Business/Technical Requirements Capturing, Configuration Management, Team Coordination and Software Engineering Processes.


Languages: Core Java, J2EE, SQL and PL/SQL

Java/J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP 1.2/2.0/3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlet API 3.0

Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Angular JS 1.X JSF, Struts 1.x/2.0

Application/Web servers: IBM WebSphere 8.x/7.x/ 6.x/5.x, BEA Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x, JBOSS 4.x/3.x, Web Sockets.

Databases: Oracle 10g/11g/12C, SQL server 2012/2014/2016 , MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1

NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra

Web Technologies: HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3, jQuery 2.11, Bootstrap, Angular JS 2.0, React JS, Node JS.

Version Controls: GIT, GitHub, sub version and JIRA

Operating system: Windows 10, Linux, Unix

Testing and Logging Frameworks: JUnit, JMeter, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG, easy mock and power mock.

Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports XI, SSRS 5.0, IDQ Analyst Tool 9.5 & Jasper Reports 6.0Methodologies

Agile, waterfall, TDD, Scrum: Developer

IDE Platforms: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, Studio, GITHUB, Edit plus, Notepad ++.

Build Tools: Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1, Jenkins 2.x

XML & Web Services: SOAP, REST, XML, XSD, Apache Axis, DOM, SAX, JAXP, JAXB, XML Bean

Cloud Environments: AWS, Pivotal Cloud Foundry


Confidential, Manhattan, NY

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle including Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance.
  • Involved in Daily Scrum (Agile) meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint.
  • UsedAngular 2.0for data binding, and NodeJSfor back-end support with APIs.
  • Experience in Client-side web development utilizingHTML 5,CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular JS (2.0) Typescriptto developSingle Page Application (SPA) and for the interactive user interface.
  • UsedAngular-CLI to generate components, routes, services, pipes and to run tests.
  • ImplementedAngular 2 Router to enable navigation from one view to the next as agent performs application tasks.
  • CreatedAngular 2components, implemented Interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping Router Outlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden property.
  • Used Angular 2 MVC architecture and two-way data binding techniques in the development of the application.
  • Built stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Application classes are developed by Core Java 8 concepts like Lambdas, Streams, parallel Streams, Functional Interfaces.
  • Developed Business objects using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework.
  • Extensively Implemented Spring Boot, dependency Injection (DI) and AOP.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API's and Spring Boot for Microservices.
  • Developed REST architecture based web services using Node JS, stored dependencies using NPM and facilitated communication between client- server.
  • Involved in the implementation of the RESTful web services using the Spring Boot and to perform CRUD operation from the database, published the REST services. parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security. Spring security OAuth, can be used for authentication and authorization purposes in application.
  • Designed and developed Spring Boot adapter applications using Rest API.
  • Implemented Microservices based Cloud Architecture utilizing Spring Boot.
  • Designed and created Microservices business segments and RESTful administration endpoints utilizing Spring Boot.
  • Developed Spring Boot applications using spring data. Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices.
  • To generate reports for the batch services used the Spring Batch, created test cases of Junit for testing the DAO layer.
  • Performed configuration, deployment and support of cloud services including Amazon Web Services (AWS). Launch various AWS EC2 instance to deploy the application. Practical implementation of AWS S3, RDC, EBS.
  • Used AWS SDK to connect with Amazon SQS for bulk email processing.
  • Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to monitor.
  • Hosted and tested the application in AWS servers before publishing it in an actual production environment
  • Focused on Test Driven Development thereby creating detailed Junit tests for every single piece of functionality before the functionality.
  • Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and Microservices.
  • Used Spring-data module to communicate with Mongo DB.
  • Jira was used for project tracking and bug fixing and Jenkins for continuous Integration.
  • Involved in server configurations, Data Sources, Connection Pooling and deploying the apps on WebSphere.
  • Creating detailed Junit test for producing the clear and actual functionality of the application.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Involved in building the code using Maven & deployed on server.
  • Version controls like GIT Used for source code version controlling.
  • Used NoSQL DB like MongoDB for the proof of concept. Used MongoDB as data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise. Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, replication, schema design.

Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS 2.0, Bootstrap, JSON, J2EE, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, JSP, Hibernate, Web services, RESTful, Stored Procedures, RAD, WebLogic, Agile/Scrum Methodology, Kafka, AWS, Linux, Maven, Pivotal Cloud, Git, JIRA, Junit, Microservices, TDD, MongoDB, Angular JS.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in Daily Scrum (Agile) meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint.
  • Designed the complete website using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
  • Developed single page applications (SPAs) using Angular JS to improve page performance. UsedAngular JSto create reusable components like custom directives, filters for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI. Experience in writing swagger documentation for Node JSservices.
  • UsedAngular JSto create reusable components like custom directives, filters for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.
  • Added dynamic functionality to the application by implementing Node JS.
  • Wrote internal and external API services using Node JS modules.
  • Developed internal coding using J2EE technologies based on the MVC Architecture.
  • Used Java 8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, Functional Programming, Stream API etc.
  • Implemented Business Logic using Java, Spring MVC and Hibernate.
  • Implemented RESTful Web services to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from Angular JS and parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth.
  • Developed Business objects using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework
  • Designed and developed business components using Spring Boot, Spring Dependency Injection (Core), Spring AOP Spring Annotations.
  • Used Spring Data Framework to use the features of Spring JDBC and Spring ORM classes like JDBC Template and Hibernate Template to perform the database operations by connecting to Data sources available.
  • Removed all the XML based configurations required to build the MVC application and maintained in the classes using Spring Boot.
  • Batch processing and partitioning using Spring-Batch.
  • Developed REST architecture based web services to facilitate communication between client- server.
  • Involved in the implementation of the RESTful web services using the Spring Boot and to perform CRUD operation from the database, published the REST services. parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security.
  • Implemented RESTful and SOAP based web administrations utilizing for JAX-RS and JAX-WS individually.
  • Strategic and practical implementation of cloud-specificAWStechnologies including Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), Simple Storage Services (S3), Cloud Formation, Elastic Beanstalk, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC),RDSandCloud Watch.
  • Hands-on experience in developing AWS cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling for EC2 instances and involved in the automated provisioning of AWS cloud environment using Jenkins.
  • Aware of troubleshooting issues on AWS and other developer IDE and Cloud environments.
  • Design, develop, test of SOAservices using SOA/RESTful Web Service. Involved in the deployment of REST based Web-Service End-Points.
  • Developed the REST based Microservices using spring data and spring boot with JPA. Refactored Microservice to make it RESTful, thread safe and more configurable.
  • Created Docker images for SOA projects that are developed as Microservices.
  • Used Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot/Cloud foundry based services interacting through a combination of REST.
  • Developed the application as cloud native and deployed in Pivotal Cloud Foundry platform.
  • Configured and build Asynchronous communication with JMS services with MQ services.
  • Developed Microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
  • Deployed the application on a Web Logic server on a UNIX platform.
  • Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file to be deployed in application servers.
  • Used JIRA ticketing system to keep track of issues and tasks on individuals.
  • Developed a continuous deployment pipeline using Jenkins, Chef, and shell script.
  • Version controls like GIT Used for source code version controlling.
  • Worked on No SQL databases like Cassandra.
  • Used Cassandra as data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise.

Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, Bootstrap, JSON, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, JSP, Hibernate, Web services, RESTful, Stored Procedures, RAD, WebLogic, Agile/Scrum Methodology, AWS, Maven, Pivotal Cloud, Git, Thyme leaf, DynamoDB, Life ray, JIRA, Junit, Linux, Log4J, TDD, Cassandra, Groovy, Node JS, Oracle, Splunk, My SQL, Microservices.

Confidential, Elkridge, MD

Java /J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the analysis, design, coding, development and testing stages of the application using Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Used Multithreadingconcepts in the application thereby supporting concurrent alerts creations and adhered to new design patterns and frameworks used within the firm for fast and quality development.
  • Application classes are developed by Core Java collections, Exception handling, Generics, Design patterns are used and they are for client data like created Services, Business Delegate, Controller and DAO
  • Implemented MVC architecture using Spring MVC and used Java Bean Classes for the Business Logic in the application.
  • Extensively used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery and AJAX to provide users with interactive, speedy, functional and more usable user interfaces.
  • Created and maintained the configuration of the Spring IOC container with Dependency Injection.
  • Developed Business Layer & DAO Classes and combined with Spring framework, combination of JMS with PTP and Pub/Sub methods with message broker Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel.
  • Used Spring JDBC for accessing the relational databases and Spring ORM is used for templates.
  • Used Apache, MySQL which is used for horizontal scaling and maintaining huge amount of data.
  • Actively involved in OOAD design throughout the project.
  • Integrated Dependency Injection among various layers of an application using Spring.
  • Involved in creating and extracting data from database using SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored procedures, triggers and packages on Oracle database.
  • Developed the application by using Eclipse IDE and added Drools for core development in business because of its workspace and plugins with the help of IBM WebSphere Application Server.
  • Used Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns like logging and exception handling.
  • Developed web services like RESTful, SOAP. For RESTful, JAX-RS implementation of Jersey is used and for SOAP, Metro implementation is used. Used Jasmine for testing JS code.
  • Incorporated design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Facade patterns.
  • Used ANT Scripts for automating the process of building, deploying the system and used Gradle as automation tool for the tasks in the Unix. Written Unix shell scripts to identify user login information.
  • Developed the test cases using JUnit for unit testing and Mockito used for testing accuracy of code.
  • Used SVN for versioning control system and Tortoise SVN as its client.

