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Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • Highly motivated IT professional, 9+ years of experience in development and implementation of customized software and web - based applications including Web.
  • Experience in Java, JavaScript, CSS3, html5, Angular JS, JQuery, AJAX.
  • Experience in the field of Software Development as Developer.
  • Expertise in full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Software Architecture, Object Oriented programming, Designing & Prototyping.
  • Experience with working in fast-paced AGILE, WATERFALL development environments.
  • Experience in designing multi-tier J2EE Web Application architecture using UML (Unified Modeling Language), IBM Rational Rose and MS Visio.
  • Thorough knowledge in core Java concepts like OOP, JUnit and advanced Java concepts like JSP, Servlets, HTML, XML, Hibernate, AJAX, Java Beans, JDBC and SPRING.
  • Designed and developed multiple J2EE MVC Model based Web Application using J2EE Technologies (Servlets, JSP), Patterns and popular open-source framework Struts and Hibernate.
  • Experienced in Web Services approach for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Had Strong Knowledge in AWS, Angular2, Guidewire, GOSU programming.
  • Extensive experience working with IBM MQ Series.
  • Strong development skills in Java, J2EE, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JMS (MQ-series), JNDI, RMI, LDAP, HTML, XML, XSL, Java Script, Rational Rose, Oracle, SQL Server.
  • Designed web pages using various XML technologies including DTD, XML schema, JAXB, JAXP and DOM and SAX parsers.
  • Extensive knowledge on XML including XML Schema, XSLT, XPath, and XQuery
  • Worked with various Frameworks like Struts and Spring.
  • Used Subversion, GitHub and CVS source control systems.
  • Hands on experience in writing SQL using MySQL, SQL Server 2005, Oracle, MongoDB and DB2 environment.
  • Worked with IBM Web Sphere, JBOSS, WebLogic application servers and Jetty, Apache Tomcat web servers.
  • Experience with UNIX scripting and shell commands.
  • Good experience with Operating Systems like Windows and UNIX.
  • Experience in writing ANT, Maven build scripts and configuring and using Log4j and writing JUnit test cases.
  • Skills in analyzing user requirements, modeling the system and ensuring the functionality.
  • Strengths include excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Has the ability to provide solutions from a functional and technical perspective, meet deadlines.
  • Excellent team player, very dynamic, flexible with positive attitude and excellent learning skills.
  • Good knowledge on web based technologies.


Java Technologies: Java, J2EE, Servlet, JSP 1.2/2.1, JDBC, EJB, RMI, JMS

Client Scripting: Java Script, Ajax, JQuery, AngularJS

Version Control: IBM Rational Clear Case, Tortoise SVN, CVS, GIT

Web Technologies: Tag Libraries, JAXP, JSTL, DHTML and HTML, CSS, SAX, DOM, JDOM, BOOTSTRAP, JSON.

Frameworks: Struts 1.1/1.2, Spring 2.0/2.5/3.0/4.1 , Hibernate 3.0/4.0, JPA, Web Services, CXF, AXIS 2, Log4J, Spring MVC, Spring REST, Spring ORM, Spring AOP, Spring Batch, Spring Boot.

IDE: Eclipse 3.4/3.5/4.3/4.4/4.5 , RAD, Net Beans, IntelliJ IDEA

Web service Specifications: JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS(Restful)

Web service Tools: SOAPUI, Advanced Rest Client, Axis 1.0/2.0, CXF

Build Tools: ANT 1.4/1.5/1.6, Maven 2.2.1

Testing Tools: JWebUnit, JMeter, JUnit 3.0/4.0/4.1, Selenium

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Test Driven Development


Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g, DB2, SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005 , MySQL, DB2, MongoDB

Application Servers: Web Logic 6.1/7.0/8.1/9.0/10.1 , JBoss 4.2.2/4.3, Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0, Web Sphere 5.0

Platforms: Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista/7, Unix/ Linux


