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Java Developer Resume

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New Albany, OH


  • Over all 7+ years of extensive experience in analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of web based and client server multi - tier applications using Java/J2EE technology.
  • Core java experience and knowledge of OOPS principles and best practices
  • Expertise in server side programming using and all J2EE technologies using Core java, J2EE, java servlets, JSP, JDBC, java beans, java mail, EJBs, log4j, JNDI, JMS.
  • Expertise in client side technologies and user design and development process to implement presentation layer components using HTML, DHTML, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, JSON, DOJO AJAX.
  • Experience in MVC architecture using spring, struts, web works, and JSF frameworks.
  • Experience in creating Spring Batch job files for importing files from various servers.
  • Experience in swings and java applets for developing GUI based application.
  • Proficient in implementing web services WSDL using SOAP protocol.
  • Experienced using WARSs and EARs to build and deploy the applications in application servers using ant scripts and different IDEs.
  • Superior analytical skills in object oriented application development using UML like class diagrams, cases and sequence diagrams and rational rose.
  • Experience with Version Control tools like CVS and SVN for Source Code version management and merging Source code after intermittent Project releases.
  • Expertise on the design and development of highly complex, large-scale internet and intranet applications on UNIX/ Linux/windows/ platform.
  • Good knowledge in developing JUnittest and writing build scripts for ANT, MAVEN.
  • Experience in working with databases like MYSQL, Oracle 8i/9i/10/11g (SQL, PL/SQL) and MS SQL Server.
  • Experience in writing complex SQL queries, and packages, stored procedures, functions, triggers.
  • Experience in developing back end of web application with servlets, JDBC, JMS, XML, XSLT, ORACLE, MySQL.
  • Well versed with software methodologies like waterfall, agile and scrum.
  • Deployed time critical J2EE applications on WebLogic 8.1/9.2/10, WebSphere 5.1/6.1, TOMCAT 5.0 servers in production environment and supported 24/7 applications.
  • Experience working with IDEs like eclipse, MyEclipse, NetBeans, IBM RAD etc.
  • Worked with GWT framework and good in using a multitude of J2EE design patterns.
  • Created hibernate POJOs, hibernate mapping files for all database tables.
  • Good exposure with application servers and web servers like web sphere, web logic, JBossand apache tomcat.
  • Highly motivated and innovative problem solver with excellent organizational and communication skills and Ability to learn new methodologies and technologies quickly.
  • A Team player with good analytical, planning and interpersonal skills. Also has ability to work independently.


Language: Java, UML, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++.

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, JMS, EJB

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, XML,WSDL, Java Script

Frameworks: JSF, Struts, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Spring Batch

IDE'S: Eclipse (GALILEO, HELIOS, INDIGO), MyEclipse, Net beans.


Web and Application Servers: WebLogic, JBOSS, WebSphere, Apache Tomcat

Databases: MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server

Build Automation: ANT, MAVEN

Testing and Logging Frameworks: JUnit, Log4J

OOA, OOD: UML, use-case diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram

Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, UNIX.


Confidential, New Albany, OH

Java Developer


  • Participated in the meetings for gathering requirements.
  • Involved in Analysis, Design, Documentation and Development phases of the application.
  • Worked on Java 7 and Spring framework 3.x release.
  • Hibernate was used for mapping the database.
  • Maven is used for automated build process.
  • Designed a logical data model for the application using Erwin 3.5.
  • Oracle SQL Developer used for managing databases.
  • Involved in developing PL/SQL scripts, stored procedures, triggers and sequences.
  • For the application to run on scheduled intervals, a spring job is deployed onto the networking server using JMX and jConsole.
  • UI screens are built using JSP, HTML, JS and CSS.
  • Responsible for code migration across environments ( DEV,UAT, Prod).
  • Extensive experience inSecurity Administrationbased along with LDAP.
  • SVN was used as the version control tool.
  • Oracle 10g is the current running database. log4j used for the purpose of logging abstraction.
  • Test cases are written using JUnit.

Environment: - Java, Spring Batch, Servlets, Oracle 10g, HTML, JSP, CSS, JS, jQuery, PL/SQL, Tomcat, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, Junit, Log4j, SVN, JMX, Erwin 3.5, SQL Developer.

Confidential, St.Louis, MO

Java Developer


  • Involved in Analysis, Design and Development of Reinsurance plans using Agile Scrum Methodology.
  • Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IoC creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
  • Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
  • Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
  • Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Transfer of Service using Servlets.
  • Designed and developed web-based software using Spring MVC Framework, and Spring Web Flow.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, HTML, XHTML and Java Script to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XML parsers for data retrieval.
  • Used Ajax for intensive user operations and client-side validations.
  • Spring Batch was used to develop a batch job for timely file uploads.
  • Version updates were managed using SVN.
  • Developed Ant Scripts for the build process.
  • Used JUnit for testing the web application.
  • Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenderscomponents.
  • Deployed the applications on IBM Web Sphere Application Server.
  • Used DB2 as backend database and Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.
  • Involved in the Bug fixing of various applications reported by the testing teams in the application during the integration.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring Batch, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, XML,JAXM, ANT, JMS, EJB, JNDI, WSDL, JUnit, Log4J, RAD,SVN, Eclipse (Indigo).

