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Java Developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • 8+ Years of Confidential experience in Object - Oriented Analysis and Design with experience in the full life cycle of the software development process including requirement gathering, design, development, testing, Implementation and maintenance in Java/J2EE technology.
  • Worked in Agile environments and used Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) in the SDLC process.
  • Used Java, JSP, EJB (session Beans and Message Driven Beans), JMS, Frameworks (spring, Hibernate) in Implementing J2EE technology.
  • Proficiency in core java concepts like Threads, Exception handling, Strings using J2EE, Java, Servlets, EJB, JSP, Web services, Xml, HTML and Java script.
  • Worked with XML related technologies such as XML, XSL, DOM, SAX, XSD, XSLT and JAXB and used XML, XML spy Schema for retrieving patient details in some of my projects.
  • Well experienced in fixing performance, solving and stabilizing problems of Java applications/products.
  • Used Web Sphere Application Server, Web Logic Application Server and Tomcat in my projects and successfully deployed and compiled many of the applications on them.
  • Good experience in application development using Model View Controller Framework.
  • Many of my java applications are successfully implemented and complied using different IDE tools like Eclipse, RAD and Net Beans.
  • Experience in developing Front-End using Spring MVC, JSP, JSF, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • Developed and implemented various Ajax Frameworks such as jQuery, JSON.
  • Used Hibernate and JDBC to connect to databases like Oracle, MYSQL and DB2 to store, delete, manipulate and retrieved data from them in many of my applications.
  • Experienced with databases such as Oracle and MS SQL Server to manage tables, views, indexes, sequences, stored procedures, functions, triggers and packages
  • Extensively experienced in architectural issues and their solutions using various design patterns such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator, and DAO.
  • Experience in unit testing the applications using JUnit Framework and developed logging and standard mechanism based on Log4J.
  • Developed ANT scripts in to build and deploy J2EE Applications.



Front End Technologies: HTML5, XML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, AJAX.

Web Technologies: J2SE, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Angular JS

J2EE Technologies: EJB, Web Services (WSDL,SOAP,REST)

Frame Works: Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Web-flow, Hibernate, JSF

Automation Tool: ANT,Log4J,Maven,Junit,SOAP UI,CVS,SVN

Data Bases: Oracle, DB2, SQL Server 6.5, MYSQL

Web/App Servers: Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere, J Boss, Apache Tomcat

IDE’s: Eclipse, RAD, Net Beans, J Developer.


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Effectively participated in weekly client communications with Business Analysts.
  • Involved in the architecture team for design and implementation of system.
  • Wrote custom Maven script to application on JBoss Application Server.
  • Developed the code using Core Java Concepts Spring Framework, JSF, JSP, AJAX, JavaBeans, Hibernate3.0, Web Services, Java Script, XML and HTML.
  • Developed views and controllers for client and manager modules using Spring MVC and Spring Core.
  • Used Spring Security for securing the web tier Access.
  • Data Operations are performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate Template
  • Implemented Design patterns and design of DAOs and Mapping Files for Hibernate.
  • Involved in creating database objects, tables, views and constraints using postgresql.
  • Involved in adding new functionalities to legacy system
  • Implemented JMS to asynchronously send messages.
  • Designed static and dynamic web-pages using HTML, CSS, javascript, jquery.
  • Used Angular JS framework to develop dynamic web pages.
  • Designed and developed the UI using Struts view component, JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Angular JS and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in designing and creating WSDL using XML Spy and Spring WS Developed and modified database objects as per the requirements.
  • Developed Exception handling framework and used log4J for logging.
  • Involved in finding the root cause for errors and fixing them and involved in providing production support during deployment.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring 2.5, XML, HTML, Angular JS, JAVASCRIPT, TFS, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server, Eclipse 3.5.