Confidential, NC

Full Stack Developer


  • Created various modules and components as per business requirement.
  • Migrated the existing environment and applications into Java8 and Tomcat 8 on Test Server.
  • Configured Tomcat Server domain using upgraded version.
  • Extensively used MVC architecture and Tomcat for deployment purposes.
  • Configured and Migrated SVN data for all software development projects from LINUX 1.7 server to the LINUX 2.4.6 server using LDAP, SSL.
  • Created the build instructions docs and used to run weekly production build and release tags for all the applications.
  • Created single page applications using Angular JS with MVC capability.
  • Integrated Spring (Dependency Injection) among different layers of an application.
  • Used JavaScript and Struts validation framework for performing front end validations.
  • Worked on Framework for the applications and used to develop multiple applications.
  • Used Spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management.
  • Design and developed multi-tier applications using Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate.
  • Spring MVC and Hibernate was used for developing java REST services on the back end.
  • Spring Auto-Wiring was used for bean management on the back end.
  • Used Tiles Plug-in to struts for designing JSP page layouts and in cooperating with common menus.
  • Creating the project startup UI i.e. Generic XHTML facelet templates error handling, data tables using JSF.
  • Designed RESTful web services with JSON representation for handling AJAX requests.
  • Used Advanced Rest Client plug-in to run the rest API’s on local host Tomcat Server for Unit testing.
  • Used Struts 2 Framework to develop Action classes and Controllers.
  • Tested and resolved the defects in the application.
  • Worked on CAS related issues for Test and Prod server.
  • Implement the best practices and performance improvement / productivity plans.
  • Interacted with the business teams and worked on modeling the database schema and created tables, SQL queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, database triggers.
  • Involved in solving the issues related to PROD, TEST server environments.
  • Involved in complete testing of the application using JUNIT.
  • Used Subversion (SVN) as the configuration management tool to manage the code repository.
  • Use log4J for enabling logging and debugging Confidential run time.
  • Completely delivered projects under Agile methodology, JIRA was used for version controlling as an agile too.
  • Documented the flow and functionality of the code for further reference.
  • Work on project build-script by using MAVEN and deployed on Tomcat.

Environment: JAVA 1.8, J2EE, Spring, Struts, JSP, JSF, XHTML, Ajax, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AngularJS, Hibernate, Junit, Oracle 11g, SQL Developer, Tomcat.

Confidential, VA

Full Stack Developer


  • Develop/program new functionality and features in line with functional specifications and business requirements.
  • Created custom plugins, templates, and functions for AngularJS application.
  • Designed and implemented the user interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and AngularJS.
  • Applied J-Query scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
  • Used AJAX and JSON to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly.
  • Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript JQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and AngularJS.
  • Used NPM (Node Package Manager) for Node.js development.
  • Used NPM to manager server-side packages.
  • Developing scripts for build, deployment, maintenance and related tasks using Jenkins, Docker in AWS.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new GitHub branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it, The Docker container leverages Linux containers and has the AMI baked in.
  • Converted our staging and Production environment from a handful AMI’s to a single bare metal host running Docker.
  • Develop core Java programs for all business rules and workflows using Spring framework.
  • Build RESTful Web services using JAX-RS API.
  • Designed and developed RESTful service interface using Spring MVC to the underlying customer event API.
  • Implement Hibernate for data persistence and management.
  • Analyze and fix issues related to REST Web services and Application responses.
  • Used Maven as the build tool and GITHUB as the version controller.
  • Used GITHUB as the configuration management tool to manage the code repository.
  • Followed Agile Scrum methodology and used TDD for writing test cases.
  • Involved in Migrating to the application into Angular2.