Environment: Java 6 & 7, JSP, Servlet, Spring (MVC, AOP, IOC, JDBC, Boot, Batch), Gradle, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, IBM WebSphere, DB2, jQuery, JNDI, AJAX, Jasmine, PostgreSQL, SOAP & RESTful web services, JMS, Tortoise SVN, Camel, ActiveMQ, Eclipse, WebLogic, Thyme leaf, Microsoft SQL Server, SVN, Oracle, Tomcat, Drools, SVN, ANT Scripts, Groovy, My SQL, DynamoDB, JUnit, Log4J, Unix Shell, Mockito.

Confidential, Syracuse, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed and developed Enterprise Eligibility business objects and domain objects with Object Relational Mapping framework such as Hibernate.
  • Created applications, connection pools, deployment of JSPs, Servlets, and EJBs in Apache Tomcat.
  • Developed Presentation layer components comprising of JSP, AJAX, Struts Action and AJAX tag libraries.
  • Developed back-end stored procedures and triggers usingOracle PL/SQL, involved in databaseobjects creation, performance tuning of stored procedures, and query plan.
  • Developed SQL queries with JDBC API, Hibernate ORM to access data.
  • Develop innovative and quality solutions by making use of latest tools and technologies like Apache CXF,SpringIOC, andSpringAOP.
  • Implemented Executor Framework in Multithreading. Designed and implemented Multiple Process Service usingMultithreadingand Concurrency concepts to schedule and execute jobs.
  • Used the various error handling features of SOA Suite 11g like Fault Management Framework, catch/catch-all branches, compensating transaction etc. to achieve robust error handling.
  • Worked extensively on the SOA infrastructure and Enterprise Manager (EM) console to fix some critical performance, memory and transaction timeout issues in the system.
  • Written Unix shell scripts to identify user login information.
  • Performed general Clear Case administration.
  • Developed JUnit test cases for all the developed modules.
  • Developed the different components of application such as JSPs, Servlets, EJB's using WebSphere Studio Application Developer and used CVS for version control.
  • Was involved in writing JSPs, JavaScript and Servlets to generate dynamic web pages and web content.
  • Developed and build the application using ANT.
  • Prepared theRESTand SOAPbased service calls depending on the data passing to the web service.

Environment: Core JAVA 5/6, JavaScript, Servlets, JSP’s, JDBC API, EJB, JPA, PostgreSQL, Spring-Core, AOP, Hibernate, JSF, HTML, CSS, AJAX, SOAP WS, RESTFUL WS, SOA, Life ray, Oracle 10g, DAO, SVN, ANT, Eclipse, Unix, HTML, PL/SQL, Apache Tomcat, Splunk, Clear Case, Groovy, MYSQL, SQL Developer, DB2, JUnit, CSS, Apache Camel, Unix Shell, Microsoft SQL Server, Log 4j.


Java Developer


  • Responsible for developing the application according to the requirements and designs by Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process of Waterfall.
  • Four Weeks Sprint Planning, Grooming, Retrospective are part of this model.
  • Implementation of Struts MVC architecture by separating the Business Logic from Presentation Logic using JSP and used JDBC for creating Data Access Layer.
  • Developed DAO classes for the data interaction and service classes for the Business Logic.
  • Implemented SOAP Web Services and testing can be done by SOAP UI.
  • Used Apache Tomcat web server for deployment and administration of the components.
  • Created Servlets for developing Control Logic and Java Beans for developing Business Logic of the application.
  • Used tiny log for logging utility in the LINUX OS. Performed unit testing using TestNG for the codes.
  • Used IBM RAD as software development platform for developing the whole application.
  • Used CVS for the version control management and wrote ANT build scripts.
  • Created SQL queries and PL/SQL stored procedures and deployed Tomcat server.

Environment: Java, JSP, Servlet, Struts MVC, JDBC, Apache Tomcat, IBM RAD, CVS, SQL, PL/SQL, SOAP Web Services, TestNG, Tomcat, SOAP UI, Oracle, LINUX OS.

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