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Java/j2ee Developer(full Stack Developer) Resume

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Irving, TX


  • 6+ years of experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - Analysis, Design, Implementation, Integration, Testing and Maintenance of applications using Java, J2EE on UNIX& Windows platforms.
  • Experience in Pair Programming, Test Driven Development, Waterfall model and agile methodologies like SCRUM.
  • Good knowledge and hands on experience in MVC (Struts), spring and ORM (Hibernate) frameworks.
  • Extensive knowledge of XML-based standards and protocols (such as WSDL and SOAP), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), development of XSD schemas and implementing both SOAP and REST web services.
  • Extensive experience in using various UML, Rational Rose, design patterns and industry best practices such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), Singleton, Facade, Factory and DAO, DTO, singleton.
  • Strong experience in UNIX and Shell scripting and developing REST web services.
  • Expertise in Distributed and Web environments, focused in JAVA Technologies - Java collections, Threads, J2SE, JDBC, Struts, Spring, Hibernate Framework.
  • Extensively experienced in Middle Tier Development using Servlets, JSPs, and EJB.
  • Expertise in Web-Development technologies like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, XML, XSL/XSLT, AJAX, JQuery.
  • Experience in using DOM4J, JAXB, JAXP parsing and XML Bean to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML files.
  • Good knowledge and experience with multiple Servers like IBM Web Sphere, IBM Web Sphere ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), BEA Web Logic server, Apache Tomcat, JBoss.
  • Extensive experience in working IDE tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ RAD, WID (Web Sphere Integration Designer).
  • Experience with Responsive Web Design, JSON, AJAX, AngularJS, BackboneJS, NodeJS and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Experience in refactoring, re-architecting and enhancing an existingAngularJSapplication to follow strict.
  • Extensive experience in implementation of the version control software SVN, CVS, GIT.
  • Experienced in generating logging by Log4j to identify the errors in production test environment and experienced in Ant, Maven and Gradle tools.
  • Hands on experience using Messaging Services like JMS, MQ Series.
  • Experience on cloud automation using AWS Cloud formation templates.
  • Proficient in RDBMS concepts and experience in working with Oracle 9i/10g/11g, DB2 and MY SQL PL/SQL, SQL* Plus, Database triggers, Procedures, Functions.
  • Extensive work with No SQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and CouchDB.
  • Closely worked with Release Management Team in doing builds and deploying code into various environments like DEV/QA/SIT/UAT/Prod.
  • Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing.
  • Have excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills, with ability to interact with individuals at all levels and can work as a part of a team as well as independently.


Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, PL/SQL, Python, Unix Shell scripts

Java/J2EE Technologies: STRUTS, servlets, JSP, JMS, JDBC, JNDI, JSF

Web Development: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX

Frameworks: Struts, tiles, Spring, Hibernate, EJB

UI Frameworks: Angular JS, JQuery

XML/webservices / Messaging: XML, XSD, WSDL, SOAP, REST, Apache AXIS 2, SOA, JAX-WS, DOM 4jJMS, MQ Series, XML Beans

Web/Application servers: WebLogic, Web Sphere 6.x/ ESB 7.x, Tomcat, JBoss, Apache Tomcat

Methodologies /Design Patterns: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC2, DAO, Factory pattern, Session Facade

Databases: Oracle 11g/10i/9i, PL/SQL, MySQL, Sybase, DB2

IDE’s: Eclipse, Juno, RAD, NetBeans, WID, IntelliJ

Build Tools: Maven, Ant, Jenkins, Gradle, Bamboo

Version Control: CVS, SVN, ClearCase, Git

Testing and Logging Frameworks: Junit, Log4J

Tools: Crystal Reports 11, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio, XML Spy, TOAD

Operating System’s: Windows, Linux and Unix

Industries: Retail, Telecommunications, Banking, Insurance


Confidential, Irving, TX

Java/J2EE Developer(Full Stack Developer)


  • Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology, designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase.
  • Created web services and desktop applications to access and display data needed by support teams using, Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJs, CSS and HTML.
  • Built dynamically generated dropdown list using Ajax, Jquery and AngularJS.
  • Using AngularJs and created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.
  • Designed services and factories and injected into various methods by using AngularJS. Designed customized filter techniques in the webpage using AngularJS.
  • Implemented responsive and interactive front end UI using AngularJS, NodeJS, HTML, CSS,AJAX and Jquery.
  • Developed a cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
  • Implemented code according to coding standards and Created AngularJS Controller, which isolate scopes perform operations.
  • Wrote Jasmine unit tests using Karma to verify AngularJS modules and JavaScript utility routines.
  • Used AngularJS HTTP methods to retrieve employee task data from entity models. Used AngularJS controllers to update entity models and Tasks database.
  • Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and also implemented login functionality on the client side in JavaScript framework AngularJS and NodeJS.
  • Involved in implementing Spring DAO layer to access the database.
  • Worked on the JQuery javascript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, and event handling.
  • Worked on GUI for an interactive Web Application and JavaScript for Data Validations.
  • Implemented clustering of servlets for load balancing and expected performance delivery by the application.
  • Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB to deploy on JBOSS Application Server.
  • Handled complete design and implementation of the EJBs (middle tier), developing session beans.
  • Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS for sending and receiving messages while creating web services.
  • Developed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.
  • Extensively worked on MQ Series using point-point, publisher/subscriber messaging Domains for implementing Exchange of information through Messages.
  • Implemented Maven Script to create JAR, WAR, EAR& dependency JARS and deploy the entire project onto the Web logic Application Server
  • Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture and coded Java Beans (as the model), Java Swing.
  • Developed XML pages and converted them to HTML using XSLT.
  • Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Business Delegate, DAO, and Transfer Object.
  • Used Jenkins for automating application deployments through our environment.
  • Developed the application on NodeJs platform using Javascript programming. Used NodeJs and BootStrap for developing web enabled applications.
  • Backend application layer is implemented using EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) in WebSphere Application Server environment.
  • Developed Business Rule Engine using Java, Multithreading, Message Queuing and consuming Restful web service.
  • Responsible for using JMS Queues and JMS Topics for one-to-one and one-to-many communication in the application.
  • Worked on Spring application framework features IOC container and AOP and integrated Spring with Hibernate using the Hibernate Template.
  • Integrated mongodb and Spring communication and established data mappings and used mongoRepository and Spring mongoTemplate for persistence.
  • Experience with migration of data to Amazon web Services from datacenter.
  • Used Amazon S3 for multipart upload of data and to host static web content in AWS Cloud.
  • Created database tables and packages to use database monitor to log information about SQL process.
  • Developed stored procedures to apply business logic to the database. ANT Script is used for the application building and Log4J for debugging.
  • Used GIT for version control and used eclipse as the IDE for developing the application, Used Rational Clear Quest for defect fixing.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, PL/SQL, JQuery, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, JBOSS, Shell and Python scripts, JMS, JDBC, Apache Axis, MQ Series, XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Rational Rose, ANGULARJS, NodeJs, Log4J, ANT, Oracle 9i/10g, SVN, Eclipse IDE, WebSphere Application server (WAS), FTP, SSH, MongoDB.

Confidential, Burr Ridge, IL

Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM).
  • Involved in design discussions and understanding of business requirements and identify the relevant functional and technical requirements.
  • Developed UML use cases and class diagrams. Documenting the Functional and Technical specifications.
  • Developed Jersey REST services to expose the functionality to the presentation layer.
  • Developed web components using MVC pattern under Struts framework using a Central Servlet acting as the controller.
  • Spring Web Flow is used to control the navigation of the interface's web pages and Spring MVC module was used for binding of front end pages with controllers for presentation aspect.
  • Designed frontend within object oriented javascript framework like bootstrap, BackboneJS.
  • Used Hibernate and wrote HQL for querying the data from database.
  • Developing customer facing software for managing advertisements using BackboneJS.
  • Build this application using Springeasy as a REST API server and BackboneJS as a single application.Built rich prototypes and applications using Backbone.js.
  • JQuery library, BackboneJS has been used for creation of powerful dynamic WebPages and web applications by using its advanced and cross browser functionality.
  • Designing and developing dynamic webpages using JSP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BackboneJs for single page applications.
  • Initially worked on applications built using BackboneJS. Developed customized directives which could be reused by all teams.
  • Worked on JQuery, AJAX for designing dynamic interfaces.
  • Involved in creating Restful services using NodeJS and implemented full fledged web apps with NodeJS.
  • Created and Implemented CSS Sprite images to save the overhead of having multiple server requests.
  • Extensively worked on JQuery UI Components-navigation menus, tabs, autocomplete fields, tooltips and third party plugins- Data tables, JQuery window, Jquery Validation engine.
  • Excellent working experience with Oracle10g including storage and retrieving data using Hibernate Query APIs.
  • Developed the confirmation mail sending functionality using JMS that’s durable and ensures delivery.
  • Implemented JMS messaging system with shared client to notify parsed files for loading them into DB.
  • Used MQ Series for receiving and sending messages across various interface systems.
  • Developed shell script to retrieve data and generated reports and automated to send these to management team to look at Statistics on daily basis.
  • Junit test cases were written at each layer to test the functionality.
  • Responsible for modifying existing xml schema definition as per client’s requirements.
  • Managed AWS instances utilizing auto scaling and Glacier for our QA as well as infrastructure servers for GIT.
  • Enhancing the existing functionality to improve performance and bug fixing.
  • Deployed the complete Web and enterprise applications in Web Logic Server.