Environment: Java 1.7, Spring Framework 4.0, Hibernate, Oracle 11g, Web Services, REST, XML, SOA, WebSphere, JavaScript, AngularJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Yeoman, Grunt, GitHub, Karma, Mocha, Cucumber, SQL, Docker, Jenkins, WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Design, Development and Support phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Used AGILE methodology and participated in SCRUM meetings.
  • Designed and developed the User Interface components using Spring and maintained the session with Session Beans.
  • Spring Controllers were used with Angular JS to route the control to desired Java services.
  • Implemented scripting with Ajax and XML to dynamically refresh the page contents.
  • Implemented JAXB in XML binding.
  • Involved in the Development of Spring Framework Controllers. Developed Controller for request, response paradigm by Spring Controllers using Spring-MVC.
  • Configured variousinterceptorsfor transaction management, security,Audit logging(database) andlogging usingSpring AOP.
  • Data from UI layer sent throughJMS to Middle layer and from there using MDB message retrieves Messages and will be sent toMQSeries.
  • Used JSON as response type in REST services.
  • Involved in developing stored procedures and Triggers on Oracle 10g.
  • UsedHibernate Persistence Strategy to interact with database.
  • DevelopedHibernate mapping filesusing different mapping strategies such as table per class hierarchy.
  • Integrated Hibernate with Springby coding a Spring Configuration file.
  • Configured JMS in the WebSphere application server to send messages on the queue.
  • Deployed the application in WebSphere Application Server 6.0.1.
  • Worked on JBOSS locally and WebSphere in higher environments
  • Used Eclipse as IDE.
  • Developed a tool to retrieve and send data to third party service provider. This feature was implemented using REST.
  • Built MAVEN scripts for automated deployment and for the build operation of the entire application.
  • Hands-on experienced working with version controller tools such as SVN and JIRA as issue tracking software.
  • Used RESTFUL client to interact with the services by providing the RESTFUL URL mapping.
  • Used Subversion for version control and created automated build scripts.
  • Followed Test Driven Development (TDD), Scrum concepts of the Agile Methodology to produce high Quality Software.
  • Performed unit testing using JUnit.
  • Handled production support of the application.
  • Documented the flow and functionality of the code for further reference.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, AJAX, Angular JS, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring REST, Web Services, JMS, HTML5, JavaScript, JSP, CVS, CSS, MVC, JDBC, J Profiler, Oracle 10g, XML, MVC, JBOSS, Hibernate, MQSeries, WebSphere, JUnit, Subversion, JProfiler, Maven, SVN and SQL.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML file that contains declarations and other dependent objects declaration.
  • Developed user interface using BOOTSTRAP UI and Angular Java Script to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • AngularJS was used to parse the JSON file using the REST web services.
  • Worked with Agile methodology.
  • Inserted Dependency Injection between components using Spring (IOC) concept.
  • Implemented Asynchronous messaging between System Integration components using JMS Spring JMS Template .
  • Developed various Java beans for performance of business processes and effectively involved in Impact analysis.
  • Developed Web Service client interface with files for invoking the methods using REST and SOAP.
  • Extensively used Web Services -- WSDL and SOAP for getting the credit card information of third party.
  • Developed Restful web services for the Downstream Systems.
  • Responsible for Setting up Web Services project using WSDL in SOAPUI and provided setup help to other team members.
  • Extensively worked on SOA and web services to get the data and configured JMS queues on server.
  • Integrated Hibernate ORM with Spring-Hibernate framework to facilitate DML and DQL queries and represent object-database mapping.
  • Followed SOA Design and Architecture to Develop REST Web Service, generated and consume the services.
  • Used Maven for the project dependencies.
  • Handled SSL Handshake security to REST Web Services.
  • Tested the Web Services using REST.
  • Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
  • Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
  • Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
  • Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQL queries, joins and views for multiple databases, Oracle 10g.
  • Involved in JUnit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases.
  • Developed Maven Profiles for the build process and deployed in the server.
  • Developed logging aspects using Spring AOP.
  • Designed and documented REST/HTTP APIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy
  • Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application during the Integration testing phase.
  • Implemented Log4J 1.2 for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders.
  • Prepared technical reports & documentation manuals during the program development.
  • Used GitHub for version control.

Environment: JDK 1.6, Angular JS, Bootstrap UI, Spring 4.1, Hibernate, JPA (EJB), XML, XML Schemas, XSLT, JMS, Oracle 10g, Toad, Maven, Log4j, Web Services, JAXB, JBOSS Application Server, GitHub, Eclipse 4.5.

Confidential, Elmhurst, IL

Java Developer


  • Involved in gathering system requirements for the application and worked with the business team to review the requirements, and went through the Software Requirement Specification document and Architecture document.
  • Developed the application using Spring Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as the view.
  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML and CSS and JQuery, Ajax, JavaScript.
  • Developed JSP custom tags for front end.
  • Written Java script code for Input Validation.
  • Developed server-side services using Spring Web Services (SOAP, WSDL).
  • Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection.
  • Developed J2EE components on Eclipse IDE.
  • Used Restful web services with JSON.
  • Consumed and Developed Web services (REST) through JAX-RS in Apache Axis to interact with other components.
  • Used Oracle10g database tool to build, edit, and format database queries, as well as eliminate performance issues in the code.
  • Used Oracle10g database for tables creation and involved in writing SQL queries using Joins and Stored Procedures.
  • Used DOM for parsing the XML, XSLT Document.
  • Used Apache CXF open source tool to generate java stubs from WSDL.
  • Used Multithreading and Concurrency, and implemented threads while preparing and generating mails.
  • Used Hibernate for Object-Relational Mapping and for database operations in MongoDB database.
  • Used tortoise SVN tool to keep track of all work and all changes in source code.
  • Used JUnit for testing the application and Maven for building Projects
  • Deployed the applications on WebSphere Application Server.

Environment: Java - JDK, JEE, Spring framework, Spring Model View Controller (MVC), Java Server Pages (JSP), Servlets JDBC, AJAX, Web services (SOAP & Restful), JSON, Java Beans, JQuery, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, WebSphere, Agile Methodology, SVN, Maven, JUnit, HTML Unit, XML, XSLT, HTML/DHTML, Eclipse.