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in design, development, testing and implementation of the process systems, working on iterative life cycles business requirements, and creating Detail Design Document.
  • Using Agile methodologies to plan work for every iteration and used continuous integration tool to make the build passes before deploying the code to other environments.
  • Created HTML Wireframes based in the Detailed System Specification document Developed the presentation layer of the application using MVC architecture of Spring framework
  • Created DAO classes to interact with Oracle database
  • Used Spring ORM module to integrate with Hibernate.
  • Developed client side validations using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Spring bean validator framework.
  • Used the Spring validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, Spring Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Developed user interface with Java Server Pages,Ajax support to speed up the application form filling.
  • UsedApache Axisas the Web Service framework for creating and consuming Web Serviceclients usingSOAP and WSDL.
  • Designed various tables required for the project using Oracle database
  • Used Web Logic server for deploying the the application.
  • Involved in writing the Maven build file to build and deploy the application.
  • Used Log4J to capture the logging information
  • Used JUnit to test the application classes

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, Spring MVC Framework,Eclipse IDE, Oracle,Rational Rose, Log4j,JUnit, Maven, Web Logic, Web Service, SOAP, WSDL.

Confidential, Omaha

Java/J2EE Developer


  • The entire application was developed in J2EE using an MVC based architecture.
  • Used the Struts1.3 framework and Standard Tag Libraries and various custom in-house custom tag libraries for the presentation layer.
  • Used JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Used Core Spring for setter dependency injections.
  • Developed the business logic using stateful session beans, EJB 2.0.
  • Used anMessage Driven Bean (MDB) for supporting user subscriptions and notification features.
  • Consumed a Web service for exchange rate calculation.
  • Used Apache Tomcat as the application server for deployment.
  • Wrote prepared statements and called stored Procedures using callable statements in MySql.
  • Used Data Access Object (DAO) pattern to introduce an abstraction layer between the business logic tier and the persistent storage tier
  • Used Hibernate for Database Persistence.
  • Implemented PL/SQL queries and used Oracle stored procedures, and built-in functions to retrieve and update data from the databases.
  • Deployed applications on WebSphere Application server 6.0
  • Used Web services for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
  • Used Collections extensively to store, retrieve and manipulate objects in the business logic layer.
  • Created use cases, class diagrams, activity diagrams and collaboration diagrams.
  • Involved in unit testing using JUnit, system testing and creation of various test scripts.
  • Wrote test cases, which adhere to a Test Driven Development (TDD) pattern.
  • Built scripts using ANT that compiles the code, pre-compiles the JSPs, built an EAR file and deployed the application on the application server.
  • Used SVN as a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM).
  • Used Log4J for logging.

Environment: Java/J2EE 1.5, JSP, Servlets, Struts1.3, Web Services, Hibernate, MySql, Oracle 10g, JDBC, XML, XSLT, EJB 2.0, PL/SQL, SQL, Unix, CSS, Eclipse, NetBeans5.5, UML, HTML, JNDI, JDBC, Apache Ant, WebSphere Application server 6.0/5.0, Junit, Log4J, SVN.

Confidential, GA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, data modeling, analysis, architecture design & development for the project
  • Followed Agile Methodology and participated in SCRUM Meetings.
  • Worked with JSP, DOJO, JavaScript,HTML and CSS in the development in front end of the application
  • Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Developed custom validators in Struts and implemented server side validations using annotations.
  • Used XML parser APIs such as JAXP (SAX, DOM), JAXB and other technologies like WSDL, UDDIfor implementing Web services.
  • Consumed Web Services from third party clients
  • Used JSP, DOJO, JQuery and CSS in the development in front end of the application.
  • Used Maven to build the application and deployed on Web Logic Application Server.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for development and Web LogicApplication Server for deploying the web application.
  • Monitored the error logs using log4j.

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, AJAX, Struts, EJB, JDBC, UML, XML, JAXB, JAXP, Web Services, Rational Rose, Maven, Eclipse, Web Logic, SVN, Oracle, log4j and JUnit.


Java Developer


  • Participated in Design meetings and technical discussions.
  • Developed User Interface in JSP, JavaScript and HTML.
  • Implemented web application with JSF MVC.
  • Implemented web layer with Spring MVC.
  • Created GUIs for applications and applets using SWING components and applets.
  • Developed Java Servlets and Beans for Backend processes.
  • Created database tables, data model with oracle 10g.
  • Created JUnit test cases to test individual modules.
  • Participated in status meetings to ensure the task updates.
  • Involved in bug fixing and enhancements of application.

Environment: Spring, JSF, Oracle, JRE 1.4, Eclipse 3.2, My Eclipse 4.1, JBoss EJB 2.0, Subversion, JSP,HTML, Java Script, PL/SQL, Windows XP.


J2EE Developer


  • Involved in analysis, design and development of the system components.
  • Used OO Techniques - UML methodology (use cases, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams)
  • Developed server side applications using Servlets, EJBs, and JDBC.
  • Used Ant for automating the build process of java applications and components.
  • Used JMS for communicating various clients and it components, here the various clients even include other banking clients.
  • Used JUnit for Testing.
  • Used Web Services-WSDL and SOAP
  • Extensively configured the build files to different Environments
  • Developed Session Beans which encapsulates the workflow logic
  • Used Entity Beans to persist the data into database and used Message Driven Beans MDB to notify the bean state.
  • Developed EJB components for middle tier component implementation and business logic implementation.
  • Used StrutsMVC framework for building web applications.
  • Developed web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Developed PL/SQL database scripts and written Stored Procedures and Triggers.
  • Created User guide and application support document.
  • Involved in regression testing, evaluating the response times, and resolving the connection pooling issues.

Environment: J2EE, JDBC, Java Servlets, EJBs, Oracle, HTML, Rational Rose, PL/SQL, WSDL, SOAP, Eclipse, Struts, JUnit.

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