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Sr. Java/ J2ee Developer Resume

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Boston, MA


  • 7+ years of experience inJava/J2EE technologies, Struts, Spring MVC, EJB, Web Services, Hibernate, SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, and Servers like IBM Web Sphere, BEA Web logic, Apache Tomcat, Oracle 10g AS, Jboss and Database Servers like Oracle, DB2 and MySQL. Crystal Report.
  • Extensive Knowledge in design and development of various web and enterprise applications using JAVA and J2EE technologies. (Java, Spring, Hibernate, SOAP/Rest, EJB, XML, JSP, Swings, JDBC, JMS, eclipse RCP, mule ESB, JSF, Angular JS and SQL/PLSQL).
  • Extensive experience with Model2 (MVC) architecture and Jakarta Struts/Tiles. Solid experience in using Jakarta Apache frameworks like Struts, ANT, JUnit and Log4J. Good knowledge in Object Relation mapping using Hibernate...
  • Experience in the entire lifecycle process in projects which includes Design, Development, Deployment, Testing and Implementation.
  • Handfuls of experience in build and deploy tools such as Ant,Maven, and Jenkins.
  • Hands on experience in Web Application Development using Client Script design technologies like Angular JS, Backbone JS, JQuery as well as HTML, CSS, XML, Java Script.
  • Used WSDL and SOAP in application for port communication, and experience with Web Services.
  • Worked on Spring & JSF framework for developing Multi - Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Exposure to Service Oriented Architecture including Universal Description and Discovery Integration (UDDI) lookups, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) using SOAP protocol, and Extended Markup Language (XML) and java XML parsers such as JAXP, JAXB and JDOM.
  • Have good programming experience with SQL, PL/SQL for databases like Oracle 10g and Vertica.
  • Developed new screens using Eclipse RCP, Java script and developed Struts actions for different operations - Temporary Speed change, Permanent speed change.
  • Experience with Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), and Object Oriented Modeling (OOM) based onUMLarchitecture usingRational Rose.
  • Good knowledge and hands on experience in writing Test Cases, Test Plans and Executing Unit Testing, Integration Testing and System Testing.
  • Good experience in developing test cases with Junit for Unit testing, Load testing and logging using Log4J.
  • Performed test driven development and pair programming using AGILE/SCRUM methodology and also Water Fall method.
  • Experience with database tools such as TOAD and SQL Navigator SQL Developer.
  • Good understanding of SOAP, UDDI and Web Services.
  • Possess strong logical, analytical and problem solving skills with positive attitude.
  • Used Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) for the development of the project.
  • Strong working knowledge in using XML (SAX and DOM), XSL, XSTL, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript.
  • Worked on the use of PIG & Hive and Cassandra to perform operation on large unstructured data.
  • Worked on core java for development of wrapper API classes to invoke JBPM built-in services.
  • Apache Axis 1.2 is used to develop and configure SOAP and WSDL based Web Services accessed by numerous clients running both Java and Non Java applications.
  • Good experience in using agile methodologies and agile tools like Jira, Rally.
  • Expertise in implementing solutions using Test Driven Development with Junit, static code analysis using JTest and continuous integration using Cruise Control.
  • Very strong in database concepts, SQL, stored procedures and functions. Have worked with different databases like DB2, Oracle and MS SQL Server.
  • Very good at building and Deploying EAR, WAR, JAR files on test, stage and production servers and also experienced in using Version Control Tools such as Subversion, SVN,CVS, PVCS and Clear Case.
  • Wrote SQL queries in Vertica and Neteeza.
  • Proficient in persistence framework like Hibernate ORM, iBATIS Data Mapper.
  • Developed the Applications using J2EE Design Patterns such as Model-View-controller (MVC), Singleton, Session Façade, Business Delegate, and Service Locator.
  • Good at writing shell, Perl scripts.
  • Excellent oral, verbal, written, communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
  • Strong team player with organizational and analytical skills.