Confidential, New York, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Implemented User Interface in Model-View-Controller Architecture, which accomplishes a tight and neat co-ordination of Struts MVC, JSP, Servlet and Custom Taglibs.
  • Developed User Interface POC based on MVC frameworks like MVC, Struts.
  • Developed the User Interface validation framework using AJAX, Java Script.
  • Implemented Design Patterns from Pure MVC Architecture to interact with backend J2EE and Web Services SOAP to pull out the data to JSF Components in combination of custom validation built on top of Struts validation frame work from the form bean.
  • Implemented Dependency Injection (IOC) feature of Struts framework to inject dependency into objects and AOP is used for Logging.
  • Developed Server side components with coordination of Hibernate and Struts using web established frame work designed under the guidelines of Business Delegate, session facade, Service locator.
  • Developed and utilized J2EE Services and JMS components for messaging communication in Web Logic Application Server for Credit Inquiries.
  • Developed Web service modules based on SOA architecture to consume services.
  • Developed services that are reusable and interoperable, based on Basic profile 1.0, SOAP, JAX-RPC Web services using AXIS.
  • Created build files using Maven.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, Cursors, Joins, Constraints, DDL, DML and User Defined Functions to implement the business logic.

Environment: JDK, CSS, AJAX, Struts, JPA, XML, XML Schemas, XSLT, SOAP-UI, WSDL, JMS, Tomcat, JUnit, Maven, Log4j, Web Services(JAX-WS), JAXB, Web Logic Application Server, GIT, IBM RAD, MS SQL.

Confidential, Albany NY

Sr. JavaJ2EE Developer


  • Involved in the design and development of the Web Tier using Struts (1.3) framework.
  • Developed Struts Action classes, Dispatch Action etc., struts tiles, and validation framework using Struts 1.3 framework.
  • Used JavaScript for the front-end screen validations.
  • Used AJAX in specific scenarios to reduce page refreshing and improved performance.
  • Used Tiles for creating templates and uniform looks.
  • Involved in developing the DAO layer to interact with MySQL database.
  • Configured Data Sources on the server for database connectivity.
  • Involved in writing SOAP, WSDL and interfaced with the external system using Web services
  • Developed SQL queries including joins, unions that perform data retrieval for the application, according to the business rules.
  • Involved in developing client code for consuming web service calls using JAXB.
  • Defined unit test requirements and used SoapUI tool for performance testing.
  • Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance.
  • Developed Server side programs and deployed on WebSphere App Server.
  • Implemented modules using Core Java APIs, Java collection, Threads, XML, and integrating the modules.
  • Involved sending JMS message queues to different layers in the module.
  • Used JAXB parser for parsing the valid XML files.
  • Involved in the development of the services layer using design patterns such as Session Façade, DAO, and Value Object etc.
  • Installed and configured Web-Sphere 6.1 server and created data sources.
  • Used Data Studio to write SQL Queries and for viewing the data in the database tables.
  • Used HP Quality Center for tracking Defects and SVN for version controlling.
  • Participated in peer reviews of code and provided comments.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, RAD, WebSphere, JDBC, Hibernate, JAXB, JMS, Web Service (RPC), SOAP, WSDL, ANT, Outlook, HP Quality Center, SVN, Windows XP/VISTA.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Java Developer


  • Created various modules and components as per business requirement.
  • Extensively used MVC architecture and JBoss for deployment purposes.
  • Provided technical support for various key business releases.
  • Coordinated with multiple teams to resolve various items involved as part of big releases.
  • As the functional owner & senior java developer in the team, completed various code reviews and provided my input to make system more agile and easily maintainable.
  • Built the backend services, which will be consumed by action classes of studs.
  • Created SOAP web services to allow communication between the applications.
  • Developed and analyzed the front-end and back-end using JSP, Servlets and Spring 3.0.
  • Integrated Spring (Dependency Injection) among different layers of an application.
  • Worked with Agile methodology.
  • Used spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management.
  • Used Spring MVC framework controllers for Controllers part of the MVC.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information, such as loan status report.
  • Implemented various complex PL/SQL queries.
  • Worked with testers in resolving defects in the application and was an integral part of the team.
  • Interacted with Business Analysts to come up with better implementation designs for the application.
  • Interacted with the users in case of technical problems & mentoring the business users.
  • Implement the best practices and performance improvement / productivity plans.
  • Co-ordination of activities between off-shore and onsite teams
  • Developed the presentation layer and content management framework using HTML and JavaScript.

Environment: JAVA 1.6, J2EE, Servlets, JMS, Spring, SOAP Web Services, HTML, Java Script, JDBC, Agile Methodology, PL/SQL, XML, UML, UNIX, Oracle 10g, JBOSS, Eclipse.

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