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Java Developer Resume

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Baltimore, MarylanD


  • Around 6 years of experience in software development includes Analysis, Design and Development of quality software for Standalone Applications and Web - based applications using JAVA/J2EE Technologies.
  • Thorough knowledge in JAVA/J2EE concepts like OOP, Multithreading, Collections, JAVASWING, JDBC, JSP, SERVLETS, JMS, HIBERNATE, SPRING, WEB SERVICES, STRUTS and Java Beans.
  • Extensive experience in implementing MVC Architecture using STRUTS, JSF and SPRING MVC frameworks.
  • Good working knowledge on Spring core, Spring ORM, Spring DAO and Spring MVC architectures.
  • Hands on Experience in JDBC and HIBERNATE for persisting data to different relational databases and extensive knowledge in Java Persistence API.
  • Involved in Frontend web Technologies using HTML 4/5, CSS, JSP, JQUERY and JavaScript.
  • Good Experience in implementing Web Services such as SOAP, REST, WSDL and UDDI.
  • Well experienced in deploying and configuring applications onto application servers like Tomcat, JBoss, Web logic, Glassfish and Web Sphere.
  • Expertise in writing unit test cases using JUnit API.
  • Experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) techniques using UML in Rational Rose.
  • Used Log4J for enabling runtime logging and performed system integration test to ensure quality of the system.
  • Proficient in using RDBMS concepts with Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MySQL and experienced in writing SQL, PL/SQL Stored procedures, Triggers and Views.
  • Good knowledge in using Maven and ANT Scripts for building and deploying the application in web/app servers.
  • Extensive experience in using IDE tools like Eclipse, Netbeans and RAD.
  • Skills in analyzing user requirements, modeling the system and ensuring the functionality.
  • Strengths include excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Has the ability to provide solutions from a functional and technical perspective, meet deadlines.


Programming Languages: Java, UNIX Shell, SQL, PL/SQL

Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JDBC, EJB, JMS, Java Beans, SOAP, JAXP, AJAX, AWT, Swings, CSS, ILOG, JXPath, Xpath

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX

Distributed Technologies: RMI, EJB, JMS, Data Warehouse

Application Server: BEA Weblogic, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, Glassfish

JAVA/J2EE: HIBERNATE, SPRING, WEB SERVICES, STRUTS, ANT Building tool, Log4J, Maven Building tool.

IDE s: Eclipse, RAD, JBuilder, Netbeans

Database(s): Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g, DB2, MySQL

Version Control Tools: Rational Clearcase,SVN, CVS, Clear Quest

Testing Tools: JUnit, HPQC, HP LoadRunner

Case Tools: Rational Rose, UML, OOAD, RUP

Operating Systems: Windows, MS-DOS, UNIX


Confidential, Baltimore, Maryland

Java Developer


  • Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of project including requirement Analysis, Designing, Building, Unit testing and Deployment.
  • Developed the application by implementing MVC Architecture by integrating Hibernate and Spring frameworks.
  • Involved in front-end designing using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with JSF Ajax and tag libraries.
  • Worked on Development of Hibernate including mapping files, configuration file and DAO implementation class (Business Component).
  • Generated POJO classes to map to the tables in the database using JPA-Hibernate Integration.
  • Implemented Object- relational mapping in the persistence layer using hibernate framework in conjunction with Spring functionality.
  • Involved in injecting dependencies into code using spring code module.
  • Used spring Annotations for Dependency injection.
  • Involved in developing code for obtaining bean s in Spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC).
  • Developed several SQL and HQL queries and Stored Procedures to retrieve data.
  • Designed and developed the validations, Controller classes and java bean components.
  • Used XML/XSL and parsing using both SAX and DOM Parsers.
  • WSDL and SOAP web services are used for getting required information from third party.
  • Used Tomcat 5.5 application server in development.
  • Used Maven 3.0.1 for Build process.
  • Developed JUnit test cases and performed Integration and system testing.
  • Used Log 4j for application debugging.

Environment: Java, JDK 1.5, Hibernate 3.2, JPA 2.0, Spring 2.5, JSF beans, JSF Ajax, Oracle 10g, JUnit, Eclipse IDE, Tomcat 5.5, Maven 3.0.1, Web services, JSF Taglibs, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Log4J.

