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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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  • Over 8 years of experience in the IT Industry, involved in complete SDLC including defining, designing, coding, building, testing, deployment, prototyping, Maintenance Support of Web based, SOA applications and in planning phase. Web based Enterprise applications and database applications.
  • Strong hands on the development of Web based Client/Server and Multi - tier applications using technologies like Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Springs, Hibernate, RMI, EJB, JSTL(DOJO), JSP custom tags, Java Beans, JDBC, JNDI, Java Messaging Service(JMS), Threads, UML, JAXP, JAXB, Junit, XML, JSON, LOG4j, Apache(common API), SQL, PL/SQL, JSF, ANT, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Jasper report, AJAX / Ajax Control Toolkit.
  • Extensive experience in developing web applications, enterprise or distributed applications and Interoperable applications.
  • Extensively worked with MVC Architecture using Apache Struts, Spring, Hibernate.
  • Well experienced in designing and implementing object-oriented applications with full-fledged Reports, Forms, jasper report, Web User Controls, Data Grid Control, Form Validation Controls, and Custom Controls using JSP.
  • Strong experience in design patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), Singleton patterns, Business Delegate, Service Locator.
  • Extensive experience in developing and consuming XML and JSON Web Services using RESTful, WSDL and SOAP.
  • Strong Experience in Object Oriented Design and Analysis, Iterative Agile Programming Methodologies and Test-Driven Development and Maintenance.
  • Strong skills in the database (RDBMS) designing to Structured Query Language, testing the queries.
  • Self-motivated, good team member with excellent analytical, communication & problem solving skills with ability to work independently as well as in a team.
  • Expertise in developing desktop applications using Swing, AWT methodologies.
  • Application development experience using multithreading, Serialization, Externalization, Collection, Generics, Core JAVA, and Swing.
  • Extensive experience in Web application development using - AngularJS, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JHTML, JavaScript, Ajax, RMI, LDAP, XML, UML.
  • Experienced in using XML related technologies like DTDs, XML Schemas, XSL, XSLT, XPath, XQuery, Namespaces as well as XML parsing APIs like DOM and SAX.
  • Experience in developing components using Enterprise Java Beans over Application servers and platforms such as WebLogic.
  • Hands-on experience in using Tiles Framework, Validator Framework, JSTL Tag Libraries, Resource Bundles, Plug-ins, Internationalization, DynaActionForm, DispatchAction in Struts application development.
  • Experience with Hibernate Persistence Framework and Design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Data Transfer Object.
  • Experience using middleware business logic technologies Session Beans, Entity Beans, Message Driven beans.
  • Experience of working with RAD, WSAD, JDeveloper, Eclipse 3.x (with MyEclipse plug-in).
  • Strong experience in working with Application Servers like Apache Tomcat, Jboss, IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JRUN and building enterprise application using ANT tool (war, jar and application (ear)).
  • Experience in the use of Defect Tracking & Version Management Tools such as Rational Clear Case, Visual source safe (VSS), LoadRunner, UCM and win CVS.
  • Experienced in Unit Testing and generating of Test cases for web applications.
  • Very good working knowledge on Performance Tuning, Debugging, Testing on various platforms.
  • Domain expertise: Banking, Financial, Insurance & Power Industries.


Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL/PLSQL, XML and HTML, CSS, Java Script

Web Technologies: Java Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, Web API, Applets, SOAP, RESTfulO.S Windows/NT/XP, UNIX and LinuxGUIAWT and Swing.

IDE's: Eclipse, NetBeans, WebSphere Application Developer (WSAD)Web/App ServersIBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Glass Fish

Tools: PL/SQL, JUNIT, Ant, Toad, Aptana, JAXB, Rational Clear Case, WebLogic, WebSphere API’sLog4J, Java Mail, DOM, SAX

