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Sr Java Developer / Lead Resume

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Sfo, CA


  • Having 8+ years of total experience in analyzing, designing, development in C, C++, Java/J2EE, JSF, Struts, Spring, Tiles, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, XML, XPath, XSLT, HTML, DHTML, AJAX, SAX, DOM, Hibernate, JMS, MQ Series, SQL, PL/SQL, DB2, log4j, JDBC, JMS, SOAP, WSDL, Apache Axis.
  • Strong knowledge of Design Patterns like MVC, Business Delegate, Singleton, Abstract Factory.
  • Experience in Development, Maintenance and Product Support Projects.
  • Experience working in a large scale production environment and handling high transaction volume application
  • Extensive working experience in scheduling Cron jobs.
  • Attitude to do what it takes to resolve issues. and ability to multi - task and simultaneously perform disparate actions at the same time.
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a group.
  • Hands on experience using RSA and Eclipse and deploying J2EE applications on JBoss, Sun One, Web sphere and Web logic application servers.
  • Strong team player and very good in interacting with Business users, Functional and Technical team to meet the project deadlines.


OS: Windows XP,WINDOWS 2000, HP-UNIX, LINUX, Sun Solaris and AS/400.

Languages/ Technologies: Java /J2EE, JSF, Struts, Tiles, XML, AJAX, Hibernate, RPGLE, CL, SAX, DOM, SOAP, AJAX, Design Patterns, Javascript, Shell Script, HTML, DHTML and CSS.

Application Servers/Web Servers: WebSphere 5.1, Weblogic 8.1/10, iPlanet, Jboss 4.0.4, ATG Dynamo 5.1, Tomcat-5.0.27

Tools: ANT, Make, Maven

IDE: Eclipse 3.1, TOAD.

Frameworks: Struts 1.1/1.2 (MVC Pattern), Spring Framework

Scripting: Java Script, Shell Scripting

Messaging Product: JMS, IBM MQ, CEM (Common Enterprise Middleware)

Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g, Informix, DB2Version Management Tools WINCVS, VSS


Confidential, SFO, CA

Sr Java Developer / lead

Environment: JDK 5, J2EE, Struts1.x/2, Spring3, JSP, JDBC, XML, XSLT, SQL Server 2008, Ant, HTML, JavaScript, WebSphere 6.1.


  • Developed a prototype of the application and demonstrated to business users to verify application.
  • Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, Servlets, Form Bean and Action classes.
  • Implemented server side tasks using Servlets and XML.
  • Developed page templates using Struts Tiles framework.
  • Implemented Struts Validation Framework for Server side validation.
  • Developed Jsp’s with Custom Tag Libraries for control of the business processes in the middle-tier and was involved in their integration.
  • Implemented Struts Action classes using Struts controller component.
  • Developed Web services (SOAP) to interact with other components.
  • Integrated Spring DAO for data access using with Hibernate
  • Extensively using Spring configuration for DI and AOP throughout the application.
  • Designing and developing persistence layer using JPA/Hibernate, JDBC, SQL, Oracle10g
  • Developing unit cases using JUNIT.
  • Responsible for packaging, build and deployment of the application.
  • Ant scripts were used for building .ear file.
  • Used Websphere Application Server for deploying .ear files.
  • Log4j was used of logging and debugging purposes.
  • Work with QA team to fix the defects.
  • Work on PROD defects.
  • Unit testing and integration testing was done in DEV, SIT, UAT boxes.
  • Debugging issues on DEV, SIT, UAT servers to provide a stable environment.

Confidential, Tampa, FL

Sr. Java Developer

Environment: J2SDK v1.3/1.4, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, XSLT, Web Services, SOAP, Apache Axis API, Oracle 8i/9i/10g, PL/SQL, Ant, HTML, JavaScript Apache Tomcat, iPlanet 6.0, Weblogic 9.2, WebSphere 6.1, Sun Solaris, HP-UNIX, Linux, Windows 95/2000


  • Coordinated with the Business Analysts, Manager to analyze new purposes Ideas/requirements for Voicewing(VOIP) and STORC modules.
  • Implemented Business Delegate Model with Inheritance to communicate with Backend Servers. (Billing, Ordering, Provisioning systems ).
  • Used Struts MVC framework.
  • Developed Struts Action, Action Form and Value Objects.
  • Used Struts Validator Framework to Validate the Form data.
  • Used HTML, JSP, JavaScript for frond-end development.
  • Servlets were used to check login credentials of the user.
  • Used Apache Axis APIs for webservices SOA architecture implementation. We are the subscribers to access other Interface endpoints like SSI, CPE, iVapp, uCSR, SSP, HNM, VNM, iConfig, LoopQual, and also producers of web services to external interfaces like Delphi, Voicemail, Broadsoft, Auto Trunk Test.
  • Generated stubs and skeletons from WSDL using WSDL2JAVA.
  • Used Web Services Description Language(WSDL) to make web service calls.
  • Used IBM MQ Series API for sending CEM(Common Enterprise Middleware - Confidential ’s proprietary) messages to backend servers.
  • XML, XPATH, XSLT was used to parse the XML response from backend servers Billing, Ordering, and Provisioning systems.
  • Used Hibernate as an ORM TOOL for Backend operations.
  • Used Hibernate Configuration and mapping files and also experience in integration of Struts and Hibernate libraries.
  • Ant scripts were used for building and deploying applications.
  • Used Shell scripting and scheduled cron jobs.
  • Experience in Oracle Partitions, for daily STB feed from uCSR(Billing), SSP(Ordering), iVAPP (Provisioning), CPE systems.
  • Experience in writing Oracle Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors.
  • Oracle Data Source object was used for connecting to Oracle database.
  • Load balancing was done on STORC Production servers 8006, 8009, 8010 using IP based so that request coming from one IP goes to the same servers all the time.
  • Used Weblogic Admin console for .ear deployement.
  • Unit testing and integration testing was done in DIT, SIT, UAT and PROD boxes.
  • Debugging issues on UAT and Production servers to provide a stable environment.
  • Support for STORC/Voicewing UAT and PROD kit Installs.


Java Developer

Environment: Java/J2EE, Struts, Tiles, JSP, EJB, XML, Oracle 8i, WSAD, 8.1, SOAP, Log4j, Jasper Reports, CVS, HP-UX.


  • Involved in implementation of front end validation component using Java Script, and server side validation component using Java classes.
  • Implemented JSP custom tags, developed Struts Actions, Action Form, and Value Objects for presentation tier.
  • Implemented the nested tag concepts of the Struts tag libraries.
  • Used WASD as an IDE
  • Used J2EE Patterns like Front Controller, Business Delegate and DAO to make the design adhere to Bridge MVC model.
  • Involved in implementation of Session Bean, which is named as Business Rules Engine, which process the related Business Rules.
  • Created web service client using WSDL which builds SOAP messages and used those webservice methods
  • Webservices (SOAP, XML ) implemented for user authentication for logging in to the application.
  • The public interface to the web service is described by WSDL which is an XML-based service description on how to communicate using the web service.
  • Used Java-RMI for generating stubs and skeletons.
  • Log4j was used for logging purposes.
  • Used Jasper Reports for Report Generation and Metrics Generation.
  • Involved and assisted Functional and Integration testing with Testing Team.
  • Used Junit to develop the test cases for web and app tiers
  • Involved in preparing manuals and user training of new Media Ad Planning Tool.
  • Used CVS for Version control of the source.

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