Languages: Java,C# and J2EE

Technologies: JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Java Beans, MVC, Struts, EJB, JSF, JMS, SOA, SOAP, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, CSS 3, XML and HTML 5

Development Approach: Waterfall and Agile

Testing Tools: JUnit3.8/4.0 and Test Driven Development (TDD)

Defect Tracking Tools: HP Quality Center

Application/Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 6.0, IBM Web Sphere 6.0, BEA Web Logic 8.1, 9.2, 10x and Red Hat JBoss 4.2.2

Ide: Eclipse 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, My Eclipse 6.0, IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0, 7.0 and Net Beans IDE

Message Oriented Middleware: Apache Active MQ, IBM MQ Series/Web Sphere MQ.

Cache Implementations: Eh cache, and JBoss Tree Cache

Frameworks: Struts,Spring,JSF, RCP, Angular JS, Backbone JS and Hibernate

Web Service Frameworks: Apache Axis

Web Service Protocols: SOAP, REST, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAXB, WSDL and UDDI

Build Tools: Ant and Maven

Database: IBM DB2, Oracle 9i/10g/11g, SQL Server and MySQL

Logging Tool: Log4J


Confidential, Boston, MA

Sr. Java/ J2EE Developer


  • Involved in analysis, specification, design, and implementation and testing of Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Designed the application using Agile Methodology.
  • Designed Court Services front end view using Spring MVC and Spring Web flow.
  • Used spring framework and interacted with backend database using Hibernate framework.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information from the Oracle database. Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing the queries.
  • Used core java, Multi- threading, I/O Streams, Collections framework.
  • Hands on experience in developing XML script for to configure Struts, spring, and Hibernate.
  • Implemented Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) using Rational Rose.
  • Extensively worked on server-side data validations and JavaScript for client-side data validations.
  • Developed the user interfaces using JSP embedded with JSTL based on MVC architecture.
  • Designed the user interface of the application using HTML5, CSS3, Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSF 2.0), JSP, jQuery, AngularJS, JSTL, JavaScript and AJAX.
  • Code quality setup for Java and Javascript project using Sonarqube.
  • Used Spring MVC Framework for developing the application and used JPA to map to Oracle database tables.
  • Developed Web Services to consume those Web Services as well other enterprise wide Web Services.
  • Extensive use of Collection Framework features like Map, Object, List to retrieve the data from Web Service, manipulate the data to in corporate Business Logic and save the data to Oracle database.
  • Implemented Web service Message Flows using SOAP.
  • Implemented client side data validations using JavaScript and Server side data validations using JSF validators.
  • Implemented data access using Spring DAO pattern and Hibernate.
  • Implemented JMS system to exchange the message between different applications.
  • Involved business methods that are related to other functional modules
  • Define data transfer batch process to create flat files for sending to SW using spring secure SFTP using spring integration.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information from the Oracle database.
  • Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing the queries.
  • Used CVS (Concurrent Version System) as the configuration management tool.
  • Prepared Test Cases to perform Unit, Integration and System Testing. Tested the developed components using JUnit 4.0.
  • Used SSL encryption to configure internode communication between Cassandra nodes and client.
  • Used Log4J components for logging. Perform daily monitoring of log files and resolve issues.
  • Involved in installing and configuring Eclipse IDE, Ant, Web Logic and Maven for development.
  • Responsible and active in the analysis, definition, design, implementation and deployment of full software development life-cycle (SDLC) of the project.
  • AGILE development process has been followed. Experienced with stand-up, Retrospective, Demo, Planning and Code review meetings.
  • Experienced in check QA Logs using Linux environment instructions in the production supports process.

Environment: Java1.7/J2EE, Struts Framework 2.0, Spring 3.0, Eclipse RCP, JSP 2.0,Web Services, Hibernate 3.0, JPA, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle 10g, JQuery, AJAX, Eclipse IDE, Java Beans, log4j, CVS, WebLogic, Rational Rose, JUnit, Linux,Maven(tag-libraries).