Database: Oracle10g/9i/8i/8.x, SQL Server 7.0/6.5, MYSQL, DB2.0, MS Access

Framework: Spring, Apache Struts Framework and Hibernate


Confidential, OH

Sr. Java Developer


  • Followed agile methodology Scrum throughout the life cycle of application development.
  • Introduced Spring Dependency Injection model in the application.
  • Developed EJB’s for distributed and enterprise application and deployed XML, JSON documents for interoperable applications.
  • Used JAXB for generating javaobjects from XML Schema and used JDBC to invoke Stored Procedures and also used Hibernate framework for database connectivity.
  • Worked on Web service Provider and Consumer using JAX-RS and REST framework.
  • Web Content Management to support Authoring, Publishing and Rendering.
  • Used PL/SQL for queries and stored procedures in SQL as the backend RDBMS.
  • Used JSON for serializing and de-serializing data that is sent to or received from JSP pages.
  • Involved in coding front-end components using J2EE, MVC, JSP, Angular JavaScript, and Ajax
  • Developed robust, high performance site using AJAX, web standards.
  • Developed javaclasses and data access beans using Eclipse Luna.
  • Defect tracking and fast fixing of bugs, which arise in test & production instances using Rational ClearQuest and LoadRunner tools.
  • Done Configuration and code management using VSS and CVS.
  • Perform the Outage and maintenance activities on UNIX and Windows servers.
  • Designed and developed Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Prepared unit test scripts and test case scenario documents.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Reviewed team member's code and helped team members functionally and technically.
  • Used Fire bug extensively for checking the front end JavaScript’s.

Environment: Eclipse, Java/J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Spring, Hibernate, XML, Maven, dojo, Web service, JAX-RS, Rest API Tomcat, Angular JavaScript, Ajax, Oracle 10g, Toad, JUnit, JMS, Log4j, Agile, SVN, JDBC, XML, RESTful, Tortoise SVN, and Win SCP.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr. Java & J2EE Developer


  • Used Agile Development methodology of software development. Involvement in sales analysis & production phase and updating the information about the customers in to the database.
  • Developed Presentation tier implementation which involves in creating the JSP pages, configuring action classes and developing several Action classes involved in the project.
  • Used Spring Framework as middle tier application framework, persistence strategy using spring support for Hibernate for integrating with database.
  • Responsible for developing DAO layer using Spring MVC and configuration XML's for Hibernate and to also manage CRUD operations (insert, update, and delete).
  • Worked on Web service using JAX-RS specification through REST framework.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM tool for accessing database.
  • Used Maven to build a project structure and war files.
  • Involved in Server side validation based on the Business rules by using Hibernate validator.
  • Used Log4J for logging and analyzing system performance and flow, involved in code refactoring and bug fixing.
  • Configured log4j to enable/disable logging in application.
  • Designed user interface layout using JQuery, CSS, and HTML.
  • Used Ajax to provide dynamic features where applicable.
  • Involved in unit testing, checkout and check in the source code from Surround SCM.
  • Used JProfiler to identify memory leaks in the application.
  • Worked with Web Sphere consultants to design JNDI connection and connection pool.

Environment: J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Web Services, XML, XSLT, Maven, Hibernate,Spring, JNDI, Log4j, WebSphere, JQuery, HTML5, CSS, DB2, Oracle 10g, JProfiler, Ajax, RAD, Junit, Linux.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Followed Agile & Scrum Methodology for development of the product.
  • Involved in designing and developing the application using JSP through HTML, CSS and made client validations using JavaScript.
  • Implemented object/relational persistence (Hibernate) for the domain modeland usedaccess layer to access the JDBC layer for accessing the database information.
  • Created a highly secured server.
  • Responsible for implementing Use Cases and Design document and coordinating with the development and QA teams.
  • Used Spring IOC, AOP for creating beans and transaction management to replace the existing dependency beans with the IOC phenomenon.
  • Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, Servlets and Action classes.
  • Good working experience with HIBERNATE open source object/relational mapping framework.
  • Proficient in development of enterprise business solutions using Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere and JBOSS application servers.
  • Involved in using Core Javaconcept-Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading and Serialization.
  • Involved in creating Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), which route submittals to the appropriate Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) components and render retrieved information using Session Façade.
  • The business logic is developed using J2EEframework and deployed components on Application server where Eclipse was used for component building and deployed the applications to various web servers using JSON documents.
  • Developed EJB’s for distributed applications.
  • Used Log4j for logging.
  • Used SQL and PL/SQL Programming extensively to talk to Oracle database.
  • Used message-driven bean to receive JMS messages.

Environment: J2EE, Java, Spring IOC, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB 3.0, JMS, JDBC, JSF, HTML, XML, XSL, CSS, JavaScript, RationalRose,Eclipse2.1.1, WebLogic, Oracle 8i, Log4j.

