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Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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St Louis, MO


  • Over 7 years of experience as Java developer in developing Web - based Applications and Client Server Applications in Java/J2EE environment.
  • Involved in different levels of Requirement analysis, Development, Testing and Debugging, Deployment, Support and Maintenance service phases.
  • Strong experience in different phases of Software Development Life cycle (SDLC) including Design, Implementation and Testing during the development of software applications.
  • Expertise in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), OOPS using Unified Modeling Language (UML), Design Patterns, MVC Frameworks.
  • Well versed in UML Concepts like Use Cases, Class Diagrams and sequence diagrams.
  • Strong Experience in implementing Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) using XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) and XML technologies such as XML Schemas, XSD, and XSLT.
  • Strong Experience in Designing and Developing web applications using Java, JSP,J2EE, Servlets, MVC Framework, Web Services, HTML, UML, XML, XSL, HTTPS, CSS, AJAX, Java Script, JSON,REST Web Services.
  • Good working knowledge of ANT, Log4J, XML, XSLT (DOM, SAX), Multithreading, Collections, Exceptions.
  • Experience in handling the complete software development Impact Analysis, Program specification, preparation, Code review, Unit testing, Integration Testing.
  • Experience of configuration tool Clear Case and Clear quest, developing on Unix Operating Systems, developing WAP application.
  • Experience using an Integrated Development Environment (e.g., Eclipse).
  • Design and code from specifications, analyzes, evaluates, tests, debugs, documents, implements complex apps
  • Involved in developing web pages with compatible across IE 7, Firefox.


Operating Systems: Windows VISTA/XP/2000/NT/98/95, Unix, Linux

Languages: Java, JSP, Java Script, C, C++, SQL,JQUERY

J2EE TECHNOLOGIES: Servlets, JSP, STRUTS Framework, EJB 2.0, Hibernate, JavaBeans, and JDBC.

Frame Works: Struts, Spring, Hibernate.

Servers: Apache, Tomcat 4 and 5.5.15


Databases: MySQL Server, Post gres SQL

Middle Ware: Web Services and SOAP. REST Web Services

Version Control: Clear Case, SVN

Java IDE: Eclipse 3.1

Configuration Management: Rational Clear Case (UCM), SVN

Defect Management: Rational Clear Quest, Bugzilla

Design Methodologies / Tools: OOAD using Rational Rose

Others: ANT, Log4j, Altova XMLSpy, Wire shark, AJAX


Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Implemented the MVC architecture using Apache Struts1.2 Framework.
  • Involved in SDLC stages of application including Requirements analysis, Design, Implementation, Development web services using, REST, XML and Testing.
  • Developed Service layer using EJBs and Spring framework and injected the EJB into JSF managed bean.
  • Developed Jsps and Managed beans using JSF1.2 implementation.
  • Developed Web applications using spring Core, Java Script, MVC, OOD, OOP, client side validation using java Script, business service layer using MVC.
  • Developed highly scalable, transactional and reusable components using J2EE technologies
  • Involved in writing Oracle PL/SQL Packages, Functions and Stored Procedures and Data Base Triggers.
  • Used Rich faces to integrate the Ajax capabilities into business applications using JSF.
  • Used AJAX for request response processing without reloading the complete page.
  • Implemented session beans to handle business logic for fund transfer, loan, credit card & fixed deposit modules.
  • Implemented Action Classes and server side validations for account activity, payment history and Transactions.
  • Implemented views using Struts tags, JSTL2.0 and Expression Language.
  • Implemented session beans to handle business logic for fund transfer, loan, credit card & fixed deposit modules.
  • Worked with various java patterns such as Service Locater and Factory
  • Worked on the JAVA Collections API for handling the data objects between the business layers and the front end.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Used Clear Case for source code maintenance.

Environment: J2EE, Java, Struts, JSP,JSF, Clear Case, SOAP, WSDL,UDDI, JAXB, JAXP, SQL, XML Schema (XST), EJB 2.0, ANT, Java script, JMS, Web Logic, Rational Rose, WSAD, DB 2.

