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Java J2ee Lead Resume

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Greenville, SC


  • Over 8+ years of professional experience in Information Technology Industry with expertise in designing, developing, implementing and maintaining enterprise level software applications for use on both corporate intranet and over the Internet.
  • Experience in designing, developing multi - tier application using J2EE technologies Servlets, JSP, Java Beans, JNDI, JDBC, Ant, Log4J, XML DOM, Web Services, SOAP and Restful using J2EE design patterns.
  • Extensive knowledge of MVC architecture, Struts framework, spring, Java Server Faces framework, AJAX components.
  • Experience in developing Web Services using Apache Axis tool for developing the stubs, skeletons, services, interfaces and deploying the Web Service application on the server.
  • Experience with installing and configuring application servers such BEA Web Logic 8.0, 10.0, 10.3, JBoss, Glassfish and Apache Tomcat.
  • IDEs for development - Eclipse and plugins, My Eclipse 6.0, Net beans, Edit plus.
  • Strong Experience in Oracle database and backend programming. Sound experience in SQL, PLSQL programming. Normalization, creation of stored procedures.
  • Experienced in using Rational Rose, Enterprise Architect for UML diagrams.
  • Excellent understanding of Software Development Life Cycle for existing and ongoing projects.
  • Designed, implemented, and executed test cases based on design specifications
  • Developed automation framework in Java for Web 2.0 applications
  • Developed programs in Java to automate test cases
  • Strengths in multitasking, problem solving and timely resolution of issues in meeting deadlines and budgets, enthusiasm to learn new technologies.
  • Strong communication skills and excellent customer relations in collecting, and analyzing user requirements.
  • Ability to work in diverse platforms and industry environments.
  • Self-starter with excellent communication and Interpersonal skills. Ability to work on a team environment or independently, handle multiple tasks concurrently and efficiently.
  • Knowledge on dot net frameworks.


Languages: Java, JavaScript and PL/SQL

J2EE: JDK1.4, 1.5, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, Struts, Spring, Tiles, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Web Services, MVC, XML, Ant, Log4J, XML DOM

Database: Oracle 9i/10g, PL/SQL, JDBC, Connection Pooling/Data Source, Stored procedures, Packages, Triggers, Cursors, Views

Application Servers: JBoss 4.3.0, Web Logic 8.0, 10.0, 10.3, Glassfish 2.0

Web Tools and Technology: XML, XSLT,JavaScript, Jquery,HTML,Struts, Java Server Faces, AJAX, XSD, SOAP, Rest full Web Services

Tools: / IDE: My Eclipse 6.0, Eclipse, Net Beans, Rational Clear Quest, JUnit, TOAD, PL/SQL Developer, SQL Developer

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/2000/2003/ XP professional/NT 4.0, UNIX

Others: Microsoft Office 2010


Confidential, Greenville, SC

Java J2EE Lead


  • Technical Design and Develop software application modules and testing using java/j2ee struts framework.
  • Implement the presentation layer using Java Script, CS, JSP, JSTL, jQuery and struts tag library and Angular JS
  • Writing SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions and perform client side and server side validations.
  • Handled complex use cases.
  • Used Restful web service to get export controlled information.
  • Mentored the junior developers on the team.
  • Perform Unit Testing and integration testing for all the web application modules.
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging and used JUnit extensively for testing.
  • Build up the web applications and deploy them into the application servers using ANT build.
  • Involved in the design for the tables required for the new application module development.
  • Create the EJB stubs required for all the database tables and make necessary changes.
  • Created Mapping documents by analyzing the source systems and target system databases.
  • Created SSIS Packages using Derived Columns, Condition Split, Term extraction, Aggregate, Execute SQL Task, Data Flow Task, and Execute Package Task etc. to generate underlying data for the reports and to export cleaned data from Excel Spreadsheets, Text file, MS Access and CSV files to the new systems.
  • Validating the Bugs.
  • Proposing feasible solutions /Fix after proper analysis.
  • Designing the bug fix.
  • Implementing the code reviews and other process to improve the software quality
  • Tuning the SQL queries for performance.
  • Writing T-SQL scripts required for the merging of the data.
  • Building and deploying the EAR, WAR,JAR files on DEV, Stage and Production.