Confidential, Herndon, VA

Sr Java/J2EE Developer


  • The application architecture of the System is based on Spring MVC (Model View Controller), and J2EE specifications.
  • Implemented various features from spring framework such as Dependency Injection, spring integration with Hibernate and Spring JDBC.
  • Developed Maven configurations to automate building and deployment of application artifacts.
  • Used Subversion to implement version control System.
  • Worked extensively on development of frontend, Workflows, business logic using core java and development of new workflows in jBPM.
  • Responsible to enhance the UI using HTML, Java Script, XML, JSP, CSS as per the requirements and providing the client side using JQuery validations.
  • UsedHibernateframework to access the data from back-end SQL Server database.
  • Created new classes with trimmed methods to make application better and error free.
  • Tested application on each JVMs for check outs after implantation.
  • Used Oracle 10g database for the database needs.
  • Implemented JSP corresponding to the controller where in the data was propagated into it from the model and view object from the controller Designed and Implemented MVC architecture using Spring Framework, which involved writing Action Classes/Forms/Custom Tag Libraries &JSP pages.
  • Designed, developed and maintained the data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Spring Application Framework.
  • Extensively written JQuery for responsive event handling.
  • Used technologies like Java 1.6, JEE, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Kendo UI, JSON, CSS3, JQuery, Ajax, ANT, SQL, RESTful API Web Services, DOJO, PL/SQL back end as Oracle via SQL Developer with Tomcat.
  • Parsed the XML based responses using JAXB Parser and validated XML against the schema generated by the court systems.
  • Implemented and used Web Services with the help of WSDL and SOAP to get the data with different rentals.
  • Consuming and exposing various Web services using JAX-RS and JSON to different systems for business services.
  • Consumed and developed Web Services using Apache Axis to communicate with administrative department.
  • Involved in defensive coding against SQL injection, XSS and Phishing, like writing JavaScript Regex (Regular Expression) for email validation and jQuery code combined with AngularJS for input validations.
  • Used Java Mail API for posting and processing mails.
  • Used Spring AOP for logging and exception handling as a part of remediation strategy.
  • Developed CSS style Sheets and worked heavily.
  • Deployed the application on Web Sphere Application Server.
  • Used Log4J components for logging. Perform daily monitoring of log files and resolve issues.
  • Use IBM RAD7 as IDE tool to develop the application.
  • Involved in Bug fixing and acceptance testing with test cases.
  • Prepared Test Cases to perform Unit, Integration and System Testing. Tested the developed components using JUnit, Selenium.
  • AGILE development process has been followed. Experienced with stand-up, Retrospective, Demo, Planning and Code review meetings.
  • Actively involved in getting the production issues resolved.

Environment: Java1.6, Spring 3.0, Hibernate, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, JQuery, Oracle, SVN, Web Logic, Eclipse, ANT, Apache Tomcat,JBPM, SVN, SOA, J2EE, Oracle, XML 1.x, JAXB 2.x, XSLT 1.x, SOAP 1.3, WSDL 2.0, JAX-WS, and Web Services.