Confidential, Riverbank, MN


  • Used Eclipse development environment & deployed Application on Tomcat Server
  • Involved in SDLC stages of application including Requirements analysis, Design, Implementation, Development web services using, REST, and XML.
  • DevelopedData accessobjects andValueobjects.
  • UsedClear casefor version control andlog4jfor logging,Clear Questto track the SDLC process.
  • UsedJQueryto improve Usability of theweb, touchmodules.
  • Altered, developedWeb servicesusing AXIS to Sync up the datawithother systems.
  • UsedRSAto develop and deploy the application on the server.
  • Developed Unit test scripts and updated design, documents(TDs) as per the new enhancements.

Environment: JSP 2.1, Jakarta Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC 3.0, IBM Web Sphere, Oracle,JavaWeb Services, XML, XSLT, UML, Rational Rose, Eclipse 3.3, JUnit, CVS, Windows XP, Microsoft Visio,RSA 7.5,AXIS, XML, JavaScript, JQuery.

Confidential, Reston, VA

Java Developer


  • Involved in developing JSPs create Java Beans for JSP pages to retrieve the data to be displayed in the pages and to generate output.
  • Involved in development of forms for User Interface.
  • Involved in Design and Development of the System using java 2.0 and J2EE.
  • Involved in the development of user interface usingJSP, JavaScript andCSS.
  • Have written Servlets and implemented the business logic.
  • Have developed the Database and Application server Independent components.
  • Involved in developingHibernatemapping files for the persistent layer.
  • Implemented variousspringmodules likeAOP, DAO, O/Rmapping.
  • Persistent Layer is implemented using hibernate to persist the data.
  • Involved in developing JSPs create Java Beans for JSP pages to retrieve the data to be displayed in the pages and to generate output.

Environment: JAVA 2.0, JDBC 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate 3.0 EJB 2.0, XML, JavaBeans, Struts 1.0, JNDI Oracle, Windows 2000, BEA Web Logic 8.1, Junit 3.0, HTML, Web logic Work Shop, WSAD 4.5/5.0/5.1.


Java Developer


  • Developed web-tier usingStruts, JSPs, JSF, Tag Libraries, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, Layers, XMLandCSS.
  • DevelopedCustom Tag Librariesto create a page which can be used by other team members as a base.
  • Developed business tier usingEnterprise Java Beans (EJB)andData Access Objects (DAO). Implemented own transaction management.
  • DevelopedHelper EJBswhich are used by the tasks.
  • Wrote complexSQLqueries,PL/SQLStored Procedures/PackagesandTriggersto augment the application logic.
  • UsedCVSfor version control.
  • UsedJUnitfor unit testing. Apache Commons is used for Logging.
  • Designed and coded comprehensive JUnit tests for the implemented tasks.
  • DevelopedAnt scriptsto help do a scratch build on the CVS box to minimize the build problems for other developers.
  • Debugged programs using eclipse
  • DevelopedWeb ServicesusingSOAPandJAX-RPC.
  • Developed custom Validator rules for form bean Validations.
  • Created Activity diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the tasks.
  • Took part in developing the database schema.

Environment: Eclipse 3.0, My Eclipse plug-in for eclipse, JBoss, Oracle 10gdatabase, Enterprise Architect, XML, Struts 1.2, JSP 2.4, JSF, Tag Libraries, TOAD, Enterprise Java Beans, Design Patterns, UML,Ant, Java 2, Java Beans, JDBC 2.0, LDAP, CVS, SQL * Plus, PL/SQL.


Software Developer


  • Involved in the full life cycle of the project, i.e. from design phase to testing phase
  • Prepared Program specifications, Test cases based on Detailed Design documents.
  • Validations are done using Java Script
  • Developed server side utilities using Servlets.
  • Involved in writing the configuration module and writing the code for handling the data coming on socked using PCIH protocol
  • Involved in Development and Unit testing of Mediation device server and other interfaces.
  • Won Snap award for this project.

Environment: Java, Middle tier software J2EE like Servlets, EJB, JavaScript, UML, Rational Rose, PCIH, Clear Case, UNIX, Log4j, Properties configurations.

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