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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • Over 10 years of experience in designing, developing and managing highly distributed scalable and transactional large Enterprise applications.
  • Sound knowledge on a wide gamut of business domains - Insurance, Supply Chain Management, ePayment Systems.
  • Highly proficient in developing applications using Object Oriented Design, Analysis and Methodologies like Agile and Xtreme Programming (TDD) in client/server and distributed environments using J2EE architecture.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in various Java/J2EE technologies including Core Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JDBC), Struts, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JSF, JPA and JavaWeb Framework along with Web Services (REST, SOAP)
  • Developed enterprise applications using Servlets, JSPs, JSTL, JMS, JDBC, AJAX, Java Mail, XML, XSLT, EJB, Web Services, JavaScript, Type Script, HTML and DHTML
  • Experience with UI technologies such as Java Script, HTML, CSS, Boot Strap, Node JS, Angular JS, Responsive Web Design, Jasmine, Gulp, Karma
  • Experience using J2EE Design Patterns like DAO Pattern, Singleton Pattern, Front Controller and Factory Pattern for reusing the most efficient and effective strategies for new development.
  • Experienced in SOA paradigm using Spring REST and Jersey Implementation.
  • Working knowledge of databases like Oracle 9i/10g, MySQL, DB2, MS Access and tools like oracle SQL Developer, DBeaver.
  • Sound knowledge of the Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Good working knowledge in Web Servers like Tomcat 7.x/8.x and Application servers likeWeb Sphere, WebLogic and JBoss
  • Good working Experience in using ANT, GULP, Gradle and Maven scripts for building and deploying the application in web/App servers.
  • Expertise in using IDEs like Eclipse, Net Beans, Notepad++, Brackets and Edit plus and RAD for development and debugging.
  • Expertise in Amazon Cloud Services and its features (EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, Snapshots, Auto scaling, Cloud Formation, IAM, RDS, SES, SQS, SNS, RDS, ELB, Cloud Watch etc.)
  • Good experience ofAWSElastic Block Storage (EBS), different volume types and use of various types of EBS volumes based on requirement.
  • Monitored resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon RDS DB services and EBS volumes using Cloud Watch. Experience on CDN to deliver Webpages and other content based on geographic locations of the user.
  • End-to-End solution for hosting the web application onAWScloud with integration to S3 buckets
  • In-depth knowledge of source control systems such as Subversion (SVN), GIT.
  • Experienced in working on multiple operating systems including UNIX, Linux and Microsoft Windows.
  • Experienced in Unit Testing of components using Junit, Mocking Frameworks, Jasmine and Karma
  • A well-organized, quick-learner, goal-oriented team player with excellent analytical, troubleshooting and problem solving skills


Programming Languages: Java, J2EE, PL/SQL

Application/Web Servers: Tomcat7.x/8.x,WebLogic 10.3/9.2/8.1/7.0 , Apache 2.x, WebSphere 6.1/7.0, Apache ActiveMQ 2.9.0, Jboss

Databases: Oracle, MS Access, MySQL, IBM DB2

IDE: Sublime text, Notepad++, Brackets, Edit plus, Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans and RAD

Web Development: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON

Standards & Frameworks: Hibernate 3.x, Spring 2.5/3.1/4.x, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, JME, JDBC, JSP, JSF, Servlets, RESTful, JUnit, Struts 1&2, Jasmine

Tools: MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS SharePoint, crypto-js, maven, SOAP UI

Build & Design Tools: UML, Rational Rose, Maven, Ant, Jenkins, Gulp, Karma, Gradle.

Version Control: GitHub, SVN

Platforms: Windows (98, XP, 7), UNIX, LINUX

Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, XP (TDD)


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Actively engaged in Sprint planning, story creation along with acceptance criteria and helped the team in prioritizing the stories based on the dependency and importance of the features.
  • Interacted with the Project Owner, Project-manager, Business analyst, Backend Team, QA Team, demoed my work, and meeting the acceptance criteria.
  • Created and Configured Cloudify manager into the local system. Uploaded different kind of examples like node cellar, docker blue prints into the cloudify manger.
  • Exposed the Rest Services to the client cloudify manager application by sharing theRESTRequest and Response contacts.
  • UsedApache Gradle for project management and to build the application.
  • UsedLog4jutility to generate run-time logs.
  • GIT was used for source control management and version management for various releases and patches.
  • Configured local and QA environments for Jboss EAP 6.4, Oracle 12.x.
  • Based on the client requirement implemented the Rest Api functions for Blue prints, deployments, executions, node, node instances and users.
  • As per the Confidential design this project is interacted with smart integrator mediator and agents.
  • Configured hourly snapshots for the production servers and daily snapshots for the Development and test servers.
  • Mentored the new associates by organizing knowledge transition sessions.

Environment: Java EE, XML, Eclipse, Oracle 12g, JDK 1.8, Restfulweb service,Spring 3.2.5, Hibernate 4.3.2, JSON, UNIX/LINUX, JIRA, GIT, Jenkins, JUnit, Gradle, Cloudify, Jboss EAP 6.4.