Confidential, New Jersey

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Implemented the front end using JSP, HTML, XML SPY, CSS and JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX for dynamic web content.
  • Worked in an Agile Environment used Scrum as the methodology wherein I was responsible for delivering potentially shippable product increments at the end of each Sprint.
  • Involved in Scrum meetings that allow clusters of teams to discuss their work, focusing especially on areas of overlap and integration.
  • Further, I had an active participation in the process. backlog refinement.
  • Developed the code using Core Java Concepts Spring Framework, JSP, Hibernate 3.0, JavaScript, XML and HTML.
  • Implemented Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
  • Extensively used Hibernate 3.5 in data access layer to access and update information in the database using HQL.
  • Involved in writing SQL, Stored procedure and PL/SQL for back end.
  • Used Views and Functions at the Oracle Database end. Developed the PL/SQL scripts for rebuilding the application Oracle Database.
  • Used JDBC to invoke Stored Procedures and database connectivity to ORACLE 10g.
  • Implemented Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate provided access to Oracle 10g RDBMS.
  • Hibernate Query Language (HQL) was used to perform various queries in the database.
  • Responsible for implementing the transaction management in the application by applying Spring AOP methodology.
  • XML parsing by using JAXB for XML Schema Validation.
  • Used XSLT to transform XML data structure into HTML pages.
  • Maven was used to manage dependencies in the application and deploy it on Websphere Application server. CVS was used for the version control.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information, such as order status report, delivery report.
  • Followed TDD and wrote unit test cases using JUnit.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Spring MVC, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.5, JMS 1.1, XML, SOAP, WSDL, AJAX, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, Log4J, JAXB, JUnit, Websphere Application Server 6.0, Eclipse 3.5, Oracle 10g.

Confidential, Wilmerding, PA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Analysis and understanding of business requirements.
  • Effectively participated in weekly client communications with Business Analysts.
  • Involved in the architecture team for design and implementation of system.
  • Involved in the Agile process of Extreme Programming that involved intensive code review, unit testing and frequent interaction with customers and applying those changes effectively by introducing checkpoints in the requirements.
  • Worked with reducing the cost of changing requirements by having multiple short development lifecycles.
  • JavaScript was implemented for the various customers to interact with the system.
  • This keeps the customer updated about the stock investments made, Financial details and about their assest allocations. They can also view the details on the on going investments.
  • Developed application using Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL and AJAX on the presentation layer, the business layer is built using spring and the persistent layer uses Hibernate.
  • Developed Custom Tags to represent data in a desired unique table format and to implement paging logic.
  • Developed views and controllers for client and manager modules using Spring MVC and Spring Core.
  • Business logic is implemented using Spring Core and Hibernate.
  • Data Operations are performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and Implemented Hibernate Template and criteria API for Querying database.
  • Developed Exception handling framework and used log4J for logging.
  • Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Created WSDL and the SOAP envelope.
  • Developed and modified database objects as per the requirements.
  • Involved in Unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing with test cases, Code reviews.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts 2.0, Spring, Hibernate, JMS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, AJAX, HTMLJAVASCRIPT, CSS, CVS, Log4J, JAXB, JUnit3.8, Websphere, Eclipse Helios, Oracle 10g.

Confidential, OH

Java Developer


  • Participated in the requirement analysis and design of the application using UML/Rational Rose.
  • Worked in an Agile environment and participated throughout the SDLC process.
  • Involved in Servlets, Java Bean programming and JSP scripting for the communication between web browser and server.
  • Used Struts Framework to implement MVC architecture.
  • Wrote the presentation layer in Java Server Pages (JSP) and message objects to transfer data between application layer and the bean component.
  • Involved in developing Enterprise Java Beans for encoding the business logic.
  • Configured and Deployed Web application on Tomcat application server.
  • Developed Java Adapters to put and get the messages with Application Identity.
  • Used XML, DTD, and Schema for communicating between different tiers of the application.
  • Written stored procedures to add, update and delete data from Oracle Database.
  • Manage all artifacts in the development process from design models to code to tests with IBM Rational ClearCase.

Environment: JAVA 2.0, J2EE, Struts 1.0, Apache Tomcat 5.x, JDBC 2.0, Java Servlets, JSP, EJB, Oracle 8i, UML, Rational Rose, JavaScript, XML, HTML.

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