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Actively involved in design and developing of J2EEcomponents.
  • Involved in coding front end components using JSF.
  • The system was designed using Unified Modeling Language on Rational Rose.
  • Involved in creating Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), which route submittals to the appropriate enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components and render retrieved information using Session Façade.
  • The business logic is developed using J2EEframework and deployed components on Application server where Eclipse was used for component building.
  • Created “stub” on the clients side by using “Skelton” on the server side.
  • Actively involved in deployment EJB service jars, Application war files in WebLogic Application server.
  • Deployed the application on WebLogic server to make the application multi-platform.
  • Developed Session beans with EJB standards.
  • Involved in writing the Ant build file for assembling web services.
  • Written Stored Procedures to perform automated rules using Oracle 8i
  • Used Hibernate for object relational mapping.
  • Used Ajax for exchanging data asynchronously between browser and server to avoid full page reloads.
  • Implemented logging using log4j and developed robust exception handling and error reporting mechanism.
  • Implemented RESTful services to make use of standards like HTTP, JSON and XML.
  • Experience in various data sources like Oracle, Sybase, and SQLServer.
  • Used SVN to store current and previous versions of source code and it allows for concurrent editing of those source files by multiple.
  • Used message-driven bean to receive JMS messages.

Environment: J2EE, Java, Servlets, JSF, JSP, EJB, JMS, JDBC, HTML, XML, XSL, CSS, JavaScript, Rational Rose,Eclipse, WebLogic, Oracle 8i, Windows.

Confidential, New York, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in requirements gathering, analysis, and design and in development of application based on J2EEusing struts.
  • Involved in gathering business requirements, analyzing the project, coming up with low level design, and then developing the code as per design.
  • Worked with Business Analyst and Architect in requirement Analysis and prepared detailed software requirement document.
  • Developed view components using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax and JQuery.
  • Implemented Struts MVC framework for developing J2EEbased web application.
  • Used Servlets and JSPs for developing action classes and views.
  • Involved in Consuming and Developing the SOAP WebServices.
  • Used Javafor implementing business rules.
  • Applied JavaBeans concept for writing the POJO’s.
  • Used RSA as IDE for developing the code.
  • Created WSDL using RSA and generated the stub using WebSphere APIS.
  • Used ConnectDirect for exchange inf files between Unix and Mainframe environments.
  • Used ClearCase for code maintenance.
  • Log4j was used to log the events in the application.
  • Implemented DB Connector using Singleton Pattern.
  • Developed SQL queries on Oracle database for various operations with Database.
  • Involved in Units integration, bug fixing, and User acceptance testing with test cases.
  • Used ClearQuest and HP Mercury tool for tracking the defects.
  • Involved in function points calculation for improving the productivity.

Environment: Java/J2EE, POJO, Struts, Web Services (SOAP), Websphere, RSA, ConnectDirect, Oracle, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Shell Scripting, ClearCase, Mainframe, Linux.


Java Developer


  • Involved in database development by creating Oracle PL/SQL Functions, Stored Procedures and Packages.
  • Involved in developing automated processes for data loads which can accept any number of files and any format
  • Used UNIX script to work with data files to massage the data as per the requirements.
  • Involved in developing core java Desktop application like Swing and AWT application.
  • Involved in production support activities.
  • Researching and resolving the problems occurred with the Jobs and also involved with the end user to resolve the problems.
  • Involved in the development of various modules in this application using JAVA, JSP, HTML and XML.
  • Designing the system using J2EEDesign Patterns - MVC, DAO, DTO coding of the BMP and JavaBeans.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JAVA DAO, MVC, PHP, HTML, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, oracle 8i, UNIX and WebLogic 8.1.


Java Developer


  • Involved in analysis of business requirements.
  • Involved in deriving the estimates using function points. Design, Coding, Review, Bug fixing and unit testing using Junit.
  • Developed UMLs using Star UML (Sequence diagram, Class diagram, Use case diagram).
  • Involved in using Core Javaconcept-Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading and Serialization.
  • Developed new Struts action classes for performing different operations.
  • Did core Javamultithreaded coding to invoke the test suites that would interact with different interfaces using SOAP.
  • Document the complete design description in a technical data package and necessary design documents/notes/records/reviews.
Environment:JDK, J2EE, JMS queues, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle 8i, Eclipse, SOAP Web services, XML, XSD, UNIX scripting, JUnit, BEA WebLogic 10.x, CVS, Build forge.

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