Confidential, Basking Ridge, NJ

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the full life cycle of the software design process including Requirement Definition, Prototyping, and Proof of Concept, Design, Interface Implementation, Unit testing and maintenance.
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns like DAO, and Singleton.
  • Developed Session Bean Components, Entity Beans (CMP) which will manage transactions with the database to deliver the content to presentation layer and also to store data into the data layer.
  • Used AJAX to make Asynchronous Request’s for better performance.
  • Designing and developing user interfaces using Java script, JSP, XML, XSLT, HTML and CSS.
  • Used QuerySurge to find data mismatch in Vertica and Neteeza.
  • Used Java Script for necessary framework for managing the content and workflow solutions.
  • Scrum methodology is used in developing the product. Attended regular scrum meetings for feedbacks and design changes.
  • Used Hibernate tools to interact with the database.
  • Developed Add/Edit Securities component using Struts Action, ActionForm and ActionErrors and the Tiles Framework. This is a set of wizard pages that will allow an admin to create new instrument master entries or modify existing entries.
  • Implemented Object Oriented JavaScript in the persistence layer using hibernate frame work in functionality.
  • Experience in implementation of Object to Relational Mapping (ORM) using Hibernate in Data Layer using iBatis as well JDBC.
  • Implementing logging mechanism using log4j.
  • Worked extensively in front end development using HTML, DHTML, XSL, XSLT, CSS,JAVASCRIPT.
  • Experience in using and implementing Design Patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Business Delegate, Service Locater, Data Access Object (DAO), Front Controller, Factory patterns and frameworks like Jakarta Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x.
  • Experience in using Apache POI, Apache Axis API's.
  • Experience is using XML technologies such as JAXP, DOM, SAX, XPath, XSD, and JAXB Parser.
  • Expertise in writing complex queries using PL/SQL MYSQL, MS-SQL Server 2000/2005, Sybase, Oracle and exposure to DDL, DML, stored procedures, cursors, triggers and joins.

Environment: Java/J2EE (JDK 1.6), Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Web Sphere Application Server 6.1, JSP, Java Script, Unix, SQL, PL/SQL, SOAP, Web services, WSDL, XSL, UML, Maven, RAD, Junit 4.0.


Java Developer


  • Worked on different GRC product like TRAC, RTA-DS and GRC-2010.
  • Participated in requirement gathering, Designing, development, Unit Testing and deployment.
  • Interacted with SAP, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, DB2 and Oracle systems and Teams for data collections in GRC products.
  • Worked on different POC (proof of concept) for different client (including Indian and USA clients)
  • Small Team management and Estimate management
  • Provided training on different topics.
  • Awarded as Employee of Quarter.
  • Interact with Client and business analysts to understand business requirements and translate these into technical designs.
  • Work on different software methodologies like Water fall and Agile Methodology (Scrum) to meet timelines with quality deliverables.
  • Design and Develop application modules based on technical designs and by following application development standards (naming conventions, data access, project standards, etc.) usingJava/J2EE technologies and frameworks like Struts.
  • Used Struts and Hibernate framework extensively in different products of GRC.
  • Created JCO client inJavasystem to interact with SAP system.
  • Also interacted with People Soft and JD Edward fromJavaSystem.
  • Experience of DOM and SAX parsers for reading and writing XML.
  • Created Logging framework using Log4j, where role specific logging we recorded
  • Involved in various testing activities like (Unit testing, Assembly testing, Integration testing and Regression testing) as per the specifications and test cases.
  • Interact with production support personnel to ensure that critical and major production issues are resolved in a timely manner.

Environment: JAVA, J2EE, XML, HTML,JAVASCRIPT, JSP, SERVLET, AJAX,Java Mails, Flex 3.0, ANT, LOG4j, CSS, SAP- Net Weaver, JCO, Hibernate, C and C++,Struts, Junit, Selenium,(VSS),(SVN) TOMCAT, Oracle




  • Used a formal Iterative development process (based on RUP) from requirements analysis through deployment.
  • Development of customized software for the automation of product designing and process planning.
  • Responsible for functional specification, technical specifications.
  • Developed Authentication and Authorization modules where authorized persons can only access the system.
  • Created use cases, class diagrams, activity diagrams and collaboration diagrams using Rational Rose 2000.
  • Used struts tiles for JSP page layouts.
  • Utilized struts validates for client side validations.
  • Heavily used STRUTS framework for JSP and Servlet development, JMS, JSP, Servlets, and other J2EE APIs.
  • Eclipse was the IDE used for java code development
  • Junit scripts were used for unit testing the modules developed in the development environment.
  • Used Log4j for logging and run time debugging of the application.
  • Utilized Rational Clear Case as a version control system and for code management.

Environment: JDK 1.5, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle 11g, Apache Tomcat 5, XML, RUP, Java, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS2, Web services

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