Environment: JDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 J2EE, Spring, Spring Dao, Spring Hibernate, JSF, Rich faces, Prim faces, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle10g, SQL Server, Jboss 5.0, SQL Developer, ANT, CVS, My Eclipse

Confidential, Greenville, SC

Java J2EE Lead


  • Technical Design and Develop software application modules and testing using java/j2ee struts framework.
  • Developed the client side validation using JavaScript, JQuery.
  • Developed web screens using Html, JSP, JSF and rich faces.
  • Developed the application as per the functionality requirement from the analysis.
  • Writing SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions and perform client side and server side validations.
  • Managing the offshore team.
  • Perform Unit Testing and integration testing for all the web application modules.
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging and used JUnit extensively for testing.
  • Build up the web applications and deploy them into the application servers using ANT build.
  • Involved in the design for the tables required for the new application module development.
  • Created Mapping documents by analyzing the source systems and target system databases.
  • Writing T-SQL scripts required for the merging of the data.
  • Used Soap web services to get user info from different source.
  • Written store procedures and triggers for the application.
  • Building and deploying the EAR, WAR,JAR files on DEV, Stage and Production.
  • Analyzed and fixed the defects in various environments (DEV, SIT, UAT, PRODFIX and PRODUCTION).

Environment: JDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 J2EE, Spring, Spring Dao, JSF, Rich faces, Prim faces, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle10g, SQL Server, Jboss 5.0, SQL Developer, ANT, CVS, My Eclipse

Confidential, Irwin, TX

Java Developer


  • Technical Design and Develop software application modules and testing using java/j2ee struts framework.
  • Developed the application as per the functional requirements from the analysts
  • Implement the presentation layer using Java Script, CS, JSP, JSTL, jQuery and struts tag library.
  • Writing SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions and perform client side and server side validations.
  • Perform Unit Testing and integration testing for all the web application modules.
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging and used JUnit extensively for testing.
  • Build up the web applications and deploy them into the application servers using ANT build.
  • Involved in the design for the tables required for the new application module development.
  • Create the EJB stubs required for all the database tables and make necessary changes.
  • Created Mapping documents by analyzing the source systems and target system databases.
  • Created SSIS Packages using Derived Columns, Condition Split, Term extraction, Aggregate, Execute SQL Task, Data Flow Task, and Execute Package Task etc. to generate underlying data for the reports and to export cleaned data from Excel Spreadsheets, Text file, MS Access and CSV files to the new systems.
  • Writing T-SQL scripts required for the merging of the data.

Environment: JDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 J2EE, Spring, Spring Dao,JSF, Rich faces, Prim faces, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle10g, SQL Server, Jboss 5.0, SQL Developer, ANT, CVS, My Eclipse


Java Developer


  • Requirements generation, documentation and Low-level design development, implementation and documentation.
  • Interact with the Functional team and Understand the existing setup & come up with an As-Is Process and To-be Process map.
  • Develop the Business requirements document (BRD) & Functional specifications (FS).
  • Preparing the use cases and prototype mock up screens based on the functional requirements.
  • Involved in preparing Logical and Physical data modeling design document.
  • Migrate the existing data of the application into new database.
  • Preparing Technical Architecture document based on requirements of the web application.
  • Preparing Technical Design Document (TDD).
  • Preparing functional integration specifications for all the informatica mappings and also the high level technical design document.
  • Develop the use cases as part of the application through JSF, spring and oracle as backend.
  • Involving in Unit Testing, Integration testing and UAT.
  • Fixing the UAT issues based on priority.

Environment: JDK 1.5, J2EE, JSF, Spring, Oracle10g, Jboss4.3.0, SQL Developer, Enterprise Architect, ANT, CVS, My Eclipse, JUnit, Rational Clear Quest.


Java Developer


  • Gathering the requirements from the functional team and structured them in a simple way for achieving the business objectives.
  • Documented the Harmonization and Reverse walk through document for all the functional requirements.
  • Analyzed the requirements, design and developing various modules.
  • Spring is the MVC framework which used for the application.
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging and used JUnit extensively for testing.
  • Prepared Test Cases to perform Unit, Integration and System Testing. Tested the developed components using JUnit.
  • Versioning of code in SVN/CVS.
  • Provided Training and End User Support and also knowledge transfer.
  • Documenting the process and publishing into the libraries after approval.
  • Leading and mentoring the team about the process and about the technical challenges involved in the project.
  • Integrated the application with Informatica to get the back end updated on daily basis.

Environment: JDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Tiles, HTML, Java Script, CSS, XML, Oracle9i, JBoss 4.3.0, Glassfish, Web Logic 8, 10.0, 10.3, My Eclipse6.0, TOAD, PLSQL Developer, CVS, SVN, ANT.

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