Confidential, Hoffman, Illinois

Java Developer


  • Design and analysis of technical specifications using UML (Rational Rose).
  • Designed Class and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose for all the use cases.
  • Used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery for design of Web pages (JSP).
  • Developed JavaScript validation functions for the client side validations.
  • Used spring framework for implementing Dependency Injection, AOP.
  • Implemented MVC architecture by using Struts to send and receive data from Front-end to business layer.
  • Used struts tags in like html, bean and logic in JSP pages to optimize the business functionality.
  • Implemented web services for communicating one application to another by using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and EJB technologies.
  • Created data source bean and injected in spring ORM to retrieve JDBC connection using Hibernate. configured Hibernate, setup mappings and achieved second level cache using ehCache to reduce number of hits to database.
  • Used object query tool JXpath to simplify querying of sets of java objects using Xpath based syntax and Jquery.
  • Worked with PL/SQL queries, prepared statements, stored procedures using Oracle.
  • Used CVS for maintaining and versioning the code configuration.
  • Involved in functional testing, unit testing (Junit) and integration testing and defect fixes.

Environment: JDK 1.6, J2EE, Servlets, Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.5, Spring 3.0, EJB, UML, Rational rose, CVS, HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, JSP, JUnit, ANT, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, XML, XSD, JXpath, XPath, Oracle9i&10g, Windows.

Confidential, Chicago, Illinois

Java Developer


  • Designed and implemented User management and Report Management modules using J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts and Oracle Database.
  • Implemented the user interface for the User management such as Add user, Delete User, Modify user.
  • Implemented the business logic using JSP, JSTL, Java Beans and service classes.
  • Designed the presentation using Struts framework and command pattern for the middle tier.
  • Developed the action classes, Action form classes, created JSP’s using Struts tag libraries and configured in Struts-config.xml, web.xml files.
  • Worked on Struts Action classes, Action forms, Struts-config.xml and Tiles-defs.xml.
  • Used Struts validator framework for server side and client side validations.
  • Used Struts Tiles framework for the development of user interface.
  • Created connection pool, Deployed application in Apache Tomcat 6.0.18 web server.
  • Developed Stored procedures using callable statement for effective inserting and updating the data in the tables.
  • Performed CRUD operations on the existing and new database tables.
  • Developed Message Driven Beans to send email notifications.
  • Implemented the UI using java server pages, HTML, CSS.
  • Developed XML web services for retrieving loan information from the bank.
  • Worked on the Hibernate framework reverse engineering to access data.
  • Developed asynchronous components using IBM MQ Series with JMS for queuing and messaging.
  • Developed Junit struts test cases to test the functionality of application.

Environment: Eclipse 3.1, Struts 1.2.4, Hibernate 3.0, Servlet 2.2, JSP 2.0, Windows 2000, Oracle 9i, IBM MQ series, Tomcat 6.0.18, JSP, JSTL, HTML,CSS, ANT, XML, Log 4j 1.2, Junit.

Confidential, Seattle, Washington

Java developer


  • User requirements study, analysis and review of the specification.
  • Designed and implemented the J2EE based Struts with JDBC in Eclipse IDE.
  • Worked directly with the Management, Vendors, and the Third parties to ensure database management applications operate at peak efficiency.
  • Extensively worked on Java server side programming using Servlets and JSP. CSS is used to style Web pages.
  • Implemented servlets to handle HTTP requests for on-line requests, credit card payments, Registrations and Bug tracking.
  • Used XML for dynamic display of options in select box and description on web page.
  • Asynchronous messaging is done by using JMS and created Queue for point-point messaging.
  • Web Services are used for accessing flight and hotel information.
  • Designed complex application database SQL statements for querying, updating and reporting using JDBC.
  • Responsible for testing, debugging, Bug fixing and documentation of the system.
  • Developed Junit test cases and performed Integration and system testing.
  • Implemented java components and deployed under the web logic server.

Environment: JAVA, J2EE, XML, Servlets, Java Script, JSP, CSS, JDBC, Struts 1.2, SOAP, Eclipse 3.2 with MyEclipse, SQL, CVS, JUnit, Web Logic, Windows 2000.


Junior java developer


  • Gathered required information for the project and involved in analysis phase.
  • Created UML class and sequence diagrams using Rational rose.
  • Developed java server pages, Action classes and EJB’s for user transactions.
  • Designed Java Servlets and objects using J2EE Standards.
  • Mapping of the servlet in Deployment Descriptor (XML).
  • Used Entity beans as the model to represent the persistent data and interacted with Oracle data base as per MVC Architecture.
  • Used HTML, JSP, JSP tag libraries and struts tiles to develop presentation tier.
  • Involved in efficient using of multithreading concept for improving CPU time.
  • Used JDBC calls in the Enterprise Java Beans to access Oracle Database.
  • Used JDBC to interact with Oracle data base for storage and retrieval of information.
  • Involved in coding for JUnit test cases, ANT for building the application.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, Multithreading, JSP, Struts 1.1, EJB, JMS, UML, Rational Rose2000, MQ series, WinCVS, Oracle 8i, Weblogic 8.1, HTML, Java script, Junit, ANT, XML.

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