Confidential, Allentown, PA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Actively engaged in Sprint planning, story creation along with acceptance criteria and helped the team in prioritizing the stories based on the dependency and importance of the features.
  • Participated every phase of the project (Agile methodology), including iteration (Sprint) planning, daily stand-up meetings, iteration review, Sprint Demos, Retrospective etc.
  • Interacted with the Project Owner, Project-manager, Business analyst, Backend Team, QA Team, demoed my work, and meeting the acceptance criteria.
  • Used Annotated Entities and Hibernate Template, named native queries for CRUD operations and to invoke functions, stored procedures, triggers.
  • Configured local and QA environments for WebLogic10.x, Oracle 12.x and Spring Batch Jobs.
  • Created suit of JUnit test cases to validate and verify many units of business logic for correctness and proper error cases with business exceptions.
  • Implemented spring partitions for better performance and converted the GDR data to flat files.
  • Worked on Amazon Web Services (EC2, ELB, VPC, S3, Cloud Front, IAM, RDS, Route 53, Cloud Watch, SNS,).
  • Constructed S3 life cycle of Applications & Database logs, which includes deleting old logs, archiving logs based on the retention policy and granting rights to authorized users.
  • Good experience ofAWSElastic Block Storage (EBS), different volume types and use of various types of EBS volumes based on requirement.
  • Utilized Cloud watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU Memory, Amazon RDS DB services, Mongo DB Tables, EBS volumes; to set alarms for notifications or automated actions, and to monitor logs for a better understanding and operations of the system.
  • Configured hourly snapshots for the production servers and daily snapshots for the Development and test servers.
  • Mentored the new associates by organizing knowledge transition sessions.

Environment: Java EE, XML, Eclipse, Oracle 12g, Mongo DB. JDK 1.7, Restfulweb service,Spring 3.2.5, Hibernate 4.3.2, JSON, AJAX, Sonar, AWS, TDD, UNIX/LINUX, JIRA, GIT, Jenkins, JUnit, Maven.

Confidential, Bentonville, AR

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked with the business partners to gather requirements, understanding the existing process and analyzed the feasibility of requirements.
  • Used spring for dependency injections and object composition, to integrate JPA frameworks for Database operations.
  • Created and injected spring services, DAOs to wire objects of business classes.
  • Exposed the Web Services (REST) to the client UI application by sharing theRESTRequest and Response contacts.
  • UsedApache Mavenfor project management and to build the application.
  • UsedLog4jutility to generate run-time logs.
  • GIT was used for source control management and version management for various releases and patches.
  • Followed Test Driven Development; thereby created detailedJUnittests before actually writing the functionality.
  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML5/CSS3, Angular JS, JQuery, and bootstrap.
  • Displayed tabular data using AngularJS by applying filters on the table data.
  • Used AngularJS HttpRequest to read data from web servers and process JSON data to render in the UI.
  • Tested the application to ensure cross-browser compatibility including IE 8, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4 and Chrome 4.0.
  • Implemented unit testing functionalities with Jasmine.
  • Performed system integration testing and helped the team in tuning the applications for performance.

Environment: Java EE, XML, Eclipse, Informix. JDK 1.7, Restfulweb service,spring 3.2.5, JPA, JSON, AJAX, UNIX/LINUX, JIRA, GIT, Jenkins, JUnit, Maven.

Confidential, Hartford, CT

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked with the customers to gather requirements, understanding existing functionalities and analyzed the feasibility of requirements.
  • Involved in analysis, design, and construction and testing of the online Insurance application.
  • Implemented the development for Search Module in sox 404, sox404 Details, Send fax modules and reports.
  • Designed and developed for the Presentation layer using Rich faces JSF, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Used the EJB for session-faced objects to integrate JPA framework for database operations.
  • Implemented eh cache for reducing the data base queries and better performance of the application.
  • To ensure cross-browser compatibility including IE 8, Firefox 3.5 and Chrome 4.0.
  • Written unit test documents for all modules for feature functionality details.
  • Implemented the Easy mock Junit test cases for actual written functionalities.
  • Apache Ant was used for entire build process.

Environment: JDK 1.6, J2EE, JUnit, ANT, JSF, EJB, JPA, DB2, JavaScript, JQuery, RAD, SQL, SVN.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Implemented the Search Module in account info, enroll info, Misc. info, Search criteria.
  • Involved in development for fraud Module in fraud queue, pending queue and work item.
  • Designed and developed for the Presentation layer using Ice faces JSF, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Used spring for dependency injections and object composition, to integrate Hibernate frameworks for Database operations.
  • Used Annotated Entities and Hibernate Template, named native queries for CRUD operations.
  • To ensure cross-browser compatibility including IE 7, Firefox 3.5 and Chrome 4.0.
  • Involved in Logger functionality using in Log4j.
  • Implemented Junit Test cases with Mockito for business functionalities.
  • Implemented Exception handling to develop the all modules.

Environment: Java, J2ee, JUnit, Jdk 1.6, Ant, Jsf, spring 2.0, Hibernate 2.0, Log4j, Oracle, Html, Java Script.

Confidential, Littlerock, AR

Java Developer


  • Implemented the worklist, ManageContractworklist and duplicate check details modules.
  • Coding Java Business Objects, handler and Controller classes using Spring Framework.
  • Coding of validator classes to handle business validations and UI validations.
  • Designed and developed for the Presentation layer using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Involved in Low Level Design, System test cases.
  • Involve in system test cases.
  • Implemented the Logger functionality using in Log4j.

Environment: Java, J2ee, JUnit, Jdk 1.6, Ant, Ajax, Jsp, Oracle, Spring2.0, Jdbc, Jboss 4.0, Maven 3.0.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Involved in Understanding the project requirements.
  • Responsible for doing the code review of most of the modules.
  • Developed form Bean and Action Classing in Struts.
  • Developed in persistence Logic used in Hibernate.
  • Involved in system test cases

Environment: Java, J2ee, JUnit, Jdk1.6, Ant, Oracle, Struts1.2, Hibernate.3.0, Tomcat 6.0

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