Environment: Java, UML, REST, JERSEY, Hibernate Framework, JSP, Spring, JDBC, JNDI, HQL, JQuery, AJAX, MQ Series, Junit, JavaScript, JMS, CSS, GitHub, Oracle Web Logic Application Server, NodeJs, Struts and Tiles Framework, Web services, BackboneJs.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

J2EE Developer


  • Participated in low level design and requirement understanding with functional team
  • Used OOAD and OOP’s concept like Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Modularity using Java for designing Interfaces, classes and business methods in Java.
  • Extensively used Java Collections and Reflection API, implemented multithreading concepts for caching application data.
  • Developed the application using J2EE architecture specification and Design patterns.
  • Developed screens using JSP, DHTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, Struts, spring, Java1.5, EJB3.0 and XML
  • Implemented MVC architecture using spring and Struts frameworks combined with EJB 3.0 JPA for database persistence.
  • Developed client side validations in IceFaces and server side validations in JSF.
  • Implemented client side data validations using JavaScript and Server side data validations using JSF validators.
  • Developed the helper classes for better data exchange between the JSF MVC layers.
  • Developed Web-tier components using JSF/Icefaces MVC framework, Extensively worked with JSF and Spring Framework, Hibernate and J2EE design patterns for various credit applications.
  • Also created various common tags that are reused for handling common functionalities like data element filtering, Parent/Child dropdowns etc.
  • Developed Model View Controller Architecture using JSF Framework with IceFaces in Presentation tier for validations.
  • Implemented the business layer by using Hibernate with Spring DAO and also developed mapping files and POJOjavaclasses using ORM tool.
  • Developed test harness to test the web services which helps test teams to test web service components independently using various request and response xml.
  • Responsible for using Rest API, and JAXP, E4X to deal with XML data. Called Restful API to update task to different examiner.
  • Designed User Interface Applications using JSF, JavaScript, Jquery, CSS and HTML.
  • Used Springs Dependency Injection feature and configured Function Action classes as Spring Beans for redirecting the user request to the appropriate class which implements corresponding business functionality.
  • Involved in implementing Branching Methodology Plan and performed Checkin/Checkout in Subversion.
  • Developed Persistence Framework consisting of components like Persistence Code Generator, Persistence Manager and Data Access Objects which hides JPA complexities and offers transparent access to database.
  • Used SQL/PLSQL to perform complex database operations and generated various stored procedures, functions for DML operations
  • Involved with testing team to determine dependency towards removing bottlenecks and ensuring smooth testing process. Developed Junit test cases for code quality improvements.
  • Involved in various internal releases of the application and supported the application modules during testing and pre-production phases. Also used Mercury Quality Center for defect tracking.

Environment: JEE, Java, J2SE, JSP, JavaBeans, JSF, JavaScript, XHTML/DHTML, SQL Query Analyzer, SQL Server, Hibernate, Web Sphere Integration Developer, DB2 9.5, spring, Struts, CSS, AJAX, XML, PL/SQL.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Developed Admission & Census module, which monitors a wide range of detailed information for each resident upon pre-admission or admission to your facility.
  • Developed Care Plans module, which provides a comprehensive library of problems, goals and approaches.
  • You have the option of tailoring (adding, deleting, or editing problems, goals and approaches) these libraries and the disciplines you will use for your care plans.
  • Developed General Ledger module, which streamlines analysis, reporting and recording of accounting information.
  • General Ledger automatically integrates with a powerful spreadsheet solution for budgeting, comparative analysis and tracking facility information for flexible reporting.
  • Developed UI using HTML, JavaScript, and JSP, and developed Business Logic and Interfacing components using Business Objects, XML, and JDBC.
  • Designed generic database Connection Pooling with JDBC using Oracle and involved in the SQL query optimization.
  • Used SQL for back-end validation and called them from Java classes using Callable Statement.
  • Developed various Action Classes that route requests to appropriate handlers, Coded Struts Action Servlets to process requests and forward to Struts Action classes.
  • Managed connectivity using JDBC for querying/inserting & data management including triggers and stored procedures.
  • Developed components using Java multithreading concept.
  • Developed various EJBs (session and entity beans) for handling business logic and data manipulations from database.
  • Integrated Struts with Hibernate to develop the online application, created configuration files for Struts, spring and Hibernate.
  • Involved in design of JSP’s and Servlets for navigation among the modules, designed cascading style sheets and XSLT and XML part of Order entry.
  • Used JavaScript for client-side validation and Struts validator Framework for form validations.
  • The front-end JSP pages were developed using the Struts framework, and were hosted in a J2EE environment on an Apache tomcat server.
  • Extensively used log4j for logging throughout the application.
  • Wrote & configured struts-config.xml to create a web application validations and action result mappings.
  • Used Struts Tiles Framework to structure core application webpage layouts and to assemble the JSPs.
  • Used CVS for efficiently managing the source code versions with the development team.

Environment: JDBC, Java, WAS, IBM Rational Rose, Servlets, Struts, HTML, JavaScript, JSP, XML, WAS, JNDI, MySQL, Linux, CVS, log4j.

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